".intval($phpwcms["max_time"]); mysql_query($sql, $db); //load default language EN require_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lang/backend/en/lang.inc.php'); //define language and check if language file is available if(isset($_COOKIE['phpwcmsBELang'])) { $temp_lang = strtoupper( substr( trim( $_COOKIE['phpwcmsBELang'] ), 0, 2 ) ); if( isset( $BL[ $temp_lang ] ) ) { $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"] = strtolower($temp_lang); } else { setcookie('phpwcmsBELang', '', time()-3600 ); } } if(isset($_POST['form_lang'])) { $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"] = strtolower(substr(clean_slweg($_POST['form_lang']), 0, 2)); set_language_cookie(); } if(empty($_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"])) { $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"] = strtolower( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? substr( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2 ) : $phpwcms["default_lang"] ); } else { $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"] = strtolower( substr($_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"], 0, 2 ) ); } if(isset($BL[strtoupper($_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"])]) && is_file(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lang/backend/'.$_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"].'/lang.inc.php')) { $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang_custom"] = 1; } else { $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"] = 'en'; //by ono $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang_custom"] = 0; } if(!empty($_SESSION["wcs_user_lang_custom"])) { //use custom lang if available -> was set in login.php $BL['merge_lang_array'][0] = $BL['be_admin_optgroup_label']; $BL['merge_lang_array'][1] = $BL['be_cnt_field']; include_once (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lang/backend/'.$_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"].'/lang.inc.php'); $BL['be_admin_optgroup_label'] = array_merge($BL['merge_lang_array'][0], $BL['be_admin_optgroup_label']); $BL['be_cnt_field'] = array_merge($BL['merge_lang_array'][1], $BL['be_cnt_field']); } //WYSIWYG EDITOR: //0 = no wysiwyg editor (default) //1 = CKEditor //2 = FCKeditor $phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"] = abs(intval($phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"])); if($phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"] > 2) { $phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"] = 1; } $_SESSION["WYSIWYG_EDITOR"] = $phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"]; $wysiwyg_template = ''; if($phpwcms["wysiwyg_editor"]) { if(!empty($phpwcms['wysiwyg_template']['FCKeditor'])) { $wysiwyg_template = convertStringToArray($phpwcms['wysiwyg_template']['FCKeditor']); } elseif(!empty($phpwcms['wysiwyg_template']['CKEditor'])) { $wysiwyg_template = convertStringToArray($phpwcms['wysiwyg_template']['CKEditor']); } if(empty($wysiwyg_template) || count($wysiwyg_template) == 0) { $wysiwyg_template = array('Basic'); } } if(isset($_POST['form_aktion']) && $_POST['form_aktion'] == 'login' && isset($_POST['json']) && $_POST['json'] == '1') { $login_passed = 0; $wcs_user = slweg($_POST['form_loginname']); $wcs_pass = slweg($_POST['md5pass']); $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_user WHERE usr_login='". aporeplace($wcs_user)."' AND usr_pass='". aporeplace($wcs_pass)."' AND usr_aktiv=1 AND (usr_fe=1 OR usr_fe=2)"; if($result = mysql_query($sql_query)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $_SESSION["wcs_user"] = $wcs_user; $_SESSION["wcs_user_name"] = ($row["usr_name"]) ? $row["usr_name"] : $wcs_user; $_SESSION["wcs_user_id"] = $row["usr_id"]; $_SESSION["wcs_user_aktiv"] = $row["usr_aktiv"]; $_SESSION["wcs_user_rechte"] = $row["usr_rechte"]; $_SESSION["wcs_user_email"] = $row["usr_email"]; $_SESSION["wcs_user_avatar"] = $row["usr_avatar"]; $_SESSION["wcs_user_logtime"] = time(); $_SESSION["wcs_user_admin"] = intval($row["usr_admin"]); $_SESSION["wcs_user_thumb"] = 1; if($row["usr_lang"]) { $_SESSION["wcs_user_lang"] = $row["usr_lang"]; } set_language_cookie(); $_SESSION["structure"] = @unserialize($row["usr_var_structure"]); $_SESSION["klapp"] = @unserialize($row["usr_var_privatefile"]); $_SESSION["pklapp"] = @unserialize($row["usr_var_publicfile"]); $row["usr_vars"] = @unserialize($row["usr_vars"]); $_SESSION["WYSIWYG_TEMPLATE"] = empty($row["usr_vars"]['template']) || !in_array($row["usr_vars"]['template'], $wysiwyg_template) ? $wysiwyg_template[0] : $row["usr_vars"]['template']; $row["usr_wysiwyg"] = abs(intval($row["usr_wysiwyg"])); // Fallback to FCKeditor? $_SESSION["WYSIWYG_EDITOR"] = $row["usr_wysiwyg"] > 2 ? 2 : $row["usr_wysiwyg"]; $login_passed = 1; } mysql_free_result($result); } if($login_passed) { //Schreiben der Login-Daten in Datenbank $check = mysql_query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_userlog WHERE logged_user='". aporeplace($wcs_user)."' AND logged_in=1", $db ); if($row = mysql_fetch_row($check)) { if(!$row[0]) { //Wenn kein User geführt wird, dann neu anlegen mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_userlog ". "(logged_user, logged_username, logged_start, logged_change, ". "logged_in, logged_ip) VALUES ('". aporeplace($wcs_user)."', '".aporeplace($_SESSION["wcs_user_name"])."', ".time().", ". time().", 1, '".aporeplace(getRemoteIP())."')", $db ); } } mysql_free_result($check); $_SESSION['PHPWCMS_ROOT'] = PHPWCMS_ROOT; set_status_message('Welcome '.$wcs_user.'!'); if($ref_url) { headerRedirect($ref_url.'&'.session_name().'='.session_id()); } else { headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL."phpwcms.php?". session_name().'='.session_id()); } } else { $err = 1; } } elseif(isset($_POST['json']) && intval($_POST['json']) != 1) { $err = 1; } ?> <?php echo $BL['be_page_title'] . ' - ' . PHPWCMS_HOST ?> ' . LF . '' . LF . ''; } elseif(strtolower($phpwcms['default_lang']) == 'ar') { echo ' '; } ?>
  phpwcms Copyright © 2003— Oliver Georgi. Extensions are copyright of their respective owners. Visit http://www.phpwcms.de for details. phpwcms is free software released under GPL and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Obstructing the appearance of this notice is prohibited by law.  
'.$BL["login_text"].''; if(file_exists(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/setup')) { echo '
'; } if(file_exists(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/phpwcms_code_snippets')) { echo '
'; } if(isset($_POST['json']) && $_POST['json'] == 2) $err = 0; if($err) { echo '
'; } echo ''; ?>
  " />
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