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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.7 _r403 (01.11.10)




/include/inc_lang/backend/vn/ -> lang.inc.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*************************************************************************************
   3     Copyright notice
   5     (c) 2002-2003 Oliver Georgi (oliver@phpwcms.de) // All rights reserved.
   7     This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is
   8     free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
   9     the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
  10     either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  12     The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
  13     A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
  14     from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
  16     This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
  17     WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  18     PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  20     This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
  21  *************************************************************************************/
  24  // Language: Vietnamese, Language Code: vn 
  25  // created by Nguyen Viet Son : nguyenvietson at gmail dot com
  26  // please use HTML safe strings ONLY,neccessary to reduce processing time
  27  // normal line break:    '&#13', JavaScript Linebreak: '\n'
  30  $BL['usr_online']                       = 'th&#224;nh vi&#234;n tr&#7921;c tuy&#7871;n';
  32  // Login Page
  33  $BL["login_text"]                       = '&#272;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p ';
  34  $BL['login_error']                      = 'L&#7895;i trong qu&#225; tr&#236;nh &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p!';
  35  $BL["login_username"]                   = 't&#234;n s&#7917; d&#7909;ng';
  36  $BL["login_userpass"]                   = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u';
  37  $BL["login_button"]                     = '&#272;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p';
  38  $BL["login_lang"]                       = 'ng&#244;n ng&#7919;';
  39  $BL["login_welcome"]                    = 'Xin ch&#224;o';
  40  $BL["logout_button"]                    = 'Tho&#225;t';
  41  $BL["login_text_welcome"]               = 'Qu&#253; kh&#225;ch &#273;&#227; &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p th&#224;nh c&#244;ng v&#224; ch&#224;o m&#7915;ng &#273;&#7871;n v&#7899;i trang web c&#7911;a V&#259;n ph&#242;ng khu v&#7921;c mi&#7873;n B&#7855;c , T&#7893;ng c&#244;ng ty H&#224;ng kh&#244;ng Vi&#7879;t Nam';
  43  //Search
  44  $BL["search_button"]                    = 'T&#236;m';
  45  $BL["search_text"]                      = 'T&#236;m ki&#7871;m';
  47  //Portal
  48  $BL['new_article_portal']               = 'Th&#234;m tin m&#7899;i';
  49  $BL['remove_article_portal']            = 'G&#7905; b&#7887; tin'    ;
  50  $BL['xemtiep']                          = '<SPAN style = "FONT-SIZE: 7pt; COLOR: #FF0000"><STRONG>chi ti&#7871;t</STRONG></SPAN>';
  51  $BL['be_article_asubtitle_image']       = '&#7842;nh tr&#237;ch d&#7851;n';
  53  //Thu ngo
  54  $BL["thu_ngo"]                            = 'Th&#432; ng&#7887;';
  56  //Tin noi bat
  57  $BL["tinnoibat"]                        = 'Tin n&#7893;i b&#7853;t';
  59  //Tin cho agents va forwarders
  60  $BL["agent"]                            = 'Tin Agents & Forwarders';
  61  //vote
  63  //Noi bo
  64  $BL["noi_bo"]                           = 'N&#7897;i b&#7897;'      ;
  65  $BL['be_admin_struct_be_news']          = 'hi&#7875;n th&#7883; theo ki&#7875;u tin t&#7913;c';
  67  // phpwcms.php
  68  $BL['be_nav_logout']                    = 'THO&#193;T';
  69  $BL['be_nav_articles']                  = 'TIN B&#192;I';
  70  $BL['be_nav_files']                     = 'T&#7878;P';
  71  $BL['be_nav_portal']                    = 'PORTAL';
  72  $BL['be_nav_messages']                  = 'NH&#7854;N TIN';
  73  $BL['be_nav_chat']                      = 'CHAT';
  74  $BL['be_nav_profile']                   = 'C&#193; NH&#194;N';
  75  $BL['be_nav_admin']                     = 'QU&#7842;N TR&#7882;';
  76  $BL['be_nav_discuss']                   = 'TH&#7842;O LU&#7852;N';
  78  $BL['be_page_title']                    = 'Qu&#7843;n tr&#7883; h&#7879; th&#7889;ng';
  80  $BL['be_subnav_article_center']         = 'trang tin';
  81  $BL['be_subnav_article_new']            = 'tin b&#224;i m&#7899;i';
  82  $BL['be_subnav_guestbook']              = 'Guestbook';
  83  $BL['be_subnav_file_center']            = 'h&#7879; th&#7889;ng file';
  84  $BL['be_subnav_file_ftptakeover']       = 'ftp';
  85  $BL['be_subnav_mod_artists']            = 'artist, category, genre';
  86  $BL['be_subnav_msg_center']             = 'Tin nh&#7855;n';
  87  $BL['be_subnav_msg_new']                = 'tin nh&#7855;n m&#7899;i';
  88  $BL['be_subnav_msg_newsletter']         = '&#273;&#259;ng k&#253; th&#432; tin t&#7913;c';
  89  $BL['be_subnav_chat_main']              = 'trang chat ch&#237;nh';
  90  $BL['be_subnav_chat_internal']          = 'chat n&#7897;i b&#7897;';
  91  $BL['be_subnav_profile_login']          = 'th&#244;ng tin &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p';
  92  $BL['be_subnav_profile_personal']       = 'd&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#225; nh&#226;n';
  93  $BL['be_subnav_admin_pagelayout']       = 'trang layout';
  94  $BL['be_subnav_admin_templates']        = 'm&#7851;u trang';
  95  $BL['be_subnav_admin_css']              = 'css m&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh';
  96  $BL['be_subnav_admin_sitestructure']    = 'c&#7845;u tr&#250;c h&#7879; th&#7889;ng';
  97  $BL['be_subnav_admin_vote']                = 'b&#236;nh b&#7847;u';
  98  $BL['be_subnav_admin_users']            = 'qu&#7843;n tr&#7883; th&#224;nh vi&#234;n';
  99  $BL['be_subnav_admin_filecat']          = 'ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i file';
 100  $BL['be_subnav_article_editor']         = 'ki&#7875;m duy&#7879;t tin';
 103  //
 104  $BL['be_article_edited']                = '&#273;&#227; ki&#7875;m duy&#7879;t';
 107  // admin.functions.inc.php
 108  $BL['be_func_struct_articleID']         = 'ID c&#225;c m&#7909;c';
 109  $BL['be_func_struct_preview']           = 'xem tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 110  $BL['be_func_struct_edit']              = 's&#7917;a';
 111  $BL['be_func_struct_sedit']             = 's&#7917;a m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c';
 112  $BL['be_func_struct_cut']               = 'c&#7855;t tin';
 113  $BL['be_func_struct_nocut']             = 'v&#244; hi&#7879;u ho&#225; vi&#7879;c c&#7855;t tin';
 114  $BL['be_func_struct_svisible']          = 'chuy&#7875;n hi&#7875;n th&#7883;/v&#244; h&#236;nh';
 115  $BL['be_func_struct_spublic']           = 'chuy&#7875;n public/kh&#244;ng public';
 116  $BL['be_func_struct_sort_up']           = 's&#7855;p x&#7871;p chi&#7873;u t&#259;ng';
 117  $BL['be_func_struct_sort_down']         = 's&#7855;p x&#7871;p chi&#7873;u gi&#7843;m';
 118  $BL['be_func_struct_del_article']       = 'xo&#225; tin';
 119  $BL['be_func_struct_del_jsmsg']         = 'B&#7841;n c&#243; mu&#7889;n \nxo&#225; tin/m&#7909;c tin n&#224;y kh&#244;ng?'; // "\n" = JavaScript Linebreak
 120  $BL['be_func_struct_new_article']       = 't&#7841;o tin/m&#7909;c tin m&#7899;i';
 121  $BL['be_func_struct_paste_article']     = 'd&#225;n tin';
 122  $BL['be_func_struct_insert_level']      = 'ch&#232;n th&#234;m c&#7845;u tr&#250;c m&#7899;i';
 123  $BL['be_func_struct_paste_level']       = 'd&#225;n c&#7845;u tr&#250;c m&#7899;i';
 124  $BL['be_func_struct_cut_level']         = 'c&#7855;t m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c';
 125  $BL['be_func_struct_no_cut']            = "Kh&#244;ng th&#7875; c&#7855;t m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c g&#7889;c!";
 126  $BL['be_func_struct_no_paste1']         = "Kh&#244;ng th&#7875; d&#225;n &#7903; &#273;&#226;y!";
 127  $BL['be_func_struct_no_paste2']         = 'l&#224; nh&#225;nh con c&#7911;a g&#7889;c';
 128  $BL['be_func_struct_no_paste3']         = 'n&#234;n d&#225;n &#7903; &#273;&#226;y';
 129  $BL['be_func_struct_paste_cancel']      = 'v&#244; hi&#7879;u c&#225;c thay &#273;&#7893;i';
 130  $BL['be_func_struct_del_struct']        = 'xo&#225; c&#7845;u tr&#250;c';
 131  $BL['be_func_struct_del_sjsmsg']        = 'B&#7841;n th&#7921;c s&#7921; mu&#7889;n \nxo&#225; m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c?'; // "\n" = JavaScript Linebreak
 132  $BL['be_func_struct_open']              = 'm&#7903;';
 133  $BL['be_func_struct_close']             = '&#273;&#243;ng';
 134  $BL['be_func_struct_empty']             = 'xo&#225; h&#7871;t';
 136  // article.contenttype.inc.php
 137  $BL['be_ctype_plaintext']               = 'v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 138  $BL['be_ctype_html']                    = 'html';
 139  $BL['be_ctype_code']                    = 'm&#227;';
 140  $BL['be_ctype_textimage']               = 'v&#259;n b&#7843;n & &#7843;nh';
 141  $BL['be_ctype_images']                  = '&#7843;nh';
 142  $BL['be_ctype_bulletlist']              = 'danh s&#225;ch bullet';
 143  $BL['be_ctype_link']                    = 'email li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 144  $BL['be_ctype_linklist']                = 'danh s&#225;ch li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 145  $BL['be_ctype_linkarticle']             = 'b&#224;i li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 146  $BL['be_ctype_multimedia']              = '&#273;a ph&#432;&#417;ng ti&#7879;n';
 147  $BL['be_ctype_filelist']                = 'danh s&#225;ch file';
 148  $BL['be_ctype_emailform']               = 'm&#7851;u email';
 149  $BL['be_ctype_newsletter']              = 'newsletter';
 151  // profile.create.inc.php
 152  $BL['be_profile_create_success']        = 'Profile &#273;&#227; &#273;&#432;&#7907;c t&#7841;o th&#224;nh c&#244;ng.';
 153  $BL['be_profile_create_error']          = 'L&#7895;i trong qu&#225; tr&#236;nh t&#7841;o.';
 155  // profile.update.inc.php
 156  $BL['be_profile_update_success']        = 'd&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#7911;a profile &#273;&#227; &#273;&#432;&#7907;c c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t .';
 157  $BL['be_profile_update_error']          = 'L&#7895;i trong qu&#225; tr&#236;nh c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t.';
 159  // profile.updateaccount.inc.php
 160  $BL['be_profile_account_err1']          = 't&#234;n truy c&#7853;p {VAL} kh&#244;ng h&#7907;p l&#7879;';
 161  $BL['be_profile_account_err2']          = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u qu&#225; ng&#7855;n (ch&#7881; {VAL} k&#253; t&#7921;: &#237;t nh&#7845;t l&#224; 5)';
 162  $BL['be_profile_account_err3']          = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u kh&#244;ng &#273;&#7891;ng nh&#7845;t v&#7899;i nhau';
 163  $BL['be_profile_account_err4']          = 'email {VAL} kh&#244;ng h&#7907;p l&#7879;';
 165  // profile.data.tmpl.php
 166  $BL['be_profile_data_title']            = 'd&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#225; nh&#226;n c&#7911;a b&#7841;n';
 167  $BL['be_profile_data_text']             = 'Th&#244;ng tin th&#234;m v&#7873; b&#7841;n s&#7869; gi&#250;p ng&#432;&#7901;i kh&#225;c hi&#7875;u b&#7841;n r&#245; h&#417;n.';
 168  $BL['be_profile_label_title']           = 'title';
 169  $BL['be_profile_label_fullname']       = 'h&#7885; v&#224; t&#234;n';
 170  $BL['be_profile_label_donvi']           = '&#273;&#417;n v&#7883;' ;
 171  $BL['be_profile_label_company']         = 'c&#244;ng ty';
 172  $BL['be_profile_label_address']          = '&#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881;';
 173  $BL['be_profile_label_city']            = 'th&#224;nh ph&#7889;';
 174  $BL['be_profile_label_state']           = 't&#7881;nh';
 175  $BL['be_profile_label_zip']             = 'm&#227;';
 176  $BL['be_profile_label_country']         = 'qu&#7889;c gia';
 177  $BL['be_profile_label_phone']           = '&#273;i&#7879;n tho&#7841;i';
 178  $BL['be_profile_label_ext']             = 's&#7889; l&#7867;';
 179  $BL['be_profile_label_fax']             = 'fax';
 180  $BL['be_profile_label_cellphone']       = 'di &#273;&#7897;ng';
 181  $BL['be_profile_label_signature']       = 'ch&#7919; k&#253;';
 182  $BL['be_profile_label_notes']           = 'ghi ch&#250;';
 183  $BL['be_profile_label_profession']      = 'ngh&#7873; nghi&#7879;p';
 184  $BL['be_profile_label_newsletter']      = 'email tin t&#7913;c';
 185  $BL['be_profile_text_newsletter']       = 'T&#244;i mu&#7889;n nh&#226;n &#273;&#432;&#7907;c email th&#244;ng b&#225;o tin t&#7913;c c&#7911;a c&#225;c b&#7841;n.';
 186  $BL['be_profile_label_public']          = 'public';
 187  $BL['be_profile_text_public']           = 'B&#7845;t c&#7913; ai c&#361;ng c&#243; th&#7875; xem c&#225;c th&#244;ng tin c&#7911;a t&#244;i.';
 188  $BL['be_profile_label_button']          = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t d&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#225; nh&#226;n';
 189  $BL['be_profile_label_union_activity']  = '&#273;o&#224;n th&#7875;';
 191  // profile.account.tmpl.php
 192  $BL['be_profile_account_title']         = 'th&#244;ng tin &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p c&#7911;a b&#7841;n';
 193  $BL['be_profile_account_text']          = 'Kh&#244;ng c&#7847;n thi&#7871;t ph&#7843;i thay &#273;&#7893;i t&#234;n truy c&#7853;p.<br />B&#7841;n n&#234;n thay &#273;&#7893;i m&#7853;t kh&#7849;u th&#432;&#417;ng xuy&#234;n &#273;&#7875; b&#7843;o &#273;&#7843;m an to&#224;n.';
 194  $BL['be_profile_label_err']             = 'check';
 195  $BL['be_profile_label_username']        = 't&#234;n truy c&#7853;p';
 196  $BL['be_profile_label_newpass']         = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u m&#7899;i';
 197  $BL['be_profile_label_repeatpass']      = 'g&#245; l&#7841;i m&#7853;t kh&#7849;u';
 198  $BL['be_profile_label_email']           = 'email';
 199  $BL['be_subnav_profile_company']        = 'company profile';
 200  $BL['be_profile_account_button']        = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t th&#244;ng tin &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p';
 201  $BL['be_profile_label_lang']            = 'ng&#244;n ng&#7919;';
 204  // files.ftptakeover.tmpl.php
 205  $BL['be_ftptakeover_title']             = 'l&#7845;y files upload th&#244;ng qua giao th&#7913;c ftp';
 206  $BL['be_ftptakeover_mark']              = 'mark';
 207  $BL['be_ftptakeover_available']         = 'files hi&#7879;n t&#7891;n t&#7841;i';
 208  $BL['be_ftptakeover_size']              = 'k&#237;ch th&#432;&#7899;c';
 209  $BL['be_ftptakeover_nofile']            = 'kh&#244;ng c&#243; file n&#224;o &#8211; b&#7841;n ph&#7843;i upload th&#244;ng qua giao th&#7913;c ftp';
 210  $BL['be_ftptakeover_all']               = 'T&#7845;t c&#7843;';
 211  $BL['be_ftptakeover_directory']         = 'th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 212  $BL['be_ftptakeover_rootdir']           = 'th&#432; m&#7909;c g&#7889;c';
 213  $BL['be_ftptakeover_needed']            = 'c&#7847;n thi&#7871;t!!! (b&#7841;n ph&#7843;i ch&#7885;n m&#7897;t)';
 214  $BL['be_ftptakeover_optional']          = 'l&#7921;a ch&#7885;n';
 215  $BL['be_ftptakeover_keywords']          = 't&#7915; kho&#225;';
 216  $BL['be_ftptakeover_additional']        = 'b&#7893; sung';
 217  $BL['be_ftptakeover_longinfo']          = 'th&#244;ng tin &#273;&#7847;y &#273;&#7911;';
 218  $BL['be_ftptakeover_status']            = 'tr&#7841;ng th&#225;i';
 219  $BL['be_ftptakeover_active']            = 'k&#237;ch ho&#7841;t';
 220  $BL['be_ftptakeover_public']            = 'public';
 221  $BL['be_ftptakeover_createthumb']       = 't&#7841;o thumbnail';
 222  $BL['be_ftptakeover_button']            = 'l&#7845;y c&#225;c files &#273;&#227; l&#7921;a ch&#7885;n';
 224  // files.reiter.tmpl.php
 225  $BL['be_ftab_title']                    = 'h&#7879; th&#7889;ng file';
 226  $BL['be_ftab_createnew']                = 't&#7841;o th&#432; m&#7909;c m&#7899;i';
 227  $BL['be_ftab_paste']                    = 'd&#225;n c&#225;c file &#7903; clipboard v&#224;o th&#432; m&#7909;c g&#7889;c ';
 228  $BL['be_ftab_disablethumb']             = 'v&#244; hi&#7879;u ho&#225; thumbnails';
 229  $BL['be_ftab_enablethumb']              = 'k&#237;ch ho&#7841;t thumbnails';
 230  $BL['be_ftab_private']                  = 'file&nbsp;c&#225; nh&#226;n';
 231  $BL['be_ftab_public']                   = 'file&nbsp;chung';
 232  $BL['be_ftab_search']                   = 't&#236;m ki&#7871;m';
 233  $BL['be_ftab_trash']                    = 'th&#249;ng&nbsp;r&#225;c';
 234  $BL['be_ftab_open']                     = 'm&#7903; t&#7845;t c&#7843; c&#225;c th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 235  $BL['be_ftab_close']                    = '&#273;&#243;ng t&#7845;t c&#7843; c&#225;c th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 236  $BL['be_ftab_upload']                   = 'upload file l&#234;n th&#432; m&#7909;c g&#7889;c';
 237  $BL['be_ftab_filehelp']                 = 'm&#7903; file gi&#250;p &#273;&#7905;';
 239  // files.private.newdir.tmpl.php
 240  $BL['be_fpriv_rootdir']                 = 'th&#432; m&#7909;c g&#7889;c';
 241  $BL['be_fpriv_title']                   = 't&#7841;o th&#432; m&#7909;c m&#7899;i';
 242  $BL['be_fpriv_inside']                  = 'b&#234;n trong';
 243  $BL['be_fpriv_error']                   = 'l&#7895;i: &#273;i&#7873;n t&#234;n th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 244  $BL['be_fpriv_name']                    = 't&#234;n';
 245  $BL['be_fpriv_status']                  = 'tr&#7841;ng th&#225;i';
 246  $BL['be_fpriv_button']                  = 't&#7841;o th&#432; m&#7909;c m&#7899;i';
 248  // files.private.editdir.tmpl.php
 249  $BL['be_fpriv_edittitle']               = 's&#7917;a th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 250  $BL['be_fpriv_newname']                 = 't&#234;n m&#7899;i';
 251  $BL['be_fpriv_updatebutton']            = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t ';
 253  // files.private.upload.tmpl.php
 254  $BL['be_fprivup_err1']                  = 'Ch&#7885;n file mu&#7889;n upload';
 255  $BL['be_fprivup_err2']                  = 'K&#237;ch th&#432;&#7899;c c&#7911;a file qu&#225; l&#7899;n';
 256  $BL['be_fprivup_err3']                  = 'l&#7895;i trong khi l&#432;u file';
 257  $BL['be_fprivup_err4']                  = 'L&#7895;i trong khi t&#7841;o th&#432; m&#7909;c c&#7911;a ng&#432;&#7901;i d&#249;ng.';
 258  $BL['be_fprivup_err5']                  = 'no thumbnail exists';
 259  $BL['be_fprivup_err6']                  = '&#272;&#226;y l&#224; l&#7895;i ph&#237;a server! Li&#234;n h&#7879; <a href="mailto:{VAL}">webmaster</a> c&#224;ng s&#7899;m c&#224;ng t&#7889;t!';
 260  $BL['be_fprivup_title']                 = 'upload files';
 261  $BL['be_fprivup_button']                = 'upload files';
 262  $BL['be_fprivup_upload']                = 'upload';
 264  // files.private.editfile.tmpl.php
 265  $BL['be_fprivedit_title']               = 's&#7917;a th&#244;ng tin file';
 266  $BL['be_fprivedit_filename']            = 't&#234;n file';
 267  $BL['be_fprivedit_created']             = '&#273;&#227; &#273;&#432;&#7907;c t&#7841;o';
 268  $BL['be_fprivedit_dateformat']          = 'd-m-Y H:i';
 269  $BL['be_fprivedit_err1']                = 'ch&#7913;ng th&#7921;c t&#234;n file (thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p tr&#7903; l&#7841;i ban &#273;&#7847;u)';
 270  $BL['be_fprivedit_clockwise']           = 'quay thumbnail clockwise [file g&#7889;c l&#224; +90&deg;]';
 271  $BL['be_fprivedit_cclockwise']          = 'quay thumbnail counter clockwise [file g&#7889;c l&#224; -90&deg;]';
 272  $BL['be_fprivedit_button']              = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t th&#244;ng tin file';
 273  $BL['be_fprivedit_size']                = 'k&#237;ch th&#432;&#7899;c';
 275  // files.private-functions.inc.php
 276  $BL['be_fprivfunc_upload']              = 'upload file v&#224;o th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 277  $BL['be_fprivfunc_makenew']             = 't&#7841;o th&#432; m&#7909;c m&#7899;i &#7903; trong';
 278  $BL['be_fprivfunc_paste']               = 'd&#225;n file trong clipboard v&#224;o th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 279  $BL['be_fprivfunc_edit']                = 's&#7917;a th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 280  $BL['be_fprivfunc_cactive']             = 'chuy&#7875;n k&#237;ch ho&#7841;t/kh&#244;ng k&#237;ch ho&#7841;t';
 281  $BL['be_fprivfunc_cpublic']             = 'chuy&#7875;n public/kh&#244;ng public';
 282  $BL['be_fprivfunc_deldir']              = 'xo&#225; th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 283  $BL['be_fprivfunc_jsdeldir']            = 'B&#7841;n c&#243; th&#7921;c s&#7921; mu&#7889;n \n xo&#225; th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 284  $BL['be_fprivfunc_notempty']            = 'th&#432; m&#7909;c {VAL} kh&#244;ng h&#7907;p l&#7879;!';
 285  $BL['be_fprivfunc_opendir']             = 'm&#7903; th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 286  $BL['be_fprivfunc_closedir']            = '&#273;&#243;ng th&#432; m&#7909;c';
 287  $BL['be_fprivfunc_dlfile']              = 'download file';
 288  $BL['be_fprivfunc_clipfile']            = 'clipboard file';
 289  $BL['be_fprivfunc_cutfile']             = 'c&#7855;t';
 290  $BL['be_fprivfunc_editfile']            = 's&#7917;a th&#244;ng tin file';
 291  $BL['be_fprivfunc_cactivefile']         = 'chuy&#7875;n k&#237;ch ho&#7841;t/kh&#244;ng k&#237;ch ho&#7841;t';
 292  $BL['be_fprivfunc_cpublicfile']         = 'chuy&#7875;n public/kh&#244;ng public';
 293  $BL['be_fprivfunc_movetrash']           = 'chuy&#7875;n v&#224;o th&#249;ng r&#225;c';
 294  $BL['be_fprivfunc_jsmovetrash1']        = 'B&#7841;n ch&#7855;c ch&#7855;n ch&#7913;';
 295  $BL['be_fprivfunc_jsmovetrash2']        = 'v&#224;o th&#249;ng r&#225;c?';
 297  // files.private.additions.inc.php
 298  $BL['be_fprivadd_nofolders']            = 'kh&#244;ng c&#243; files hay folders n&#224;o';
 300  // files.public.list.tmpl.php
 301  $BL['be_fpublic_user']                  = 'user';
 302  $BL['be_fpublic_nofiles']               = 'kh&#244;ng c&#243; files hay folders public n&#224;o';
 304  // files.private.trash.tmpl.php
 305  $BL['be_ftrash_nofiles']                = 'th&#249;ng r&#225;c r&#7895;ng';
 306  $BL['be_ftrash_show']                   = 'hi&#7875;n th&#7883; c&#225;c files c&#225; nh&#226;n';
 308  // files.private-delfilelist.inc.php
 309  $BL['be_ftrash_restore']                = 'B&#7841;n c&#243; mu&#7889;n l&#432;u tr&#7919; {VAL} \nv&#224; chuy&#7875;n n&#243; tr&#7903; l&#7841;i danh s&#225;ch c&#225; nh&#226;n?';
 310  $BL['be_ftrash_delete']                 = 'B&#7841;n c&#243; mu&#7889;n xo&#225; {VAL}?';
 311  $BL['be_ftrash_undo']                   = 'ph&#7909;c h&#7891;i (undo trash)';
 312  $BL['be_ftrash_delfinal']               = 'l&#7879;nh xo&#225; cu&#7889;i';
 314  // files.search.tmpl.php
 315  $BL['be_fsearch_err1']                  = 'kh&#244;ng c&#243; t&#7915; kho&#225; t&#236;m ki&#7871;m.';
 316  $BL['be_fsearch_title']                 = 't&#236;m ki&#7871;m files';
 317  $BL['be_fsearch_infotext']              = '&#272;&#226;y l&#224; ph&#7847;n t&#236;m ki&#7871;m c&#417; b&#7843;n. N&#243; t&#236;m th&#244;ng tin t&#432;&#417;ng &#7913;ng v&#7899;i t&#7915; kho&#225;,<br />. C&#225;c t&#7915; kho&#225; ph&#226;n c&#225;ch b&#7903;i kho&#7843;ng tr&#7855;ng<br />S&#7917; d&#7909;ng th&#234;m AND/OR .';
 318  $BL['be_fsearch_nonfound']              = 'kh&#244;ng c&#243; file n&#224;o tho&#7843; m&#227;n!';
 319  $BL['be_fsearch_fillin']                = '&#273;i&#7873;n chu&#7895;i mu&#7889;n t&#236;m ki&#7871;m v&#224;o tr&#432;&#7901;ng tr&#234;n.';
 320  $BL['be_fsearch_searchlabel']           = 't&#236;m';
 321  $BL['be_fsearch_startsearch']           = 'b&#7855;t &#273;&#7847;u t&#236;m ki&#7871;m';
 322  $BL['be_fsearch_and']                   = 'AND';
 323  $BL['be_fsearch_or']                    = 'OR';
 324  $BL['be_fsearch_all']                   = 't&#7845;t c&#7843; c&#225;c file';
 325  $BL['be_fsearch_personal']              = 'c&#225; nh&#226;n';
 326  $BL['be_fsearch_public']                = 'public';
 328  // chat.main.tmpl.php & chat.list.tmpl.php
 329  $BL['be_chat_title']                    = 'chat n&#7897;i b&#7897;';
 330  $BL['be_chat_info']                     = '&#7902; &#273;&#226;y b&#7841;n c&#243; th&#7875; trao &#273;&#7893;i tr&#7921;c ti&#7871;p v&#7899;i c&#225;c th&#224;nh vi&#234;n kh&#225;c. ';
 331  $BL['be_chat_start']                    = 'nh&#7845;n v&#224;o &#273;&#226;y &#273;&#7875; b&#7855;t &#273;&#7847;u';
 332  $BL['be_chat_lines']                    = 'chat lines';
 334  // message.center.tmpl.php
 335  $BL['be_msg_title']                     = 'Tin nh&#7855;n';
 336  $BL['be_msg_new']                       = 'm&#7899;i';
 337  $BL['be_msg_old']                       = 'c&#361;';
 338  $BL['be_msg_senttop']                   = 'g&#7917;i';
 339  $BL['be_msg_del']                       = '&#273;&#227; xo&#225;';
 340  $BL['be_msg_from']                      = 't&#7915;';
 341  $BL['be_msg_subject']                   = 'ch&#7911; &#273;&#7873;';
 342  $BL['be_msg_date']                      = 'ng&#224;y/gi&#7901;';
 343  $BL['be_msg_close']                     = '&#273;&#243;ng tin';
 344  $BL['be_msg_create']                    = 't&#7841;o tin nh&#7855;n m&#7899;i';
 345  $BL['be_msg_reply']                     = 'tr&#7843; l&#7901;i tin nh&#7855;n m&#7899;i';
 346  $BL['be_msg_move']                      = 'chuy&#7875;n tin nh&#7855;n v&#224;o th&#249;ng r&#225;c';
 347  $BL['be_msg_unread']                    = 'ch&#432;a &#273;&#7885;c ho&#7863;c tin m&#7899;i';
 348  $BL['be_msg_lastread']                  = '{VAL} tin nh&#7855;n m&#7899;i nh&#7845;t';
 349  $BL['be_msg_lastsent']                  = '{VAL} tin nh&#7855;n g&#7917;i &#273;i m&#7899;i nh&#7845;t';
 350  $BL['be_msg_marked']                    = 'tin n&#224;y &#273;&#7921;oc &#273;&#225;nh d&#7845;u xo&#225;';
 351  $BL['be_msg_nomsg']                     = 'kh&#244;ng c&#243; tin nh&#7855;n n&#224;o';
 353  // message.send.tmpl.php
 354  $BL['be_msg_RE']                        = 'Tr&#7843; l&#7901;i';
 355  $BL['be_msg_by']                        = 'g&#7917;i b&#7903;i';
 356  $BL['be_msg_on']                        = '&#7903;';
 357  $BL['be_msg_msg']                       = 'tin nh&#7855;n';
 358  $BL['be_msg_err1']                      = 'b&#7841;n qu&#234;n kh&#244;ng &#273;i&#7873;n ng&#432;&#7901;i nh&#7853;n...';
 359  $BL['be_msg_err2']                      = 'xin &#273;i&#7873;n th&#234;m ch&#7911; &#273;&#7873;';
 360  $BL['be_msg_err3']                      = '';
 361  $BL['be_msg_sent']                      = 'tin nh&#7855;n &#273;&#227; &#273;&#432;&#7907;c g&#7917;i!';
 362  $BL['be_msg_fwd']                       = 'b&#7841;n s&#7869; chuy&#7875;n t&#7899;i m&#7909;c tin nh&#7855;n hay';
 363  $BL['be_msg_newmsgtitle']               = 'so&#7841;n tin nh&#7855;n m&#7899;i';
 364  $BL['be_msg_err']                       = 'l&#7895;i trong qu&#225; tr&#236;nh g&#7917;i tin';
 365  $BL['be_msg_sendto']                    = 'g&#7917;i tin nh&#7855;n t&#7899;i';
 366  $BL['be_msg_available']                 = 'danh s&#225;ch nh&#7919;ng ng&#432;&#7901;i nh&#7853;n hi&#7879;n c&#243;';
 367  $BL['be_msg_all']                       = 'g&#7917;i tin cho t&#7845;t c&#7843; nh&#7919;ng ng&#432;&#7901;i trong danh s&#225;ch';
 369  // message.subscription.tmpl.php
 370  $BL['be_newsletter_title']              = '&#273;&#259;ng k&#253; th&#432; tin t&#7913;c';
 371  $BL['be_newsletter_titleedit']          = 's&#7917;a &#273;&#259;ng k&#253;';
 372  $BL['be_newsletter_new']                = 't&#7841;o m&#7899;i';
 373  $BL['be_newsletter_add']                = 'th&#234;m&nbsp;th&#432; tin t&#7913;c&nbsp;';
 374  $BL['be_newsletter_name']               = 't&#234;n';
 375  $BL['be_newsletter_info']               = 'th&#244;ng tin';
 376  $BL['be_newsletter_button_save']        = 'l&#432;u &#273;&#259;ng k&#253;';
 377  $BL['be_newsletter_button_cancel']      = 'Tho&#225;t';
 379  // admin.newuser.tmpl.php
 380  $BL['be_admin_usr_err1']                = 't&#234;n truy c&#7853;p kh&#244;ng h&#7907;p l&#7879;';
 381  $BL['be_admin_usr_err2']                = 'ch&#432;a &#273;i&#7873;n t&#234;n truy c&#7853;p';
 382  $BL['be_admin_usr_err3']                = 'm&#7853;t kh&#7849;u &#273;&#7875; tr&#7889;ng';
 383  $BL['be_admin_usr_err4']                = "email kh&#244;ng &#273;&#250;ng";
 384  $BL['be_admin_usr_err']                 = 'l&#7895;i';
 385  $BL['be_admin_usr_mailsubject']         = 'Ch&#224;o m&#7913;ng,ch&#250;c b&#7841;n vui v&#7867;';
 386  $BL['be_admin_usr_mailbody']            = "CH&#192;O M&#7914;NG B&#7840;N &#272;&#195; &#272;&#7870;N V&#7898;I WEBSITE C&#7910;A CH&#218;NG TA\n\n    t&#234;n truy c&#7853;p: {LOGIN}\n    m&#7853;t kh&#7849;u: {PASSWORD}\n\n\nB&#7841;n c&#243; th&#7875; &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p &#7903; &#273;&#226;y: {LOGIN_PAGE}qu&#7843;n tr&#7883;\n ";
 387  $BL['be_admin_usr_title']               = 'th&#234;m th&#224;nh vi&#234;n m&#7899;i';
 388  $BL['be_admin_usr_realname']            = 't&#234;n th&#7853;t';
 389  $BL['be_admin_usr_setactive']           = 'thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p user n&#224;y &#7903; tr&#7841;ng th&#225;i k&#237;ch ho&#7841;t';
 390  $BL['be_admin_usr_iflogin']             = 'n&#7871;u thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p user c&#243; th&#7875; &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p';
 391  $BL['be_admin_usr_isadmin']             = 'user l&#224; ng&#432;&#7901;i qu&#7843;n tr&#7883;';
 392  $BL['be_admin_usr_iseditor']            = 'user l&#224; ng&#432;&#7901;i ki&#7875;m duy&#7879;t tin';
 393  $BL['be_admin_usr_ifadmin']             = 'n&#7871;u thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p user c&#243; quy&#7873;n qu&#7843;n tr&#7883;';
 394  $BL['be_editor_usr_ifadmin']            = 'n&#7871;u thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p user c&#243; quy&#7873;n ki&#7875;m duy&#7879;t tin';
 395  $BL['be_admin_usr_verify']              = 'ki&#7875;m ch&#7913;ng';
 396  $BL['be_admin_usr_sendemail']           = 'g&#7917;i email t&#7899;i user m&#7899;i bao g&#7891;m th&#244;ng tin c&#7847;n thi&#7871;t';
 397  $BL['be_admin_usr_button']              = 'g&#7917;i d&#7919; li&#7879;u c&#7911;a user';
 399  // admin.edituser.tmpl.php
 400  $BL['be_admin_usr_etitle']              = 'ch&#7881;nh s&#7917;a user';
 401  $BL['be_admin_usr_emailsubject']        = 'h&#7879; th&#7889;ng &#273;&#227; &#273;&#7921;&#417;c thay &#273;&#7893;i';
 402  $BL['be_admin_usr_emailbody']           = "TH&#212;NG TIN USER H&#7878; TH&#7888;NG &#272;&#195; &#272;&#431;&#7906;C THAY &#272;&#7892;I\n\n    t&#234;n truy c&#7853;p: {LOGIN}\n    m&#7853;t kh&#7849;u: {PASSWORD}\n\n\nB&#7841;n c&#243; th&#7875; &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p t&#7841;i &#273;&#226;y: {LOGIN_PAGE}\n\nqu&#7843;n tr&#7883;\n ";
 403  $BL['be_admin_usr_passnochange']        = '[KHONG CO THAY DOI]';
 404  $BL['be_admin_usr_ebutton']             = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t d&#7919; li&#7879;u user';
 406  // admin.listuser.tmpl.php
 407  $BL['be_admin_usr_ltitle']              = 'danh s&#225;ch user c&#7911;a h&#7879; th&#7889;ng';
 408  $BL['be_admin_usr_ldel']                = 'CH&#218; &#221;!&#13B&#7840;N S&#7868; XO&#193; USER';
 409  $BL['be_admin_usr_create']              = 't&#7841;o user m&#7899;i';
 410  $BL['be_admin_usr_editusr']             = 'ch&#7881;nh s&#7917;a user';
 412  // admin.structform.tmpl.php
 413  $BL['be_admin_struct_title']            = 'c&#7845;u tr&#250;c site';
 414  $BL['be_admin_struct_child']            = '(nh&#225;nh con c&#7911;a)';
 415  $BL['be_admin_struct_index']            = 'index (website start)';
 416  $BL['be_admin_struct_cat']              = 'category title';
 417  $BL['be_admin_struct_hide1']            = 'gi&#7845;u';
 418  $BL['be_admin_struct_hide2']            = 'ph&#226;n&nbsp;la&#7885;i&nbsp;trong&nbsp;menu';
 419  $BL['be_admin_struct_info']             = 'category infotext';
 420  $BL['be_admin_struct_template']         = 'template';
 421  $BL['be_admin_struct_alias']            = 'alias category';
 422  $BL['be_admin_struct_visible']          = 'nh&#236;n th&#7845;y';
 423  $BL['be_admin_struct_button']           = 'g&#7917;i d&#7919; li&#7879;u &#273;i';
 424  $BL['be_admin_struct_close']            = '&#273;&#243;ng';
 426  // admin.filecat.tmpl.php
 427  $BL['be_admin_fcat_title']              = 'ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i file';
 428  $BL['be_admin_fcat_err']                = 't&#234;n ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i n&#224;y r&#7895;ng !';
 429  $BL['be_admin_fcat_name']               = 't&#234;n ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i n&#224;y';
 430  $BL['be_admin_fcat_needed']             = 'c&#7847;n thi&#7871;t';
 431  $BL['be_admin_fcat_button1']            = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t';
 432  $BL['be_admin_fcat_button2']            = 't&#7841;o';
 433  $BL['be_admin_fcat_delmsg']             = 'B&#7841;n c&#243; mu&#7889;n \nxo&#225; kh&#244;ng?';
 434  $BL['be_admin_fcat_fcat']               = 'file ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i';
 435  $BL['be_admin_fcat_err1']               = 't&#234;n file r&#7895;ng!';
 436  $BL['be_admin_fcat_fkeyname']           = 't&#234;n file';
 437  $BL['be_admin_fcat_exit']               = 'tho&#225;t kh&#7887;i ch&#7881;nh s&#7917;a';
 438  $BL['be_admin_fcat_addkey']             = 'th&#234;m kho&#225; m&#7899;i';
 439  $BL['be_admin_fcat_editcat']            = 's&#7917;a t&#234;n ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i';
 440  $BL['be_admin_fcat_delcatmsg']          = 'B&#7841;n c&#243; mu&#7889;n \nxo&#225; kh&#244;ng?';
 441  $BL['be_admin_fcat_delcat']             = 'xo&#225;';
 442  $BL['be_admin_fcat_delkey']             = 'xo&#225;';
 443  $BL['be_admin_fcat_editkey']            = 's&#7917;a';
 444  $BL['be_admin_fcat_addcat']             = 't&#7841;o m&#7899;i';
 446  // admin.pagelayout.tmpl.php
 447  $BL['be_admin_page_title']              = 'c&#224;i &#273;&#7863;t: trang layout';
 448  $BL['be_admin_page_align']              = 'c&#259;n trang';
 449  $BL['be_admin_page_align_left']         = 'c&#259;n ch&#7881;nh chu&#7849;n (tr&#225;i) c&#7911;a to&#224;n b&#7897; n&#7897;i dung trang';
 450  $BL['be_admin_page_align_center']       = 'c&#259;n gi&#7919;a to&#224;n b&#7897; trang';
 451  $BL['be_admin_page_align_right']        = 'c&#259;n ph&#7843;i to&#224;n b&#7897; trang';
 452  $BL['be_admin_page_margin']             = 'l&#7873;';
 453  $BL['be_admin_page_top']                = 'tr&#234;n';
 454  $BL['be_admin_page_bottom']             = 'd&#432;&#7899;i';
 455  $BL['be_admin_page_left']               = 'tr&#225;i';
 456  $BL['be_admin_page_right']              = 'ph&#7843;i';
 457  $BL['be_admin_page_bg']                 = 'n&#7873;n';
 458  $BL['be_admin_page_color']              = 'm&#224;u s&#7855;c';
 459  $BL['be_admin_page_height']             = 'cao';
 460  $BL['be_admin_page_width']              = 'r&#7897;ng';
 461  $BL['be_admin_page_main']               = 'ch&#237;nh';
 462  $BL['be_admin_page_leftspace']          = 'kho&#7843;ng tr&#7855;ng tr&#225;i';
 463  $BL['be_admin_page_rightspace']         = 'kho&#7843;ng tr&#7855;ng ph&#7843;i';
 464  $BL['be_admin_page_class']              = 'l&#7899;p';
 465  $BL['be_admin_page_image']              = '&#7843;nh';
 466  $BL['be_admin_page_text']               = 'v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 467  $BL['be_admin_page_link']               = 'li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 468  $BL['be_admin_page_js']                 = 'javascript';
 469  $BL['be_admin_page_visited']            = '&#273;&#227; &#273;&#432;&#7907;c xem';
 470  $BL['be_admin_page_pagetitle']          = '&#273;&#7847;u &#273;&#7873; c&#7911;a trang&nbsp;';
 471  $BL['be_admin_page_addtotitle']         = 'th&#234;m&nbsp;v&#224;o&nbsp;&#273;&#7873; m&#7909;c';
 472  $BL['be_admin_page_category']           = 'ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i';
 473  $BL['be_admin_page_articlename']        = 't&#234;n&nbsp;tin';
 474  $BL['be_admin_page_blocks']             = 'kh&#7889;i';
 475  $BL['be_admin_page_allblocks']          = 't&#7845;t c&#7843; c&#225;c kh&#7889;i';
 476  $BL['be_admin_page_col1']               = '3 c&#7897;t layout';
 477  $BL['be_admin_page_col2']               = '2 c&#7897;t layout (c&#7897;t ch&#237;nh b&#234;n ph&#7843;i, menu b&#234;n tr&#225;i)';
 478  $BL['be_admin_page_col3']               = '2 c&#7897;t layout (c&#7897;t ch&#237;nh b&#234;n tr&#225;i, menu ph&#7843;i)';
 479  $BL['be_admin_page_col4']               = '1 c&#7897;t layout';
 480  $BL['be_admin_page_header']             = 'ph&#7847;n &#273;&#7847;u';
 481  $BL['be_admin_page_footer']             = 'ph&#7847;n cu&#7889;i';
 482  $BL['be_admin_page_topspace']           = 'kho&#7843;ng tr&#7855;ng tr&#234;n&nbsp;';
 483  $BL['be_admin_page_bottomspace']        = 'kho&#7843;ng tr&#7855;ng d&#432;&#7899;i&nbsp;';
 484  $BL['be_admin_page_button']             = 'l&#432;u l&#7841;i trang s&#7855;p &#273;&#7863;t';
 486  // admin.frontendcss.tmpl.php
 487  $BL['be_admin_css_title']               = 'c&#224;i &#273;&#7863;t: d&#7919; li&#7879;u css';
 488  $BL['be_admin_css_css']                 = 'css';
 489  $BL['be_admin_css_button']              = 'l&#432;u css ';
 491  // admin.templates.tmpl.php
 492  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_title']              = 'c&#224;i &#273;&#7863;t: m&#7851;u';
 493  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_default']            = 'm&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh';
 494  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_add']                = 'th&#234;m&nbsp;m&#7851;u';
 495  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_edit']               = 's&#7917;a m&#7851;u';
 496  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_new']                = 't&#7841;o m&#7899;i';
 497  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_css']                = 'file css';
 498  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_head']               = 'html head';
 499  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_js']                 = 'nh&#250;ng js';
 500  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_error']              = 'l&#7895;i';
 501  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_button']             = 'l&#432;u m&#7851;u';
 502  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_name']               = 't&#234;n';
 504  // article.structlist.tmpl.php
 505  $BL['be_article_title']                 = 'c&#7845;u tr&#250;c site v&#224; danh s&#225;ch c&#225;c tin/m&#7909;c tin';
 507  // article.new.tmpl.php
 508  $BL['be_article_err1']                  = 't&#7921;a &#273;&#7873; cho tin/m&#7909;c tin n&#224;y r&#7895;ng';
 509  $BL['be_article_err2']                  = 'ng&#224;y nh&#7853;p v&#224;o l&#7895;i';
 510  $BL['be_article_err3']                  = 'ng&#224;y nh&#7853;p v&#224;o l&#7895;i';
 511  $BL['be_article_title1']                = 'thong tin c&#417; s&#7903;';
 512  $BL['be_article_cat']                   = 'ph&#226;n lo&#7841;i';
 513  $BL['be_article_atitle']                = 'ti&#234;u &#273;&#7873; tin';
 514  $BL['be_article_asubtitle']             = 'tr&#237;ch d&#7851;n tin';
 515  $BL['be_article_abegin']                = 'b&#7855;t &#273;&#7847;u';
 516  $BL['be_article_aend']                  = 'k&#7871;t th&#250;c';
 517  $BL['be_article_aredirect']             = 'chuy&#7875;n ti&#7871;p t&#7899;i';
 518  $BL['be_article_akeywords']             = 't&#7915; kho&#225;';
 519  $BL['be_article_asummary']              = 'n&#7897;i dung';
 520  $BL['be_article_abutton']               = 't&#7841;o tin m&#7899;i';
 522  // article.editcontent.inc.php
 523  $BL['be_article_err4']                  = 'ng&#224;y nh&#7853;p v&#224;o l&#7895;i + 1 tu&#7847;n';
 525  // article.editsummary.tmpl.php
 526  $BL['be_article_estitle']               = 'ch&#7881;nh s&#7917;a th&#244;ng tin c&#7899;i s&#7903;';
 527  $BL['be_article_eslastedit']            = 'l&#7847;n s&#7917;a g&#7847;n nh&#7845;t';
 528  $BL['be_article_esnoupdate']            = 'bi&#7875;u m&#7851;u kh&#244;ng &#273;&#432;&#7907;c c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t';
 529  $BL['be_article_esbutton']              = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t';
 531  // articlecontent.edit.tmpl.php
 532  $BL['be_article_cnt_title']             = 'n&#7897;i dung tin';
 533  $BL['be_article_cnt_type']              = 'ki&#7875;u n&#7897;i dung';
 534  $BL['be_article_cnt_space']             = 'kho&#7843;ng tr&#7889;ng';
 535  $BL['be_article_cnt_before']            = 'tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 536  $BL['be_article_cnt_after']             = 'sau';
 537  $BL['be_article_cnt_top']               = 'tr&#234;n';
 538  $BL['be_article_cnt_ctitle']            = 'ti&#234;u &#273;&#7873; n&#7897;i dung';
 539  $BL['be_article_cnt_back']              = 'ho&#224;n thi&#234;n th&#244;ng tin cho tin';
 540  $BL['be_article_cnt_button1']           = 'c&#7853;p nh&#7853;t n&#7897;i dung';
 541  $BL['be_article_cnt_button2']           = 't&#7841;o n&#7897;i dung';
 543  // articlecontent.list.tmpl.php
 544  $BL['be_article_cnt_ltitle']            = 'th&#244;ng tin v&#7873; b&#224;i vi&#7871;t';
 545  $BL['be_article_cnt_ledit']             = 's&#7917; tin';
 546  $BL['be_article_cnt_lvisible']          = 'chuy&#7875;n hi&#7879;n/kh&#244;ng hi&#7879;n';
 547  $BL['be_article_cnt_ldel']              = 'xo&#225; tin';
 548  $BL['be_article_cnt_ldeljs']            = 'B&#7841;n mu&#7889;n xo&#225; kh&#244;ng?';
 549  $BL['be_article_cnt_redirect']          = 't&#225;i &#273;&#7883;nh h&#432;&#7899;ng';
 550  $BL['be_article_cnt_edited']            = 't&#7841;o b&#7903;i';
 551  $BL['be_article_cnt_start']             = 'ng&#224;y b&#7855;t &#273;&#7847;u';
 552  $BL['be_article_cnt_end']               = 'k&#7871;t th&#250;c';
 553  $BL['be_article_cnt_add']               = 'th&#234;m ph&#7847;n n&#7897;i dung m&#7899;i';
 554  $BL['be_article_cnt_up']                = 'chuy&#7875;n n&#7897;i dung l&#234;n tr&#234;n';
 555  $BL['be_article_cnt_down']              = 'chuy&#7875;n n&#7897;i dung xu&#7889;ng d&#432;&#7899;i';
 556  $BL['be_article_cnt_edit']              = 's&#7917;a n&#7897;i dung';
 557  $BL['be_article_cnt_delpart']           = 'xo&#225; ph&#7847;n n&#7897;i dung c&#7911;a tin n&#224;y';
 558  $BL['be_article_cnt_delpartjs']         = 'B&#7841;n mu&#7889;n xo&#225; kh&#244;ng?';
 559  $BL['be_article_cnt_center']            = 'trang tin';
 561  // content forms
 562  $BL['be_cnt_plaintext']                 = 'v&#259;n b&#7843;n thu&#7847;n';
 563  $BL['be_cnt_htmltext']                  = 'html';
 564  $BL['be_cnt_image']                     = '&#7843;nh';
 565  $BL['be_cnt_position']                  = 'v&#7883; tr&#237;';
 566  $BL['be_cnt_pos0']                      = 'Tr&#234;n, tr&#225;i';
 567  $BL['be_cnt_pos1']                      = 'Tr&#234;n, gi&#7919;a';
 568  $BL['be_cnt_pos2']                      = 'Tr&#234;n, ph&#7843;i';
 569  $BL['be_cnt_pos3']                      = 'D&#432;&#7899;i, tr&#225;i';
 570  $BL['be_cnt_pos4']                      = 'D&#432;&#7899;i, gi&#7919;a';
 571  $BL['be_cnt_pos5']                      = 'D&#432;&#7899;i, ph&#7843;i';
 572  $BL['be_cnt_pos6']                      = 'Trong v&#259;n b&#7843;n, tr&#225;i';
 573  $BL['be_cnt_pos7']                      = 'Trong v&#259;n b&#7843;n, ph&#7843;i';
 574  $BL['be_cnt_pos0i']                     = 'c&#259;n &#7843;nh &#7903; tr&#234;n v&#224; tr&#225;i c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 575  $BL['be_cnt_pos1i']                     = 'c&#259;n &#7843;nh &#7903; tr&#234;n v&#224; gi&#7919;a c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 576  $BL['be_cnt_pos2i']                     = 'c&#259;n &#7843;nh &#7903; tr&#234;n v&#224;&#226;ph&#7881; c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 577  $BL['be_cnt_pos3i']                     = 'c&#259;n &#7843;nh &#7903; d&#432;&#7899;i v&#224; tr&#225;i c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 578  $BL['be_cnt_pos4i']                     = 'c&#259;n &#7843;nh &#7903; d&#432;&#7899;i v&#224; gi&#7919;a c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 579  $BL['be_cnt_pos5i']                     = 'c&#259;n &#7843;nh &#7903; tr&#234;n v&#224; ph&#7843;i c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 580  $BL['be_cnt_pos6i']                     = 'c&#259;n &#7843;nh &#7903; b&#234;n tr&#225;i trong kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 581  $BL['be_cnt_pos7i']                     = 'c&#259;n &#7843;nh &#7903; b&#234;n ph&#7843;i trong kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 582  $BL['be_cnt_maxw']                      = 't&#7889;i &#273;a.&nbsp;&#273;&#7897; r&#7897;ng';
 583  $BL['be_cnt_maxh']                      = 't&#7889;i &#273;a.&nbsp;&#273;&#7897; cao';
 584  $BL['be_cnt_enlarge']                   = 'nh&#7845;n v&#224;o &#273;&#7875; ph&#243;ng to&nbsp;';
 585  $BL['be_cnt_caption']                   = 'ph&#7909; &#273;&#7873;';
 586  $BL['be_cnt_subject']                   = 'ch&#7911; &#273;&#7873;';
 587  $BL['be_cnt_recipient']                 = 'ng&#432;&#7901;i nh&#7853;n';
 588  $BL['be_cnt_buttontext']                = 'n&#250;t d&#7841;ng ch&#7919;';
 589  $BL['be_cnt_sendas']                    = 'g&#7917;i v&#7899;i danh ngh&#297;a';
 590  $BL['be_cnt_text']                      = 'v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 591  $BL['be_cnt_html']                      = 'html';
 592  $BL['be_cnt_formfields']                = 'c&#225;c tr&#432;&#7901;ng c&#7911;a form';
 593  $BL['be_cnt_code']                      = 'max';
 594  $BL['be_cnt_infotext']                  = 'th&#244;ng tin ';
 595  $BL['be_cnt_subscription']              = '&#273;&#259;ng k&#253;';
 596  $BL['be_cnt_labelemail']                = 'nh&#227;n cho email';
 597  $BL['be_cnt_tablealign']                = 'b&#7843;ng c&#259;n ch&#7881;nh&nbsp;';
 598  $BL['be_cnt_labelname']                 = 'nh&#227;n cho ph&#7847;n t&#234;n&nbsp;';
 599  $BL['be_cnt_labelsubsc']                = 'nh&#227;n &#273;&#259;ng k&#253;&nbsp;.';
 600  $BL['be_cnt_allsubsc']                  = 't&#7845;t c&#7843;&nbsp;&#273;&#259;ng k&#253;.';
 601  $BL['be_cnt_default']                   = 'm&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh';
 602  $BL['be_cnt_left']                      = 'tr&#225;i';
 603  $BL['be_cnt_center']                    = 'gi&#7919;a';
 604  $BL['be_cnt_right']                     = 'ph&#7843;i';
 605  $BL['be_cnt_buttontext']                = 'n&#250;t&nbsp;d&#7841;ng ch&#7919;';
 606  $BL['be_cnt_successtext']               = 'th&#224;nh c&#244;ng&nbsp;';
 607  $BL['be_cnt_regmail']                   = '&#273;&#259;ng k&#253;.email';
 608  $BL['be_cnt_logoffmail']                = 'tho&#225;t.email';
 609  $BL['be_cnt_changemail']                = 'thay &#273;&#7893;i.email';
 610  $BL['be_cnt_openimagebrowser']          = 'm&#7903; tr&#236;nh duy&#7879;t &#7843;nh';
 611  $BL['be_cnt_openfilebrowser']           = 'm&#7903; tr&#236;nh duy&#7879;t file';
 612  $BL['be_cnt_sortup']                    = 'chuy&#7875;n l&#234;n';
 613  $BL['be_cnt_sortdown']                  = 'chuy&#7875;n xu&#7889;ng';
 614  $BL['be_cnt_delimage']                  = 'xo&#225; &#7843;nh &#273;&#432;&#7907;c ch&#7885;n';
 615  $BL['be_cnt_delfile']                   = 'xo&#225; file &#273;&#432;&#7907;c ch&#7885;n';
 616  $BL['be_cnt_delmedia']                  = 'xo&#225; file h&#236;nh &#273;&#432;&#7907;c ch&#7885;n';
 617  $BL['be_cnt_column']                    = 'c&#7897;t';
 618  $BL['be_cnt_imagespace']                = '&#7843;nh&nbsp;kho&#7843;ng tr&#7855;ng';
 619  $BL['be_cnt_directlink']                = 'li&#234;n k&#7871;t tr&#7921;c ti&#7871;p';
 620  $BL['be_cnt_target']                    = '&#273;&#237;ch';
 621  $BL['be_cnt_target1']                   = 'trong c&#7917;a s&#7893; m&#7899;i';
 622  $BL['be_cnt_target2']                   = 'trong frame cha c&#7911;a c&#7917;a s&#7893;';
 623  $BL['be_cnt_target3']                   = 'trong c&#249;ng c&#7917;a s&#7893; m&#224; kh&#244;ng c&#243; frames';
 624  $BL['be_cnt_target4']                   = 'trong c&#249;ng frame ho&#7863;c cu&#25&#7911;¨ s&#7893;';
 625  $BL['be_cnt_bullet']                    = 'danh s&#225;ch bullet';
 626  $BL['be_cnt_linklist']                  = 'danh s&#225;ch li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 627  $BL['be_cnt_plainhtml']                 = 'html &#273;&#417;n gi&#7843;n';
 628  $BL['be_cnt_files']                     = 'files';
 629  $BL['be_cnt_description']               = 'm&#244; t&#7843;';
 630  $BL['be_cnt_linkarticle']               = 'tin/m&#7909;c li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 631  $BL['be_cnt_articles']                  = 'tin/m&#7909;c tin';
 632  $BL['be_cnt_movearticleto']             = 'chuy&#7875;n tin/m&#7909;c tin t&#7899;i danh s&#225;ch tin/m&#7909;c tin li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 633  $BL['be_cnt_removearticleto']           = 'xo&#225; tin &#273;&#432;&#7907;c l&#7921;a ch&#7885;n';
 634  $BL['be_cnt_mediatype']                 = 'ki&#7875;u media';
 635  $BL['be_cnt_control']                   = '&#273;i&#7873;u khi&#7875;n';
 636  $BL['be_cnt_showcontrol']               = 'hi&#7879;n thanh &#273;i&#7873;u khi&#7875;n';
 637  $BL['be_cnt_autoplay']                  = 't&#7921; &#273;&#7897;ng';
 638  $BL['be_cnt_source']                    = 'ngu&#7891;n';
 639  $BL['be_cnt_internal']                  = 'n&#7897;i b&#7897;';
 640  $BL['be_cnt_openmediabrowser']          = 'm&#7903; tr&#236;nh duy&#7879;t media';
 641  $BL['be_cnt_external']                  = 'b&#234;n ngo&#224;i';
 642  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos0']                 = 'tr&#225;i (m&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh)';
 643  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos1']                 = 'gi&#7919;a';
 644  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos2']                 = 'ph&#7843;i';
 645  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos3']                 = 'kh&#7889;i, tr&#225;i';
 646  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos4']                 = 'kh&#7889;i, ph&#7843;i';
 647  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos0i']                = 'c&#7843;wn ch&#7881;nh file media &#7903; tr&#234;n v&#224; tr&#225;i c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 648  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos1i']                = 'c&#7843;wn ch&#7881;nh file media &#7903; tr&#234;n v&#224; gi&#7919;a c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 649  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos2i']                = 'c&#7843;wn ch&#7881;nh file media &#7903; tr&#234;n v&#224; ph&#7843;i c&#7911;a kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 650  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos3i']                = 'align media left trong kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 651  $BL['be_cnt_mediapos4i']                = 'c&#7843;wn ch&#7881;nh file media &#7903; tr&#234;n v&#224; trong kh&#7889;i v&#259;n b&#7843;n';
 652  $BL['be_cnt_setsize']                   = 'thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p k&#237;ch th&#432;&#7899;c';
 653  $BL['be_cnt_set1']                      = 'thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p k&#237;ch th&#432;&#7899;c file media 160x120px';
 654  $BL['be_cnt_set2']                      = 'thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p k&#237;ch th&#432;&#7899;c file media 240x180px';
 655  $BL['be_cnt_set3']                      = 'thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p k&#237;ch th&#432;&#7899;c file media 320x240px';
 656  $BL['be_cnt_set4']                      = 'thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p k&#237;ch th&#432;&#7899;c file media 480x360px';
 657  $BL['be_cnt_set5']                      = 'xo&#225; chi&#7873;u r&#7897;ng v&#224; cao c&#7911;a file media';
 659  // added: 28-12-2003
 660  $BL['be_admin_page_add']                = 't&#7841;o m&#7899;i trang layout';
 661  $BL['be_admin_page_name']               = 't&#234;n';
 662  $BL['be_admin_page_edit']               = 's&#7917;a';
 663  $BL['be_admin_page_render']             = 'rendering';
 664  $BL['be_admin_page_table']              = 'b&#7843;ng';
 665  $BL['be_admin_page_div']                = 'css div';
 666  $BL['be_admin_page_custom']             = 'tu&#7923; ch&#7881;nh';
 667  $BL['be_admin_page_custominfo']         = 't&#7915; kh&#7889;i m&#7851;u ch&#237;nh';
 668  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_layout']             = 'layout';
 669  $BL['be_admin_tmpl_nolayout']           = 'kh&#244;ng c&#243; trang layout n&#224;o &#273;ang t&#7891;n t&#7841;i!';
 671  // added: 31-12-2003
 672  $BL['be_ctype_search']                  = 't&#236;m ki&#7871;m';
 673  $BL['be_cnt_results']                   = 'k&#7871;t qu&#7843;';
 674  $BL['be_cnt_results_per_page']          = 'tr&#234;n&nbsp;trang (n&#7871;u r&#7895;ng th&#236; hi&#7879;n t&#7845;t c&#7843;)';
 675  $BL['be_cnt_opennewwin']                = 'm&#7903; cu&#25&#7911;¨ s&#7893; m&#7899;i';
 676  $BL['be_cnt_searchlabeltext']           = '';
 677  $BL['be_cnt_input']                     = 'nh&#7853;p';
 678  $BL['be_cnt_style']                     = 'ki&#7875;u';
 679  $BL['be_cnt_result']                    = 'k&#7871;t qu&#7843;';
 680  $BL['be_cnt_next']                      = 'ti&#7871;p theo';
 681  $BL['be_cnt_previous']                  = 'v&#7873; tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 682  $BL['be_cnt_align']                     = 'c&#259;n ch&#7881;nh';
 683  $BL['be_cnt_searchformtext']            = '';
 684  $BL['be_cnt_intro']                     = 'gi&#7899;i thi&#7879;u';
 685  $BL['be_cnt_noresult']                  = 'kh&#244;ng c&#243; k&#7871;t qu&#7843;';
 687  // added: 02-01-2004
 688  $BL['be_admin_page_disable']            = 'v&#244; hi&#7879;u ho&#225;';
 690  // added: 09-01-2004
 691  $BL['be_article_articleowner']          = 'ng&#432;&#7901;i t&#7841;o tin';
 692  $BL['be_article_adminuser']             = 'qu&#7843;n tr&#7883; user';
 693  $BL['be_article_username']              = 't&#225;c gi&#7843;';
 695  // added: 10-01-2004
 696  $BL['be_ctype_wysywig']                 = 'WYSYWIG HTML';
 698  // added, changed: 11-01-2004
 699  $BL['be_admin_struct_regonly']          = 'ch&#7881; hi&#7875;n th&#7883; cho user &#273;&#259;ng nh&#7853;p';
 700  $BL['be_admin_struct_status']           = 'tr&#7841;ng th&#225;i menu';
 702  // added: 15-02-2004
 703  $BL['be_ctype_articlemenu']                = 'menu tin/m&#7909;c tin';
 704  $BL['be_cnt_sitelevel']                    = 'c&#7845;p c&#7911;a site';
 705  $BL['be_cnt_sitecurrent']                = 'c&#7845;p hi&#7879;n th&#7901;i c&#7911;a site';
 706  // added: 4-4-2004
 707  $BL['be_admin_startup_title']           = 'Hi&#7875;n th&#7883; m&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh'       ;
 708  $BL['be_admin_startup_button']          = 'L&#432;u l&#7841;i'   ;
 709  $BL['be_subnav_admin_starttext']        = 'trang hi&#7875;n th&#7883; m&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh'    ;
 710  $BL['be_admin_startup_text']            = 'n&#7897;i dung hi&#7875;n th&#7883;'        ;
 711  // added by Christian Günther (guenther@emediafabrik.de)
 712  // and Johannes Meyknecht (meyknecht@emediafabrik.de) for VTS phpOpenTracker
 713  $BL['be_nav_vts']                       = 'TH&#7888;NG K&#202;';
 714  $BL['be_subnav_vts_total']                = 'T&#7893;ng h&#7907;p';
 715  $BL['be_subnav_vts_currhour']              = 'Trong gi&#7901;';
 716  $BL['be_subnav_vts_lasthour']              = '1 gi&#7901; tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 717  $BL['be_subnav_vts_today']              = 'H&#244;m nay';
 718  $BL['be_subnav_vts_yesterday']          = 'H&#244;m qua';
 719  $BL['be_subnav_vts_currweek']              = 'Tu&#7847;n n&#224;y';
 720  $BL['be_subnav_vts_lastweek']              = 'Tu&#7847;n tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 721  $BL['be_subnav_vts_curryear']              = 'N&#259;m nay';
 722  $BL['be_subnav_vts_lastyear']              = 'N&#259;m tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 724  $BL['be_vts_currhour']                    = 'Trong gi&#7901;';
 725  $BL['be_vts_lasthour']                    = 'C&#225;ch &#273;&#226;y 1 gi&#7901;';
 726  $BL['be_vts_today']                        = 'H&#244;m nay';
 727  $BL['be_vts_yesterday']                    = 'H&#244;m qua  ';
 728  $BL['be_vts_currweek']                    = 'Tu&#7847;n n&#224;y';
 729  $BL['be_vts_lastweek']                    = 'Tu&#7847;n tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 730  $BL['be_vts_currmonth']                    = 'Th&#225;ng n&#224;y';
 731  $BL['be_vts_lastmonth']                    = 'Th&#225;ng tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 732  $BL['be_vts_curryear']                    = 'N&#259;m nay';
 733  $BL['be_vts_lastyear']                    = 'N&#259;m tr&#432;&#7899;c';
 735  $BL['be_vts_total']                        = 't&#7893;ng';
 736  $BL['be_vts_one_time_visitors']            = 'm&#7897;t l&#7847;n';
 737  $BL['be_vts_returning_visitors']        = 'kh&#225;ch tr&#7903; l&#7841;i';
 738  $BL['be_vts_unique_visitors']            = '1 trang';
 739  $BL['be_vts_return_visits']                = 'gh&#233; th&#259;m tr&#7903; l&#7841;i';
 740  $BL['be_vts_visitors_online']            = 'tr&#7921;c tuy&#7871;n';
 742  $BL['be_vts_visits']                    = 'L&#7847;n truy c&#7853;p';
 743  $BL['be_vts_visitor']                    = 'Kh&#225;ch';
 744  $BL['be_vts_browser']                    = 'Tr&#236;nh duy&#7879;t';
 745  $BL['be_vts_os']                        = 'H&#7879; &#273;i&#7873;u h&#224;nh';
 746  $BL['be_vts_host']                        = 'M&#225;y ch&#7911;';
 747  $BL['be_vts_document']                    = 'Trang';
 748  $BL['be_vts_referer']                    = 'Tham chi&#7871;u &#273;&#7871;n';
 750  //added by frold
 751  $BL['be_vts_name']                    = 'T&#234;n';
 752  $BL['be_vts_times']                    = 'T&#7893;ng';
 753  $BL['be_vts_procent']                    = 'Ph&#7847;n tr&#259;m';
 754  $BL['be_vts_search_engines']                = 'T&#236;m ki&#7871;m';
 755  $BL['be_vts_search_keywords']                = 'T&#7915; kho&#225; t&#236;m ki&#7871;m';
 756  $BL['be_vts_search_combi']                = 'Th&#7889;ng k&#234; k&#7871;t h&#7907;p'      ;
 757   //email
 758  $BL['email_this_page']                = 'G&#7917;i email trang n&#224;y'  ;
 759  $BL['privacy']                         = 'Nh&#7919;ng th&#244;ng tin &#7903; &#273;&#226;y kh&#244;ng nh&#7857;m m&#7909;c &#273;&#237;ch marketing';
 760  $BL['your_email']                      = 'Email c&#7911;a b&#7841;n';
 761  $BL['friend_email']                    = 'Email c&#7847;n g&#7917;i';
 762  $BL['email_content']                   = 'Toi thay trang web nay rat co ich voi ban,hay thu xem no nhe!';
 763  $BL['email_subject']                   = 'Mot nguoi ban gioi thieu cho ban trang Web nay!';
 764  $BL['error1']                           = "&#205;t nh&#7845;t m&#7897;t trong 2 &#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; email &#7903; tr&#234;n kh&#244;ng h&#7907;p l&#7879;.";
 765  $BL['error2']                           = "B&#7841;n ph&#7843;i &#273;i&#7873;n &#273;&#7847;y &#273;&#7911; th&#244;ng tin v&#224;o form email tr&#234;n" ;
 766  $BL['welcome']                          = "B&#224;i n&#224;y g&#7917;i t&#7915;"  ;
 767  // added: 17-04-2004
 768  $BL['be_ctype_guestbook']                = 'guestbook/comment';
 769  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_listing']            = 'listing';
 770  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_listing_all']        = 'list&nbsp;all&nbsp;entries';
 771  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_list']            = 'list';
 772  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_perpage']            = 'per&nbsp;page';
 773  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_form']            = 'form';
 774  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_signed']            = 'signed';
 775  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_nav']                = 'nav';
 776  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_before']            = 'before';
 777  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_after']            = 'after';
 778  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_entry']            = 'entry';
 779  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_edit']            = 'edit';
 780  $BL['be_cnt_ecardform_selector']        = 'selector';
 781  $BL['be_cnt_ecardform_radiobutton']     = 'radio button';
 782  $BL['be_cnt_ecardform_javascript']      = 'JavaScript functionality';
 783  $BL['be_cnt_ecardform_over']            = 'onMouseOver';
 784  $BL['be_cnt_ecardform_click']           = 'onClick';
 785  $BL['be_cnt_ecardform_out']               = 'onMouseOut';
 786  $BL['be_admin_struct_topcount']         = 'top article count';
 788  // added: 19-04-2004
 789  $BL['be_subnav_msg_newslettersend']     = 'th&#432; tin';
 790  $BL['be_newsletter_addnl']              = 'th&#234;m th&#432; tin';
 791  $BL['be_newsletter_titleeditnl']        = 's&#7917;a th&#432; tin';
 792  $BL['be_newsletter_newnl']              = 't&#7841;o m&#7899;i';
 793  $BL['be_newsletter_button_savenl']      = 'l&#432;u l&#7841;i';
 794  $BL['be_newsletter_fromname']           = 't&#234;n ng&#432;&#7901;i g&#7917;i';
 795  $BL['be_newsletter_fromemail']          = 't&#7915; &#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; mail';
 796  $BL['be_newsletter_replyto']            = 'ph&#7843;n h&#7891;i l&#7841;i &#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; mail';
 797  $BL['be_newsletter_changed']            = 'thay &#273;&#7893;i g&#7847;n nh&#7845;t';
 798  $BL['be_newsletter_placeholder']        = 'placeholder';
 799  $BL['be_newsletter_htmlpart']           = 'n&#7897;i dung d&#7841;ng HTML';
 800  $BL['be_newsletter_textpart']           = 'n&#7897;i dung d&#7841;ng TEXT';
 801  $BL['be_newsletter_allsubscriptions']   = 't&#7845;t c&#7843; nh&#7919;ng ng&#432;&#7901;i &#273;&#259;ng k&#253;';
 802  $BL['be_newsletter_verifypage']         = 'ki&#7875;m tra li&#234;n k&#7871;t';
 803  $BL['be_newsletter_open']               = 'nh&#7853;p HTML v&#224; TEXT';
 804  $BL['be_newsletter_open1']              = '(nh&#7845;n v&#224;o &#7843;nh &#273;&#7875; m&#7903;)';
 805  $BL['be_newsletter_sendnow']            = 'G&#7917;i';
 806  $BL['be_newsletter_attention']          = '<strong style="color:#CC3300;">Ch&#250; &#253;!</strong> Th&#432; c&#7911;a b&#7841;n do g&#7917;i cho nhi&#7873;u ng&#432;&#7901;i n&#234;n r&#7845;t c&#243; th&#7875; b&#7883; c&#225;c h&#7879; th&#7889;ng kh&#225;c coi l&#224; spam.H&#227;y ki&#7875;m tra l&#7841;i t&#7915; ph&#237;a ng&#432;&#7901;i d&#249;ng.';
 807  $BL['be_newsletter_attention1']         = 'If you have made changes in above newsletter datas please save it first otherwise these changes will not be used.';
 808  $BL['be_newsletter_testemail']          = 'test email';
 809  $BL['be_newsletter_sendnlbutton']       = 'g&#7917;i thu tin';
 810  $BL['be_newsletter_sendprocess']        = 'g&#7917;i x&#7917; l&#253; &#273;i';
 811  $BL['be_newsletter_attention2']         = '<strong style="color:#CC3300;">Ch&#250; &#253;!</strong> Kh&#244;ng d&#7915;ng qu&#225; tr&#236;nh g&#7917;i v&#236; c&#243; th&#7875; d&#7851;n &#273;&#7871;n l&#7863;p l&#7841;i th&#432; tin n&#224;y.';
 812  $BL['be_newsletter_testerror']          = '<span style="color:#CC3300;font-size:11px;">vi&#7879;c ki&#7875;m tra &#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; email <strong>###TEST###</strong> kh&#244;ng &#273;&#250;ng!<br />&nbsp;<br />Xin th&#7917; l&#7841;i!';
 813  $BL['be_newsletter_to']                 = 'ng&#432;&#7901;i nh&#7853;n';
 814  $BL['be_newsletter_ready']              = 'g&#7917;i th&#432; t&#237;n: Xong';
 815  $BL['be_newsletter_readyfailed']        = 'g&#7917;i b&#7883; l&#7895;i';
 816  $BL['be_subnav_msg_subscribers']        = 'nh&#7919;ng ng&#432;&#7901;i &#273;&#259;ng k&#253;';
 818  // added: 20-04-2004
 819  $BL['be_ctype_sitemap']                    = 'sitemap';
 820  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_catimage']          = 'icon c&#7911;a c&#225;c m&#7913;c';
 821  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_articleimage']      = 'icon c&#7911;a b&#224;i vi&#7871;t';
 822  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_display']           = 'hi&#7875;n th&#7883;';
 823  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_structuronly']      = 'ch&#7881; c&#7845;u tr&#250;c';
 824  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_structurarticle']   = 'c&#7845;u tr&#250;c v&#224; b&#224;i vi&#7871;t';
 825  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_catclass']          = 'l&#7899;p c&#7845;u tr&#250;c';
 826  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_articleclass']      = 'l&#7899;p b&#224;i vi&#7871;t';
 827  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_count']             = 'b&#7897; &#273;&#7871;m';
 828  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_classcount']        = 'th&#234;m v&#224;o t&#234;n l&#7899;p';
 829  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_noclasscount']      = 'kh&#244;ng th&#234;m t&#234;n l&#7899;p';
 831  // added: 23-04-2004
 832  $BL['be_ctype_bid']                        = 'bid';
 833  $BL['be_cnt_bid_bidtext']               = 'bid text';
 834  $BL['be_cnt_bid_sendtext']              = 'sent text';
 835  $BL['be_cnt_bid_verifiedtext']          = 'verified text';
 836  $BL['be_cnt_bid_errortext']             = 'bid deleted';
 837  $BL['be_cnt_bid_verifyemail']           = 'ki&#7875;m tra email';
 838  $BL['be_cnt_bid_startbid']              = 'start bid';
 840  // added: 29-04-2004
 841  $BL['be_cnt_bid_nextbidadd']            = 't&#259;ng&nbsp;b&#7903;i';
 843  // added: 10-05-2004
 844  $BL['be_ctype_pages']                   = 'n&#7897;i dung m&#7903; r&#7885;ng';
 845  $BL['be_cnt_pages_select']              = 'ch&#7885;n t&#7879;p';
 846  $BL['be_cnt_pages_fromfile']            = 'file from structure';
 847  $BL['be_cnt_pages_manually']            = 't&#249;y bi&#7871;n &#273;&#432;&#7901;ng d&#7851;n/t&#7879;p ho&#7863;c URL';
 848  $BL['be_cnt_pages_cust']                = 't&#7879;p/URL';
 849  $BL['be_cnt_pages_from']                = 'ngu&#7891;n';
 851  // added: 24-05-2004
 852  $BL['be_ctype_reference']               = 'rollover images';
 853  $BL['be_cnt_reference_basis']           = 'alignment';
 854  $BL['be_cnt_reference_horizontal']      = 'ngang';
 855  $BL['be_cnt_reference_vertical']        = 'd&#7885;c';
 856  $BL['be_cnt_reference_aligntext']       = '&#7843;nh tham chi&#7871;u nh&#7887;';
 857  $BL['be_cnt_reference_largetext']       = '&#7843;nh tham chi&#7871;u l&#7899;n';
 858  $BL['be_cnt_reference_zoom']            = 'zoom';
 859  $BL['be_cnt_reference_middle']          = 'gi&#7919;a';
 860  $BL['be_cnt_reference_border']          = 'vi&#7873;n';
 861  $BL['be_cnt_reference_block']           = 'kh&#7889;i w x h';
 863  // added: 31-05-2004
 864  $BL['be_article_rendering']             = 'tr&#225;t n&#7897;i dung';
 865  $BL['be_article_nosummary']             = 'kh&#244;ng hi&#7875;n th&#7883; n&#7897;i d&#7909;ng &#7903; ch&#7871; &#273;&#7897; &#273;&#7847;y &#273;&#7911;';
 866  $BL['be_article_forlist']               = 'danh s&#225;ch b&#224;i vi&#7871;t';
 867  $BL['be_article_forfull']               = 'hi&#7875;n th&#7883; b&#224;i vi&#7871;t &#273;&#7847;y &#273;&#7911;';
 869  // added: 08-07-2004
 870  $BL["setup_dir_exists"]                 = '<strong>CH&#218; &#221;!</strong> Th&#432; m&#7909;c &quot;SETUP&quot; v&#7851;n t&#7891;n t&#7841;i! X&#243;a &#273;i ngay nh&#233;!\'s l&#7895;i nghi&#234;m tr&#7885;ng &#273;&#7845;y.';
 872  // added: 12-08-2004
 873  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_banned']          = 'banned words';
 874  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_flooding']        = 'flooding';
 875  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_setcookie']       = 'thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p cookie';
 876  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_allowed']         = '&#273;&#432;&#7907;c ph&#233;p l&#224;m l&#7841;i sau &#273;&#243;';
 877  $BL['be_cnt_guestbook_seconds']         = 'gi&#226;y';
 878  $BL['be_alias_ID']                      = 'alias ID';
 879  $BL['be_ftrash_delall']                 = "B&#7841;n c&#243; mu&#7889;n x&#243;a\nt&#7845;t c&#7843; c&#225;c t&#7879;p trong th&#249;ng r&#225;c kh&#244;ng?";
 880  $BL['be_ftrash_delallfiles']            = 'x&#243;a t&#7845;t c&#7843; trong th&#249;ng r&#225;c';
 882  // added: 16-08-2004
 883  $BL['be_subnav_msg_importsubscribers']  = 'Nh&#7853;p ng&#432;&#7901;i &#273;&#259;ng k&#253; b&#7857;ng t&#7879;p CSV';
 884  $BL['be_newsletter_importtitle']        = 'Nh&#7853;p ng&#432;&#7901;i &#273;&#259;ng k&#253;';
 885  $BL['be_newsletter_entriesfound']       = '&#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; &nbsp;&#273;&#432;&#7907;c t&#236;m th&#7845;y';
 886  $BL['be_newsletter_foundinfile']        = 'trong t&#7879;p';
 887  $BL['be_newsletter_addresses']          = '&#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881;';
 888  $BL['be_newsletter_csverror']           = 'T&#7879;p CSV h&#236;nh nh&#432; l&#7895;i.B&#7841;n th&#7917; ki&#7875;m tra l&#7841;i d&#7845;u ng&#259;n c&#225;ch &#273;i!';
 889  $BL['be_newsletter_importall']          = 'nh&#7853;p t&#7845;t c&#7843;';
 890  $BL['be_newsletter_addressesadded']     = '&#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; &#273;&#432;&#7907;c th&#234;m.';
 891  $BL['be_newsletter_newimport']          = 'nh&#7853;p m&#7899;i';
 892  $BL['be_newsletter_importerror']        = 'H&#227;y k&&#7875;m tra l&#7841;i t&#7879;p CSV. Kh&#244;ng c&#243; &#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; n&#224;o &#273;&#432;&#7907;c th&#234;m!';
 893  $BL['be_newsletter_shouldbe1']          = 'T&#7879;p CSV n&#234;n &#273;&#432;&#7907;c &#273;&#7883;nh d&#7841;ng nh&#432; sau';
 894  $BL['be_newsletter_shouldbe2']          = 'nh&#432;ng b&#7841;n c&#243; th&#7875; t&#249;y ch&#7885;n d&#7845;u ng&#259;n c&#225;ch';
 895  $BL['be_newsletter_sample']             = 'v&#237; d&#7909;';
 896  $BL['be_newsletter_selectCSV']          = 'ch&#7885;n t&#7879;p CSV';
 897  $BL['be_newsletter_delimeter']          = 'ng&#259;n c&#225;ch';
 898  $BL['be_newsletter_importCSV']          = 'nh&#7853;p t&#7915; t&#7879;p CSV ';
 900  // added: 24-08-2004
 901  $BL['be_admin_struct_orderarticle']     = 'th&#7913; t&#7921; c&#225;c b&#224;i vi&#7871;t &#273;&#432;&#7907;c g&#225;n';
 902  $BL['be_admin_struct_orderdate']        = 'ng&#224;y t&#7841;o';
 903  $BL['be_admin_struct_orderchangedate']  = 'ng&#224;y thay &#273;&#7893;i';
 904  $BL['be_admin_struct_orderstartdate']   = 'ng&#224;y b&#7855;t &#273;&#7847;u';
 905  $BL['be_admin_struct_orderdesc']        = 'gi&#7843;m d&#7847;n';
 906  $BL['be_admin_struct_orderasc']         = 't&#259;ng d&#7847;n';
 907  $BL['be_admin_struct_ordermanual']      = 'b&#7857;ng tay (n&#250;t l&#234;n/xu&#7889;ng)';
 908  $BL['be_cnt_sitemap_startid']           = 'b&#7855;t &#273;&#7847;u t&#7841;i';
 910  // added: 20-10-2004
 911  $BL['be_ctype_map']                     = 'map';
 912  $BL['be_save_btn']                      = 'L&#432;u l&#7841;i';
 913  $BL['be_cmap_location_error_notitle']   = '&#273;i&#7873;n m&#7897;t ti&#234;u &#273;&#7873; cho v&#7883; tr&#237;.';
 914  $BL['be_cnt_map_add']                   = 'th&#234;m v&#7883; tr&#237;';
 915  $BL['be_cnt_map_edit']                  = 's&#7917;a v&#7883; tr&#237;';
 916  $BL['be_cnt_map_title']                 = 'ti&#234;u &#273;&#7873; v&#7883; tr&#237;';
 917  $BL['be_cnt_map_info']                  = 'entry/info';
 918  $BL['be_cnt_map_list']                  = 'danh s&#225;ch v&#7883; tr&#237;';
 919  $BL['be_btn_delete']                    = 'B&#7841;n c&#243; mu&#7889;n \nx&#243;a v&#7883; tr&#237; n&#224;y kh&#244;ng?';
 921  // added: 05-11-2004
 922  $BL['be_ctype_phpvar']                  = 'c&#225;c bi&#7871;n PHP';
 923  $BL['be_cnt_vars']                      = 'bi&#7871;n';
 925  // added: 19-11-2004 -- copy - Fernando Batista http://fernandobatista.web.pt
 926  $BL['be_func_struct_copy']              = 'sao ch&#233;p b&#224;i vi&#7871;t';
 927  $BL['be_func_struct_nocopy']            = 'kh&#244;ng sao ch&#233;p b&#224;i vi&#7871;t n&#7919;a';
 928  $BL['be_func_struct_copy_level']        = 'sao ch&#233;p m&#7913;c c&#7845;u tr&#250;c n&#224;y';
 929  $BL['be_func_struct_no_copy']           = "Kh&#244;ng th&#7875; sao ch&#233;p m&#7909;c g&#7889;c!";
 931  // added: 27-11-2004
 932  $BL['be_date_minute']                   = 'ph&#250;t';
 933  $BL['be_date_minutes']                  = 'ph&#250;t';
 934  $BL['be_date_hour']                     = 'gi&#7901;';
 935  $BL['be_date_hours']                    = 'gi&#7901;';
 936  $BL['be_date_day']                      = 'ng&#224;y';
 937  $BL['be_date_days']                     = 'ng&#224;y';
 938  $BL['be_date_week']                     = 'tu&#7847;n';
 939  $BL['be_date_weeks']                    = 'tu&#7847;n';
 940  $BL['be_date_month']                    = 'th&#225;ng';
 941  $BL['be_date_months']                   = 'th&#225;ng';
 942  $BL['be_off']                           = 't&#7855;t';
 943  $BL['be_on']                            = 'b&#7853;t';
 944  $BL['be_cache']                         = 'cache';
 945  $BL['be_cache_timeout']                 = 'timeout';
 947  // added: 13-12-2004
 948  $BL['be_subnav_admin_groups']            = 'ng&#432;&#7901;i d&#249;ng &amp; nh&#243;m';
 950  // added: 20-12-2004
 951  $BL['be_ctype_forum']                    = 'di&#7877;n &#273;&#224;n';
 952  $BL['be_subnav_msg_forum']                = 'danh s&#225;ch di&#7877;n &#273;&#224;n';
 953  $BL['be_forum_title']                    = 'ti&#234;u &#273;&#7873; di&#7877;n &#273;&#224;n';
 954  $BL['be_forum_permission']                = 'ph&#226;n quy&#7873;n';
 955  $BL['be_forum_add']                        = 'th&#234;m di&#7877;n &#273;&#224;n';
 956  $BL['be_forum_titleedit']                = 's&#7917;a di&#7877;n &#273;&#224;n';
 958  // added: 15-01-2005
 959  $BL['be_admin_page_customblocks']       = 't&#249;y bi&#7871;n';
 960  $BL['be_show_content']                  = 'hi&#7875;n th&#7883;';
 961  $BL['be_main_content']                  = 'c&#7897;t ch&#237;nh';
 962  $BL['be_admin_template_jswarning']      = 'Ch&#250; &#253;!!! \nC&#225;c block t&#249;y bi&#7871;n c&#243; th&#7875; thay &#273;&#7893;i! \n\nN&#7871;u b&#7841;n b&#7887; &#273;i \nx&#243;a c&#225;c thi&#7871;t l&#7853;p &#273;&#7883;nh d&#7841;ng trang! \n\nThay &#273;&#7893;i m&#7851;u trang?\n\n';
 964  $BL['be_ctype_rssfeed']                    = 'RSS feed';
 965  $BL['be_cnt_rssfeed_url']                = '&#273;&#7883;a ch&#7881; c&#7911;a RSS';
 966  $BL['be_cnt_rssfeed_item']                = 'tin b&#224;i';
 967  $BL['be_cnt_rssfeed_max']                = 'l&#7899;n nh&#7845;t.';
 968  $BL['be_cnt_rssfeed_cut']                = 'gi&#7845;u b&#224;i &#273;&#7847;u ti&#234;n';
 970  $BL['be_ctype_simpleform']                = 'm&#7851;u email li&#234;n h&#7879;';
 972  $BL['be_cnt_onsuccess']                    = 'khi th&#224;nh c&#244;ng';
 973  $BL['be_cnt_onerror']                    = 'khi l&#7895;i';
 974  $BL['be_cnt_onsuccess_redirect']        = 'chuy&#7875;n ti&#7871;p khi th&#224;nh c&#244;ng';
 975  $BL['be_cnt_onerror_redirect']            = 'chuy&#7875;n ti&#7871;p khi c&#243; l&#7895;i';
 977  $BL['be_cnt_form_class']                = 'l&#7899;p bi&#7875;u m&#7851;u';
 978  $BL['be_cnt_label_wrap']                = 'nh&#227;n wrap';
 979  $BL['be_cnt_error_class']                = 'l&#7899;p l&#7895;i';
 980  $BL['be_cnt_req_mark']                    = 'd&#7845;u b&#7855;t bu&#7897;c';
 981  $BL['be_cnt_mark_as_req']                = '&#273;&#225;nh d&#7845;u b&#7855;t bu&#7897;c';
 982  $BL['be_cnt_mark_as_del']                = '&#273;&#225;nh d&#7845;u &#273;&#7875; x&#243;a';
 985  $BL['be_cnt_type']                        = 'ki&#7875;u';
 986  $BL['be_cnt_label']                        = 'nh&#227;n';
 987  $BL['be_cnt_needed']                    = 'b&#7855;t bu&#7897;c';
 988  $BL['be_cnt_delete']                    = 'x&#243;a';
 989  $BL['be_cnt_value']                        = 'gi&#225; tr&#7883;';
 990  $BL['be_cnt_error_text']                = 'd&#242;ng b&#225;o l&#7895;i';
 991  $BL['be_cnt_css_style']                    = '&#273;&#7883;nh d&#7841;ng CSS';
 992  $BL['be_article_cnt_button3']            = "L&#432;u v&#224; &#273;&#243;ng l&#7841;i";
 994  $BL['be_cnt_field']                        = array("text"=>'text (d&#242;ng &#273;&#417;n)', "email"=>'email', "textarea"=>'text (nhi&#7873;u d&#242;ng)',
 995                                                  "hidden"=>'gi&#7845;u', "password"=>'m&#7853;t kh&#7849;u', "select"=>'ch&#7885;n danh m&#7909;c',
 996                                                  "list"=>'danh s&#225;ch l&#7921;a ch&#7885;n', "checkbox"=>'checkbox', "radio"=>'n&#250;t radio',
 997                                                  "upload"=>'t&#7879;p', "submit"=>'n&#250;t g&#7917;i &#273;i', "reset"=>'n&#250;t reset',
 998                                                  "break"=>'break', "breaktext"=>'break text', "special"=>'text (&#273;&#7863;c bi&#7879;t)');
1000  $BL['be_cnt_access']                    = 'truy c&#7853;p';
1001  $BL['be_cnt_activated']                    = 'k&#237;ch ho&#7841;t';
1002  $BL['be_cnt_available']                    = 's&#7861;n s&#224;ng';
1003  $BL['be_cnt_guests']                    = 'kh&#225;ch';
1004  $BL['be_cnt_admin']                        = 'qu&#7843;n tr&#7883;';
1005  $BL['be_cnt_write']                        = 'vi&#7871;t';
1006  $BL['be_cnt_read']                        = '&#273;&#7885;c';
1007  ?>

Generated: Tue Nov 16 22:51:00 2010 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7