// All rights reserved. This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! *************************************************************************************/ // Module/Plug-in Feed to Article import default settings // Init used to import feed to articles if(!empty($_getVar['feedimport'])) { // catch the Feed to be imported to article $feedimport_source = $_getVar['feedimport']; $feedimport_where = "cnt_status=1 AND cnt_module='feedimport' AND "; if(strlen($feedimport_source) > 32 && substr($feedimport_source, 32) == '-now') { $feedimport_source = substr($feedimport_source, 0, 32); } else { $feedimport_where .= 'IF(cnt_prio=0, 1, '.now().'-cnt_sort>cnt_prio) AND '; } $feedimport_where .= 'MD5(CONCAT(cnt_id,cnt_text))='._dbEscape($feedimport_source); unset($_getVar['feedimport']); $feedimport_result = _dbGet('phpwcms_content', 'cnt_id,cnt_name,cnt_text,cnt_object', $feedimport_where); if(isset($feedimport_result[0]['cnt_id'])) { $feedimport_result = $feedimport_result[0]; $feedimport_result['cnt_object'] = @unserialize($feedimport_result['cnt_object']); } if(isset($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['structure_level_id'])) { // retrieve Feed now // Load SimplePie require_once(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_ext/SimplePie/simplepie.inc.php'); $rss_obj = new SimplePie(); // Feed URL $rss_obj->set_feed_url( $feedimport_result['cnt_text'] ); // Output Encoding Charset $rss_obj->set_output_encoding( PHPWCMS_CHARSET ); // Disable Feed cache $rss_obj->enable_cache( false ); // Remove surrounding DIV $rss_obj->remove_div( true ); // Init Feed $rss_obj->init(); if( $rss_obj->data ) { $feedimport_result['status'] = array( 'Feed Importer Status - ' . date('Y-m-d, H:i:s') . LF . '===========================================', $feedimport_result['cnt_name'] . LF . $feedimport_result['cnt_text'] . LF ); // need some additional functions include_once(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lib/backend.functions.inc.php'); foreach($rss_obj->get_items() as $rssvalue) { $article_unique_hash = md5( $feedimport_result['cnt_text'] . $rssvalue->get_title() . $rssvalue->get_date('U') ); // check against crossreference table $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_crossreference c '; $sql .= 'LEFT JOIN '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_article a '; $sql .= 'ON c.cref_rid=a.article_id '; $sql .= "WHERE c.cref_str="._dbEscape('feedimport_'.$article_unique_hash).' AND '; $sql .= 'a.article_deleted=0 LIMIT 1'; if(_dbQuery($sql, 'COUNT') > 0) { continue; } $article_title = html_entity_decode($rssvalue->get_title(), ENT_COMPAT, PHPWCMS_CHARSET); $article_alias = proof_alias(0, $article_title, 'ARTICLE'); $article_begin = $rssvalue->get_date('U'); $article_end = now()+(3600*24*365*10); $article_summary = $rssvalue->get_description(); $article_content = $rssvalue->get_content(); $article_description = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', html_entity_decode(strip_tags($article_summary), ENT_COMPAT, PHPWCMS_CHARSET)); list($article_description) = explode("\n", wordwrap($article_description, 250), 2); list($article_description) = explode("-- ", $article_description, 2); $article_description = preg_replace('/(.*?\.).+?$/', '$1', $article_description); $article_author = $rssvalue->get_author(); if($article_author) { $article_author = html_entity_decode($article_author->get_name()); } else { $article_author = $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['author_name']; } if($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['source_link_add'] && $rssvalue->get_permalink()) { $article_content .= '

' . (empty($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['source_link_text']) ? '@@Source@@' : $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['source_link_text']) . '

'; } // define article data $data = array( 'article_created' => now(), "article_cid" => $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['structure_level_id'], "article_uid" => $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['author_id'], "article_title" => $article_title, "article_alias" => $article_alias, "article_keyword" => '', "article_public" => 1, "article_aktiv" => $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['activate_after_import'], "article_begin" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $article_begin), "article_end" => date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', $article_end), "article_subtitle" => '', "article_summary" => $article_content, "article_redirect" => '', "article_sort" => $article_begin, "article_username" => $article_author, "article_notitle" => 0, "article_hidesummary" => 0, "article_image" => array( 'tmpllist' => $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['article_template_list'], 'tmplfull' => $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['article_template_detail'], 'name' => '', 'id' => '', 'caption' => '', "hash" => '', 'list_usesummary' => 0, 'list_name' => '', 'list_id' => 0, 'list_width' => '', 'list_height' => '', 'list_zoom' => 0, 'list_caption' => '', "list_hash" => '', 'zoom' => 0 ), "article_cache" => '', "article_nosearch" => 0, "article_nositemap" => 0, "article_aliasid" => 0, "article_headerdata" => 0, "article_morelink" => 1, "article_pagetitle" => '', "article_paginate" => 0, "article_priorize" => 0, "article_norss" => 0, "article_archive_status"=> 1, "article_menutitle" => '', 'article_description' => $article_description, 'article_serialized' => '' ); $data['article_image'] = serialize($data['article_image']); $result = _dbInsert('phpwcms_article', $data); if(isset($result['INSERT_ID'])) { $feedimport_result['status'][] = date('Y-m-d, H:i:s', $article_begin) . LF . $article_title . LF . $rssvalue->get_permalink() . LF . PHPWCMS_URL . 'phpwcms.php?do=articles&p=2&s=1&id='.$result['INSERT_ID']; $data = array( 'cref_rid' => $result['INSERT_ID'], 'cref_str' => 'feedimport_'.$article_unique_hash ); _dbInsert('phpwcms_crossreference', $data); } } // check if status email should be sent if(!empty($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['import_status_email']) && is_valid_email($feedimport_result['cnt_object']['import_status_email'])) { $feedimport_result['status'] = implode(LF.LF, $feedimport_result['status']); sendEmail(array( 'recipient' => $feedimport_result['cnt_object']['import_status_email'], 'subject' => 'Import Status: ' . $feedimport_result['cnt_name'], 'isHTML' => 0, 'text' => $feedimport_result['status'], 'fromName' => 'Feed Importer' )); } } } // we quit here exit(); } ?>