3. MySQL database settings

40100) { $_collation = array(); $_collation_selected = false; echo ''; // make db connect if(empty($db)) { $db = @mysql_connect($phpwcms["db_host"], $phpwcms["db_user"], $phpwcms["db_pass"]); @mysql_select_db($phpwcms["db_table"], $db); } if($result = mysql_query("SHOW COLLATION", $db)) { while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if(in_array($row['Charset'], $mysql_charset_map)) { if($phpwcms['db_collation']==$row['Collation']) { $_collation_selected = true; $_collation[ $row['Charset'] ][ $row['Collation'] ] = true; } else { $_collation[ $row['Charset'] ][ $row['Collation'] ] = false; } } } ksort($_collation); } // warn again if(isset($_collation_warning) && $_collation_warning === true) { echo ''; $_SESSION['admin_set'] = false; } ?> \n"; $_SESSION['admin_set'] = false; } if(isset($db_create_err) && count($db_create_err)) { echo '\n"; $_SESSION['admin_set'] = false; $sql_data = false; $db_sql = false; } elseif(isset($db_create_err) || !empty($db_no_create)) { // OK fine - initial tables were created without error $_db_prepend = ($phpwcms["db_prepend"] ? $phpwcms["db_prepend"].'_' : ''); $check = _dbQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$_db_prepend."phpwcms_%'"); if($check && count($check)) { $sql_data = false; $db_sql = false; $db_fine = true; ?> \n"; } } if(empty($db_fine)) { // show info ?> $value) { $value = trim($value); if(empty($value)) { unset($sql_data[$key]); continue; } $value = html_specialchars($value); $value = str_replace(' ', ' ', $value); $value = nl2br($value); $sql_data[$key] = '

'.$value; if($phpwcms['db_version'] > 40100 && strpos(strtoupper(trim($value)), 'INSERT') !== 0) { $sql_data[$key] .= ' DEFAULT'; $sql_data[$key] .= ' CHARACTER SET '.$phpwcms['db_charset']; $sql_data[$key] .= ' COLLATE '.$phpwcms['db_collation']; } $sql_data[$key] .= ' ;

'; $c++; } $sql_data = implode("\n", $sql_data); echo '\n"; } } // OK now lets create superuser if(!empty($_SESSION['admin_set'])) { ?> \n"; } ?> '; } } ?>
MySQL host:  " size="30" style="width:250px" /> default: localhost
DB user:  " size="30" />  
DB password:  " size="30" />  
DB database:  " size="30" maxlength="255" /> you have to create it before setup!!!
DB table prefix:  default: none (""), if filled in it will be prefix+_
recommend setting is to enable it

4. Charset & MySQL (v) collation settings Info

 '.errorWarning('Proof collation again!').'
MySQL Collation: 

5. Default phpwcms database schema

 '; echo errorWarning('phpwcms tables still exists in choosen database. Rename table prefix might help!'); echo "
 '; echo errorWarning('Errors while creating initial phpwcms tables. Solve it manually:

'.html_specialchars(implode(";\n\n", $db_create_err).';').'

'); echo "

  JuchuFine! All initial phpwcms tables were created or still exists.
 '; echo errorWarning('No phpwcms database table exists. Check before you continue!'); echo ''; echo "
 '; if(empty($_db_prepend_error) && isset($_POST['db_sql_hidden'])) { echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
'; echo $sql_data; echo "

6. Superuser settings

Name:  " size="30" />  default: Webmaster
Admin login:  " size="30" />  default: admin
 '; echo errorWarning('Invalid password! Password is case senitive, empty password not allowed.'); echo "
Admin password:   default: phpwcms
Repeat password:   
Admin email:  " size="30" />  is used site wide
 '; if(!empty($create_user)) { // update echo 'Juchu'; echo 'Done! Account for user '.html_specialchars($phpwcms['admin_user']).' was created.'; echo ''; } if(!empty($update_user)) { // update echo 'Juchu'; echo 'Done! Account of user '.html_specialchars($phpwcms['admin_user']).' was updated.'; echo ''; } if($user_check === false) { // db error echo errorWarning('There is a database problem!'); echo '

Account for user '.html_specialchars($phpwcms['admin_user']).' was not created or updated.
Click continue to try again.

'; $_SESSION['admin_save'] = false; } echo '