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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.3 _r380 (23.11.09)




/setup/inc/ -> step5.inc.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*************************************************************************************
   3     Copyright notice
   5     (c) 2002-2009 Oliver Georgi (oliver@phpwcms.de) // All rights reserved.
   7     This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is
   8     free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
   9     the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
  10     either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  12     The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
  13     A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 
  14     from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
  16     This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
  17     WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  18     PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  20     This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
  21  *************************************************************************************/
  23  /*
  24  if(empty($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) {
  26      $root_path = '';
  27      if(!empty($phpwcms["root"])) {
  28          $root_path = $phpwcms["root"]."\\/";
  29      }
  30      $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = dirname(__FILE__);
  31      $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = str_replace("\\", '/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
  32      $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = preg_replace("/\/(".$root_path."setup\/inc|".$root_path."SETUP\/inc)$/","", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
  33  }
  34  */
  35  $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = $phpwcms['DOC_ROOT'];
  36  $phpwcms["root"] = !empty($phpwcms["root"]) ? "/".$phpwcms["root"] : "";
  38  ?>
  42  <p><span class="title"><strong>Ready to start phpwcms?</strong> Some &quot;problems&quot;
  43      maybe OK - you can check by testing phpwcms installation.</span></p>
  44  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
  45    <tr><?php    
  47    $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["file_path"]);    
  48    if($status != 2) {
  49        $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["file_path"], 0777, $status);
  50    }
  52    ?>
  53      <td align="right" class="v10">filestorage:&nbsp;</td>
  54      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["file_path"]) ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
  55      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
  56      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
  57    </tr>
  59    <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
  60      <tr><?php    
  62    $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["file_path"].'/can_be_deleted');
  63    if($status != 2) {
  64        $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["file_path"].'/can_be_deleted', 0777, $status);
  65    }
  68    ?>
  69      <td align="right" class="v10">deleted&nbsp;files:&nbsp;</td>
  70      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["file_path"].'/can_be_deleted') ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
  71      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
  72      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
  73    </tr>
  75    <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
  76    <tr><?php    
  77    $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["templates"]);
  79    ?>
  80      <td align="right" class="v10">templates:&nbsp;</td>
  81      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["templates"]) ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
  82      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
  83      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status==1 ? 3 : $status) ?></td>
  84    </tr>
  86    <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
  87    <tr><?php
  89    $template_lang_path = trim($phpwcms["templates"], '/').'/template_lang';
  90    $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$template_lang_path);
  92    ?>
  93      <td align="right" class="v10">template&nbsp;languages:&nbsp;</td>
  94      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($template_lang_path) ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
  95      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
  96      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status==1 ? 3 : $status) ?></td>
  97    </tr>
  99      <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 100    <tr><?php    
 101    $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["ftp_path"]);    
 102    if($status != 2) {
 103        $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["ftp_path"], 0777, $status);
 104    }  
 106    ?>
 107      <td align="right" class="v10">ftp&nbsp;takeover:&nbsp;</td>
 108      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["ftp_path"]) ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
 109      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 110      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 111    </tr>
 113    <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="8"></td></tr>
 114    <tr><?php    $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]);    ?>
 115      <td align="right" class="v10">frontend&nbsp;content:&nbsp;</td>
 116      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["content_path"]) ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
 117      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 118      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status==1 ? 3 : $status) ?></td>
 119    </tr>
 120    <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 121    <tr><?php    
 122        $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/images");    
 123      if($status != 2) {
 124            $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/images", 0777, $status);
 125        }  
 127      ?>
 128      <td align="right" class="v10">frontend&nbsp;images:&nbsp;</td>
 129      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["content_path"]."/images") ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
 130      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 131      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 132    </tr>
 134      <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 135    <tr><?php    
 136        $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/form");    
 137      if($status != 2) {
 138            $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/form", 0777, $status);
 139        } 
 140      ?>
 141      <td align="right" class="v10">frontend&nbsp;form:&nbsp;</td>
 142      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["content_path"]."/form") ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
 143      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 144      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 145    </tr>
 147      <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 148    <tr><?php
 149        $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/tmp");
 150      if($status != 2) {
 151            $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/tmp", 0777, $status);
 152        } 
 154      ?>
 155      <td align="right" class="v10">frontend&nbsp;tmp:&nbsp;</td>
 156      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["content_path"]."/tmp") ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
 157      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 158      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 159    </tr>
 161      <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 162    <tr><?php
 163        $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/rss");    
 164      if($status != 2) {
 165            $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/rss", 0777, $status);
 166        } 
 167      ?>
 168      <td align="right" class="v10">frontend&nbsp;rss:&nbsp;</td>
 169      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["content_path"]."/rss") ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
 170      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 171      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 172    </tr>
 174      <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 175    <tr><?php
 176        $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/gt");    
 177      if($status != 2) {
 178            $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/gt", 0777, $status);
 179        } 
 180      ?>
 181      <td align="right" class="v10">frontend&nbsp;gt:&nbsp;</td>
 182      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["content_path"]."/gt") ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
 183      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 184      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 185    </tr>
 187       <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 188    <tr><?php
 189        $status = check_path_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["content_path"]."/pages");
 190      ?>
 191      <td align="right" class="v10">frontend&nbsp;pages:&nbsp;</td>
 192      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status) ?>>&nbsp;<strong><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["content_path"]."/pages") ?></font></strong>&nbsp;</td>
 193      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 194      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status==1 ? 3 : $status) ?></td>
 195    </tr>
 198         <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="8"></td></tr>
 199    <tr><?php
 200        $status = check_file_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["templates"]."/inc_default/startup.php");
 201      if($status != 2) {
 202            $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["templates"]."/inc_default/startup.php", 0666, $status, 1);
 203        } 
 204      ?>
 205      <td align="right" class="v10">startup text:&nbsp;</td>
 206      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["templates"]."/inc_default/startup.php") ?></font>&nbsp;</td>
 207      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 208      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 209    </tr>
 211           <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 212    <tr><?php    
 213        $status = check_file_status($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["templates"]."/inc_css/frontend.css"); 
 214      if($status != 2) {
 215            $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["templates"]."/inc_css/frontend.css", 0666, $status, 1);
 216        }
 218      ?>
 219      <td align="right" class="v10">main CSS file:&nbsp;</td>
 220      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars($phpwcms["templates"]."/inc_css/frontend.css") ?></font>&nbsp;</td>
 221      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 222      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 223    </tr>
 225    <tr><td colspan="4" class="v10"><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
 226    <tr><?php    
 227        $status = check_file_status($phpwcms["root"]."/config/phpwcms/conf.indexpage.inc.php");
 228      if($status != 2) {
 229            $status = set_chmod($phpwcms["root"]."/".$phpwcms["templates"]."/config/phpwcms/conf.indexpage.inc.php", 0666, $status, 1);
 230        }
 232      ?>
 233      <td align="right" class="v10">index level settings:&nbsp;</td>
 234      <td<?php echo gib_bg_color($status==2?2:0) ?>>&nbsp;<font color="#FFFFFF"><?php echo html_specialchars("config/phpwcms/conf.indexpage.inc.php") ?></font>&nbsp;</td>
 235      <td><img src="../img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="19"></td>
 236      <td><?php echo gib_status_text($status) ?></td>
 237    </tr>
 239    <tr>
 240      <td colspan="4" class="v10">&nbsp;</td>
 241    </tr>
 242    <tr>
 243      <td align="right" class="v10">&nbsp;</td>
 244      <td colspan="3"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
 245        <tr>
 246          <td bgcolor="#99CC00">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
 247          <td class="v10">&nbsp;OK&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
 248          <td bgcolor="#FF3300">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
 249          <td class="v10">&nbsp;PROBLEM</td>
 250        </tr>
 251      </table></td>
 252    </tr>
 253  </table>
 255  <p><a href="get_conf_file.php"><strong>Download the created config file</strong></a>*
 256    and copy it to ./config/phpwcms/<strong>conf.inc.php</strong> &#8212; you
 257  can also edit values manually. Maybe you have to rename the file if you download
 258    using Internet Explorer (name is: <strong>conf.inc.php</strong>). Another possible way is to
 259    connect to your account by ftp. Then place the file ./setup/<strong>setup.conf.inc.php</strong>  in ./config/phpwcms. There you have to delete or rename default conf.inc.php &#8212; then
 260    rename setup.conf.inc.php to conf.inc.php. It's not possible to start the setup
 261    process again as long the setup folder still exists and if you have downloaded
 262    the created config file once.<br>
 263    <br>
 264    <strong style="color:#FF0000;">ATTENTION!!!<br>Delete
 265    the &quot;setup&quot; folder
 266  otherwise everybody might see your username, passwords and settings.</strong></p>
 267  <p>To makes changes again or proof your values:<br />
 268  &#8212; <a href="setup.php?step=1">MySQL database infos</a><br />
 269  &#8212; <a href="setup.php?step=2">site infos and admin account</a><br />
 270  &#8212; <a href="setup.php?step=3">path values</a><br />
 271  &#8212; <a href="setup.php?step=4">content values</a></p>
 272  <p>Please check infos about system and PHP version with the requirements. <strong>Very
 273      important when you use ImageMagick:</strong> Please check that the system
 274      can find the application (paths must be registered to the system - try this
 275      by using &quot;convert
 276      -version&quot; inside your terminal or command line). Check <a href="http://www.imagemagick.org/" target="_blank">http://www.imagemagick.org</a> for
 277      additional information.</p>

Generated: Wed Dec 30 05:55:15 2009 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7