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'' : ' title="'.$capt_cur.'"'; //title $list_img_temp = ''.$caption[1].''; $img_a = ''; $lightbox_capt = ''; if($image['zoom'] && isset($zoominfo) && $zoominfo != false) { // if click enlarge the image $open_popup_link = 'image_zoom.php?'.getClickZoomImageParameter($zoominfo[0].'?'.$zoominfo[3]); if($caption[2][0]) { $open_link = $caption[2][0]; $return_false = ''; } else { $open_link = $open_popup_link; $return_false = 'return false;'; } if($image['lightbox'] && $capt_cur) { $lightbox_capt = 'title="'.parseLightboxCaption($capt_cur).'" 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' rel="lightbox['.$image['lightbox'].']"' : '' ), $img_a); $img_a = str_replace('{LIGHTBOX_CAPTION}', $lightbox_capt, $img_a); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'ZOOM', ($img_zoom_name ? '' : '') ); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'COPYRIGHT', $caption[4] ); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'FIRST', ($col > 1 ? '' : $col) ); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'ROW', ($x+1) ); // new freetext value $value['freetext'] = empty($value['freetext']) ? '' : trim($value['freetext']); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'INFOTEXT', plaintext_htmlencode($value['freetext'], 'html_entities') ); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'INFOHTML', $value['freetext'] ); if($image['nocaption']) { $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'CAPTION_ELSE', ''); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'CAPTION', ''); } else { $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'CAPTION', $capt_cur); } $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'TITLE', $capt_cur); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'ALT', $caption[1]); $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'LINK', $img_thumb_link); // check if this is the last image in row if($image['col'] == $col || $image['count'] == $total) { $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'LAST', $col); $image['tmpl_images'][$x] .= $img_a; $x++; $col = 0; } else { $img_a = render_cnt_template($img_a, 'LAST', ''); $image['tmpl_images'][$x] .= $img_a; } } $image['template'] .= implode($image['tmpl_row_space'], $image['tmpl_images']); } $image['template'] .= $image['tmpl_footer']; // now do main replacements $image['template'] = str_replace('{ID}', $crow['acontent_id'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = str_replace('{SPACE}', $image['space'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = str_replace('{THUMB_WIDTH_MAX}', $image['tmpl_thumb_width_max'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = str_replace('{THUMB_HEIGHT_MAX}', $image['tmpl_thumb_height_max'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = str_replace('{THUMB_COLUMNS}', $image['col'], $image['template']); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'TITLE', html_specialchars($crow['acontent_title'])); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'SUBTITLE', html_specialchars($crow['acontent_subtitle'])); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'TEXT', $crow['acontent_html']); $image['template'] = render_cnt_template($image['template'], 'EFFECT_1', ($image['fx1'] ? 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