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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.3 _r380 (23.11.09)




/include/inc_tmpl/ -> files.search.tmpl.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*************************************************************************************
   3     Copyright notice
   5     (c) 2002-2009 Oliver Georgi (oliver@phpwcms.de) // All rights reserved.
   7     This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is
   8     free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
   9     the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
  10     either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  12     The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
  13     A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 
  14     from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
  16     This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
  17     WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  18     PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  20     This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
  21  *************************************************************************************/
  23  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  24  // obligate check for phpwcms constants
  25  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
  26     die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
  27  }
  28  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  32  //Suche template
  34  if(isset($_POST["file_aktion"]) && intval($_POST["file_aktion"]) == 1) {
  35      $search_string    = explode(" ", clean_slweg($_POST["file_search"]));
  36      if(sizeof($search_string)) {
  37          foreach($search_string as $key => $value) {
  38              if(trim($value)) $search["key"][$key] = trim($value);
  39          }
  40          unset($search_string);
  41          if(isset($search["key"]) && sizeof($search["key"])) {                    
  42          //check for AND or OR
  43              $search["andor"] = (intval($_POST["file_andor"])) ? 1 : 0;
  44              $search["which"] = intval($_POST["file_which"]);
  45              switch($search["which"]) {
  46                   case 0: $search["which"]="f_public=0 AND f_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]; break;
  47                   case 1: $search["which"]="f_public=1"; break;
  48                  default: $search["which"]="(f_public=1 OR (f_public=0 AND f_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]."))"; break;
  49              }
  51              $file_key = get_list_of_file_keywords(); //Auslesen der File Schlüsselwörter
  53              //Aufbau des eigentlichen Suchstrings
  54              $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_file WHERE f_aktiv=1 AND f_trash=0 AND f_kid=1 AND ";
  55              $sql.= $search["which"].";"; //ob public oder private order keine Angabe
  56              if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die ("error while running search")) {
  57                  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  58                      $search["string"]  = $row["f_name"]." ".$row["f_shortinfo"]." ".$row["f_longinfo"];
  59                      $search["string"]  = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $search["string"]);
  60                      $search["string"]  = str_replace("\n", " ", $search["string"]);
  61                      $search["string"] .= add_keywords_to_search ($file_key, $row["f_keywords"]); //fügt freie Keywords zum Suchstring hinzu
  63                      foreach($search["key"] as $value) {
  64                          if(preg_match("/".preg_quote($value,"/")."/i", $search["string"])) {
  65                              if($search["andor"]) {
  66                                  if(!isset($search["result"][$row["f_id"]])) {; //AND clause
  67                                      $search["result"][$row["f_id"]] = 1;
  68                                  } else {
  69                                      $search["result"][$row["f_id"]]++;
  70                                  }
  71                              } else {
  72                                  $search["result"][$row["f_id"]] = 1; //OR clause
  73                              }
  74                          }
  75                      }
  76                  }
  77                  if(isset($search["result"]) && sizeof($search["result"]) && $search["andor"]) {
  78                      //Prüfen, ob die AND bedingung erfüllt ist
  79                      //gilt nur, wenn Anzahl Suchworte = Anzahl Funde im String
  80                      $search["count_key"] = sizeof($search["key"]);
  81                      foreach($search["result"] as $key => $value) {
  82                          if($search["count_key"] != $value) unset($search["result"][$key]);
  83                      }
  84                  }    
  85              }                                                    
  86          } else {
  87              $search["error"][1] = $BL['be_fsearch_err1'];
  88          }
  89      } else {
  90          $search["error"][1] = $BL['be_fsearch_err1'];
  91      }
  92  }
  94  ?>
  95  <form action="phpwcms.php?do=files&amp;f=3" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="searchfile" id="searchfile">
  96  <input name="file_aktion" type="hidden" id="file_aktion" value="1" />
  97  <table width="538" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor='#EBF2F4' summary="">
  98      <tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="5" /></td></tr>
  99      <tr>
 100      <td width="67" rowspan="3" align="right" valign="top"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="10" height="1" /><img src="img/symbole/lupe_suche.gif" alt="" width="23" height="21" /><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="10" height="1" /></td>
 101      <td width="471" class="title"><?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_title'] ?></td>
 102      </tr>
 103      <tr><td valign="top"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="4" /></td></tr>
 104      <tr><td class="v09"><?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_infotext'] ?></td></tr>
 105      <tr>
 106        <td colspan="2" valign="top"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="6" /></td>
 107        </tr>
 108        <?php if(isset($search["error"])) { //fehler suche anfang ?>
 109            <tr>
 110              <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
 111              <td valign="top" class="error"><?php
 112                        $zz=0;
 113                        foreach($search["error"] as $value) {
 114                          if($zz) echo "<br />";
 115                            echo html_specialchars($value);
 116                          $zz++;
 117                        }
 118        ?></td>
 119        </tr>
 120        <tr><td colspan="2" valign="top"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="6" /></td></tr>
 121        <?php      } //fehler suche ende      ?>
 122      <tr>
 123          <td align="right" class="v09"><?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_searchlabel'] ?>:&nbsp;</td>
 124          <td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
 125            <tr>
 126              <td>
 127              <input name="file_search" type="text" class="v10" id="file_search" style="font-weight: bold; width: 300px;" value="<?php if(isset($_POST["file_search"])) echo html_specialchars(trim($_POST["file_search"])); ?>" size="40" maxlength="250" /><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
 128              <!--
 129              document.searchfile.file_search.focus();
 130              //-->
 131              </script><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="2" height="1" /></td>
 132              <td><select name="file_andor" id="file_andor" class="v10" style="width: 50px;">
 133              <?php
 135              $s1 = isset($_POST["file_andor"]) ? $_POST["file_andor"] : 1;
 136              $s2 = isset($_POST["file_which"]) ? $_POST["file_which"] : 2;
 138              ?>
 139                <option value="1" <?php is_selected("1", $s1) ?>><?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_and'] ?></option>
 140                <option value="0" <?php is_selected("0", $s1) ?>><?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_or'] ?></option>      
 141                </select><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="2" height="1" /></td>
 142              <td><select name="file_which" id="file_which" class="v10" style="width: 75px;">
 143                <option value="2" <?php is_selected("2", $s2) ?>><?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_all'] ?></option>
 144                <option value="0" <?php is_selected("0", $s2) ?>><?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_personal'] ?></option>
 145                <option value="1" <?php is_selected("1", $s2) ?>><?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_public'] ?></option>          
 146                </select><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1" /></td>
 147              <td><input name="submit" type="image" id="submit" src="img/button/go_search.gif" alt="<?php echo $BL['be_fsearch_startsearch'] ?>" width="22" height="14" border="0" /></td>
 148              </tr>
 149            </table></td>
 150      </tr>
 151      <tr><td colspan="2"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="10" /></td>
 152      </tr>
 153      <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#9BBECA"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="4" /></td>
 154      </tr>
 155  </table>
 156  </form>
 157  <?php
 159  if(isset($search["result"])) {
 160      //Beginn Tabelle für Dateilisting
 161      echo "<table width=\"538\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
 162      echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" /></td></tr>\n";
 164      $sl=0; $search["filelist"] = " ";
 165      foreach($search["result"] as $key => $value) {
 166          if($sl) $search["filelist"] .=" OR ";
 167          $search["filelist"] .= "f_id=".intval($key);
 168          $sl++;                    
 169      }
 171      //Listing der gefundenen Dateien
 172      $file_sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_file WHERE (".
 173                  ( (trim($search["filelist"])) ? $search["filelist"] : 0 ).
 174                  ") AND f_kid=1 AND f_trash=0 ORDER BY f_name;";
 175      if($file_result = mysql_query($file_sql, $db) or die ("error while listing files")) {
 176          $file_durchlauf = 0;
 177          while($file_row = mysql_fetch_array($file_result)) {
 178              $filename = html_specialchars($file_row["f_name"]);
 179              if(!$file_durchlauf) { //Aufbau der Zeile zum Einfließen der Filelisten-Tavbelle
 180                  echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#F5F8F9\"><td colspan=\"2\"><table width=\"538\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; 
 181              } else {
 182                  echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><td colspan=\"5\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" /></td></tr>\n";
 183              }
 184              echo "<tr>\n";
 185              echo "<td width=\"6\" class=\"msglist\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"6\" border=\"0\" /></td>\n";
 186              echo "<td width=\"13\" class=\"msglist\">";
 187              echo "<img src=\"img/icons/small_".extimg($file_row["f_ext"])."\" border=\"0\"></td>\n";
 188              echo "<td width=\"504\" class=\"msglist\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"5\" />";
 189              //echo "<a href=\"fileinfo_public.php?fid=".$file_row["f_id"];
 190              echo "<a href=\"fileinfo.php?public&amp;fid=".$file_row["f_id"];
 191              echo "\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"flevPopupLink(this.href,'filedetail','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=400',1);return document.MM_returnValue;\">";
 192              echo $filename."</a>";
 194              echo "</td>\n";
 195              echo "<td width=\"15\" align=\"right\" class=\"msglist\">";
 196              echo "<a href=\"include/inc_act/act_download.php?pl=1&dl=".$file_row["f_id"].
 197                   "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"".$BL['be_fprivfunc_dlfile'].": ".$filename."\" target=\"_blank\">".
 198                   "<img src=\"img/button/download_disc.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a>";
 199              echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"2\" height=\"1\" />"; //Spacer
 200              echo "</td>\n";
 201              //Ende Aufbau
 202              echo "</tr>\n";
 204              if($_SESSION["wcs_user_thumb"]) {
 206                  $thumb_image = get_cached_image(
 207                                   array(    "target_ext"    =>    $file_row["f_ext"],
 208                                          "image_name"    =>    $file_row["f_hash"] . '.' . $file_row["f_ext"],
 209                                          "thumb_name"    =>    md5($file_row["f_hash"].$phpwcms["img_list_width"].$phpwcms["img_list_height"].$phpwcms["sharpen_level"])
 210                                        )
 211                                  );
 213                  if($thumb_image != false) {
 215                      echo "<tr>\n";
 216                      echo "<td width=\"6\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"6\" border=\"0\"></td>\n";
 217                      echo "<td width=\"13\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n<td width=\"";
 218                      echo "504\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"6\"><a href=\"fileinfo.php?public&amp;fid=";
 219                      echo $file_row["f_id"]."\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"flevPopupLink(this.href,'filedetail','scrollbars=";
 220                      echo "yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=400',1); return document.MM_returnValue;\">";
 221                      echo '<img src="'.PHPWCMS_IMAGES . $thumb_image[0] .'" border="0" '.$thumb_image[3]."></a></td>\n";    
 222                      echo "<td width=\"15\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n</tr>\n";
 223                      echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"2\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n</tr>\n";
 225                  }
 227              }
 229              /*
 230              if($file_row["f_thumb_list"] && $_SESSION["wcs_user_thumb"]) { //Wenn List Preview Image verfügbar
 231                  echo "<tr>\n";
 232                  echo "<td width=\"6\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"6\" border=\"0\"></td>\n";
 233                  echo "<td width=\"13\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n<td width=\"";
 234                  //echo "504\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"6\"><a href=\"fileinfo_public.php?fid=";
 235                  echo "504\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"6\"><a href=\"fileinfo.php?public&amp;fid=";
 236                  echo $file_row["f_id"]."\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"flevPopupLink(this.href,'filedetail','scrollbars=";
 237                  echo "yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=400',1); return document.MM_returnValue;\">";
 238                  echo "<img src=\"".$phpwcms["file_tmp"].$phpwcms["dir_thlist"].$file_row["f_thumb_list"]."\" border=\"0\"></a></td>\n";
 239                  echo "<td width=\"15\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n</tr>\n";
 240                  echo "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"2\" width=\"1\" border=\"0\"></td>\n</tr>\n";
 241              }
 242              */
 243              $file_durchlauf++;
 244          }
 245          if($file_durchlauf) { //Abschluss der Filelisten-Tabelle
 246              echo "</table>\n";
 247              echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#F5F8F9\"><td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" height=\"1\" width=\"1\"></td></tr>\n"; //Abstand vor
 248          } else {
 249              echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\">";
 250              echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"6\"><br /><span class=\"error\" style=\"font-weight: bold;\">";            
 251              echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".$BL['be_fsearch_nonfound'];
 252              echo "</span><br /><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"></td></tr>\n";
 253          }
 254      } //Ende Liste Dateien
 256      echo "</table>\n"; //Ende Tabelle
 258  } else {
 259      //kein gültiges Suchergebnis
 260      if(isset($search["string"])) {            
 261          echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"6\"><br /><span class=\"error\" style=\"font-weight: bold;\">";            
 262          echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".$BL['be_fsearch_nonfound'];
 263          echo "</span><br /><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"6\">";
 264      } else {
 265          echo "<img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"6\"><br />";            
 266          echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".$BL['be_fsearch_fillin'];
 267          echo "<br /><img src=\"img/leer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"6\">";
 268      }
 269  }
 270  ?>

Generated: Wed Dec 30 05:55:15 2009 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7