// All rights reserved. This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! *************************************************************************************/ // 2009-07-22 Thumbnail max width and max height replacement tag implemented // Thanks to Gerd Müller for proposal and code sample // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- //images (gallery) $image = @unserialize($crow["acontent_form"]); // read template if(empty($crow["acontent_template"]) && is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/imagespecial.tmpl')) { $image['template'] = render_device( @file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/imagespecial.tmpl') ); } elseif(is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/imagespecial/'.$crow["acontent_template"])) { $image['template'] = render_device( @file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/imagespecial/'.$crow["acontent_template"]) ); } else { $image['template'] = ''; } // define default infotext renderer $image['text_render'] = 'plaintext'; if($image['template']) { $image['tmpl_settings'] = parse_ini_str( get_tmpl_section('IMAGE_SETTINGS', $image['template']), false); if(is_array($image['tmpl_settings']) && count($image['tmpl_settings'])) { $image = array_merge($image, $image['tmpl_settings']); if($image['text_render'] == 'markdown') { // Load MarkDown function and class require_once(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_ext/php-markdown/markdown.php'); } elseif($image['text_render'] == 'textile') { // Load Textile function and class require_once(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_ext/php-textile/classTextile.php'); if(!isset($phpwcms['textile'])) { $phpwcms['textile'] = new Textile(); } } } $image['tmpl_header'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_HEADER', $image['template']); $image['tmpl_footer'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_FOOTER', $image['template']); $image['tmpl_entry'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_ENTRY', $image['template']); $image['tmpl_entry_space'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_ENTRY_SPACER', $image['template']); $image['tmpl_row_space'] = get_tmpl_section('IMAGES_ROW_SPACER', $image['template']); $image['tmpl_thumb_width_max'] = 0; $image['tmpl_thumb_height_max'] = 0; $image['tmpl_images'] = array(); $image['template'] = $image['tmpl_header']; if(is_array($image['images']) && ($image['count'] = count($image['images']))) { // Start lightbox if(empty($image['lightbox'])) { $image['lightbox'] = false; } else { initSlimbox(); $image['lightbox'] = generic_string(5); } switch($image['center']) { case 1: // center hor/vert if(!$image['width'] && !$image['height']) { $image['center'] = 0; } elseif(!$image['width']) { $image['center'] = 3; } elseif(!$image['height']) { $image['center'] = 2; } break; case 2: // center hor if(!$image['width']) { $image['center'] = 0; } break; case 3: // center vert if(!$image['height']) { $image['center'] = 0; } break; default: $image['center'] = 0; } $x = 0; $col = 0; $total = 0; foreach($image['images'] as $key => $value) { $thumb_image = false; $zoominfo = false; if($value['thumb_hash']) { $thumb_image = get_cached_image( array( "target_ext" => $value['thumb_ext'], "image_name" => $value['thumb_hash'] . '.' . $value['thumb_ext'], "max_width" => $image['width'], "max_height" => $image['height'], "thumb_name" => md5( $value['thumb_hash'].$image['width']. $image['height'].$phpwcms["sharpen_level"]. $image['crop'] ), 'crop_image' => $image['crop'] ) ); } if(!$value['thumb_hash'] || !$thumb_image) { continue; } $img_zoom_id = ''; $img_zoom_hash = ''; $img_zoom_ext = ''; $img_zoom_name = ''; $img_zoom_filename = ''; $img_zoom_rel = ''; $img_zoom_abs = ''; $img_zoom_width = ''; $img_zoom_height = ''; $col++; $total++; // put spacer content between images if($col > 1) { $image['tmpl_images'][$x] .= $image['tmpl_entry_space']; } else { $image['tmpl_images'][$x] = ''; } if($value['zoom_hash'] && $image['zoom']) { $zoominfo = get_cached_image( array( "target_ext" => $value['zoom_ext'], "image_name" => $value['zoom_hash'] . '.' . $value['zoom_ext'], "max_width" => $image['width_zoom'], "max_height" => $image['height_zoom'], "thumb_name" => md5( $value['zoom_hash'].$image['width_zoom']. $image['height_zoom'].$phpwcms["sharpen_level"]. $image['crop_zoom'] ), 'crop_image' => $image['crop_zoom'] ) ); } // set caption and ALT Image Text for imagelist $caption = getImageCaption($value['caption']); // Caption | Title | Alt // no ALT, no TITLE if(empty($caption[1])) { $capt_cur = html_specialchars($caption[0]); $caption[1] = $value['thumb_name']; $caption[4] = $capt_cur; } else { $capt_cur = html_specialchars($caption[1]); $caption[1] = html_specialchars(empty($caption[3]) ? $value['thumb_name'] : $caption[3]); $caption[4] = html_specialchars($caption[0]); } $caption[2] = explode(' ', $value['url']); $caption[2][1] = empty($caption[2][1]) ? '' : ' target="'.$caption[2][1].'"'; $caption[3] = empty($value['caption']) ? '' : ' title="'.$capt_cur.'"'; //title $list_img_temp = ''.$caption[1].''; $img_a = ''; $lightbox_capt = ''; if($image['zoom'] && isset($zoominfo) && $zoominfo != false) { // if click enlarge the image $open_popup_link = 'image_zoom.php?'.getClickZoomImageParameter($zoominfo[0].'?'.$zoominfo[3]); if($caption[2][0]) { $open_link = $caption[2][0]; $return_false = ''; } else { $open_link = $open_popup_link; $return_false = 'return false;'; } if($image['lightbox'] && $capt_cur) { $lightbox_capt = 'title="'.parseLightboxCaption($capt_cur).'" '; } if(!$image['lightbox'] || $caption[2][0]) { $img_thumb_link = ''; $img_a .= $img_thumb_link; } else { // lightbox $img_thumb_link = ''; $img_a .= $img_thumb_link; } $img_a .= $list_img_temp.''; $img_zoom_id = $value['zoom_id']; $img_zoom_hash = $value['zoom_hash']; $img_zoom_ext = $value['zoom_ext']; $img_zoom_name = $zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_rel = PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_abs = PHPWCMS_URL.PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_width = $zoominfo[1]; $img_zoom_height = $zoominfo[2]; $img_zoom_filename = $value['zoom_name']; } else { // if not click enlarge if($caption[2][0]) { $img_thumb_link = ''; $img_a .= $img_thumb_link.$list_img_temp.''; } else { $img_a .= $list_img_temp; } } $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE}', $img_a, $image['tmpl_entry']); $img_a = str_replace('{IMGID}', $key, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMGNAME}', html_specialchars($image['images'][$key]['thumb_name']), $img_a); // replace thumbnail and zoom image information $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_ID}', $value['thumb_id'], $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_HASH}', $value['thumb_hash'], $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_EXT}', $value['thumb_ext'], $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_NAME}', $img_thumb_name, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_FILENAME}', $img_thumb_filename, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_REL}', $img_thumb_rel, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_ABS}', $img_thumb_abs, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_WIDTH}', $img_thumb_width, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{THUMB_HEIGHT}', $img_thumb_height, $img_a); $image['tmpl_thumb_width_max'] = max($image['tmpl_thumb_width_max'], $img_thumb_width); $image['tmpl_thumb_height_max'] = max($image['tmpl_thumb_height_max'], $img_thumb_height); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_ID}', $img_zoom_id, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_HASH}', $img_zoom_hash, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_EXT}', $img_zoom_ext, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_NAME}', $img_zoom_name, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_FILENAME}', $img_zoom_filename, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_REL}', $img_zoom_rel, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_ABS}', $img_zoom_abs, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_WIDTH}', $img_zoom_width, $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_HEIGHT}', $img_zoom_height, $img_a); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'IMAGE_URL', $caption[2][0]); $img_a = str_replace('{IMAGE_TARGET}', $caption[2][1], $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{LIGHTBOX}', ($image['lightbox'] !== false ? ' rel="lightbox['.$image['lightbox'].']"' : '' ), $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{LIGHTBOX_CAPTION}', $lightbox_capt, $img_a); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'ZOOM', ($img_zoom_name ? '' : '') ); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'COPYRIGHT', $caption[4] ); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'FIRST', ($col > 1 ? '' : $col) ); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'ROW', ($x+1) ); // new freetext value $value['freetext'] = empty($value['freetext']) ? '' : trim($value['freetext']); switch($image['text_render']) { case 'markdown': $value['freetext'] = Markdown($value['freetext']); break; case 'textile': $value['freetext'] = $phpwcms['textile']->TextileThis($value['freetext']); break; case 'html': break; default: $value['freetext'] = plaintext_htmlencode($value['freetext'], 'html_entities'); break; } $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'INFOTEXT', $value['freetext'] ); if($image['nocaption']) { $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'CAPTION_ELSE', ''); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'CAPTION', ''); } else { $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'CAPTION', $capt_cur); } $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'TITLE', $caption[4]); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'ALT', $caption[1]); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'LINK', $img_thumb_link); // check if this is the last image in row if($image['col'] == $col || $image['count'] == $total) { $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'LAST', $col); $image['tmpl_images'][$x] .= $img_a; $x++; $col = 0; } else { $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'LAST', ''); $image['tmpl_images'][$x] .= $img_a; } } $image['template'] .= implode($image['tmpl_row_space'], $image['tmpl_images']); } $image['template'] .= $image['tmpl_footer']; // now do main replacements $image['template'] = str_replace('{ID}', $crow['acontent_id'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = str_replace('{SPACE}', $image['space'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = str_replace('{THUMB_WIDTH_MAX}', $image['tmpl_thumb_width_max'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = str_replace('{THUMB_HEIGHT_MAX}', $image['tmpl_thumb_height_max'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = str_replace('{THUMB_COLUMNS}', $image['col'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'TITLE', html_specialchars($crow['acontent_title'])); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'SUBTITLE', html_specialchars($crow['acontent_subtitle'])); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'TEXT', $crow['acontent_html']); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'EFFECT_1', ($image['fx1'] ? '' : '') ); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'EFFECT_2', ($image['fx2'] ? '' : '') ); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'EFFECT_3', ($image['fx3'] ? '' : '') ); $CNT_TMP .= $image['template']; } unset($image); ?>