// All rights reserved. This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts. This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script! *************************************************************************************/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // obligate check for phpwcms constants if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) { die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day."); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- $sql = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_tstamp) AS article_date, "; $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_begin) AS article_livedate, "; $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_end) AS article_killdate "; $sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article ar LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecat ac ON "; $sql .= "ar.article_cid = ac.acat_id WHERE "; $sql .= "ar.article_id=".$aktion[1]." AND "; // VISIBLE_MODE: 0 = frontend (all) mode, 1 = article user mode, 2 = admin user mode switch(VISIBLE_MODE) { case 0: $sql .= "ar.article_public=1 AND "; $sql .= "ar.article_aktiv=1 AND "; break; case 1: $sql .= "ar.article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]." AND "; break; } $sql .= "ar.article_deleted=0 AND ar.article_begin sofort Datenbankverbindung kappen mysql_free_result($result); // now try to retrieve alias article information if($row["article_aliasid"]) { $alias_sql = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_tstamp) AS article_date, "; $alias_sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_begin) AS article_livedate, "; $alias_sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_end) AS article_killdate "; $alias_sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article "; $alias_sql .= "WHERE article_deleted=0 AND article_id=".intval($row["article_aliasid"]); if(!$row["article_headerdata"]) { switch(VISIBLE_MODE) { case 0: $alias_sql .= " AND article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1"; break; case 1: $alias_sql .= " AND article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]; break; } $alias_sql .= " AND article_begin < NOW() AND article_end > NOW()"; } $alias_sql .= " AND article_deleted=0 LIMIT 1"; if($alias_result = mysql_query($alias_sql, $db)) { if($alias_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($alias_result)) { $row["article_id"] = $alias_row["article_id"]; // use alias article header data if(!$row["article_headerdata"]) { $row["article_title"] = $alias_row["article_title"]; $row["article_subtitle"] = $alias_row["article_subtitle"]; $row["article_keyword"] = $alias_row["article_keyword"]; $row["article_summary"] = $alias_row["article_summary"]; $row["article_redirect"] = $alias_row["article_redirect"]; $row["article_date"] = $alias_row["article_date"]; $row["article_image"] = $alias_row["article_image"]; $row["article_pagetitle"] = $alias_row["article_pagetitle"]; $row['article_description'] = $alias_row['article_description']; } } mysql_free_result($alias_result); } } //Kategoriebezeichner $article['cat'] = $content['struct'][$row["article_cid"]]['acat_name']; //redirection definition if($row["article_redirect"]) { $row["article_redirect"] = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $row["article_redirect"]); $content["redirect"] = explode(' ', $row["article_redirect"]); $content["redirect"]["link"] = $content["redirect"][0]; $content["redirect"]["target"] = isset($content["redirect"][1]) ? $content["redirect"][1] : ''; $content["redirect"]["timeout"] = isset($content["redirect"][2]) ? intval($content["redirect"][2]) : 0; //check how to redirect - new window or self window if( !$content["redirect"]["target"] || $content["redirect"]["target"] == "_self" || $content["redirect"]["target"] == "_top" || $content["redirect"]["target"] == "_parent") { // direct redirection in the same window headerRedirect($content["redirect"]["link"], 301); } else { // redirection by using a special html head part $content["redirect"]["code"] = LF . ' ' . LF; $content["redirect"]["code"] .= ' ' . LF; } } // UNIQUE article ID as used for teaser content part if(!isset($content['UNIQUE_ALINK'])) { $content['UNIQUE_ALINK'] = array(); } $content['UNIQUE_ALINK'][ $row["article_id"] ] = $row["article_id"]; //set cache timeout for this article if($row['article_cache'] != '') { $phpwcms['cache_timeout'] = $row['article_cache']; } //get value for article search (on/off) if($row['article_nosearch'] != '') { $cache_searchable = '1'; } //check if article has custom pagetitle if(!empty($row["article_pagetitle"])) { $content["pagetitle"] = $row["article_pagetitle"]; } else { $content["pagetitle"] = setPageTitle($content["pagetitle"], $article['cat'], $row["article_title"]); } // check description if(!empty($row['article_description'])) { set_meta('description', $row['article_description']); } $content['all_keywords'] = $row['article_keyword']; if(!empty($template_default['article_render_anchor'])) { $content["main"] .= ''; } // enable frontend edit link $content["main"] .= getFrontendEditLink('article', $row["article_id"]); $content["main"] .= getFrontendEditLink('summary', $row["article_id"]); // only copy the catname to a special var for multiple for use in any block $content["cat"] = html_specialchars($article["cat"]); $content["cat_id"] = $aktion[0] = $row["article_cid"]; //set category ID to actual category value $content["article_id"] = $row["article_id"]; $content["summary"] = ''; $content['article_title'] = $row["article_title"]; $content['article_summary'] = $row["article_summary"]; $content["article_date"] = $row["article_date"]; // article date $content["article_created"] = $row["article_created"]; // article created $content['article_livedate'] = $row['article_livedate']; $content['article_killdate'] = $row['article_killdate']; $content['article_username'] = $row["article_username"]; //retrieve image info $row["article_image"] = unserialize($row["article_image"]); $caption = getImageCaption($row["article_image"]["caption"]); $row["article_image"]["caption"] = $caption[0]; $row["article_image"]["copyright"] = $caption[4]; //build image/image link $thumb_image = false; $thumb_img = ''; $popup_img = ''; $img_thumb_name = ''; $img_thumb_rel = ''; $img_thumb_abs = ''; $img_thumb_width = 0; $img_thumb_height = 0; $img_zoom_name = ''; $img_zoom_rel = ''; $img_zoom_abs = ''; $img_zoom_width = 0; $img_zoom_height = 0; if(!empty($row["article_image"]["hash"])) { $thumb_image = get_cached_image( array( "target_ext" => $row["article_image"]['ext'], "image_name" => $row["article_image"]['hash'] . '.' . $row["article_image"]['ext'], "max_width" => $row["article_image"]['width'], "max_height" => $row["article_image"]['height'], "thumb_name" => md5($row["article_image"]['hash'].$row["article_image"]['width'].$row["article_image"]['height'].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"]) )); if($thumb_image != false) { $thumb_img = ''; $img_thumb_name = $thumb_image[0]; $img_thumb_rel = PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$thumb_image[0]; $img_thumb_abs = PHPWCMS_URL.PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$thumb_image[0]; $img_thumb_width = $thumb_image[1]; $img_thumb_height = $thumb_image[2]; if($row["article_image"]["zoom"]) { $zoominfo = get_cached_image( array( "target_ext" => $row["article_image"]['ext'], "image_name" => $row["article_image"]['hash'] . '.' . $row["article_image"]['ext'], "max_width" => $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_width"], "max_height" => $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_height"], "thumb_name" => md5($row["article_image"]['hash'].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_width"].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_height"].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"]) )); if($zoominfo != false) { $img_zoom_name = $zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_rel = PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_abs = PHPWCMS_URL.PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_width = $zoominfo[1]; $img_zoom_height = $zoominfo[2]; $popup_img = 'image_zoom.php?'.getClickZoomImageParameter($zoominfo[0].'?'.$zoominfo[3]); if(!empty($caption[2][0])) { $open_link = $caption[2][0]; $return_false = ''; } else { $open_link = $popup_img; $return_false = 'return false;'; } if(empty($row["article_image"]["lightbox"])) { $thumb_href = ''; $popup_img = $thumb_img; } } else { if($caption[2][0]) { $thumb_img = ''.$thumb_img.''; } } } } else { $row["article_image"]['id'] = 0; $row["article_image"]['hash'] = ''; } // make some elementary checks regarding content part pagination $_CpPaginate = false; if($row['article_paginate'] && $aktion[2] != 1) { // no pagination in print mode // use an IF because acontent_paginate_page=1 is the same as acontent_paginate_page=0 $sql_cnt = "SELECT DISTINCT IF(acontent_paginate_page=1, 0, acontent_paginate_page) AS acontent_paginate_page, "; $sql_cnt .= "acontent_paginate_title "; $sql_cnt .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecontent WHERE "; $sql_cnt .= "acontent_aid=".$row["article_id"]." AND acontent_visible=1 AND acontent_trash=0 "; if( !FEUSER_LOGIN_STATUS ) { $sql_cnt .= 'AND acontent_granted=0 '; } $sql_cnt .= "AND acontent_block IN ('', 'CONTENT') ORDER BY acontent_paginate_page DESC"; $sql_cnt = _dbQuery($sql_cnt); if(($paginate_count = count($sql_cnt)) > 1) { $content['CpPages'] = array(); $content['CpPageTitles'] = array(); $_CpPaginate = true; foreach($sql_cnt as $crow) { $content['CpPages'][ $crow['acontent_paginate_page'] ] = $paginate_count; // set page numbers // set content part pagination title if(!isset($content['CpPageTitles'][ $crow['acontent_paginate_page'] ])) { $content['CpPageTitles'][ $crow['acontent_paginate_page'] ] = $crow['acontent_paginate_title'] == '' ? '#'.$paginate_count : $crow['acontent_paginate_title']; // check if content part title is set but starts with '#' } elseif(isset($content['CpPageTitles'][ $crow['acontent_paginate_page'] ]) && $crow['acontent_paginate_title'] != '' && $content['CpPageTitles'][ $crow['acontent_paginate_page'] ]{0} == '#') { $content['CpPageTitles'][ $crow['acontent_paginate_page'] ] = $crow['acontent_paginate_title']; } $paginate_count--; } $content['CpPages'] = array_reverse($content['CpPages'], true); $content['CpPageTitles'] = array_reverse($content['CpPageTitles'], true); // check if given cp paginate page is valid, and reset to page 1 (=0) // same happens for 1 because this will always be used like it is 0 if(!isset($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ])) { $content['aId_CpPage'] = 0; } } else { $content['aId_CpPage'] = 0; } } // check for custom full article summary template if(!empty($row["article_image"]['tmplfull']) && $row["article_image"]['tmplfull']!='default' && is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/articlesummary/article/'.$row["article_image"]['tmplfull'])) { // try to read the template files if($_CpPaginate && $content['aId_CpPage'] > 1 && is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/articlesummary/article/paginate/'.$row["article_image"]['tmplfull'])) { // check for default cp paginate template $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/articlesummary/article/paginate/'.$row["article_image"]['tmplfull']); } else { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/articlesummary/article/'.$row["article_image"]['tmplfull']); } } elseif(is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/article_summary.tmpl')) { // load default template if($_CpPaginate && $content['aId_CpPage'] > 1 && is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/article_summary_paginate.tmpl')) { // check for default cp paginate template $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/article_summary_paginate.tmpl'); } else { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/article_summary.tmpl'); } } else { // template fallback if($_CpPaginate && $content['aId_CpPage'] > 1) { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = '[TITLE]


[/TITLE]'.LF.''.LF; $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] .= '
'.LF; $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] .= ' [CP_PAGINATE_PREV]Previous[/CP_PAGINATE_PREV]'.LF; $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] .= ' [CP_PAGINATE]{CP_PAGINATE}[/CP_PAGINATE]'.LF; $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] .= ' [CP_PAGINATE_NEXT]Previous[/CP_PAGINATE_NEXT]'.LF; $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] .= '
'; } else { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = '[TITLE]




'.LF.'[/SUB]'; $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] .= '[SUMMARY][IMAGE]{IMAGE}'; $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] .= '[CAPTION]
'.LF.'[/IMAGE]{SUMMARY}'.LF.'[/SUMMARY]'; } } //rendering if($row["article_image"]['tmplfull']) { // replace thumbnail and zoom image information $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = str_replace( array( '{THUMB_NAME}', '{THUMB_REL}', '{THUMB_ABS}', '{THUMB_WIDTH}', '{THUMB_HEIGHT}', '{IMAGE_NAME}', '{IMAGE_REL}', '{IMAGE_ABS}', '{IMAGE_WIDTH}', '{IMAGE_HEIGHT}', '{IMAGE_ID}', '{IMAGE_HASH}' ), array( $img_thumb_name, $img_thumb_rel, $img_thumb_abs, $img_thumb_width, $img_thumb_height, $img_zoom_name, $img_zoom_rel, $img_zoom_abs, $img_zoom_width, $img_zoom_height, $row["article_image"]['id'], $row["article_image"]['hash'] ), $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] ); // check if TITLE should be hidden if(!$row["article_notitle"]) { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'TITLE', html_specialchars($row["article_title"])); } else { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = replace_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'TITLE', ''); } $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'SUB', html_specialchars($row["article_subtitle"])); $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'EDITOR', html_specialchars($row["article_username"])); // when "hide summary" is enabled replace everything between [SUMMARY][/SUMMARY] if(!$row["article_hidesummary"]) { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'SUMMARY', $row["article_summary"]); } else { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = replace_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'SUMMARY', ''); } $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'IMAGE', $thumb_img); $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'CAPTION', nl2br(html_specialchars($row["article_image"]["caption"]))); $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'COPYRIGHT', html_specialchars($row["article_image"]["copyright"])); $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_date($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], $content["article_date"], $row['article_livedate'], $row['article_killdate']); $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = render_cnt_template($row["article_image"]['tmplfull'], 'ZOOMIMAGE', $popup_img); $content["summary"] .= $row["article_image"]['tmplfull']; $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = 1; } else { $row["article_image"]['tmplfull'] = 0; } if($content["summary"]) { $content["main"] .= $content["summary"]; $content["main"] .= $template_default["article"]["head_after"]; } // render content parts $sql_cnt = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecontent WHERE acontent_aid=".$row["article_id"]." "; $sql_cnt .= "AND acontent_visible=1 AND acontent_trash=0 "; if( !FEUSER_LOGIN_STATUS ) { $sql_cnt .= 'AND acontent_granted=0 '; } $sql_cnt .= "ORDER BY acontent_sorting, acontent_id"; $cresult = _dbQuery($sql_cnt); foreach($cresult as $crow) { // check for article content part pagination if($_CpPaginate && ($crow['acontent_block'] == 'CONTENT' || $crow['acontent_block'] == '')) { // now check which content part should be rendered... // first - cp page 0 OR 1 = 1st page and the same if(($content['aId_CpPage'] == 0 || $content['aId_CpPage'] == 1) && ($crow['acontent_paginate_page'] == 0 || $crow['acontent_paginate_page'] == 1)) { // then compare if selected page is same as paginate page } elseif($content['aId_CpPage'] == $crow['acontent_paginate_page']) { // hm, do not render current content part } else { continue; } } // if type of content part not enabled available if(!isset($wcs_content_type[ $crow["acontent_type"] ]) || ($crow["acontent_type"] == 30 && !isset($phpwcms['modules'][$crow["acontent_module"]]))) { continue; } // do everything neccessary for alias content part if($crow["acontent_type"] == 24) { $crow = getContentPartAlias($crow); } // every article content will be rendered into temp var $CNT_TMP = ''; // each content part will get an anchor if($crow["acontent_anchor"]) { $CNT_TMP .= ''; } // Space before if($crow["acontent_before"]) { if(!empty($template_default["article"]["div_spacer"])) { $CNT_TMP .= '
'; } else { $CNT_TMP .= '
'.spacer(1,$crow["acontent_before"]); } } // set frontend edit link $CNT_TMP .= getFrontendEditLink('CP', $crow['acontent_aid'], $crow['acontent_id']); // include content part code section if($crow["acontent_type"] != 30) { @include(PHPWCMS_ROOT."/include/inc_front/content/cnt".$crow["acontent_type"].".article.inc.php"); } elseif($crow["acontent_type"] == 30 && is_file($phpwcms['modules'][$crow["acontent_module"]]['path'].'inc/cnt.article.php')) { $CNT_TMP .= getFrontendEditLink('module', $phpwcms['modules'][$crow["acontent_module"]]['name']); // now try to include module content part code include($phpwcms['modules'][$crow["acontent_module"]]['path'].'inc/cnt.article.php'); } // check if top link should be shown $CNT_TMP .= getContentPartTopLink($crow["acontent_top"]); // Space after if($crow["acontent_after"]) { if(!empty($template_default["article"]["div_spacer"])) { $CNT_TMP .= '
'; } else { $CNT_TMP .= '
'.spacer(1,$crow["acontent_after"]); } } // Maybe content part ID should b used inside templates or for something different $CNT_TMP = str_replace( array('[%CPID%]', '{CPID}'), $crow["acontent_id"], $CNT_TMP ); // trigger content part functions $CNT_TMP = trigger_cp($CNT_TMP, $crow); //check if PHP replacent tags are allowed for content if(empty($phpwcms["allow_cntPHP_rt"])) { $CNT_TMP = remove_unsecure_rptags($CNT_TMP); } // wrap tab if(!empty($crow['acontent_tab'])) { $crow['acontent_tab'] = explode('_', $crow['acontent_tab'], 2); $crow['acontent_tab']['num'] = intval($crow['acontent_tab'][0]); $crow['acontent_tab']['title'] = empty($crow['acontent_tab'][1]) ? '@@TabTitle@@' : $crow['acontent_tab'][1]; // create a unique Tab ID based on title, content block and section $CNT_TAB = 'TABBOX-' . md5($crow['acontent_block'] . $crow['acontent_tab']['num']); $CNT_TAB_ID = 'TAB-' . md5($crow['acontent_tab']['title'].$crow['acontent_block']); $CNT_TAB_TMP = $CNT_TMP; // check if Tab ID is registered if(!isset($content['cptab'][$CNT_TAB])) { $content['cptab'][$CNT_TAB] = array(); // write Tab Block Replacer $CNT_TMP = ''; } else { $CNT_TMP = ''; } if(!isset($content['cptab'][$CNT_TAB][$CNT_TAB_ID])) { $content['cptab'][$CNT_TAB][$CNT_TAB_ID] = array( 'title' => $crow['acontent_tab']['title'], 'content' => '' ); } $content['cptab'][$CNT_TAB][$CNT_TAB_ID]['content'] .= $CNT_TAB_TMP; } // now add rendered content part to right frontend content // var given by block -> $content['CB'][$crow['acontent_block']] if($crow['acontent_block'] == 'CONTENT' || $crow['acontent_block'] == '') { // default content block $content["main"] .= $CNT_TMP; } else { // check if content block var is set if(!isset($content['CB'][$crow['acontent_block']])) { $content['CB'][$crow['acontent_block']] = ''; } $content['CB'][$crow['acontent_block']] .= $CNT_TMP; } } // render Tabs $tab_counter = 0; foreach($content['cptab'] as $CNT_TAB => $trow) { // define helper var $g = array('wrap' => array(), 'cnt' => array(), 'counter' => 1, 'max' => count($trow)); $g['wrap'][] = '
'; $g['wrap'][] = '
    '; foreach($trow as $tabkey => $tabitem) { $tabitem['id'] = 'tab-' . uri_sanitize(strtolower($tabitem['title'])) . $tab_counter; $tabitem['title'] = html_specialchars($tabitem['title']); $tabitem['class'] = ''; if($g['counter'] === 1) { $tabitem['class'] .= ' tab-first'; } if($g['counter'] === $g['max']) { $tabitem['class'] .= ' tab-last'; } $g['wrap'][] = '
  • '.$tabitem['title'].'
  • '; $g['cnt'][] = '
    ' . LF . $tabitem['content'] . LF . '
    '; $tab_counter++; $g['counter']++; } $g['wrap'][] = '
'; $g['wrap'][] = implode(LF, $g['cnt']); $g['wrap'][] = '
'; $g['wrap'][] = '
'; $content['cptab'][$CNT_TAB] = implode(LF, $g['wrap']); } unset($g); } } if(empty($template_default["article"]["div_spacer"])) { $content["main"] = str_replace("\n
", "\n", $content["main"]); $content["main"] = str_replace("
", "", $content["main"]); $content["main"] = str_replace("
", "", $content["main"]); } // set canonical in page section to avoid lower SEO ranking // see: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html if($content['set_canonical']) { if($content['aId_CpPage']) { $content['set_canonical'] = 'aid='.$row["article_id"].'-'.$content['aId_CpPage']; if(!empty($content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_alias'])) { $content['set_canonical'] .= '&'.$content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_alias']; } } else { // set canonical only for single article in this category $content['set_canonical'] = get_structurelevel_single_article_alias($content['cat_id']); } if($content['set_canonical']) { $block['custom_htmlhead']['canonical'] = ' '; } } if(!defined('PHPWCMS_ALIAS') && !empty($row['article_alias'])) { define('PHPWCMS_ALIAS', $row['article_alias']); } ?>