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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.7 _r403 (01.11.10)




/include/inc_ext/ckeditor/ -> ckeditor_php5.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 583 lines (16 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

CKEditor:: (14 methods):

Class: CKEditor  - X-Ref

\brief CKEditor class that can be used to create editor
instances in PHP pages on server side.

__construct($basePath = null)   X-Ref
Main Constructor.

param: $basePath (string) URL to the %CKEditor installation directory (optional).

editor($name, $value = "", $config = array()   X-Ref
Creates a %CKEditor instance.
In incompatible browsers %CKEditor will downgrade to plain HTML <textarea> element.

param: $name (string) Name of the %CKEditor instance (this will be also the "name" attribute of textarea element).
param: $value (string) Initial value (optional).
param: $config (array) The specific configurations to apply to this editor instance (optional).
param: $events (array) Event listeners for this editor instance (optional).

replace($id, $config = array()   X-Ref
Replaces a <textarea> with a %CKEditor instance.

param: $id (string) The id or name of textarea element.
param: $config (array) The specific configurations to apply to this editor instance (optional).
param: $events (array) Event listeners for this editor instance (optional).

replaceAll($className = null)   X-Ref
Replace all <textarea> elements available in the document with editor instances.

param: $className (string) If set, replace all textareas with class className in the page.

addEventHandler($event, $javascriptCode)   X-Ref
Adds event listener.
Events are fired by %CKEditor in various situations.

param: $event (string) Event name.
param: $javascriptCode (string) Javascript anonymous function or function name.

clearEventHandlers($event = null)   X-Ref
Clear registered event handlers.
Note: this function will have no effect on already created editor instances.

param: $event (string) Event name, if not set all event handlers will be removed (optional).

addGlobalEventHandler($event, $javascriptCode)   X-Ref
Adds global event listener.

param: $event (string) Event name.
param: $javascriptCode (string) Javascript anonymous function or function name.

clearGlobalEventHandlers($event = null)   X-Ref
Clear registered global event handlers.
Note: this function will have no effect if the event handler has been already printed/returned.

param: $event (string) Event name, if not set all event handlers will be removed (optional).

script($js)   X-Ref
Prints javascript code.

param: string $js

configSettings($config = array()   X-Ref
Returns the configuration array (global and instance specific settings are merged into one array).

param: $config (array) The specific configurations to apply to editor instance.
param: $events (array) Event listeners for editor instance.

returnGlobalEvents()   X-Ref
Return global event handlers.

init()   X-Ref
Initializes CKEditor (executed only once).

ckeditorPath()   X-Ref
Return path to ckeditor.js.

jsEncode($val)   X-Ref
This little function provides a basic JSON support.

param: mixed $val
return: string

Generated: Tue Nov 16 22:51:00 2010 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7