$value) { unset($file_keywords[$key]); $key = intval($key); if($value != "0_1") { $file_keys .= (($file_keys) ? ":" : "").$key."_".intval($value); $file_keywords[$key] = intval($value); } else { $file_error["keywords"][$key] = 1; } } } //if(isEmpty($file_shortinfo)) $file_error["shortinfo"] = 1; if(isEmpty($file_name)) { $file_error["name"] = 1; } else { //Wenn Dateiname keine Erweiterung hat, dann Extension anhängen if(trim(strtolower(FileExtension($file_name))) != trim($file_ext)) $file_name .= ".".$file_ext; } //Eintragen der aktualisierten Verzeichnisinfos if(!isset($file_error)) { $sql = "UPDATE ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_file SET ". "f_name='".aporeplace($file_name)."', ". "f_pid=".$file_pid.", ". "f_aktiv=".$file_aktiv.", ". "f_public=".$file_public.", ". "f_shortinfo='".aporeplace($file_shortinfo)."', ". "f_longinfo='".aporeplace($file_longinfo)."', ". "f_keywords='".$file_keys."', ". "f_created='".time()."', ". "f_copyright='".aporeplace($file_copyright)."', ". "f_tags='".aporeplace($file_tags)."', ". "f_granted=".$file_granted.", ". "f_gallerystatus=".$file_gallerydownload.", ". "f_sort=".$file_sort." ". "WHERE f_kid=1 AND f_id=".$file_id." AND f_uid=".intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]); if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die ("error while updating file info")) { // store tags _dbSaveCategories($file_tags, 'file', $file_id, ','); headerRedirect(PHPWCMS_URL."phpwcms.php?do=files&f=0"); } } } //Ende Auswerten Formular //Wenn ID angegeben, dann -> oder aber Root Verzeichnis if($file_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_file WHERE f_id=".$file_id. " AND f_uid=".intval($_SESSION["wcs_user_id"])." AND f_trash=0 AND f_kid=1 LIMIT 1;"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db) or die("error while reading file information")) { if($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $file_oldname = html_specialchars($row["f_name"]); $file_created = intval($row["f_created"]); $file_size = intval($row["f_size"]); $file_id = $row["f_id"]; $file_ext = $row["f_ext"]; //$file_makethumb = "thumb=".$row["f_id"]."&ext=".$row["f_ext"]; if(empty($_POST["file_aktion"]) || intval($_POST["file_aktion"]) != 2) { $file_pid = $row["f_pid"]; $file_name = $row["f_name"]; $file_aktiv = $row["f_aktiv"]; $file_public = $row["f_public"]; $file_shortinfo = $row["f_shortinfo"]; $file_longinfo = $row["f_longinfo"]; $file_thumb = $row["f_thumb_list"]; $file_keys = $row["f_keywords"]; $file_copyright = $row["f_copyright"]; $file_tags = $row["f_tags"]; $file_granted = $row["f_granted"]; $file_gallerydownload = $row["f_gallerystatus"]; $file_sort = $row["f_sort"]; if($file_keys) { $file_keys_temp = explode(":", $file_keys); if(count($file_keys_temp)) { if(isset($file_keywords)) unset($file_keywords); foreach($file_keys_temp as $value) { list($k1, $k2) = explode("_", $value); $file_keywords[intval($k1)] = intval($k2); } } } } if(isset($row["f_hash"])) { $thumb_image = get_cached_image( array( "target_ext" => $row["f_ext"], "image_name" => $row["f_hash"] . '.' . $row["f_ext"], "thumb_name" => md5($row["f_hash"].$phpwcms["img_list_width"].$phpwcms["img_list_height"].$phpwcms["sharpen_level"]) ) ); if($thumb_image != false) { $file_thumb_small = ''; $othumb = true; } } $ja = 1; } mysql_free_result($result); } } if(!$othumb) { $file_thumb_small = ''; } if($ja) { ?>
 ' : ''; $k .= "\n\n"; $k .= "\n\n"; $k .= "\n\n\n"; } } mysql_free_result($result); } ?>
/>        >
/>        >