''); $content['all_keywords'] = ''; $content['globalRT'] = array(); $content['aId_CpPage'] = 0; // set default content part pagination page (0 and 1) are the same $content['CpTrigger'] = array(); // array to hold content part trigger functions $content['404error'] = false; $content['set_canonical'] = false; $content['cptab'] = array(); // array to hold content part based tabs $pagelayout = array(); $no_content_for_this_page = 0; $alias = ''; $PERMIT_ACCESS = true; // by default set all content without permissions $CUSTOM = array(); // var that holds result of content part "php var" //method to get the right action values //if there is only the ?alias try to find the right category if(isset($_GET["id"])) { $aktion = explode(',', $_GET["id"], 6); $aktion[0] = intval($aktion[0]); //$aktion[0] will be always available $aktion[1] = isset($aktion[1]) ? intval($aktion[1]) : 0; $aktion[2] = isset($aktion[2]) ? intval($aktion[2]) : 0; $aktion[3] = isset($aktion[3]) ? intval($aktion[3]) : 1; $aktion[4] = isset($aktion[4]) ? intval($aktion[4]) : 0; $aktion[5] = isset($aktion[5]) ? intval($aktion[5]) : 0; // check if article category is given and available if(!isset($content['struct'][ $aktion[0] ])) { $aktion[0] = 0; // OK in case not we should check if given article ID is correct if($aktion[1]) { $sql = 'SELECT article_id, article_cid FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_article WHERE '; $sql .= 'article_deleted=0 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_id='.$aktion[1].' LIMIT 1'; $aktion[1] = 0; //reset if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $aktion[0] = $row[1]; $aktion[1] = $row[0]; } mysql_free_result($result); } } $GLOBALS['_getVar']['id'] = implode(',', $aktion); headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL.'index.php'.returnGlobalGET_QueryString(), 404); } } elseif(isset($_GET['aid'])) { // try to find correct structure $aktion = array(0,0,0,0,1,0); $_GET['aid'] = explode('-', $_GET['aid'], 2); // now check for cp pagination $content['aId_CpPage'] = isset($_GET['aid'][1]) ? intval($_GET['aid'][1]) : 0; // set cp paginate page $_GET['aid'] = intval($_GET['aid'][0]); if($_GET['aid']) { $sql = 'SELECT article_cid FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_article WHERE '; $sql .= 'article_deleted=0 '; if(VISIBLE_MODE !== 2) { $sql .= 'AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_public=1 '; } elseif(VISIBLE_MODE === 1) { $sql .= 'AND article_uid='.intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]).' '; } $sql .= 'AND article_id='.$_GET['aid'].' LIMIT 1'; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $aktion[0] = $row[0]; $aktion[1] = $_GET['aid']; } else { $content['404error'] = true; } mysql_free_result($result); } else { $content['404error'] = true; } } if(!$aktion[1]) { $content['aId_CpPage'] = 0; // no article = no pagination } } else { // check the alias $aktion = array(0,0,0,1,0,0); if(count($GLOBALS['_getVar'])) { reset($GLOBALS['_getVar']); $alias = trim(key($GLOBALS['_getVar'])); if($alias && $GLOBALS['_getVar'][$alias] === '') { // alias must be empty "" $where_alias = aporeplace($alias); // we have to check against MySQL < 4.0 -> UNION unknown // so use a workaround if(PHPWCMS_DB_VERSION < 40000) { $sql = "SELECT acat_id, (0) AS article_id, 1 AS aktion3, 0 AS aktion4 FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecat "; $sql .= "WHERE acat_trash=0 AND acat_aktiv=1 AND acat_alias='" . $where_alias . "' LIMIT 1"; $row = _dbQuery($sql); if(!isset($row[0]['acat_id'])) { $sql = "SELECT article_cid AS acat_id, article_id, 0 AS aktion3, 1 AS aktion4 FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "WHERE article_deleted=0 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_alias='" . $where_alias . "' LIMIT 1"; $row = _dbQuery($sql); } } else { $sql = "(SELECT acat_id, (0) AS article_id, 1 AS aktion3, 0 AS aktion4 FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecat "; $sql .= "WHERE acat_trash=0 AND acat_aktiv=1 AND acat_alias='" . $where_alias . "')"; $sql .= " UNION "; $sql .= "(SELECT article_cid AS acat_id, article_id, 0 AS aktion3, 1 AS aktion4 FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "WHERE article_deleted=0 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_alias='" . $where_alias . "') "; $sql .= "LIMIT 1"; $row = _dbQuery($sql); } if(isset($row[0]['acat_id'])) { $aktion[0] = $row[0]['acat_id']; $aktion[1] = $row[0]['article_id']; $aktion[3] = $row[0]['aktion3']; $aktion[4] = $row[0]['aktion4']; define('PHPWCMS_ALIAS', $alias); } elseif($alias == $indexpage['acat_alias']) { define('PHPWCMS_ALIAS', $alias); } else { $content['404error'] = true; } } } } if(isset($_GET['print'])) { $aktion[2] = 1; define('PRINT_PDF', intval($_GET['print']) == 2 ? true : false); unset($_getVar['print'], $_GET['print']); } // define special OUTPUT format/action $phpwcms['output_action'] = false; if(!empty($_GET['phpwcms_output_action']) || !empty($_POST['phpwcms_output_action'])) { // split by function - value: F-function1|function2|function3--S-SECT1|SECT2|SECT3 $phpwcms['output_action'] = explode('--', clean_slweg( empty($_GET['phpwcms_output_action']) ? $_POST['phpwcms_output_action'] : $_GET['phpwcms_output_action'] )); unset( $_GET['phpwcms_output_action'], $_POST['phpwcms_output_action'], $_getVar['phpwcms_output_action'] ); if(is_array($phpwcms['output_action'])) { $phpwcms['output_function'] = array(); $phpwcms['output_section'] = array(); foreach($phpwcms['output_action'] as $value) { $value = trim($value); if($value{0} == 'F') { $value = explode('|', substr($value, 2)); $output_key = 'output_function'; } elseif($value{0} == 'S') { $value = explode('|', substr($value, 2)); $output_key = 'output_section'; } else { continue; } if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $_value) { $_value = trim($_value); if($_value != '') { $phpwcms[$output_key][$_value] = $_value; } } } } $phpwcms['output_action'] = count($phpwcms['output_function']) || count($phpwcms['output_section']) ? true : false; } else { $phpwcms['output_action'] = false; } } //define the current article category ID $content["cat_id"] = $aktion[0]; $content['body_id'] = $content["cat_id"]; // check if current level is a redirect level if(!empty($content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_redirect'])) { $redirect = get_redirect_link( $content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_redirect'] ); headerRedirect($redirect['link'], 301); } //try to find current tree depth $LEVEL_ID = array(); $LEVEL_KEY = array(); $LEVEL_STRUCT = array(); $level_ID_array = get_breadcrumb($content["cat_id"], $content['struct']); $level_count = 0; foreach($level_ID_array as $key => $value) { $LEVEL_ID[$level_count] = $key; $LEVEL_KEY[$key] = $level_count; $LEVEL_STRUCT[$level_count] = $content['struct'][$key]['acat_name']; if($PERMIT_ACCESS && $content['struct'][$key]['acat_regonly']) { $PERMIT_ACCESS = false; // only users have been logged in get access } $level_count++; } define('PERMIT_ACCESS', $PERMIT_ACCESS); // frontend login check _checkFrontendUserAutoLogin(); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // read the template information for page based on structure if($content["struct"][ $content["cat_id"] ]["acat_template"]) { //if there is a template defined for this structure level //then choose the template information based on this ID $sql = "SELECT template_var FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_template WHERE template_trash=0 AND "; $sql .= "template_id=".$content["struct"][ $content["cat_id"] ]["acat_template"]." LIMIT 1;"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $block = unserialize($row[0]); } mysql_free_result($result); } } if(!isset($block)) { // if template ID is not defined or the were a problem with level's template ID then // choose the default template or if no default template defined choose the next one $sql = "SELECT template_var FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_template "; $sql .= "WHERE template_trash=0 ORDER BY template_default DESC LIMIT 1;"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $block = unserialize($row[0]); } mysql_free_result($result); } } // compatibility for older releases where only // 1 css file could be stored per template if(is_string($block['css'])) { $block['css'] = array($block['css']); } // check if template_defaults should be overwritten if(!empty($block['overwrite'])) { $block['overwrite'] = str_replace('/', '', $block['overwrite']); @include(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_settings/template_default/'.$block['overwrite']); } if(!empty($content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_overwrite'])) { $block['overwrite'] = str_replace('/', '', $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_overwrite']); @include(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_settings/template_default/'.$block['overwrite']); } // load frontend JavaScript lib file require PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/js.inc.php'; // ------------------------------------------------------------- // retrieve pagelayout info // check how the content should be rendered based on pagelayout render value $block["layout"] = intval($block["layout"]); $sql = "SELECT pagelayout_var FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_pagelayout WHERE pagelayout_trash=0 "; $sql .= $block["layout"] ? "AND pagelayout_id=".$block["layout"] : "ORDER BY pagelayout_default DESC"; $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; $result = _dbQuery($sql); if(isset($result[0]['pagelayout_var'])) { $pagelayout = @unserialize($result[0]['pagelayout_var']); // if print action if($aktion[2] === 1) { $pagelayout = array('layout_title' => $pagelayout['layout_title'], 'layout_customblocks' => $pagelayout['layout_customblocks']); } } if(empty($pagelayout)) { // if no pagelayout could be found die('There is no pagelayout available. Please login to the admin section and create one here!'); } // Pagetitle $content["pagetitle"] = empty($pagelayout["layout_title"]) ? '' : $pagelayout["layout_title"]; //generate the colspan attribute $colspan = get_colspan($pagelayout); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // now initialize content blocks like CONTENT, HEADER, LEFT, RIGHT, FOOTER $content['main'] = ''; // {CONTENT} $content['CB']['LEFT'] = ''; // {LEFT} $content['CB']['RIGHT'] = ''; // {RIGHT} $content['CB']['HEADER'] = ''; // {HEADER} $content['CB']['FOOTER'] = ''; // {FOOTER} // and try to add and initialize custom blocks if(!empty($pagelayout['layout_customblocks'])) { $custom_blocks = explode(', ', $pagelayout['layout_customblocks']); foreach($custom_blocks as $value) { if($value != '') $content['CB'][$value] = ''; } unset($custom_blocks); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // try to include custom functions or what ever you want to do at this point of the script // default dir: "phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_init"; only *.php files are allowed there if($phpwcms["allow_ext_init"]) { if(count($custom_includes = get_tmpl_files(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_script/frontend_init', 'php'))) { foreach($custom_includes as $value) { include_once(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_script/frontend_init/'.$value); } } } // include custom frontend init scripts based on module definitions if(count($phpwcms['modules_fe_init'])) { foreach($phpwcms['modules_fe_init'] as $value) { include_once($value); } } // redirect to login form if user is not logged in and has no permission to access level if(!PERMIT_ACCESS && !_getFeUserLoginStatus()) { if(!empty($block['feloginurl'])) { $template_default['login_form_url'] = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $block['feloginurl']); } elseif(empty($template_default['login_form_url'])) { $template_default['login_form_url'] = PHPWCMS_URL; } // store current URL $_SESSION['LOGIN_REDIRECT'] = decode_entities(FE_CURRENT_URL); // redirect to login form headerRedirect($template_default['login_form_url'], 401); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //reads all articles for active cat into array $content["articles"] = get_actcat_articles_data($content["cat_id"]); $content["article_list_count"] = count($content["articles"]); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // generating a list of articles inside the current article category if(!$aktion[4]) { if(!$content['404error'] && ($content["article_list_count"] || $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_topcount'] == -1)) { if($content["article_list_count"] == 1 || $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_topcount'] == -1) { // if($temp_counter == 1) { // if only 1 article for this category available // then show this article directly // sets article ID to this only 1 article foreach($content["articles"] as $key => $value) { $aktion[1] = intval($key); break; } $aktion[4] = 1; // this needs to be set to 1 for showing the article // enable canonical tag $content['set_canonical'] = true; } else { // there is more than 1 article inside this category // -> list all - the 1st will be shown with summary and such stuff $content["main"] .= list_articles_summary(); } } else { $no_content_for_this_page = 1; } } elseif($content["article_list_count"] === 1) { // enable canonical tag $content['set_canonical'] = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // check if current category should be cached if($content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_timeout'] != '') { $phpwcms['cache_timeout'] = $content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_timeout']; } // set search status for current category $cache_searchable = $content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_nosearch']; // ------------------------------------------------------------- $content['list_mode'] = true; if($aktion[1]) { // render page based on article include_once(PHPWCMS_ROOT."/include/inc_front/content.article.inc.php"); $content['list_mode'] = false; } elseif(!empty($content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_pagetitle'])) { // a custom pagetitle for structure level exists $content["pagetitle"] = $content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_pagetitle']; } else { $content["pagetitle"] = setPageTitle($content["pagetitle"], $content['struct'][$content['cat_id']]['acat_name'], ''); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //check for no content error $content["main"] = trim($content["main"]); if($content['404error'] || $no_content_for_this_page || $content["main"] == '') { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); $content["main"] .= $block["errortext"]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //check if one of needed block texts and values are empty and if then fill with content if(!$block["maintext"]) { $block["maintext"] = $content["main"]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //normal page operation if($aktion[2] == 0) { switch($pagelayout["layout_render"]) { case 0: //create the page layout table (header, left, content, right, footer) $content["all"] = "".LF; // align table //header $content["all"] .= colspan_table_row($pagelayout, "header", $colspan, $block["headertext"]); //header row if($pagelayout["layout_topspace_height"]) { //header space $content["all"] .= colspan_table_row($pagelayout, "topspace", $colspan, spacer(1, $pagelayout["layout_topspace_height"])); } //returns the main blocks: left column, content column, right column $content["all"] .= get_table_block($pagelayout, $block["maintext"], $block["lefttext"], $block["righttext"]); //footer if($pagelayout["layout_bottomspace_height"]) { //bottom space $content["all"] .= colspan_table_row($pagelayout, "bottomspace", $colspan, spacer(1, $pagelayout["layout_bottomspace_height"])); } $content["all"] .= colspan_table_row($pagelayout, "footer", $colspan, $block["footertext"]); //footer row $content["all"] .= '
'.LF; //end main table break; case 1: //create the page layout based on DIV (layer) //contentContainer DIV start $content["all"] = ''; $pagelayout['additional_wrap_div'] = false; switch($pagelayout["layout_align"]) { case 1: $content["all"] .= '
'; $pagelayout['additional_wrap_div'] = true; break; case 2: $content["all"] .= '
'; $pagelayout['additional_wrap_div'] = true; break; } $content["all"] .= '
'.LF; //header DIV if($block["headertext"] || $pagelayout['layout_header_height']) { $content["all"] .= '
\n"; } //left DIV if 3column or 2column (with left block) if($pagelayout["layout_type"] == 0 || $pagelayout["layout_type"] == 1) { $content["all"] .= '
\n"; } //right DIV if 3column or 2column (with right block) if($pagelayout["layout_type"] == 0 || $pagelayout["layout_type"] == 2) { $content["all"] .= '
\n"; } //main block $content["all"] .= '
\n"; //footer DIV if($block["footertext"] || $pagelayout['layout_footer_height']) { $content["all"] .= '
\n"; } //contentContainer DIV end if($pagelayout['additional_wrap_div']) { $content["all"] .= "
"; } $content["all"] .= "
\n"; break; case 2: //create the page layout based only on the content of main block $content["all"] = $block["maintext"]; break; } } elseif ($aktion[2] == 1) { //if print layout should be shown $_print_tmpl = PRINT_PDF ? 'pdf' : 'print'; $content['all'] = is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/'.$_print_tmpl.'.tmpl') ? @file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/'.$_print_tmpl.'.tmpl') : '{CONTENT}
{CURRENT_URL}'; if(PRINT_PDF) { $_print_settings = get_tmpl_section('PDF_SETTINGS', $content['all']); $content['all'] = replace_tmpl_section('PDF_SETTINGS', $content['all']); $_print_settings = parse_ini_str($_print_settings, false); } if($content['all']) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{CURRENT_URL}', PHPWCMS_URL.'index.php'.returnGlobalGET_QueryString('htmlentities'), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $block["maintext"], $content["all"]); } else { $content['all'] = $block["maintext"]; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Render possible PHP Values in category or article keyword field $content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"] = render_PHPcode($content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"]); if(!empty($content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"]) && strpos($content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"], 'PHP') !== FALSE) { $content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"] = render_PHPcode($content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // put in the complete rendered content $content["all"] = str_replace('{CONTENT}', $content["main"], $content["all"]); // put in custom rendered content foreach($content['CB'] as $key => $value) { //first check content of custom block in current template if(isset($block['customblock_'.$key]) && $block['customblock_'.$key] !== '' && $value !== '') { $value = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $value, $block['customblock_'.$key]); } $content["all"] = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $value, $content["all"]); } // render Tab replacement code if(count($content['cptab'])) { foreach($content['cptab'] as $CNT_TAB => $trow) { $content['all'] = str_replace('', $trow, $content['all']); } } // check layout for list mode sections or detail view if(strpos($content['all'], '_LIST_MODE')) { $content['all'] = replace_tmpl_section( ($content['list_mode'] ? 'ELSE_LIST_MODE' : 'IF_LIST_MODE') , $content['all']); $content['all'] = str_replace(array('', '', '', ''), '', $content['all']); } // search for specific article ID and or category ID and replace it $content['all'] = str_replace('{CURRENT_ARTICLEID}', $aktion[1], $content['all']); $content['all'] = str_replace('{CURRENT_CATEGORYID}', $aktion[0], $content['all']); // search for level related replacement tags and replace it, sample: {LEVEL2_ID} $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback('/\{LEVEL(\d+)_ID\}/', 'replace_level_id', $content['all']); // {SHOW_CONTENT:MODE,id[,id[,...]]} if( ! ( strpos($content["all"],'{SHOW_CONTENT:')===false ) ) { $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{SHOW_CONTENT:(.*?)\}/e', 'showSelectedContent("$1");', $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // include external PHP script (also normal HTML snippets) or return PHP var value if(strpos($content["all"],'PHP') !== false) { $content["all"] = render_PHPcode($content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- //breadcrumb replacement if(strpos($content["all"],'{BREADCRUMB') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{BREADCRUMB}', '{BREADCRUMB:0}', $content["all"]); $replace = 'breadcrumb($content["cat_id"], $content["struct"], $1, $template_default["breadcrumb_spacer"]);'; $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BREADCRUMB:(\d+)\}/e', $replace, $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple row based navigation if(strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_ROW') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_ROW}', nav_level_row(0), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_ROW:(\w+|\d+):(0|1)\}/e',"nav_level_row('$1',$2);",$content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple Navigation table if(strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_TABLE_SIMPLE}') !== false) { $replace = nav_table_simple_struct($content["struct"], $content["cat_id"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_TABLE_SIMPLE}', $replace, $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // Left table based rollover navigation if(strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN}', '{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:0}', $content["all"]); $replace = 'nav_table_struct($content["struct"], $content["cat_id"], "$1", $template_default["nav_table_struct"]);'; $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:(\d+)\}/e', $replace, $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // some list based navigations if(strpos($content["all"],'{NAV_LIST') !== false) { //reads all active category IDs beginning with the current cat ID - without HOME $content["cat_path"] = get_active_categories($content["struct"], $content["cat_id"]); // some general list replacements first $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_LIST}', '{NAV_LIST:0}', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_LIST_TOP}', css_level_list($content["struct"], $content["cat_path"], 0, '', 1), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{NAV_LIST_CURRENT}', css_level_list($content["struct"],$content["cat_path"],$content["cat_id"]), $content["all"]); // build complete menu structure starting at a specific ID // {NAV_LIST_UL:Parameter} Parameter: "menu_type, start_id, class_path, class_active, ul_id_name" $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST_UL:(.*?)\}/e', 'buildCascadingMenu("$1");', $content["all"]); // list based navigation starting at given level $replace = 'nav_list_struct($content["struct"],$content["cat_id"],"$1", "$2");'; $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST:(\d+):{0,1}(.*){0,1}\}/e', $replace, $content["all"]); // List based navigation with Top Level - default settings // creates a list styled top nav menu, + optional Home | {NAV_LIST_TOP:home_name:class_name} | default class name = list_top $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST_TOP:(.*?):(.*?)\}/e', 'css_level_list($content["struct"], $content["cat_path"], 0, "$1", 1, "$2")', $content["all"]); // List based navigation with Top Level - default settings // creates a list styled nav menu of current level {NAV_LIST_CURRENT:1:back_name:class_name} | default class name = list_top $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NAV_LIST_CURRENT:(\d+):(.*?):(.*?)\}/e', 'css_level_list($content["struct"],$content["cat_path"],$content["cat_id"],"$2","$1","$3")', $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // date replacement if(strpos($content["all"],'{DATE_') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{DATE_LONG}', international_date_format($template_default["date"]["language"], $template_default["date"]["long"]), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{DATE_MEDIUM}', international_date_format($template_default["date"]["language"], $template_default["date"]["medium"]), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{DATE_SHORT}', international_date_format($template_default["date"]["language"], $template_default["date"]["short"]), $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{DATE_ARTICLE}', international_date_format($template_default["date"]["language"], $template_default["date"]["article"], $content["article_date"]), $content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // time replacement if(strpos($content["all"],'{TIME_') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('{TIME_LONG}', date($template_default["time"]["long"]) , $content["all"] ); $content["all"] = str_replace('{TIME_SHORT}', date($template_default["time"]["short"]), $content["all"] ); $content["all"] = str_replace('{TIME_ARTICLE}', date($template_default["time"]["short"] , $content["article_date"]), $content["all"] ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // replace custom search form input field and action with right target if(strpos($content["all"],'###search_input_action') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('###search_input_field###', 'search_input_field', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('###search_input_value###', (empty($content["search_word"]) ? '' : $content["search_word"]), $content["all"]); // create serahc form action if(strpos($content["all"],'###search_input_action:') !== false) { $content["all"] = preg_replace('/###search_input_action:(\d+)###/e','get_search_action("$1", $db);', $content["all"]); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // related articles based on keywords, inspired by Magnar Stav Johanssen if(strpos($content["all"],'{RELATED:') !== false) { if (!$no_content_for_this_page && !empty($content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"])) { $related_keywords = $content["articles"][$aktion[1]]["article_keyword"]; } else { $related_keywords = ''; } $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{RELATED:(\d+)\}/e','get_related_articles($related_keywords,$aktion[1],$template_default["related"],"$1",$db);',$content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{RELATED:(\d+):(.*?)\}/e','get_related_articles("$2",$aktion[1],$template_default["related"],"$1",$db);',$content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // all new article list sorted by date if(strpos($content["all"],'{NEW:') !== false) { $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{NEW:(\d+):{0,1}(\d+){0,1}\}/e','get_new_articles($template_default["news"],"$1","$2",$db);',$content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // some more general parsing $content["all"] = str_replace('{SITE}', PHPWCMS_URL, $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('{RSSIMG}', $template_default["rss"]["image"], $content["all"]); $content["all"] = html_parser($content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\[img=(\d+)(.*?){0,1}\](.*?)\[\/img\]/i', 'parse_images', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\[img=(\d+)(.*?){0,1}\]/i', 'parse_images', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\[download=(.*?)\/\]/i', 'parse_downloads', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\[download=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/download\]/is', 'parse_downloads', $content["all"]); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // create link to articles for found keywords $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{KEYWORD:(.*?)\}/e', 'get_keyword_link("$1", $db);', $content["all"]); //} // ------------------------------------------------------------- // include external HTML page but only part between $content["all"] = preg_replace_callback('/\{URL:(.*?)\}/i', 'include_url', $content["all"]); // ------------------------------------------------------------- // special browse the content links: UP, NEXT, PREVIOUS // echo get_index_link_up('UP')." | ".get_index_link_prev('PREV',1).' | '.get_index_link_next('NEXT',1); if(strpos($content["all"],'{BROWSE:') !== false) { $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BROWSE:UP:(.*?)\}/e','get_index_link_up("$1");',$content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BROWSE:NEXT:(.*?):(0|1)\}/e','get_index_link_next("$1",$2);',$content["all"]); $content["all"] = preg_replace('/\{BROWSE:PREV:(.*?):(0|1)\}/e','get_index_link_prev("$1",$2);',$content["all"]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // replace all "hardcoded" global replacement tags if(count($content['globalRT'])) { foreach($content['globalRT'] as $key => $value) { if($key != '') { $content["all"] = str_replace($key, $value, $content["all"]); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // add possible redirection code (article summary) to $block["htmlhead"]; $block["htmlhead"] = $content["redirect"]["code"] . render_PHPcode($block["htmlhead"]) . LF; // ------------------------------------------------------------- if(!defined('PHPWCMS_ALIAS')) { define('PHPWCMS_ALIAS', empty($content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_alias']) ? '' : $content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_alias'] ); } // try to include custom functions and replacement tags or what you want to do at this point of the script // default dir: "phpwcms_template/inc_script/frontend_render"; only *.php files are allowed there if($phpwcms["allow_ext_render"]) { if(count($custom_includes = get_tmpl_files(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_script/frontend_render', 'php'))) { foreach($custom_includes as $value) { include_once(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_script/frontend_render/'.$value); } } } if(count($phpwcms['modules_fe_render'])) { foreach($phpwcms['modules_fe_render'] as $value) { include_once($value); } } // render frontend edit related content and JavaScript if(FE_EDIT_LINK) { init_frontend_edit_js(); $content['all'] .= LF . '' . LF; } // insert description meta tag if not definied if(empty($block['custom_htmlhead']['meta.description']) && !empty($content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"]) && !stristr($block["htmlhead"], '"description"')) { set_meta('description', $content["struct"][$aktion[0]]["acat_info"]); } // add structure level keywords if(!empty($content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_keywords'])) { $content['all_keywords'] .= ', ' . $content['struct'][ $content["cat_id"] ]['acat_keywords']; } // insert keywords meta tag if not yet definied if(empty($block['custom_htmlhead']['meta.keywords']) && !empty($content['all_keywords']) && !stristr($block["htmlhead"], '"keywords"')) { $content['all_keywords'] = convertStringToArray($content['all_keywords']); if(count($content['all_keywords'])) { set_meta('keywords', implode(', ', $content['all_keywords'])); } } // replace Print URL if(strpos($content["all"], '[PRINT]') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('[PRINT]', '', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('[/PRINT]', '', $content["all"]); } if(strpos($content["all"], '[PRINT_PDF]') !== false) { $content["all"] = str_replace('[PRINT_PDF]', '', $content["all"]); $content["all"] = str_replace('[/PRINT_PDF]', '', $content["all"]); } // Jérôme's Graphical Text MOD Coypright (C) 2004 if($phpwcms["gt_mod"]) { //enabled/disable GT MOD require_once ('include/inc_module/mod_graphical_text/inc_front/gt.func.inc.php'); } // some article related "global" replacement tags if(isset($content['article_livedate'])) { $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'AUTHOR', html_specialchars($content['article_username'])); $content['all'] = render_cnt_date($content['all'], $content["article_date"], $content['article_livedate'], $content['article_killdate']); $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CATEGORY', $content['cat']); } else { $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'AUTHOR', ''); $content['all'] = render_cnt_date($content['all'], now(), now(), now()); $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CATEGORY', html_specialchars($content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_name'])); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // render JavaScript Plugins and/or JavaScript scripts that should be loaded in $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback('//i', 'renderHeadJS', $content['all']); // test for frontend.js if(!isset($GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['frontend.js']) && preg_match('/MM_swapImage|BookMark_Page|clickZoom|mailtoLink/', $content['all'])) { initFrontendJS(); } //check for additional template based onLoad JavaScript Code if($block["jsonload"]) { if(empty($pagelayout["layout_jsonload"])) { $pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] = ''; } else { $pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] .= ';'; } $pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] = convertStringToArray($pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] . $block["jsonload"], ';'); $block['js_ondomready'][] = ' ' . implode(';'.LF.' 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';'; $pagelayout["layout_jsonload"] = ''; } // set OnLoad (DomReady) JavaScript if(count($block['js_ondomready'])) { jsOnDomReady(implode(LF, $block['js_ondomready'])); } // set OnUnLoad JavaScript if(count($block['js_onunload'])) { jsOnUnLoad(implode(LF, $block['js_onunload'])); } // set Inline JS if(count($block['js_inline'])) { $block['custom_htmlhead']['inline'] = ' '; } // new $block['custom_htmlhead'] var (array) for usage in own rendering stuff. // you will be able to use $GLOBALS['block']['custom_htmlhead']['myheadname'] // always check if you want to use same head code only once if(count($block['custom_htmlhead'])) { $block["htmlhead"] .= implode(LF, $block['custom_htmlhead']).LF; } if(!empty($_GET['highlight'])) { $highlight_words = clean_slweg(rawurldecode($_GET['highlight'])); $highlight_words = explode(' ', $highlight_words); $content['all'] = preg_replace_callback("/(.*?)/si", "pregReplaceHighlightWrapper", $content['all']); } $content['all'] = str_replace(array('', ''), '', $content['all']); // render content part pagination if(!empty($_CpPaginate)) { $content['all'] = str_replace(array('', ''), '', $content['all']); unset($_getVar['aid'], $_getVar['id']); $content['CpPaginateNaviGET'] = returnGlobalGET_QueryString('htmlentities', array(), defined('PHPWCMS_ALIAS') ? array(PHPWCMS_ALIAS) : array()); if(!empty($content['CpPaginateNaviGET']) && $content['CpPaginateNaviGET']{0} == '?') { $content['CpPaginateNaviGET'] = '&'.substr($content['CpPaginateNaviGET'], 1); } // first build [1][2][3] paginate pages if(strpos($content['all'], '{CP_PAGINATE}')) { $content['CpPaginateNavi'] = array(); foreach($content['CpPages'] as $key => $value) { $content['CpPaginateNavi'][ $key ] = ' '.$value.''; } $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE', implode(LF, $content['CpPaginateNavi'])); } // is there PREV if(in_array($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ] - 1, $content['CpPages'])) { $key = array_search($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ] - 1, $content['CpPages']); $value = 'index.php?aid='.$aktion[1]; if($key) { $value .= '-'.$key; } $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE_PREV', $value); } else { $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE_PREV'); } // is there NEXT if(in_array($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ] + 1, $content['CpPages'])) { $key = array_search($content['CpPages'][ $content['aId_CpPage'] ] + 1, $content['CpPages']); $value = 'index.php?aid='.$aktion[1]; if($key) { $value .= '-'.$key; } $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE_NEXT', $value); } else { $content['all'] = render_cnt_template($content['all'], 'CP_PAGINATE_NEXT'); } // search for content part pagination title menu if(strpos($content['all'], '[CP_PAGINATE_MENU')) { /** * search for custom cp menu parameters * * [0] => item_prefix * [1] => item_suffix * [2] => active_class * [3] => hide_active * [4] => menu_prefix * [5] => menu_suffix */ if( preg_match('/\[CP_PAGINATE_MENU:(.*?)\]/', $content['all'], $match) ) { $content['all'] = str_replace($match[0], '[CP_PAGINATE_MENU]', $content['all']); $content['CpTitleParams'] = explode('|', $match[1]); if(!isset($content['CpTitleParams'][1])) { $content['CpTitleParams'][1] = ''; } $content['CpTitleParams'][2] = empty($content['CpTitleParams'][2]) ? '' : trim($content['CpTitleParams'][2]); $content['CpTitleParams'][3] = empty($content['CpTitleParams'][3]) ? 0 : 1 ; $content['CpTitleParams'][4] = ''; $content['CpTitleParams'][5] = ''; } else { $content['CpTitleParams'][0] = '
  • '; $content['CpTitleParams'][1] = '
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