// All rights reserved. This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! *************************************************************************************/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // News $news = @unserialize($crow["acontent_form"]); // read template if(empty($crow["acontent_template"]) && is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/news.tmpl')) { $news['template'] = render_device( @file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/news.tmpl') ); } elseif(is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/news/'.$crow["acontent_template"])) { $news['template'] = render_device( @file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/news/'.$crow["acontent_template"]) ); } else { $news['template'] = ''; } // build SQL query first $news['sql_where'] = array(); $news['now'] = now(); $news['list_mode'] = true; $news['listing_page'] = array(); $news['cnt_ts_livedate'] = 'IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_livedate) > 0, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_livedate), pc.cnt_created)'; $news['cnt_ts_killdate'] = 'IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_killdate) > 0, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_killdate), ' . ( $news['now'] + 3600 ) . ')'; // set end date to current time + 1 hour $news['cnt_ts_sortdate'] = 'IF(pc.cnt_sort=0, IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_livedate) > 0, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(pc.cnt_livedate), pc.cnt_created), pc.cnt_sort)'; // define the general SELECT query part $news['sql_query'] = 'SELECT pc.*, '; $news['sql_query'] .= $news['cnt_ts_livedate'] . ' AS cnt_ts_livedate, '; $news['sql_query'] .= $news['cnt_ts_killdate'] . ' AS cnt_ts_killdate, '; $news['sql_query'] .= $news['cnt_ts_sortdate'] . ' AS cnt_ts_sortdate '; // define the COUNT all query part $news['sql_count'] = 'SELECT COUNT(pc.cnt_id) '; $news['sql_joined_count'] = 'SELECT pc.cnt_id '; $sql = 'FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_content pc '; $news['sql_group_by'] = ''; $news['sql_where'][] = 'pc.cnt_status=1'; $news['sql_where'][] = "AND pc.cnt_module='news'"; // check if detail mode is active // and select the related news item if(isset($_getVar['newsdetail'])) { $news['match'] = array(); preg_match('/^\d{8}\-(\d+)_(.*?)$/', clean_slweg($_getVar['newsdetail']), $news['match']); if(isset($news['match'][2])) { $news['match'] = trim($news['match'][2]); if(is_numeric($news['match'])) { $news['sql_where'][] = "AND pc.cnt_id=" . intval($news['match']); } else { $news['sql_where'][] = "AND pc.cnt_alias='" . aporeplace($news['match']) . "'"; } $news['list_mode'] = false; // disable canonical tag $content['set_canonical'] = false; } } // filters necessary only when in news list mode if($news['list_mode']) { // archived switch($news['news_archive']) { case 0: // include archived $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND ' . $news['cnt_ts_livedate'] . ' < ' . $news['now']; $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND (' . $news['cnt_ts_killdate'] . ' > ' . $news['now'] . ' OR cnt_archive_status = 1)'; break; case 1: // exclude archived $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND ' . $news['cnt_ts_livedate'] . ' < ' . $news['now']; $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND ' . $news['cnt_ts_killdate'] . ' > ' . $news['now']; break; case 2: // archived only $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND ' . $news['cnt_ts_killdate'] . ' < ' . $news['now']; $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND cnt_archive_status = 1'; break; case 3: // all items $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND ' . $news['cnt_ts_livedate'] . ' < ' . $news['now']; break; } // choose by category if(count($news['news_category'])) { $news['news_joined_sql'] = true; $news['news_category_sql'] = array(); foreach($news['news_category'] as $value) { $news['news_category_sql'][] = 'pcat.cat_name LIKE ' . _dbEscape($value); } //$sql .= "LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_categories pcat ON (pcat.cat_type='news' AND pcat.cat_pid=pc.cnt_id) "; //$news['sql_where'][] = 'AND (' . implode($news['news_andor'], $news['news_category_sql']) . ')'; // use sub query instead of JOIN to compare against AND / OR / NOT if($news['news_andor'] != 'NOT') { $news['sql_where_cat'] = '('; $news['sql_where_cat'] .= 'SELECT COUNT(pcat.cat_pid) '; $news['sql_where_cat'] .= 'FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_categories pcat WHERE '; $news['sql_where_cat'] .= "pcat.cat_type='news' AND pcat.cat_pid=pc.cnt_id AND ("; $news['sql_where_cat'] .= implode(' OR ', $news['news_category_sql']); $news['sql_where_cat'] .= ') GROUP BY pcat.cat_pid'; $news['sql_where_cat'] .= ')'; if($news['news_andor'] == 'AND') { // count must be identical $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND ' . $news['sql_where_cat'] . ' = ' . count($news['news_category_sql']); } else { //OR // only single matching category needed $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND ' . $news['sql_where_cat'] . ' > 0'; } } else { // no category is allowed $news['sql_where_cat'] .= 'SELECT pcat.cat_pid '; $news['sql_where_cat'] .= 'FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_categories pcat WHERE '; $news['sql_where_cat'] .= "pcat.cat_type='news' AND ("; $news['sql_where_cat'] .= implode(' OR ', $news['news_category_sql']); $news['sql_where_cat'] .= ') GROUP BY pcat.cat_pid'; // catch all cat_id having not allowed category $news['not_allowed'] = _dbQuery($news['sql_where_cat']); if(isset($news['not_allowed'][0])) { $news['not_allowed_id'] = array(); foreach($news['not_allowed'] as $cat_key => $cat_pid) { $news['not_allowed_id'][] = $cat_pid['cat_pid']; } $news['sql_where'][] = 'AND pc.cnt_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $news['not_allowed_id']) . ')'; } } $news['sql_group_by'] = 'GROUP BY pc.cnt_id '; } else { // for joined SQL the COUNT() query is used in different way $news['news_joined_sql'] = false; } // language selection if(count($news['news_lang'])) { $news['sql_where'][] = "AND pc.cnt_lang IN ('". str_replace('#', "','", aporeplace( implode('#', $news['news_lang']) ) ) . "')"; } } $sql .= 'WHERE ' . implode(' ', $news['sql_where']) . ' '; // group by $sql .= $news['sql_group_by']; // order by - only necessary in list mode if($news['list_mode']) { $news['news_skip'] = intval($news['news_skip']); $news['news_limit'] = intval($news['news_limit']); if($news['news_skip']) { $news['sql_limit'] = ' LIMIT '.$news['news_skip'].', '; $news['sql_limit'] .= $news['news_limit'] ? $news['news_limit'] : 99999999; } elseif($news['news_limit']) { $news['sql_limit'] = ' LIMIT '; $news['sql_limit'] .= $news['news_skip'] ? $news['news_skip'] : 0; $news['sql_limit'] .= ', ' . $news['news_limit']; } else { $news['sql_limit'] = ''; } // set defaults $news['current_page'] = 1; $news['total_pages'] = 1; $news['page_next'] = ''; $news['page_prev'] = ''; // pagination - no LIMIT, no ORDER BY if($news['news_paginate'] == 1) { // count all news based on current query if($news['news_joined_sql']) { $news['count_all'] = count( _dbQuery($news['sql_joined_count'] . $sql . $news['sql_limit']) ); } else { $news['count_all'] = _dbCount($news['sql_count'] . $sql); // handle skipped items if($news['news_skip']) { $news['count_all'] = $news['count_all'] - $news['news_skip']; if($news['count_all'] < 0) { $news['count_all'] = 0; } } // check if less news should be used than news in db if($news['news_limit'] && $news['news_limit'] < $news['count_all']) { $news['count_all'] = $news['news_limit']; } } // test and set page if(isset($_getVar['newspage'])) { $_getVar['newspage'] = intval($_getVar['newspage']); } $news['current_page'] = $_getVar['newspage'] > 0 ? $_getVar['newspage'] : 1; $news['total_pages'] = ceil( $news['count_all'] / $news['news_paginate_count'] ); if($news['current_page'] > $news['total_pages']) { $news['current_page'] = $news['total_pages']; } if($news['current_page'] > 1 && $news['total_pages'] > 1) { if($news['current_page'] == 2) { $news['page_prev'] = rel_url( array(), array('newspage') ); } else { $news['page_prev'] = rel_url( array( 'newspage' => $news['current_page']-1 ) ); } // set pagination page info for detail link too $news['listing_page'] = array( 'newspage' => $news['current_page'] ); } if($news['total_pages'] > 1 && $news['current_page'] < $news['total_pages']) { $news['page_next'] = rel_url( array( 'newspage' => $news['current_page']+1 ) ); } // set LIMIT $news['sql_limit'] = ' LIMIT '; $news['sql_limit'] .= (($news['current_page'] - 1) * $news['news_paginate_count']) + $news['news_skip']; $news['sql_limit'] .= ', ' . $news['news_paginate_count']; } $sql .= 'ORDER BY '; // add prio sorting value if( !empty($news['news_prio']) ) { $sql .= 'pc.cnt_prio DESC, '; } switch($news['news_sort']) { case 1: // create date, DESC $sql .= 'pc.cnt_created DESC'; break; case 2: // create date, ASC $sql .= 'pc.cnt_created ASC'; break; case 3: // change date, DESC $sql .= 'pc.cnt_changed DESC'; break; case 4: // change date, ASC $sql .= 'pc.cnt_changed ASC'; break; case 5: // live date, DESC $sql .= 'cnt_ts_livedate DESC'; break; case 6: // live date, ASC $sql .= 'cnt_ts_livedate ASC'; break; case 7: // kill date, DESC $sql .= 'cnt_ts_killdate DESC'; break; case 8: // kill date, ASC $sql .= 'cnt_ts_killdate ASC'; break; case 10: // sort date, ASC $sql .= 'cnt_ts_sortdate ASC'; break; case 9: default: // sort date, DESC $sql .= 'cnt_ts_sortdate DESC'; } $sql .= $news['sql_limit']; } //dumpVar( wordwrap($news['sql_query'] . $sql) ); // get db query result $news['result'] = _dbQuery($news['sql_query'] . $sql); // now render if($news['template']) { $news['entries'] = array(); // check if news is in list mode if($news['list_mode']) { $news['tmpl_news'] = get_tmpl_section('NEWS_LIST', $news['template']); $news['tmpl_entry'] = get_tmpl_section('NEWS_LIST_ENTRY', $news['template']); $news['tmpl_entry_space'] = get_tmpl_section('NEWS_LIST_ENTRY_SPACE', $news['template']); $news['tmpl_row_space'] = get_tmpl_section('NEWS_LIST_ROW_SPACE', $news['template']); // or not in list mode } else { $news['tmpl_news'] = '[NEWS_ENTRIES]{NEWS_ENTRIES}[/NEWS_ENTRIES]'; $news['tmpl_entry'] = get_tmpl_section('NEWS_DETAIL', $news['template']); $news['tmpl_entry_space'] = ''; $news['tmpl_row_space'] = ''; } // get template based config and merge with defaults $news['config'] = array_merge( array( 'news_per_row' => 1, 'news_teaser_text' => 'p', 'news_teaser_limit_chars' => 0, 'news_teaser_limit_words' => 0, 'news_teaser_limit_ellipse' => $GLOBALS['template_default']['ellipse_sign'], 'files_template_list' => 'default', 'files_template_detail' => 'default', 'files_direct_download' => 0 ), parse_ini_str( get_tmpl_section('NEWS_SETTINGS', $news['template']), false ) ); $news['config']['news_per_row'] = abs(intval($news['config']['news_per_row'])); $news['config']['news_teaser_limit_chars'] = intval($news['config']['news_teaser_limit_chars']); $news['config']['news_teaser_limit_words'] = intval($news['config']['news_teaser_limit_words']); $news['config']['news_teaser_text'] = trim($news['config']['news_teaser_text']); // set function used to render teaser text, custom can be registered switch( $news['config']['news_teaser_text'] ) { case 'br': case 'BR': $news['config']['news_teaser_text'] = 'br_htmlencode'; break; case 'p': case 'P': $news['config']['news_teaser_text'] = 'plaintext_htmlencode'; break; default: if(!function_exists($news['config']['news_teaser_text'])) { $news['config']['news_teaser_text'] = 'plaintext_htmlencode'; } } // start parsing news entries $news['row_count'] = 1; $news['total_count'] = 1; $news['entry_count'] = count($news['result']); // set new target if necessary if(empty($news['news_detail_link'])) { $news['base_href'] = rel_url($news['listing_page'], array('newsdetail')); } else { if(is_intval($news['news_detail_link'])) { $news['news_detail_link'] = 'aid='.$news['news_detail_link']; } $news['base_href'] = rel_url($news['listing_page'], array('newsdetail'), $news['news_detail_link']); } foreach($news['result'] as $key => $value) { $value['cnt_object'] = @unserialize($value['cnt_object']); $news['entries'][$key] = $news['tmpl_entry']; if($news['config']['news_teaser_limit_chars']) { $value['cnt_teasertext'] = getCleanSubString($value['cnt_teasertext'], $news['config']['news_teaser_limit_chars'], $news['config']['news_teaser_limit_ellipse'], 'char'); } elseif($news['config']['news_teaser_limit_words']) { $value['cnt_teasertext'] = getCleanSubString($value['cnt_teasertext'], $news['config']['news_teaser_limit_words'], $news['config']['news_teaser_limit_ellipse'], 'word'); } $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_TITLE', html_specialchars($value['cnt_title'])); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_TOPIC', html_specialchars($value['cnt_name'])); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_SUBTITLE', html_specialchars($value['cnt_subtitle'])); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_TEASER', $news['config']['news_teaser_text']($value['cnt_teasertext'])); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_TEXT', $value['cnt_text']); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'AUTHOR', html_specialchars($value['cnt_editor'])); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'PLACE', html_specialchars($value['cnt_place'])); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'PRIO', empty($value['cnt_prio']) ? '' : $value['cnt_prio'] ); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'FIRST', $news['row_count'] === 1 ? ' ' : ''); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_TAGS', html_specialchars($value['cnt_object']['cnt_category'])); // news detail link (read) if($news['list_mode']) { if(empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_readmore'])) { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_DETAIL_LINK', ''); } else { $value['detail_link'] = date('Ymd', $value['cnt_ts_livedate']) . '-' . $crow['acontent_aid'] . '_' ; $value['detail_link'] .= empty($value['cnt_alias']) ? $value['cnt_id'] : urlencode( $value['cnt_alias'] ); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_DETAIL_LINK', $news['base_href'] . '&newsdetail=' . $value['detail_link']); } // news list link (back) } else { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'NEWS_LIST_LINK', $news['base_href']); } // Image if(empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['id'])) { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'IMAGE', ''); $news['entries'][$key] = str_replace('{IMAGE_ID}', '', $news['entries'][$key]); } else { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'IMAGE', html_specialchars($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['name'])); $news['entries'][$key] = str_replace('{IMAGE_ID}', $value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['id'], $news['entries'][$key]); } // Zoom Image if(empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['zoom'])) { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'ZOOM', '' ); } else { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'ZOOM', 'zoom' ); } // Lightbox if(empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['lightbox'])) { $news['entries'][$key] = str_replace('{LIGHTBOX}', '', $news['entries'][$key]); } else { initSlimbox(); $news['entries'][$key] = str_replace('{LIGHTBOX}', ' rel="lightbox"', $news['entries'][$key]); } // Caption if(empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['caption'])) { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'CAPTION', '' ); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'LIGHTBOX_CAPTION', '' ); } else { $value['cnt_caption'] = getImageCaption($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['caption'], ''); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'CAPTION', html_specialchars($value['cnt_caption']['caption_text']) ); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'LIGHTBOX_CAPTION', parseLightboxCaption($value['cnt_caption']['caption_text']) ); } // Image URL if(empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['link'])) { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'IMAGE_URL', ''); $news['entries'][$key] = str_replace('{IMAGE_URL_TARGET}', '', $news['entries'][$key]); } else { $value['image_url'] = get_redirect_link($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['link'], ' ', ''); $news['entries'][$key] = str_replace('{IMAGE_URL_TARGET}', $value['image_url']['target'], $news['entries'][$key]); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'IMAGE_URL', html_specialchars($value['image_url']['link']) ); } // Check for Zoom $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'ZOOM', empty($value['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['zoom']) ? '' : 'zoom' ); // news entry URL $value['news_url'] = $value['cnt_object']['cnt_link'] == '' ? array('link'=>'', 'target'=>'') : get_redirect_link($value['cnt_object']['cnt_link'], ' ', ''); $news['entries'][$key] = str_replace('{URL_TARGET}', $value['news_url']['target'], $news['entries'][$key]); if(is_numeric($value['news_url']['link']) && intval($value['news_url']['link'])) { $value['news_url']['link'] = 'index.php?aid='.intval($value['news_url']['link']); } $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'URL', html_specialchars($value['news_url']['link']) ); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'URL_TEXT', html_specialchars($value['cnt_object']['cnt_linktext']) ); // Dates $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_date($news['entries'][$key], $value['cnt_changed'], $value['cnt_ts_livedate'], $value['cnt_ts_killdate']); $news['entries'][$key] = render_date($news['entries'][$key], $value['cnt_ts_sortdate'], 'SORTDATE'); $news['files_result'] = ''; // Files if(isset($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id']) && is_array($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id']) && count($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id'])) { $IS_NEWS_CP = true; $value['files_direct_download'] = intval($news['config']['files_direct_download']) ? 1 : 0; // set correct template for files based on list or detail mode if($news['list_mode']) { $value['files_template'] = $news['config']['files_template_list'] == 'default' ? '' : $news['config']['files_template_list']; } else { $value['files_template'] = $news['config']['files_template_detail'] == 'default' ? '' : $news['config']['files_template_detail']; } // include content part files renderer include(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/content/cnt7.article.inc.php'); $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'FILES', $news['files_result'] ); unset($IS_NEWS_CP); } else { $news['entries'][$key] = render_cnt_template($news['entries'][$key], 'FILES', '' ); } //$news['entries'][$key] = $news['entries'][$key]; // row and entry spacer if($news['list_mode']) { if( $news['row_count'] == $news['config']['news_per_row'] || $news['config']['news_per_row'] == 0 ) { if($news['total_count'] < $news['entry_count']) { $news['entries']['row'.$key] = $news['tmpl_row_space']; } $news['row_count'] = 1; } else { if($news['total_count'] < $news['entry_count']) { $news['entries']['entry'.$key] = $news['tmpl_entry_space']; } $news['row_count']++; } $news['total_count']++; } } $news['tmpl_news'] = render_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'NEWS_ENTRIES', implode('', $news['entries']) ); $news['tmpl_news'] = render_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'TITLE', html_specialchars($crow['acontent_title'])); $news['tmpl_news'] = render_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'SUBTITLE', html_specialchars($crow['acontent_subtitle'])); // render news pagination if($news['list_mode']) { if($news['news_paginate'] == 1) { $news['tmpl_news'] = render_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'PAGINATE', true); $news['tmpl_news'] = render_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'PAGE_PREV', $news['page_prev']); $news['tmpl_news'] = render_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'PAGE_NEXT', $news['page_next']); $news['tmpl_news'] = str_replace('{PAGE_CURRENT}', $news['current_page'], $news['tmpl_news']); $news['tmpl_news'] = str_replace('{PAGE_TOTAL}', $news['total_pages'], $news['tmpl_news']); } else { $news['tmpl_news'] = render_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'PAGINATE', ''); } } else { $news['tmpl_news'] = replace_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'PAGINATE', ''); $news['tmpl_news'] = replace_cnt_template($news['tmpl_news'], 'PAGINATE_ELSE', ''); } $CNT_TMP .= $news['tmpl_news']; } ?>