1. Thanks! You have agreed to the GPL.

Now that you know the licence under which phpwcms is released you can continue to install or upgrade phpwcms.

2. Now lets check your server settings

Please proof all information about your system (recommend PHP 4.3+, MySQL 3.23.50+).

  1. WWW server:
  2. PHP version: '.html_specialchars(phpversion()).''; switch(version_compare('4.2.1', phpversion())) { case -1: // current used PHP is > OK echo 'OK'; if(version_compare('4.4', phpversion()) == 1) { echo ' (it is recommend to update your PHP version)'; } break; case 0: // the same version - HM not recommend echo 'OK'; echo ' (your version of PHP is very old - update recommend)'; break; case 1: // false it's older echo 'Stop'; echo ' (your version of PHP is too old - it is not recommend to continue)'; break; } ?>
  3. MySQL version: '.html_specialchars(mysql_get_client_info()) .''; switch(version_compare('3.23.50', mysql_get_client_info())) { case -1: // current MySQL isOK echo 'OK'; break; default: // the same version or older echo 'OK'; echo ' (update recommend)'; } ?>
  4. PHP settingsSecurity risks

phpwcms has automatic image resizing capabilities. This works very well for standard graphics file formats like JPEG, GIF and PNG as long as your PHP installation has built-in support for GDGD2 with freetype support is always recommend. Note: It is not neccessary but recommend that you have installed ImageMagick and GhostScript on your server system which enables image resizing for nearly every graphics file format.

setup.conf.inc.php in which all values are stored is NOT writable.'); ?>

Please correct this problem before you can continue (connect to your account by FTP and permissions to chmod 777).