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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.3 _r380 (23.11.09)




/include/inc_module/mod_graphical_text/inc_tmpl/ -> gt.styles.tmpl.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
   3  // obligate check for phpwcms constants
   4  if (!defined('PHPWCMS_ROOT')) {
   5     die("You Cannot Access This Script Directly, Have a Nice Day.");
   6  }
   7  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
   9  ?>
  10  <table width="538" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
  11      <tr><td colspan="3" class="title"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="5" /></td></tr>
  12      <tr><td colspan="3" class="title"><?php echo $BL['be_gt_styles_title']; ?></td></tr>
  13      <tr><td colspan="3" class="title"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="5" /></td></tr>
  14      <tr><td colspan="3" ><img src="img/lines/l538_70.gif" alt="" width="538" height="1" /></td></tr>
  15      <tr><td colspan="3" ><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="5" /></td></tr>
  16      <tr>
  17          <td><strong><?php echo $BL['be_gt_styles_name'] ?></strong></td>
  18          <td><strong><?php echo $BL['be_gt_styles_preview'] ?></strong></td>
  19          <td>&nbsp;</td>
  20      </tr>
  21      <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="5" /></td></tr>
  22      <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/lines/l538_70.gif" alt="" width="538" height="1" /></td></tr>
  23      <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/leer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="5" /></td></tr>
  24      <?php
  26          //$gtarray = gt2array($db);
  28          $query = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_fonts_styles ORDER BY style_name";
  29          $result = mysql_query($query, $db);
  31          $rowcount = 0;
  33          while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
  34          {
  35              ++$rowcount;
  36              if (fmod($rowcount, 2) == 0)
  37              {
  38                  $bgcolor = "bgcolor=\"#F5F9FA\"";
  39                  $bgcolor2 = "bgcolor=\"#E5E9EA\"";
  40              }
  41              else
  42              {
  43                  $bgcolor = "";
  44                  $bgcolor2 = "bgcolor=\"#F8F8F8\"";
  45              }
  47              $style_id = $row["style_id"];
  48              $style_name = $row["style_name"];
  49              $style_preview = get_gt_by_style(array(1 => $style_name, 2 => $style_name)); //$gtarray, 
  51              echo "<tr $bgcolor>\n";
  52              echo "  <td valign=\"top\">$style_name</td>\n";
  53              echo "  <td>$style_preview</td>\n";
  54              echo "  <td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\">\n";
  55              echo "<a href=\"phpwcms.php?do=modules&amp;p=2&amp;s=styles&amp;t=update&amp;style_id=$style_id\" title=\"".$BL['be_gt_style_edit']."\"><img src=\"img/button/edit_22x11.gif\" width=\"22\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
  56              echo "<a href=\"phpwcms.php?do=modules&amp;p=2&amp;s=styles&amp;t=delete&amp;style_id=$style_id\" title=\"".$BL['be_gt_style_delete']."\" onclick=\"return confirm('".$BL['be_gt_style_delete_confirm']."');\"><img src=\"img/button/del_11x11.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>\n";
  57              echo "  </td>\n";
  58              echo "</tr>\n";
  59          }
  60      ?>
  61      <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" /></td></tr>
  62      <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/lines/l538_70.gif" width="538" height="1" alt="" /></td></tr>
  63      <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" /></td></tr>
  64      <tr><td class="subnavinactive" colspan="4"><img src="img/leer.gif" width="3" height="12" alt="" /><img src="img/button/add_11x11.gif" width="11" height="11" border="0" alt="" />&nbsp;<a href="phpwcms.php?do=modules&amp;p=2&amp;s=styles&amp;t=add"><?php echo $BL['be_gt_style_add']; ?></a></td></tr>
  65  </table>

Generated: Wed Dec 30 05:55:15 2009 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7