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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.7 _r403 (01.11.10)




/include/inc_module/mod_ads/setup/ -> setup.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  // do everything in here which is neccessary for module setup
   5  // ceate neccessary db table
   6  $sql = array();
   8  $sql[0] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_ads_formats` (
   9          `adformat_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,
  10          `adformat_created` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  11          `adformat_changed` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  12          `adformat_status` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL ,
  13          `adformat_title` VARCHAR( 25 ) NOT NULL ,
  14          `adformat_width` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL ,
  15          `adformat_height` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL ,
  16          `adformat_comment` TEXT NOT NULL ,
  17          INDEX ( `adformat_status` )
  18          ) TYPE=MyISAM"._dbGetCreateCharsetCollation();
  20  $sql[1] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_ads_campaign` (
  21          `adcampaign_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,
  22          `adcampaign_created` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  23          `adcampaign_changed` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  24          `adcampaign_status` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL ,
  25          `adcampaign_title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
  26          `adcampaign_comment` TEXT NOT NULL ,
  27          `adcampaign_datestart` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  28          `adcampaign_dateend` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  29          `adcampaign_maxview` INT NOT NULL,
  30          `adcampaign_maxclick` INT NOT NULL,
  31          `adcampaign_maxviewuser` INT NOT NULL,
  32          `adcampaign_curview` INT NOT NULL,
  33          `adcampaign_curclick` INT NOT NULL,
  34          `adcampaign_curviewuser` INT NOT NULL,
  35          `adcampaign_type` INT NOT NULL ,
  36          `adcampaign_place` INT NOT NULL ,
  37          `adcampaign_data` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL ,
  38          INDEX ( `adcampaign_status` , `adcampaign_datestart` , `adcampaign_dateend` , `adcampaign_type`, `adcampaign_place`, `adcampaign_maxview`, `adcampaign_maxclick`, `adcampaign_maxviewuser`, `adcampaign_curview`, `adcampaign_curclick`, `adcampaign_curviewuser` )
  39          ) TYPE=MyISAM"._dbGetCreateCharsetCollation();
  41  $sql[2] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_ads_tracking` (
  42          `adtracking_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,
  43          `adtracking_created` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  44          `adtracking_campaignid` INT NOT NULL ,
  45          `adtracking_ip` VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,
  46          `adtracking_cookieid` varchar(50) NOT NULL ,
  47          `adtracking_countclick` INT NOT NULL ,
  48          `adtracking_countview` INT NOT NULL ,
  49          `adtracking_useragent` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
  50          `adtracking_ref` TEXT NOT NULL ,
  51          `adtracking_catid` INT NOT NULL ,
  52          `adtracking_articleid` INT NOT NULL ,
  53          INDEX ( `adtracking_campaignid` , `adtracking_ip` , `adtracking_cookieid` , `adtracking_countclick` , `adtracking_countview` )
  54          ) TYPE=MyISAM"._dbGetCreateCharsetCollation();
  56  $sql[3] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_ads_place` (
  57          `adplace_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ,
  58          `adplace_created` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  59          `adplace_changed` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
  60          `adplace_status` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL ,
  61          `adplace_title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
  62          `adplace_format` INT NOT NULL ,
  63          `adplace_width` INT NOT NULL ,
  64          `adplace_height` INT NOT NULL ,
  65          `adplace_prefix` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
  66          `adplace_suffix` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
  67          INDEX ( `adplace_status` )
  68          ) TYPE=MyISAM"._dbGetCreateCharsetCollation();
  70  $sql[4] = "INSERT INTO `".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_ads_formats` VALUES 
  71          (1, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Leaderboard', 728, 90, ''),
  72          (2, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Banner', 468, 60, ''),
  73          (3, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Small Square', 200, 200, ''),
  74          (4, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Square', 250, 250, ''),
  75          (5, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Medium Rectangle', 300, 250, ''),
  76          (6, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Large Rectangle', 336, 280, ''),
  77          (7, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Skyscraper', 120, 600, ''),
  78          (8, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Wide Skyscraper', 160, 600, ''),
  79          (10, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Half Banner', 234, 60, ''),
  80          (11, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Square Button', 125, 125, ''),
  81          (12, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Small Rectangle', 180, 150, ''),
  82          (13, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Vertical Banner', 120, 240, ''),
  83          (14, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Mini Square', 120, 120, ''),
  84          (15, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Medium Scyscraper', 120, 450, ''),
  85          (16, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Micro Bar', 88, 31, ''),
  86          (17, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Vertical Rectangle', 240, 400, ''),
  87          (18, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Vertical Button', 120, 90, ''),
  88          (19, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Half Mini Square', 120, 60, ''),
  89          (20, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Half Page Ad', 300, 600, ''),
  90          (21, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Universal Flash Layer', 400, 400, ''),
  91          (22, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'PopUp', 250, 300, ''),
  92          (23, NOW(), NOW(), 1, 'Target Button', 120, 150, '')";
  95  // setup inital ad formats
  96  $sql_error = array();
  98  // first create db tables
  99  if(!_dbQuery($sql[0], 'CREATE')) {
 101      $sql_error[0] = '<p class="error">Error creating <b>banner ads formats</b> initial database table: '.html_entities(@mysql_error()).'</p>';
 103  }
 104  if(!_dbQuery($sql[1], 'CREATE')) {
 106      $sql_error[1] = '<p class="error">Error creating <b>banner ads campaign</b> initial database table: '.html_entities(@mysql_error()).'</p>';
 108  }
 109  if(!_dbQuery($sql[2], 'CREATE')) {
 111      $sql_error[2] = '<p class="error">Error creating <b>banner ads tracking</b> initial database table: '.html_entities(@mysql_error()).'</p>';
 113  }
 114  if(!_dbQuery($sql[3], 'CREATE')) {
 116      $sql_error[3] = '<p class="error">Error creating <b>banner ad place</b> initial database table: '.html_entities(@mysql_error()).'</p>';
 118  }
 120  // insert default settings
 121  if(!isset($sql_error[0]) && !_dbQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_ads_formats", 'COUNT')) {
 123      @_dbQuery($sql[4], 'INSERT');
 124      if(@mysql_error()) {
 125          $sql_error[4] = '<p class="error">Error inserting default <b>banner ads formats</b> entries: '.html_entities(@mysql_error()).'</p>';    
 126      }
 127  }
 129  if(!is_dir(PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'ads')) {
 130      // try to create the ads directory
 131      if(!@is_writable(PHPWCMS_CONTENT)) {
 132          @chmod(PHPWCMS_CONTENT, 0777);
 133      }
 134      umask(0);
 135      if(!@mkdir(PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'ads', 0777)) {
 136          $sql_error[5]  = '<p class="error">The necessary folder &quot;ads&quot; does not exist.<br />';
 137          $sql_error[5] .= 'Script was not able to create it here &quot;<strong>'.PHPWCMS_BASEPATH.$phpwcms["content_path"].'</strong>ads&quot; inside of web root directory.</p>';
 138          $sql_error[5] .= '<p class="error"><strong>Check permissions or create missing folder &quot;ads&quot; using FTP client.<br />Set permissions to 777.</strong></p>';
 139      } else {    
 140          // thanks wordpress ;-)
 141          $stat = @stat(dirname(PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'ads'));
 142          @chmod(PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'ads', $stat['mode'] & 0007777);
 143      }
 144  }
 145  if(is_dir(PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'ads') && !file_exists(PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'ads/adtracking.php')) {
 146      if(!copy($phpwcms['modules'][$module]['path'].'setup/adtracking.php', PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'ads/adtracking.php')) {
 147          $sql_error[6]  = '<p class="error">Adtracking file &quot;adtracking.php&quot; could not be written to ';
 148          $sql_error[6] .= '<strong>&quot;'.PHPWCMS_BASEPATH.$phpwcms["content_path"].'ads&quot;</strong>.</p>';
 149      }
 150  }
 154  echo '<p class="title">Banner ads setup</p>';
 156  if(!count($sql_error)) {
 158      echo '<p>All inital db tables and values were created.</p>';
 159      echo '<p>Please delete folder <b>setup</b> which can be found inside the module folder here:<br />';
 160      echo str_replace(PHPWCMS_ROOT, '', $phpwcms['modules'][$module]['path']).'</p>';
 161      if(!is_writable(PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'ads')) {
 162          echo '<p class="error">Before you continue please check permissions of <strong>&quot;'.PHPWCMS_BASEPATH.$phpwcms["content_path"].'ads&quot;</strong>. It has to b set to chmod 777.</p>';
 163      }
 165  } else {
 167      echo implode(LF, $sql_error);
 169  }
 172  ?>

Generated: Tue Nov 16 22:51:00 2010 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7