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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.5.0 _r431 (28.01.12)




/include/inc_lang/backend/vn/ -> lang.inc.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*************************************************************************************
   3     Copyright notice
   5     (c) 2002-2003 Oliver Georgi (oliver@phpwcms.de) // All rights reserved.
   7     This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is
   8     free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
   9     the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
  10     either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  12     The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
  13     A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
  14     from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
  16     This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
  17     WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  18     PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  20     This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
  21  *************************************************************************************/
  24  // Language: Vietnamese, Language Code: vn 
  25  // created by Nguyen Viet Son : nguyenvietson at gmail dot com
  26  // please use HTML safe strings ONLY,neccessary to reduce processing time
  27  // normal line break:    '&#13', JavaScript Linebreak: '\n'
  30  $BL['usr_online']                       = 'th&#224;nh vi&#234;n tr&#7921;c tuy&#7871;n';
  32  // Login Page
  33  $BL["login_text"]                       = '&#272;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p ';
  34  $BL['login_error']                      = 'L&#7895;i trong qu&#225; tr&#236;nh &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p!';
  35  $BL["login_username"]                   = 't&#234;n s&#7917; d&#7909;ng';
  36  $BL["login_userpass"]                   = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u';
  37  $BL["login_button"]                     = '&#272;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p';
  38  $BL["login_lang"]                       = 'ng&#244;n ng&#7919;';
  39  $BL["login_welcome"]                    = 'Xin ch&#224;o';
  40  $BL["logout_button"]                    = 'Tho&#225;t';
  41  $BL["login_text_welcome"]               = 'Qu&#253; kh&#225;ch &#273;&#227; &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p th&#224;nh c&#244;ng v&#224; ch&#224;o m&#7915;ng &#273;&#7871;n v&#7899;i trang web c&#7911;a V&#259;n ph&#242;ng khu v&#7921;c mi&#7873;n B&#7855;c , T&#7893;ng c&#244;ng ty H&#224;ng kh&#244;ng Vi&#7879;t Nam';
  43  //Search
  44  $BL["search_button"]                    = 'T&#236;m';
  45  $BL["search_text"]                      = 'T&#236;m ki&#7871;m';
  47  //Portal
  48  $BL['new_article_portal']               = 'Th&#234;m tin m&#7899;i';
  49  $BL['remove_article_portal']            = 'G&#7905; b&#7887; tin'    ;
  50  $BL['xemtiep']                          = '<SPAN style = "FONT-SIZE: 7pt; COLOR: #FF0000"><STRONG>chi ti&#7871;t</STRONG></SPAN>';
  51  $BL['be_article_asubtitle_image']       = '&#7842;nh tr&#237;ch d&#7851;n';
  53  //Thu ngo
  54  $BL["thu_ngo"]                            = 'Th&#432; ng&#7887;';
  56  //Tin noi bat
  57  $BL["tinnoibat"]                        = 'Tin n&#7893;i b&#7853;t';
  59  //Tin cho agents va forwarders
  60  $BL["agent"]                            = 'Tin Agents & Forwarders';
  61  //vote
  63  //Noi bo
  64  $BL["noi_bo"]                           = 'N&#7897;i b&#7897;'      ;
  65  $BL['be_admin_struct_be_news']          = 'hi&#7875;n th&#7883; theo ki&#7875;u tin t&#7913;c';
  67  // phpwcms.php
  68  $BL['be_nav_logout']                    = 'THO&#193;T';
  69  $BL['be_nav_articles']                  = 'TIN B&#192;I';
  70  $BL['be_nav_files']                     = 'T&#7878;P';
  71  $BL['be_nav_portal']                    = 'PORTAL';
  72  $BL['be_nav_messages']                  = 'NH&#7854;N TIN';
  73  $BL['be_nav_chat']                      = 'CHAT';
  74  $BL['be_nav_profile']                   = 'C&#193; NH&#194;N';
  75  $BL['be_nav_admin']                     = 'QU&#7842;N TR&#7882;';
  76  $BL['be_nav_discuss']                   = 'TH&#7842;O LU&#7852;N';
  78  $BL['be_page_title']                    = 'Qu&#7843;n tr&#7883; h&#7879; th&#7889;ng';
  80  $BL['be_subnav_article_center']         = 'trang tin';
  81  $BL['be_subnav_article_new']            = 'tin b&#224;i m&#7899;i';
  82  $BL['be_subnav_guestbook']              = 'Guestbook';
  83  $BL['be_subnav_file_center']            = 'h&#7879; th&#7889;ng file';
  84  $BL['be_subnav_file_ftptakeover']       = 'ftp';
  85  $BL['be_subnav_mod_artists']            = 'artist, category, genre';
  86  $BL['be_subnav_msg_center']             = 'Tin nh&#7855;n';
  87  $BL['be_subnav_msg_new']                = 'tin nh&#7855;n m&#7899;i';
  88  $BL['be_subnav_msg_newsletter']         = '&#273;&#259;ng k&#253; th&#432; tin t&#7913;c';
  89  $BL['be_subnav_chat_main']              = 'trang chat ch&#237;nh';
  90  $BL['be_subnav_chat_internal']          = 'chat n&#7897;i b&#7897;';
  91  $BL['be_subnav_profile_login']          = 'th&#244;ng tin &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p';
  92  $BL['be_subnav_profile_personal']       = 'd&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#225; nh&#226;n';
  93  $BL['be_subnav_admin_pagelayout']       = 'trang layout';
  94  $BL['be_subnav_admin_templates']        = 'm&#7851;u trang';
  95  $BL['be_subnav_admin_css']              = 'css m&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh';
  96  $BL['be_subnav_admin_sitestructure']    = 'c&#7845;u tr&#250;c h&#7879; th&#7889;ng';
  97  $BL['be_subnav_admin_vote']                = 'b&#236;nh b&#7847;u';
  98  $BL['be_subnav_admin_users']            = 'qu&#7843;n tr&#7883; th&#224;nh vi&#234;n';
  99  $BL['be_subnav_admin_filecat']          = 'ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i file';
 100  $BL['be_subnav_article_editor']         = 'ki&#7875;m duy&#7879;t tin';
 103  //
 104  $BL['be_article_edited']                = '&#273;&#227; ki&#7875;m duy&#7879;t';
 107  // admin.functions.inc.php
 108  $BL['be_func_struct_articleID']         = 'ID c&#225;c m&#7909;c';
 109  $BL['be_func_struct_preview']           = 'xem tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 110  $BL['be_func_struct_edit']              = 's&#7917;a';
 111  $BL['be_func_struct_sedit']             = 's&#7917;a m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c';
 112  $BL['be_func_struct_cut']               = 'c&#7855;t tin';
 113  $BL['be_func_struct_nocut']             = 'v&#244; hi&#7879;u ho&#225; vi&#7879;c c&#7855;t tin';
 114  $BL['be_func_struct_svisible']          = 'chuy&#7875;n hi&#7875;n th&#7883;/v&#244; h&#236;nh';
 115  $BL['be_func_struct_spublic']           = 'chuy&#7875;n public/kh&#244;ng public';
 116  $BL['be_func_struct_sort_up']           = 's&#7855;p x&#7871;p chi&#7873;u t&#259;ng';
 117  $BL['be_func_struct_sort_down']         = 's&#7855;p x&#7871;p chi&#7873;u gi&#7843;m';
 118  $BL['be_func_struct_del_article']       = 'xo&#225; tin';
 119  $BL['be_func_struct_del_jsmsg']         = 'B&#7841;n c&#243; mu&#7889;n \nxo&#225; tin/m&#7909;c tin n&#224;y kh&#244;ng?'; // "\n" = JavaScript Linebreak
 120  $BL['be_func_struct_new_article']       = 't&#7841;o tin/m&#7909;c tin m&#7899;i';
 121  $BL['be_func_struct_paste_article']     = 'd&#225;n tin';
 122  $BL['be_func_struct_insert_level']      = 'ch&#232;n th&#234;m c&#7845;u tr&#250;c m&#7899;i';
 123  $BL['be_func_struct_paste_level']       = 'd&#225;n c&#7845;u tr&#250;c m&#7899;i';
 124  $BL['be_func_struct_cut_level']         = 'c&#7855;t m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c';
 125  $BL['be_func_struct_no_cut']            = "Kh&#244;ng th&#7875; c&#7855;t m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c g&#7889;c!";
 126  $BL['be_func_struct_no_paste1']         = "Kh&#244;ng th&#7875; d&#225;n &#7903; &#273;&#226;y!";
 127  $BL['be_func_struct_no_paste2']         = 'l&#224; nh&#225;nh con c&#7911;a g&#7889;c';
 128  $BL['be_func_struct_no_paste3']         = 'n&#234;n d&#225;n &#7903; &#273;&#226;y';
 129  $BL['be_func_struct_paste_cancel']      = 'v&#244; hi&#7879;u c&#225;c thay &#273;&#7893;i';
 130  $BL['be_func_struct_del_struct']        = 'xo&#225; c&#7845;u tr&#250;c';
 131  $BL['be_func_struct_del_sjsmsg']        = 'B&#7841;n th&#7921;c s&#7921; mu&#7889;n \nxo&#225; m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c?'; // "\n" = JavaScript Linebreak
 132  $BL['be_func_struct_open']              = 'm&#7903;';
 133  $BL['be_func_struct_close']             = '&#273;&#243;ng';
 134  $BL['be_func_struct_empty']             = 'xo&#225; h&#7871;t';
 136  // article.contenttype.inc.php
 137  $BL['be_ctype_plaintext']               = 'v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 138  $BL['be_ctype_html']                    = 'html';
 139  $BL['be_ctype_code']                    = 'm&#227;';
 140  $BL['be_ctype_textimage']               = 'v&#259;n b&#7843;n & &#7843;nh';
 141  $BL['be_ctype_images']                  = '&#7843;nh';
 142  $BL['be_ctype_bulletlist']              = 'danh s&#225;ch bullet';
 143  $BL['be_ctype_link']                    = 'email li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 144  $BL['be_ctype_linklist']                = 'danh s&#225;ch li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 145  $BL['be_ctype_linkarticle']             = 'b&#224;i li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 146  $BL['be_ctype_multimedia']              = '&#273;a ph&#432;&#417;ng ti&#7879;n';
 147  $BL['be_ctype_filelist']                = 'danh s&#225;ch file';
 148  $BL['be_ctype_emailform']               = 'm&#7851;u email';
 149  $BL['be_ctype_newsletter']              = 'newsletter';
 151  // profile.create.inc.php
 152  $BL['be_profile_create_success']        = 'Profile &#273;&#227; &#273;&#432;&#7907;c t&#7841;o th&#224;nh c&#244;ng.';
 153  $BL['be_profile_create_error']          = 'L&#7895;i trong qu&#225; tr&#236;nh t&#7841;o.';
 155  // profile.update.inc.php
 156  $BL['be_profile_update_success']        = 'd&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#7911;a profile &#273;&#227; &#273;&#432;&#7907;c c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t .';
 157  $BL['be_profile_update_error']          = 'L&#7895;i trong qu&#225; tr&#236;nh c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t.';
 159  // profile.updateaccount.inc.php
 160  $BL['be_profile_account_err1']          = 't&#234;n truy c&#7853;p {VAL} kh&#244;ng h&#7907;p l&#7879;';
 161  $BL['be_profile_account_err2']          = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u qu&#225; ng&#7855;n (ch&#7881; {VAL} k&#253; t&#7921;: &#237;t nh&#7845;t l&#224; 5)';
 162  $BL['be_profile_account_err3']          = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u kh&#244;ng &#273;&#7891;ng nh&#7845;t v&#7899;i nhau';
 163  $BL['be_profile_account_err4']          = 'email {VAL} kh&#244;ng h&#7907;p l&#7879;';
 165  // profile.data.tmpl.php
 166  $BL['be_profile_data_title']            = 'd&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#225; nh&#226;n c&#7911;a b&#7841;n';
 167  $BL['be_profile_data_text']             = 'Th&#244;ng tin th&#234;m v&#7873; b&#7841;n s&#7869; gi&#250;p ng&#432;&#7901;i kh&#225;c hi&#7875;u b&#7841;n r&#245; h&#417;n.';
 168  $BL['be_profile_label_title']           = 'title';
 169  $BL['be_profile_label_fullname']       = 'h&#7885; v&#224; t&#234;n';
 170  $BL['be_profile_label_donvi']           = '&#273;&#417;n v&#7883;' ;
 171  $BL['be_profile_label_company']         = 'c&#244;ng ty';
 172  $BL['be_profile_label_address']          = '&#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881;';
 173  $BL['be_profile_label_city']            = 'th&#224;nh ph&#7889;';
 174  $BL['be_profile_label_state']           = 't&#7881;nh';
 175  $BL['be_profile_label_zip']             = 'm&#227;';
 176  $BL['be_profile_label_country']         = 'qu&#7889;c gia';
 177  $BL['be_profile_label_phone']           = '&#273;i&#7879;n tho&#7841;i';
 178  $BL['be_profile_label_ext']             = 's&#7889; l&#7867;';
 179  $BL['be_profile_label_fax']             = 'fax';
 180  $BL['be_profile_label_cellphone']       = 'di &#273;&#7897;ng';
 181  $BL['be_profile_label_signature']       = 'ch&#7919; k&#253;';
 182  $BL['be_profile_label_notes']           = 'ghi ch&#250;';
 183  $BL['be_profile_label_profession']      = 'ngh&#7873; nghi&#7879;p';
 184  $BL['be_profile_label_newsletter']      = 'email tin t&#7913;c';
 185  $BL['be_profile_text_newsletter']       = 'T&#244;i mu&#7889;n nh&#226;n &#273;&#432;&#7907;c email th&#244;ng b&#225;o tin t&#7913;c c&#7911;a c&#225;c b&#7841;n.';
 186  $BL['be_profile_label_public']          = 'public';
 187  $BL['be_profile_text_public']           = 'B&#7845;t c&#7913; ai c&#361;ng c&#243; th&#7875; xem c&#225;c th&#244;ng tin c&#7911;a t&#244;i.';
 188  $BL['be_profile_label_button']          = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t d&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#225; nh&#226;n';
 189  $BL['be_profile_label_union_activity']  = '&#273;o&#224;n th&#7875;';
 191  // profile.account.tmpl.php
 192  $BL['be_profile_account_title']         = 'th&#244;ng tin &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p c&#7911;a b&#7841;n';
 193  $BL['be_profile_account_text']          = 'Kh&#244;ng c&#7847;n thi&#7871;t ph&#7843;i thay &#273;&#7893;i t&#234;n truy c&#7853;p.<br />B&#7841;n n&#234;n thay &#273;&#7893;i m&#7853;t kh&#7849;u th&#432;&#417;ng xuy&#234;n &#273;&#7875; b&#7843;o &#273;&#7843;m an to&#224;n.';
 194  $BL['be_profile_label_err']             = 'check';
 195  $BL['be_profile_label_username']        = 't&#234;n truy c&#7853;p';
 196  $BL['be_profile_label_newpass']         = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u m&#7899;i';
 197  $BL['be_profile_label_repeatpass']      = 'g&#245; l&#7841;i m&#7853;t kh&#7849;u';
 198  $BL['be_profile_label_email']           = 'email';
 199  $BL['be_subnav_profile_company']        = 'company profile';
 200  $BL['be_profile_account_button']        = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t th&#244;ng tin &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p';
 201  $BL['be_profile_label_lang']            = 'ng&#244;n ng&#7919;';
 204  // files.ftptakeover.tmpl.php
 205  $BL['be_ftptakeover_title']             = 'l&#7845;y files upload th&#244;ng qua giao th&#7913;c ftp';
 206  $BL['be_ftptakeover_mark']              = 'mark';