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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.7 _r403 (01.11.10)




/include/inc_module/mod_graphical_text/inc_lang/backend/en/ -> lang.inc.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  // Graphical Text MOD
   3  $BL['be_subnav_graphicaltext_mod']                = 'Graphical Text';
   4  $BL['be_gt_button_add']                            = 'Add';
   5  $BL['be_gt_button_update']                        = 'Update';
   6  $BL['be_gt_button_cancel']                        = 'Cancel';
   7  $BL['be_gt_edit_empty_fields']                    = 'Please fill each field!';
   9  // Graphical Text MOD Menu
  10  $BL['be_gt_submenu_home']                        = 'Home';
  11  $BL['be_gt_submenu_fonts']                        = 'Fonts';
  12  $BL['be_gt_submenu_colors']                        = 'Colors';
  13  $BL['be_gt_submenu_styles']                        = 'Styles';
  15  // Graphical Text MOD Home
  16  $BL['be_gt_index_title']                        = 'Graphical Text - Home';
  17  $BL['be_gt_index_summary']                        = 
  18  'This addon enables you to use dynamic graphical text with replacement tags. To do this, you have to perform
  19  the following actions.<br />
  20  <br />
  21  Please upload the fonts that you want to use for your graphical texts into the folder 
  22  <strong>include/inc_module/mod_graphical_text/inc_fonts/</strong>
  23  <br /><br />
  24  Afterwards, please click on the menu entry "Fonts" and add the fonts to the database. Enter a full name
  25  (e.g. "MS Trebuchet") and a short name (e.g. "trebuchet") - the short name will be the key to use the font 
  26  within the replacement tag.<br />
  27  <br />
  28  Fonts that are not added to the database will not be available for use with the replacement tags.<br />
  29  <br />
  30  To use this MOD, you must create a folder "<strong>gt</strong>" into the folder 
  31  <strong>content/</strong> <br />and CHMOD it to 777.<br /><br />
  32  Usage of this tag: <strong>{GT:Style}Text{/GT}</strong><br /><br />
  34  ';
  36  // Fonts
  37  $BL['be_gt_fonts_title']                        = 'Fonts';
  38  $BL['be_gt_font_name']                            = 'Name';
  39  $BL['be_gt_font_shortname']                        = 'Shortname';
  40  $BL['be_gt_font_filename']                        = 'Filename';
  41  $BL['be_gt_font_add']                            = 'Add font';
  42  $BL['be_gt_font_edit']                            = 'Edit font';
  43  $BL["be_gt_font_not_yet_added"]                    = '- not yet added -';
  44  $BL["be_gt_font_back"]                            = 'Back to fonts list';
  46  // Font - Edit
  47  $BL['be_gt_font_edit_title']                    = 'Font-Data';
  49  // Colors
  50  $BL['be_gt_colors_title']                        = 'Color definitions';
  51  $BL['be_gt_colors_name']                        = 'Name';
  52  $BL['be_gt_colors_info']                        = 'Color value';
  53  $BL['be_gt_color_add']                            = 'Add color definition';
  54  $BL['be_gt_color_edit']                            = 'Edit color definition';
  55  $BL['be_gt_color_delete']                        = 'Delete color definition';
  56  $BL['be_gt_color_delete_confirm']                = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this color definition?';
  58  // Color - Edit
  59  $BL['be_gt_color_edit_title']                    = 'Color definition';
  60  $BL['be_gt_color_name']                            = 'Name';
  61  $BL['be_gt_color_info']                            = 'Color value (hex)';
  62  $BL['be_gt_color_back']                            = 'Back to color definition list';
  63  $BL['be_gt_only_six_numbers']                    = 'Please enter a 6 digits value.';
  65  // Styles
  66  $BL['be_gt_styles_title']                        = 'Styles';
  67  $BL['be_gt_styles_name']                        = 'Name';
  68  $BL['be_gt_styles_preview']                        = 'Style properties';
  69  $BL['be_gt_style_add']                            = 'Add style';
  70  $BL['be_gt_style_edit']                            = 'Edit style';
  71  $BL['be_gt_style_delete']                        = 'Delete style';
  72  $BL['be_gt_style_delete_confirm']                = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this style?';
  74  // Styles - Edit
  75  $BL['be_gt_style_edit_title']                    = 'Style';
  76  $BL['be_gt_style_name']                            = 'Name';
  77  $BL['be_gt_output_format']                        = 'Output format';
  78  $BL['be_gt_style_font']                            = 'Font';
  79  $BL['be_gt_style_size']                            = 'Font size';
  80  $BL['be_gt_style_underline']                    = 'Underline';
  81  $BL['be_gt_style_underline_desc']                = '(0 = no underline)';
  82  $BL['be_gt_style_antialiasing']                    = 'Antialiasing';
  83  $BL['be_gt_style_antialiasing_yes']                = 'Yes';
  84  $BL['be_gt_style_antialiasing_no']                = 'No';
  85  $BL['be_gt_style_transparency']                    = 'Transparency';
  86  $BL['be_gt_style_fgcolor']                        = 'Foreground color';
  87  $BL['be_gt_style_bgcolor']                        = 'Background color';
  88  $BL['be_gt_style_back']                            = 'Back to styles list';
  89  $BL['be_gt_style_rotation']                        = 'Rotation';
  90  $BL['be_gt_style_rotation_cw']                    = 'Clockwise (90°)';
  91  $BL['be_gt_style_rotation_ccw']                    = 'Counter clockwise (270°)';
  92  $BL['be_gt_style_rotation_hcw']                    = 'Half Rotation (180°)';
  93  $BL['be_gt_style_rotation_default']                = 'No Rotation (0°)';
  94  $BL['be_gt_style_height']                        = 'Height addition';
  95  ?>

Generated: Tue Nov 16 22:51:00 2010 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7