; this is formatted like WIN.INI ; please: do not use comments for value lines ; Cookie expire set to 90 days date_format = "%m/%d/%y" set_locale = "en" cookie_expire = 7776000

Login error:

Login and/or password not valid.


Please login:

Some contents on our page are only availabe for logged in users. Fill in your acount data, please!






Nice to see you again.

You are logged in as {LOGIN}


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Reminder error:

Please check your input. It has to be valid email or login.



In case you have forgotten your password please fill in your login (username). If you have forgotten your login insert the email under which your account was registered.






Reminder success

Your request was successful. We have sent a reminder message to your email.


[SUBJECT] Your account reminder [/SUBJECT] [LOGIN_EMAIL] You have requested this reminder email. Your login: {LOGIN} {LOGIN_URL} [/LOGIN_EMAIL] [PASSWORD_EMAIL] You have requested this reminder email. We have reset your passwort: {PASSWORD} Please change it after your first login. {LOGIN_URL} [/PASSWORD_EMAIL]