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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.7 _r403 (01.11.10)




/include/inc_ext/fckeditor/ -> fckeditor_php5.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*
   3   * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
   4   * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
   5   *
   6   * == BEGIN LICENSE ==
   7   *
   8   * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
   9   * choice:
  10   *
  11   *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
  12   *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
  13   *
  14   *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
  15   *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
  16   *
  17   *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
  18   *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
  19   *
  20   * == END LICENSE ==
  21   *
  22   * This is the integration file for PHP 5.
  23   *
  24   * It defines the FCKeditor class that can be used to create editor
  25   * instances in PHP pages on server side.
  26   */
  28  /**
  29   * Check if browser is compatible with FCKeditor.
  30   * Return true if is compatible.
  31   *
  32   * @return boolean
  33   */
  34  function FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser()
  35  {
  36      if ( isset( $_SERVER ) ) {
  37          $sAgent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ;
  38      }
  39      else {
  40          global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS ;
  41          if ( isset( $HTTP_SERVER_VARS ) ) {
  42              $sAgent = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ;
  43          }
  44          else {
  45              global $HTTP_USER_AGENT ;
  46              $sAgent = $HTTP_USER_AGENT ;
  47          }
  48      }
  50      if ( strpos($sAgent, 'MSIE') !== false && strpos($sAgent, 'mac') === false && strpos($sAgent, 'Opera') === false )
  51      {
  52          $iVersion = (float)substr($sAgent, strpos($sAgent, 'MSIE') + 5, 3) ;
  53          return ($iVersion >= 5.5) ;
  54      }
  55      else if ( strpos($sAgent, 'Gecko/') !== false )
  56      {
  57          $iVersion = (int)substr($sAgent, strpos($sAgent, 'Gecko/') + 6, 8) ;
  58          return ($iVersion >= 20030210) ;
  59      }
  60      else if ( strpos($sAgent, 'Opera/') !== false )
  61      {
  62          $fVersion = (float)substr($sAgent, strpos($sAgent, 'Opera/') + 6, 4) ;
  63          return ($fVersion >= 9.5) ;
  64      }
  65      else if ( preg_match( "|AppleWebKit/(\d+)|i", $sAgent, $matches ) )
  66      {
  67          $iVersion = $matches[1] ;
  68          return ( $matches[1] >= 522 ) ;
  69      }
  70      else
  71          return false ;
  72  }
  74  class FCKeditor
  75  {
  76      /**
  77       * Name of the FCKeditor instance.
  78       *
  79       * @access protected
  80       * @var string
  81       */
  82      public $InstanceName ;
  83      /**
  84       * Path to FCKeditor relative to the document root.
  85       *
  86       * @var string
  87       */
  88      public $BasePath ;
  89      /**
  90       * Width of the FCKeditor.
  91       * Examples: 100%, 600
  92       *
  93       * @var mixed
  94       */
  95      public $Width ;
  96      /**
  97       * Height of the FCKeditor.
  98       * Examples: 400, 50%
  99       *
 100       * @var mixed
 101       */
 102      public $Height ;
 103      /**
 104       * Name of the toolbar to load.
 105       *
 106       * @var string
 107       */
 108      public $ToolbarSet ;
 109      /**
 110       * Initial value.
 111       *
 112       * @var string
 113       */
 114      public $Value ;
 115      /**
 116       * This is where additional configuration can be passed.
 117       * Example:
 118       * $oFCKeditor->Config['EnterMode'] = 'br';
 119       *
 120       * @var array
 121       */
 122      public $Config ;
 124      /**
 125       * Main Constructor.
 126       * Refer to the _samples/php directory for examples.
 127       *
 128       * @param string $instanceName
 129       */
 130  	public function __construct( $instanceName )
 131       {
 132          $this->InstanceName    = $instanceName ;
 133          $this->BasePath        = '/fckeditor/' ;
 134          $this->Width        = '100%' ;
 135          $this->Height        = '200' ;
 136          $this->ToolbarSet    = 'Default' ;
 137          $this->Value        = '' ;
 139          $this->Config        = array() ;
 140      }
 142      /**
 143       * Display FCKeditor.
 144       *
 145       */
 146  	public function Create()
 147      {
 148          echo $this->CreateHtml() ;
 149      }
 151      /**
 152       * Return the HTML code required to run FCKeditor.
 153       *
 154       * @return string
 155       */
 156  	public function CreateHtml()
 157      {
 158          $HtmlValue = htmlspecialchars( $this->Value ) ;
 160          $Html = '' ;
 162          if ( $this->IsCompatible() )
 163          {
 164              if ( isset( $_GET['fcksource'] ) && $_GET['fcksource'] == "true" )
 165                  $File = 'fckeditor.original.html' ;
 166              else
 167                  $File = 'fckeditor.html' ;
 169              $Link = "{$this->BasePath}editor/{$File}?InstanceName={$this->InstanceName}" ;
 171              if ( $this->ToolbarSet != '' )
 172                  $Link .= "&amp;Toolbar={$this->ToolbarSet}" ;
 174              // Render the linked hidden field.
 175              $Html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"{$this->InstanceName}\" name=\"{$this->InstanceName}\" value=\"{$HtmlValue}\" style=\"display:none\" />" ;
 177              // Render the configurations hidden field.
 178              $Html .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"{$this->InstanceName}___Config\" value=\"" . $this->GetConfigFieldString() . "\" style=\"display:none\" />" ;
 180              // Render the editor IFRAME.
 181              $Html .= "<iframe id=\"{$this->InstanceName}___Frame\" src=\"{$Link}\" width=\"{$this->Width}\" height=\"{$this->Height}\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>" ;
 182          }
 183          else
 184          {
 185              if ( strpos( $this->Width, '%' ) === false )
 186                  $WidthCSS = $this->Width . 'px' ;
 187              else
 188                  $WidthCSS = $this->Width ;
 190              if ( strpos( $this->Height, '%' ) === false )
 191                  $HeightCSS = $this->Height . 'px' ;
 192              else
 193                  $HeightCSS = $this->Height ;
 195              $Html .= "<textarea name=\"{$this->InstanceName}\" rows=\"4\" cols=\"40\" style=\"width: {$WidthCSS}; height: {$HeightCSS}\">{$HtmlValue}</textarea>" ;
 196          }
 198          return $Html ;
 199      }
 201      /**
 202       * Returns true if browser is compatible with FCKeditor.
 203       *
 204       * @return boolean
 205       */
 206  	public function IsCompatible()
 207      {
 208          return FCKeditor_IsCompatibleBrowser() ;
 209      }
 211      /**
 212       * Get settings from Config array as a single string.
 213       *
 214       * @access protected
 215       * @return string
 216       */
 217  	public function GetConfigFieldString()
 218      {
 219          $sParams = '' ;
 220          $bFirst = true ;
 222          foreach ( $this->Config as $sKey => $sValue )
 223          {
 224              if ( $bFirst == false )
 225                  $sParams .= '&amp;' ;
 226              else
 227                  $bFirst = false ;
 229              if ( $sValue === true )
 230                  $sParams .= $this->EncodeConfig( $sKey ) . '=true' ;
 231              else if ( $sValue === false )
 232                  $sParams .= $this->EncodeConfig( $sKey ) . '=false' ;
 233              else
 234                  $sParams .= $this->EncodeConfig( $sKey ) . '=' . $this->EncodeConfig( $sValue ) ;
 235          }
 237          return $sParams ;
 238      }
 240      /**
 241       * Encode characters that may break the configuration string
 242       * generated by GetConfigFieldString().
 243       *
 244       * @access protected
 245       * @param string $valueToEncode
 246       * @return string
 247       */
 248  	public function EncodeConfig( $valueToEncode )
 249      {
 250          $chars = array(
 251              '&' => '%26',
 252              '=' => '%3D',
 253              '"' => '%22' ) ;
 255          return strtr( $valueToEncode,  $chars ) ;
 256      }
 257  }

Generated: Tue Nov 16 22:51:00 2010 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7