Please upload the fonts that you want to use for your graphical texts into the folder include/inc_module/mod_graphical_text/inc_fonts/

Afterwards, please click on the menu entry "Fonts" and add the fonts to the database. Enter a full name (e.g. "MS Trebuchet") and a short name (e.g. "trebuchet") - the short name will be the key to use the font within the replacement tag.

Fonts that are not added to the database will not be available for use with the replacement tags.

To use this MOD, you must create a folder "gt" into the folder content/
and CHMOD it to 777.

Usage of this tag: {GT:Style}Text{/GT}

'; // Fonts $BL['be_gt_fonts_title'] = 'Fonts'; $BL['be_gt_font_name'] = 'Name'; $BL['be_gt_font_shortname'] = 'Shortname'; $BL['be_gt_font_filename'] = 'Filename'; $BL['be_gt_font_add'] = 'Add font'; $BL['be_gt_font_edit'] = 'Edit font'; $BL["be_gt_font_not_yet_added"] = '- not yet added -'; $BL["be_gt_font_back"] = 'Back to fonts list'; // Font - Edit $BL['be_gt_font_edit_title'] = 'Font-Data'; // Colors $BL['be_gt_colors_title'] = 'Color definitions'; $BL['be_gt_colors_name'] = 'Name'; $BL['be_gt_colors_info'] = 'Color value'; $BL['be_gt_color_add'] = 'Add color definition'; $BL['be_gt_color_edit'] = 'Edit color definition'; $BL['be_gt_color_delete'] = 'Delete color definition'; $BL['be_gt_color_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this color definition?'; // Color - Edit $BL['be_gt_color_edit_title'] = 'Color definition'; $BL['be_gt_color_name'] = 'Name'; $BL['be_gt_color_info'] = 'Color value (hex)'; $BL['be_gt_color_back'] = 'Back to color definition list'; $BL['be_gt_only_six_numbers'] = 'Please enter a 6 digits value.'; // Styles $BL['be_gt_styles_title'] = 'Styles'; $BL['be_gt_styles_name'] = 'Name'; $BL['be_gt_styles_preview'] = 'Style properties'; $BL['be_gt_style_add'] = 'Add style'; $BL['be_gt_style_edit'] = 'Edit style'; $BL['be_gt_style_delete'] = 'Delete style'; $BL['be_gt_style_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this style?'; // Styles - Edit $BL['be_gt_style_edit_title'] = 'Style'; $BL['be_gt_style_name'] = 'Name'; $BL['be_gt_output_format'] = 'Output format'; $BL['be_gt_style_font'] = 'Font'; $BL['be_gt_style_size'] = 'Font size'; $BL['be_gt_style_underline'] = 'Underline'; $BL['be_gt_style_underline_desc'] = '(0 = no underline)'; $BL['be_gt_style_antialiasing'] = 'Antialiasing'; $BL['be_gt_style_antialiasing_yes'] = 'Yes'; $BL['be_gt_style_antialiasing_no'] = 'No'; $BL['be_gt_style_transparency'] = 'Transparency'; $BL['be_gt_style_fgcolor'] = 'Foreground color'; $BL['be_gt_style_bgcolor'] = 'Background color'; $BL['be_gt_style_back'] = 'Back to styles list'; $BL['be_gt_style_rotation'] = 'Rotation'; $BL['be_gt_style_rotation_cw'] = 'Clockwise (90°)'; $BL['be_gt_style_rotation_ccw'] = 'Counter clockwise (270°)'; $BL['be_gt_style_rotation_hcw'] = 'Half Rotation (180°)'; $BL['be_gt_style_rotation_default'] = 'No Rotation (0°)'; $BL['be_gt_style_height'] = 'Height addition'; ?>