// All rights reserved. This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! *************************************************************************************/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- //predefine values $content['cat'] = ''; $content['metakey'] = ''; $content['struct'] = get_struct_data(); //reads the complete structure as array $content['article_date'] = time(); $content['redirect'] = array('code' => ''); $content['all_keywords'] = ''; $content['globalRT'] = array(); $content['aId_CpPage'] = 0; // set default content part pagination page (0 and 1) are the same $content['CpTrigger'] = array(); // array to hold content part trigger functions $content['404error'] = false; $content['set_canonical'] = false; $content['cptab'] = array(); // array to hold content part based tabs $pagelayout = array(); $no_content_for_this_page = 0; $alias = ''; $PERMIT_ACCESS = true; // by default set all content without permissions $CUSTOM = array(); // var that holds result of content part "php var" //method to get the right action values //if there is only the ?alias try to find the right category if(isset($_GET["id"])) { $aktion = explode(',', $_GET["id"], 6); $aktion[0] = intval($aktion[0]); //$aktion[0] will be always available $aktion[1] = isset($aktion[1]) ? intval($aktion[1]) : 0; $aktion[2] = isset($aktion[2]) ? intval($aktion[2]) : 0; $aktion[3] = isset($aktion[3]) ? intval($aktion[3]) : 1; $aktion[4] = isset($aktion[4]) ? intval($aktion[4]) : 0; $aktion[5] = isset($aktion[5]) ? intval($aktion[5]) : 0; // check if article category is given and available if(!isset($content['struct'][ $aktion[0] ])) { $aktion[0] = 0; // OK in case not we should check if given article ID is correct if($aktion[1]) { $sql = 'SELECT article_id, article_cid FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_article WHERE '; $sql .= 'article_deleted=0 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_id='.$aktion[1].' LIMIT 1'; $aktion[1] = 0; //reset if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $aktion[0] = $row[1]; $aktion[1] = $row[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); } } $GLOBALS['_getVar']['id'] = implode(',', $aktion); headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL.'index.php'.returnGlobalGET_QueryString(), 404); } } elseif(isset($_GET['aid'])) { // try to find correct structure $aktion = array(0,0,0,0,1,0); $_GET['aid'] = explode('-', $_GET['aid'], 2); // now check for cp pagination $content['aId_CpPage'] = isset($_GET['aid'][1]) ? intval($_GET['aid'][1]) : 0; // set cp paginate page $_GET['aid'] = intval($_GET['aid'][0]); if($_GET['aid']) { $sql = 'SELECT article_cid FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_article WHERE '; $sql .= 'article_deleted=0 '; if(VISIBLE_MODE !== 2) { $sql .= 'AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_public=1 '; } elseif(VISIBLE_MODE === 1) { $sql .= 'AND article_uid='.intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]).' '; } $sql .= 'AND article_id='.$_GET['aid'].' LIMIT 1'; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $aktion[0] = $row[0]; $aktion[1] = $_GET['aid']; } else { $content['404error'] = true; } mysql_free_result($result); } else { $content['404error'] = true; } } if(!$aktion[1]) { $content['aId_CpPage'] = 0; // no article = no pagination } } else { // check the alias $aktion = array(0,0,0,1,0,0); if(count($GLOBALS['_getVar'])) { reset($GLOBALS['_getVar']); $alias = trim(key($GLOBALS['_getVar'])); if($alias && $GLOBALS['_getVar'][$alias] === '') { // alias must be empty "" $where_alias = aporeplace($alias); // we have to check against MySQL < 4.0 -> UNION unknown // so use a workaround if(PHPWCMS_DB_VERSION < 40000) { $sql = "SELECT acat_id, (0) AS article_id, 1 AS aktion3, 0 AS aktion4 FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecat "; $sql .= "WHERE acat_trash=0 AND acat_aktiv=1 AND acat_alias='" . $where_alias . "' LIMIT 1"; $row = _dbQuery($sql); if(!isset($row[0]['acat_id'])) { $sql = "SELECT article_cid AS acat_id, article_id, 0 AS aktion3, 1 AS aktion4 FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "WHERE article_deleted=0 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_alias='" . $where_alias . "' LIMIT 1"; $row = _dbQuery($sql); } } else { $sql = "(SELECT acat_id, (0) AS article_id, 1 AS aktion3, 0 AS aktion4 FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecat "; $sql .= "WHERE acat_trash=0 AND acat_aktiv=1 AND acat_alias='" . $where_alias . "')"; $sql .= " UNION "; $sql .= "(SELECT article_cid AS acat_id, article_id, 0 AS aktion3, 1 AS aktion4 FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "WHERE article_deleted=0 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_alias='" . $where_alias . "') "; $sql .= "LIMIT 1"; $row = _dbQuery($sql); } if(isset($row[0]['acat_id'])) { $aktion[0] = $row[0]['acat_id']; $aktion[1] = $row[0]['article_id']; $aktion[3] = $row[0]['aktion3']; $aktion[4] = $row[0]['aktion4']; define('PHPWCMS_ALIAS', $alias); } elseif($alias == $indexpage['acat_alias']) { define('PHPWCMS_ALIAS', $alias); } else { $content['404error'] = true; } } } } if(isset($_GET['print'])) { $aktion[2] = 1; define('PRINT_PDF', intval($_GET['print']) == 2 ? true : false); unset($_getVar['print'], $_GET['print']); } // define special OUTPUT format/action $phpwcms['output_action'] = false; if(!empty($_GET['phpwcms_output_action']) || !empty($_POST['phpwcms_output_action'])) { // split by function - value: F-function1|function2|function3--S-SECT1|SECT2|SECT3 $phpwcms['output_action'] = explode('--', clean_slweg( empty($_GET['phpwcms_output_action']) ? $_POST['phpwcms_output_action'] : $_GET['phpwcms_output_action'] )); unset( $_GET['phpwcms_output_action'], $_POST['phpwcms_output_action'], $_getVar['phpwcms_output_action'] ); if(is_array($phpwcms['output_action'])) { $phpwcms['output_function'] = array(); $phpwcms['output_section'] = array(); foreach($phpwcms['output_action'] as $value) { $value = trim($value); if($value{0} == 'F') { $value = explode('|', substr($value, 2)); $output_key = 'output_function'; } elseif($value{0} == 'S') { $value = explode('|', substr($value, 2)); $output_key = 'output_section'; } else { continue; } if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $_value) { $_value = trim($_value); if($_value != '') { $phpwcms[$output_key][$_value] = $_value; } } } } $phpwcms['output_action'] = count($phpwcms['output_function']) || count($phpwcms['output_section']) ? true : false; } else { $phpwcms['output_action'] = false; } } //define the current article category ID $content["cat_id"] = $aktion[0]; $content['body_id'] = $content["cat_id"]; // check if current level is a redirect level if(!empty($content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_redirect'])) { $redirect = get_redirect_link( $content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_redirect'] ); headerRedirect($redirect['link'], 301); } //try to find current tree depth $LEVEL_ID = array(); $LEVEL_KEY = array(); $LEVEL_STRUCT = array(); $level_ID_array = get_breadcrumb($content["cat_id"], $content['struct']); $level_count = 0; foreach($level_ID_array as $key => $value) { $LEVEL_ID[$level_count] = $key; $LEVEL_KEY[$key] = $level_count; $LEVEL_STRUCT[$level_count] = $content['struct'][$key]['acat_name']; if($PERMIT_ACCESS && $content['struct'][$key]['acat_regonly']) { $PERMIT_ACCESS = false; // only users have been logged in get access } $level_count++; } define('PERMIT_ACCESS', $PERMIT_ACCESS); // frontend login check _checkFrontendUserAutoLogin(); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // read the template information for page based on structure if($content["struct"][ $content["cat_id"] ]["acat_template"]) { //if there is a template defined for this structure level //then choose the template information based on this ID $sql = "SELECT template_var FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_template WHERE template_trash=0 AND "; $sql .= "template_id=".$content["struct"][ $content["cat_id"] ]["acat_template"]." LIMIT 1;"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $block = unserialize($row[0]); } mysql_free_result($result); } } if(!isset($block)) { // if template ID is not defined or the were a problem with level's template ID then // choose the default template or if no default template defined choose the next one $sql = "SELECT template_var FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_template "; $sql .= "WHERE template_trash=0 ORDER BY template_default DESC LIMIT 1;"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $block = unserialize($row[0]); } mysql_free_result($result); } } // compatibility for older releases where only // 1 css file could be stored per template if(is_string($block['css'])) { $block['css'] = array($block['css']); } // check if template_defaults should be overwritten if(!empty($block['overwrite'])) { $block['overwrite'] = str_replace('/', '', $block['overwrite']); @include(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_settings/template_default/'.$block['overwrite']); } if(!empty($content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_overwrite'])) { $block['overwrite'] = str_replace('/', '', $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_overwrite']); @include(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_settings/template_default/'.$block['overwrite']); } // load frontend JavaScript lib file require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/js.inc.php'; // ------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieve pagelayout info // check how the content should be rendered based on pagelayout render value $block["layout"] = intval($block["layout"]); $sql = "SELECT pagelayout_var FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_pagelayout WHERE pagelayout_trash=0 "; $sql .= $block["layout"] ? "AND pagelayout_id=".$block["layout"] : "ORDER BY pagelayout_default DESC"; $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; $result = _dbQuery($sql); if(isset($result[0]['pagelayout_var'])) { $pagelayout = @unserialize($result[0]['pagelayout_var']); // if print action if($aktion[2] === 1) { $pagelayout = array('layout_title' => $pagelayout['layout_title'], 'layout_customblocks' => $pagelayout['layout_customblocks']); } } if(empty($pagelayout)) { // if no pagelayout could be found die('There is no pagelayout available. Please login to the admin section and create one here!'); } // Pagetitle $content["pagetitle"] = empty($pagelayout["layout_title"]) ? '' : $pagelayout["layout_title"]; //generate the colspan attribute $colspan = get_colspan($pagelayout); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // now initialize content blocks like CONTENT, HEADER, LEFT, RIGHT, FOOTER $content['main'] = ''; // {CONTENT} $content['CB']['LEFT'] = ''; // {LEFT} $content['CB']['RIGHT'] = ''; // {RIGHT} $content['CB']['HEADER'] = ''; // {HEADER} $content['CB']['FOOTER'] = ''; // {FOOTER} // and try to add and initialize custom blocks if(!empty($pagelayout['layout_customblocks'])) { $custom_blocks = explode(', ', $pagelayout['layout_customblocks']); foreach($custom_blocks as $value) { if($value != '') $content['CB'][$value] = ''; } unset($custom_blocks); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // try to include custom functions or what ever you want to do at this point of the script // default dir: "phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_init"; only *.php files are allowed there if($phpwcms["allow_ext_init"]) { if(count($custom_includes = get_tmpl_files(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_script/frontend_init', 'php'))) { foreach($custom_includes as $value) { include_once(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_script/frontend_init/'.$value); } } } // include custom frontend init scripts based on module definitions if(count($phpwcms['modules_fe_init'])) { foreach($phpwcms['modules_fe_init'] as $value) { include_once($value); } } // redirect to login form if user is not logged in and has no permission to access level if(!PERMIT_ACCESS && !_getFeUserLoginStatus()) { if(!empty($block['feloginurl'])) { $template_default['login_form_url'] = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $block['feloginurl']); } elseif(empty($template_default['login_form_url'])) { $template_default['login_form_url'] = PHPWCMS_URL; } // store current URL $_SESSION['LOGIN_REDIRECT'] = decode_entities(FE_CURRENT_URL); // redirect to login form headerRedirect($template_default['login_form_url'], 401); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //reads all articles for active cat into array $content["articles"] = get_actcat_articles_data($content["cat_id"]); $content["article_list_count"] = count($content["articles"]); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // generating a list of articles inside the current article category if(!$aktion[4]) { if(!$content['404error'] && ($content["article_list_count"] || $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_topcount'] == -1)) { if($content["article_list_count"] == 1 || $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_topcount'] == -1) { // if($temp_counter == 1) { // if only 1 article for this category available // then show this article directly // sets article ID to this only 1 article foreach($content["articles"] as $key => $value) { $aktion[1] = intval($key); break; } $aktion[4] = 1; // this needs to be set to 1 for showing the article // enable canonical tag $content['set_canonical'] = true; } else { // there is more than 1 article inside this category // -> list all - the 1st will be shown with summary and such stuff $content["main"] .= list_articles_summary(); } } else { $no_content_for_this_page = 1; } } elseif($content["article_list_count"] === 1) { // enable canonical tag $content['set_canonical'] = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // check if current category should be cached if($content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_timeout'] != '') { $phpwcms['cache_timeout'] = $content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_timeout']; } // set search status for current category $cache_searchable = $content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_nosearch']; // ------------------------------------------------------------- $content['list_mode'] = true; if($aktion[1]) { // render page based on article include_once(PHPWCMS_ROOT."/include/inc_front/content.article.inc.php"); $content['list_mode'] = false; } elseif(!empty($content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_pagetitle'])) { // a custom pagetitle for structure level exists $content["pagetitle"] = $content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_pagetitle']; } else { $content["pagetitle"] = setPageTitle($content["pagetitle"], $content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_name'], ''); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //check for no content error $content["main"] = trim($content["main"]); if($content['404error'] || $no_content_for_this_page || $content["main"] == '') { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); $content["main"] .= $block["errortext"]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //check if one of needed block texts and values are empty and if then fill with content if(!$block["maintext"]) { $block["maintext"] = $content["main"]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //normal page operation if($aktion[2] == 0) { switch($pagelayout["layout_render"]) { case 0: //create the page layout table (header, left, content, right, footer) $content["all"] = "".LF; // align table //header $content["all"] .= colspan_table_row($pagelayout, "header", $colspan, $block["headertext"]); //header row if($pagelayout["layout_topspace_height"]) { //header space $content["all"] .= colspan_table_row($pagelayout, "topspace", $colspan, spacer(1, $pagelayout["layout_topspace_height"])); } //returns the main blocks: left column, content column, right column $content["all"] .= get_table_block($pagelayout, $block["maintext"], $block["lefttext"], $block["righttext"]); //footer if($pagelayout["layout_bottomspace_height"]) { //bottom space $content["all"] .= colspan_table_row($pagelayout, "bottomspace", $colspan, spacer(1, $pagelayout["layout_bottomspace_height"])); } $content["all"] .= colspan_table_row($pagelayout, "footer", $colspan, $block["footertext"]); //footer row $content["all"] .= '
'.LF; //end main table break; case 1: //create the page layout based on DIV (layer) //contentContainer DIV start $content["all"] = ''; $pagelayout['additional_wrap_div'] = false; switch($pagelayout["layout_align"]) { case 1: $content["all"] .= '
'; $pagelayout['additional_wrap_div'] = true; break; case 2: $content["all"] .= '
'; $pagelayout['additional_wrap_div'] = true; break; } $content["all"] .= '
'.LF; //header DIV if($block["headertext"] || $pagelayout['layout_header_height']) { $content["all"] .= '
\n"; } //left DIV if 3column or 2column (with left block) if($pagelayout["layout_type"] == 0 || $pagelayout["layout_type"] == 1) { $content["all"] .= '
\n"; } //right DIV if 3column or 2column (with right block) if($pagelayout["layout_type"] == 0 || $pagelayout["layout_type"] == 2) { $content["all"] .= '
\n"; } //main block $content["all"] .= '
\n"; //footer DIV if($block["footertext"] || $pagelayout['layout_footer_height']) { $content["all"] .= '
\n"; } //contentContainer DIV end if($pagelayout['additional_wrap_div']) { $content["all"] .= "
"; } $content["all"] .= "
\n"; break; case 2: //create the page layout based only on the content of main block $content["all"] = $block["maintext"]; break; } } elseif ($aktion[2] == 1) { //if print layout should be shown $_print_tmpl = PRINT_PDF ? 'pdf' : 'print'; $content['all'] = is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/'.$_print_tmpl.'.tmpl') ? @file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/'.$_print_tmpl.'.tmpl') : '{CONTENT}
{CURRENT_URL}'; if(PRINT_PDF) { $_print_settings = get_tmpl_section('PDF_SETTINGS', $content['all']); $content['all'] = replace_tmpl_section('PDF_SETTINGS', $content['all']); $_print_settings = parse_ini_str($_print_settings, false); } if($content['all']) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{CURRENT_URL}', abs_url(), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $block["maintext"], $content["all"]); } else { $content['all'] = $block["maintext"]; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Render possible PHP Values in category or article keyword field $content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"] = render_PHPcode($content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"]); if(!empty($content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"]) && strpos($content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"], 'PHP') !== FALSE) { $content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"] = render_PHPcode($content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // put in the complete rendered content $content["all"] = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $content["main"], $content["all"]); // put in custom rendered content foreach($content['CB'] as $key => $value) { //first check content of custom block in current template if(isset($block['customblock_'.$key]) && $block['customblock_'.$key] !== '' && $value !== '') { $value = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $value, $block['customblock_'.$key]); } $content["all"] = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $value, $content["all"]); } // render Tab replacement code if(count($content['cptab'])) { foreach($content['cptab'] as $CNT_TAB => $trow) { $content['all'] = str_replace('', $trow, $content['all']); } } // check layout for list mode sections or detail view if(strpos($content['all'], '_LIST_MODE')) { $content['all'] = replace_tmpl_section( ($content['list_mode'] ? 'ELSE_LIST_MODE' : 'IF_LIST_MODE') , $content['all']); $content['all'] = str_replace(array('', '', '', ''), '', $content['all']); } // Initial Render Device $content['all'] = render_device($content['all']); // search for specific article ID and or category ID and replace it $content['all'] = str_replace('{CURRENT_ARTICLEID}', $aktion[1], $content['all']); $content['all'] = str_replace('{CURRENT_CATEGORYID}', $aktion[0], $content['all']); // search for level related replacement tags and replace it, sample: {LEVEL2_ID} $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback('/\{LEVEL(\d+)_ID\}/', 'replace_level_id', $content['all']); // {SHOW_CONTENT:MODE,id[,id[,...]]} if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'{SHOW_CONTENT:')===false ) ) { $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{SHOW_CONTENT:(.*?)\}/e', 'showSelectedContent("$1");', $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // include external PHP script (also normal HTML snippets) or return PHP var value if(strpos($content["all"],'PHP') !== false) { $content["all"] = render_PHPcode($content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //breadcrumb replacement if(strpos($content["all"],'{BREADCRUMB') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{BREADCRUMB}', '{BREADCRUMB:0}', $content["all"]); $replace = 'breadcrumb($content["cat_id"], $content["struct"], $1, $template_default["breadcrumb_spacer"]);'; $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BREADCRUMB:(\d+)\}/e', $replace, $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple row based navigation if(strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_ROW') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_ROW}', nav_level_row(0), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_ROW:(\w+|\d+):(0|1)\}/e',"nav_level_row('$1',$2);",$content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple Navigation table if(strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_TABLE_SIMPLE}') !== false) { $replace = nav_table_simple_struct($content["struct"], $content["cat_id"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_TABLE_SIMPLE}', $replace, $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Left table based rollover navigation if(strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN}', '{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:0}', $content["all"]); $replace = 'nav_table_struct($content["struct"], $content["cat_id"], "$1", $template_default["nav_table_struct"]);'; $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:(\d+)\}/e', $replace, $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // some list based navigations if(strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_LIST') !== false) { //reads all active category IDs beginning with the current cat ID - without HOME $content["cat_path"] = get_active_categories($content["struct"], $content["cat_id"]); // some general list replacements first $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_LIST}', '{NAV_LIST:0}', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_LIST_TOP}', css_level_list($content["struct"], $content["cat_path"], 0, '', 1), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_LIST_CURRENT}', css_level_list($content["struct"],$content["cat_path"],$content["cat_id"]), $content["all"]); // build complete menu structure starting at a specific ID // {NAV_LIST_UL:Parameter} Parameter: "menu_type, start_id, class_path, class_active, ul_id_name" $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST_UL:(.*?)\}/e', 'buildCascadingMenu("$1");', $content["all"]); // list based navigation starting at given level $replace = 'nav_list_struct($content["struct"],$content["cat_id"],"$1", "$2");'; $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST:(\d+):{0,1}(.*){0,1}\}/e', $replace, $content["all"]); // List based navigation with Top Level - default settings // creates a list styled top nav menu, + optional Home | {NAV_LIST_TOP:home_name:class_name} | default class name = list_top $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST_TOP:(.*?):(.*?)\}/e', 'css_level_list($content["struct"], $content["cat_path"], 0, "$1", 1, "$2")', $content["all"]); // List based navigation with Top Level - default settings // creates a list styled nav menu of current level {NAV_LIST_CURRENT:1:back_name:class_name} | default class name = list_top $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST_CURRENT:(\d+):(.*?):(.*?)\}/e', 'css_level_list($content["struct"],$content["cat_path"],$content["cat_id"],"$2","$1","$3")', $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // date replacement if(strpos($content["all"],'{DATE_') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{DATE_LONG}', international_date_format($template_default["date"]["language"], $template_default["date"]["long"]), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{DATE_MEDIUM}', international_date_format($template_default["date"]["language"], $template_default["date"]["medium"]), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{DATE_SHORT}', international_date_format($template_default["date"]["language"], $template_default["date"]["short"]), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{DATE_ARTICLE}', international_date_format($template_default["date"]["language"], $template_default["date"]["article"], $content["article_date"]), $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // time replacement if(strpos($content["all"],'{TIME_') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{TIME_LONG}', date($template_default["time"]["long"]) , $content["all"] ); $content["all"] = str_replace('{TIME_SHORT}', date($template_default["time"]["short"]), $content["all"] ); $content["all"] = str_replace('{TIME_ARTICLE}', date($template_default["time"]["short"] , $content["article_date"]), $content["all"] ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // replace custom search form input field and action with right target if(strpos($content["all"],'###search_input_action') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('###search_input_field###', 'search_input_field', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('###search_input_value###', (empty($content["search_word"]) ? '' : $content["search_word"]), $content["all"]); // create serahc form action if(strpos($content["all"],'###search_input_action:') !== false) { $content["all"] = preg_replace('/###search_input_action:(\d+)###/e','get_search_action("$1", $db);', $content["all"]); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // related articles based on keywords, inspired by Magnar Stav Johanssen if(strpos($content["all"],'{RELATED:') !== false) { if (!$no_content_for_this_page && !empty($content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"])) { $related_keywords = $content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"]; } else { $related_keywords = ''; } $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{RELATED:(\d+)\}/e','get_related_articles($related_keywords,$aktion[1],$template_default["related"],"$1",$db);',$content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{RELATED:(\d+):(.*?)\}/e','get_related_articles("$2",$aktion[1],$template_default["related"],"$1",$db);',$content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // all new article list sorted by date if(strpos($content["all"],'{NEW:') !== false) { $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NEW:(\d+):{0,1}(\d+){0,1}\}/e','get_new_articles($template_default["news"],"$1","$2",$db);',$content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // some more general parsing $content["all"] = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{RSSIMG}', $template_default["rss"]["image"], $content["all"]); $content["all"] = html_parser($content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\[img=(\d+)(.*?){0,1}\](.*?)\[\/img\]/i', 'parse_images', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\[img=(\d+)(.*?){0,1}\]/i', 'parse_images', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\[download=(.*?)\/\]/i', 'parse_downloads', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\[download=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/download\]/is', 'parse_downloads', $content["all"]); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // create link to articles for found keywords $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{KEYWORD:(.*?)\}/e', 'get_keyword_link("$1", $db);', $content["all"]); //} // ------------------------------------------------------------- // include external HTML page but only part between $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\{URL:(.*?)\}/i', 'include_url', $content["all"]); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // special browse the content links: UP, NEXT, PREVIOUS // echo get_index_link_up('UP')." | ".get_index_link_prev('PREV',1).' | '.get_index_link_next('NEXT',1); if(strpos($content["all"],'{BROWSE:') !== false) { $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BROWSE:UP:(.*?)\}/e','get_index_link_up("$1");',$content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BROWSE:NEXT:(.*?):(0|1)\}/e','get_index_link_next("$1",$2);',$content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BROWSE:PREV:(.*?):(0|1)\}/e','get_index_link_prev("$1",$2);',$content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // replace all "hardcoded" global replacement tags if(count($content['globalRT'])) { foreach($content['globalRT'] as $key => $value) { if($key != '') { $content["all"] = str_replace($key, $value, $content["all"]); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // add possible redirection code (article summary) to $block["htmlhead"]; $block["htmlhead"] = $content["redirect"]["code"] . render_PHPcode($block["htmlhead"]) . LF; // ------------------------------------------------------------- if(!defined('PHPWCMS_ALIAS')) { define('PHPWCMS_ALIAS', empty($content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_alias']) ? '' : $content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_alias'] ); } // try to include custom functions and replacement tags or what you want to do at this point of the script // default dir: "phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render"; only *.php files are allowed there if($phpwcms["allow_ext_render"]) { if(count($custom_includes = get_tmpl_files(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_script/frontend_render', 'php'))) { foreach($custom_includes as $value) { include_once(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_script/frontend_render/'.$value); } } } if(count($phpwcms['modules_fe_render'])) { foreach($phpwcms['modules_fe_render'] as $value) { include_once($value); } } // Final Render Device $content['all'] = render_device($content['all']); // render frontend edit related content and JavaScript if(FE_EDIT_LINK) { init_frontend_edit_js(); $content['all'] .= LF . '' . 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' (r'.PHPWCMS_REVISION.')'; set_meta('generator', 'phpwcms '.$phpwcms["generator"]); // replace Print URL if(strpos($content["all"], '[PRINT]') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('[PRINT]', '', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('[/PRINT]', '', $content["all"]); } if(strpos($content["all"], '[PRINT_PDF]') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('[PRINT_PDF]', '', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('[/PRINT_PDF]', '', $content["all"]); } // some article related "global" replacement tags if(isset($content['article_livedate'])) { $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'AUTHOR', html_specialchars($content['article_username'])); $content['all'] = render_cnt_date($content['all'], $content["article_date"], $content['article_livedate'], $content['article_killdate']); $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CATEGORY', $content['cat']); } else { $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'AUTHOR', ''); $content['all'] = render_cnt_date($content['all'], now(), now(), now()); $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CATEGORY', html_specialchars($content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_name'])); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // render JavaScript Plugins and/or JavaScript scripts that should be loaded in $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback('//s', 'renderHeadJS', $content['all']); $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback('//s', 'renderHeadCSS', $content['all']); // test for frontend.js if(!isset($GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['frontend.js']) && preg_match('/MM_swapImage|BookMark_Page|clickZoom|mailtoLink/', $content['all'])) { initFrontendJS(); } //check for additional template based onLoad JavaScript Code if($block["jsonload"]) { if(empty($pagelayout["layout_jsonload"])) { $pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] = ''; } else { $pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] .= ';'; } $pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] = convertStringToArray($pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] . $block["jsonload"], ';'); $block['js_ondomready'][] = ' ' . implode(';'.LF.' 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';'; $pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] = ''; } // set OnLoad (DomReady) JavaScript if(count($block['js_ondomready'])) { jsOnDomReady(implode(LF, $block['js_ondomready'])); } // set OnUnLoad JavaScript if(count($block['js_onunload'])) { jsOnUnLoad(implode(LF, $block['js_onunload'])); } // set Inline JS if(count($block['js_inline'])) { $block['custom_htmlhead']['inline'] = ' '; } if(!empty($_GET['highlight'])) { $highlight_words = clean_slweg(rawurldecode($_GET['highlight'])); $highlight_words = explode(' ', $highlight_words); $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback("/(.*?)/si", "pregReplaceHighlightWrapper", $content['all']); } $content['all'] = str_replace(array('', ''), '', $content['all']); // render content part pagination if(!empty($_CpPaginate)) { $content['all'] = str_replace(array('', ''), '', $content['all']); unset($_getVar['aid'], $_getVar['id']); $content['CpPaginateNaviGET'] = returnGlobalGET_QueryString('htmlentities', array(), defined('PHPWCMS_ALIAS') ? array(PHPWCMS_ALIAS) : array()); if(!empty($content['CpPaginateNaviGET']) && $content['CpPaginateNaviGET']{0} == '?') { $content['CpPaginateNaviGET'] = '&'.substr($content['CpPaginateNaviGET'], 1); } // first build [1][2][3] paginate pages if(strpos($content['all'], '{CP_PAGINATE}')) { $content['CpPaginateNavi'] = array(); foreach($content['CpPages'] as $key => $value) { $content['CpPaginateNavi'][ $key ] = ' '.$value.''; } $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE', implode(LF, $content['CpPaginateNavi'])); } // is there PREV if(in_array($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ] - 1, $content['CpPages'])) { $key = array_search($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ] - 1, $content['CpPages']); $value = 'index.php?aid='.$aktion[1]; if($key) { $value .= '-'.$key; } $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE_PREV', $value); } else { $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE_PREV'); } // is there NEXT if(in_array($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ] + 1, $content['CpPages'])) { $key = array_search($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ] + 1, $content['CpPages']); $value = 'index.php?aid='.$aktion[1]; if($key) { $value .= '-'.$key; } $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE_NEXT', $value); } else { $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE_NEXT'); } // search for content part pagination title menu if(strpos($content['all'], '[CP_PAGINATE_MENU')) { /** * search for custom cp menu parameters * * [0] => item_prefix * [1] => item_suffix * [2] => active_class * [3] => hide_active * [4] => menu_prefix * [5] => menu_suffix */ if( preg_match('/\[CP_PAGINATE_MENU:(.*?)\]/', $content['all'], $match) ) { $content['all'] = str_replace($match[0], '[CP_PAGINATE_MENU]', $content['all']); $content['CpTitleParams'] = explode('|', $match[1]); if(!isset($content['CpTitleParams'][1])) { $content['CpTitleParams'][1] = ''; } $content['CpTitleParams'][2] = empty($content['CpTitleParams'][2]) ? '' : trim($content['CpTitleParams'][2]); $content['CpTitleParams'][3] = empty($content['CpTitleParams'][3]) ? 0 : 1 ; $content['CpTitleParams'][4] = ''; $content['CpTitleParams'][5] = ''; } else { $content['CpTitleParams'][0] = '
  • '; $content['CpTitleParams'][1] = '
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") AND acat_alias != ''"; } if(count($all_aid)) { $sql_aid = "SELECT 'aid' AS alias_type, article_cid AS id, article_id AS aid, article_alias AS alias FROM ".DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_article '; $sql_aid .= 'WHERE article_id IN (' . implode(',', $all_aid) . ") AND article_alias != ''"; } if($sql_id && $sql_aid) { $sql = '(' . $sql_id . ') UNION (' . $sql_aid . ')'; } else { $sql = $sql_id . $sql_aid ; } $match = _dbQuery($sql); if(isset($match[0])) { foreach($match as $value) { $value['alias'] = html_specialchars($value['alias']); if($value['alias_type'] == 'id') { $content['all'] = str_replace('index.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '"', 'index.php?' . $value['alias'] . '"', $content['all']); $content['all'] = str_replace('index.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '&', 'index.php?' . $value['alias'] . '&', $content['all']); } else { $content['all'] = str_replace('index.php?aid=' . $value['aid'] . '"', 'index.php?' . $value['alias'] . '"', $content['all']); $content['all'] = str_replace('index.php?aid=' . $value['aid'] . '&', 'index.php?' . $value['alias'] . '&', $content['all']); } // search also for id=0,0,... if( $old_style == true ) { $value['id'] = $value['id'] . ',' . $value['aid'] . ',0,1,0,0'; $content['all'] = str_replace('index.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '"', 'index.php?' . $value['alias'] . '"', $content['all']); $content['all'] = str_replace('index.php?id=' . $value['id'] . '&', 'index.php?' . $value['alias'] . '&', $content['all']); } } } } // Global parsing for i18 @@Text@@ replacements if(!empty($phpwcms['i18n_parse'])) { $content['all'] = i18n_substitute_text($content['all']); $content["pagetitle"] = i18n_substitute_text($content['pagetitle']); } // Replace all deprecated GT Mod tags if(!empty($phpwcms['gt_mod']) && strpos($content["all"], '{GT') !== false) { function deprecated_get_gt_by_style($matches) { return '' . $matches[2] . ''; } $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\{GT:(.+?)\}(.*?)\{\/GT\}/is', 'deprecated_get_gt_by_style', $content["all"]); } ?>