'cnt_status != 9'); var $order_by = array('cnt_startdate DESC'); var $sql = ''; var $limit = 0; var $start_at = 0; var $select = '*'; var $base_url = ''; var $base_url_decoded = ''; var $data = array(); function phpwcmsNews() { global $BL; global $phpwcms; $this->BL = &$BL; $this->phpwcms = &$phpwcms; $this->base_url = PHPWCMS_URL.'phpwcms.php?do=articles&p=3'; $this->base_url_decoded = PHPWCMS_URL.'phpwcms.php?do=articles&p=3'; } function formAction() { return $this->base_url.'&cntid='.$this->data['cnt_id'].'&action=edit'; } function _where() { $sql = ''; if(is_array($this->where) && count($this->where)) { foreach($this->where as $value) { $value = trim($value); if(strtoupper(substr($value, 0, 2)) == 'OR') { $sql .= ' '.$value; } elseif(strtoupper(substr($value, 0, 3)) == 'AND') { $sql .= ' '.$value; } else { $sql .= ' AND '.$value; } } } elseif(is_string($this->where) ) { $sql = ' ' . $this->where; } return $sql; } /** * set array with news */ function getNews() { $this->news = array(); $sql = 'SELECT '.$this->select.' FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_content WHERE '; $sql .= "cnt_module = 'news'"; $sql .= $this->_where(); if(is_array($this->order_by) && count($this->order_by)) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.implode(',', $this->order_by); } if($this->limit > 0) { $this->start_at = intval($this->start_at); $this->limit = intval($this->limit); $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $this->start_at . ',' . $this->limit; } $this->sql = $sql; $news = _dbQuery($sql); $this->news = isset($news[0]) ? $news : array(); $this->setQueryDefaults(); } function countAll() { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(cnt_id) FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_content WHERE '; $sql .= "cnt_module = 'news'" . $this->_where(); $this->news_total = _dbCount($sql); return $this->news_total; } function getPagination() { initMootools(); $paginate = ''; if( $this->limit > 0 && $this->news_total > $this->limit ) { $current_page = $this->filter_page + 1; $max_page = ceil($this->news_total / $this->limit); if($current_page > $max_page) { $current_page = $max_page; $this->filter_page = $max_page - 1; $this->start_at = $this->filter_page * $this->limit; } $prev_page = $this->filter_page - 1; if($prev_page < 0) { $prev_page = 0; } $next_page = $current_page; if($next_page >= $max_page) { $next_page = $max_page - 1; } $paginate .= '/' . $max_page . ' '; $paginate .= 'start_at = 0; $this->filter_page = 0; } return $paginate; } function setQueryDefaults() { $this->select = '*'; $this->order_by = array('cnt_livedate'); $this->sql = ''; $this->limit = 0; $this->start_at = 0; } function filter() { // filter defaults // 0 = all with deleted // 1 = all active // 2 = all inactive $status = isset($_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER']['news']['status']) ? intval($_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER']['news']['status']) : 0; $filter = isset($_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER']['news']['filter']) ? $_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER']['news']['filter'] : ''; $page = isset($_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER']['news']['page']) ? intval($_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER']['news']['page']) : 0; if(isset($_POST['filter'])) { $active = empty($_POST['showactive']) ? false : true; $inactive = empty($_POST['showinactive']) ? false : true; $filter = clean_slweg($_POST['filter']); $page = empty($_POST['page']) ? 0 : intval($_POST['page']); if($active && $inactive) { $status = 0; } elseif($active) { $status = 1; } elseif($inactive) { $status = 2; } if(!isset($_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER'])) { $_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER'] = array(); } $_SESSION['PAGE_FILTER']['news'] = array( 'status' => $status, 'filter' => $filter, 'page' => $page ); } switch($status) { case 0: $this->where['status'] = 'cnt_status IN (1,0)'; break; case 1: $this->where['status'] = 'cnt_status = 1'; break; case 2: $this->where['status'] = 'cnt_status = 0'; break; } if($filter != '') { $this->where['filter'] = "CONCAT(cnt_name,' ',cnt_title,' ',cnt_subtitle,' ',cnt_teasertext,' ',cnt_text) LIKE '%"; $this->where['filter'] .= mysql_real_escape_string($filter)."%'"; } $this->filter_status = $status; $this->filter = $filter; $this->filter_page = $page; $this->limit = setItemsPerPage(); $this->start_at = $page * $this->limit; } function listBackend() { $this->select = '*, '; $this->select .= 'IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cnt_livedate)<=0, cnt_created, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cnt_livedate)) AS cnt_startdate, '; $this->select .= 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cnt_killdate) AS cnt_enddate, '; $this->select .= 'IF(cnt_sort=0, IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cnt_livedate)<=0, cnt_created, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(cnt_livedate)), cnt_sort) AS cnt_sortdate'; //$this->where = array(); $this->order_by = array('cnt_prio DESC', 'cnt_sortdate DESC'); $this->getNews(); $list = array(); $x = 0; if(count($this->news)) { $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; foreach($this->news as $news) { $list[] = ''; $news['live'] = $news['cnt_startdate']; $news['kill'] = strtotime($news['cnt_killdate']); $news['live'] = $news['live'] == false ? $this->BL['be_func_struct_empty'] : date($this->BL['be_shortdatetime'], $news['live']); $news['kill'] = $news['kill'] == false ? $this->BL['be_func_struct_empty'] : date($this->BL['be_shortdatetime'], $news['kill']); $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $list[] = ''; $x++; } $list[] = '
'.html_specialchars($news['cnt_name']).''.$news['live'].''.$news['kill'].''.date($this->BL['be_shortdatetime'], $news['cnt_sortdate']).''.$news['cnt_prio'].' '. ''. ''. ''. ''. '
'; } return implode(LF, $list); } function getFiles($mode='backend') { if( is_array($this->data['cnt_files']['id']) && count($this->data['cnt_files']['id'])) { $where = 'f_id IN (' . implode(',', $this->data['cnt_files']['id']) . ') AND '; $where .= 'f_kid=1 AND f_trash=0'; if($mode !== 'backend') { $where .= ' AND f_aktiv=1 AND f_public=1'; } $result = _dbGet('phpwcms_file', '*', $where); // now sort result if(isset($result[0])) { $data = array(); foreach($this->data['cnt_files']['id'] as $value) { $value = intval($value); $data[$value] = array(); } foreach($result as $value) { $id = intval($value['f_id']); $data[ $id ] = $value; } return $data; } else { return array(); } } else { return array(); } } function edit() { $this->newsId = intval($_GET['cntid']); $this->data = array(); if(isset($_GET['status'])) { $status = intval($_GET['status']); switch($status) { case 0: case 1: case 9: _dbUpdate('phpwcms_content', array('cnt_status'=>$status), 'cnt_id='.$this->newsId); set_status_message( $status == 9 ? $this->BL['be_action_deleted'] : $this->BL['be_action_status'], 'success', array('ID'=>$this->newsId) ); break; default: set_status_message($this->BL['be_action_notvalid'], 'warning'); } headerRedirect( $this->base_url_decoded ); } $start_date = 0; $end_date = 0; $this->data = array( 'cnt_id' => 0, 'cnt_pid' => 0, 'cnt_status' => 0, 'cnt_livedate' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'cnt_killdate' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'cnt_archive_status' => 1, 'cnt_alias' => '', 'cnt_name' => '', 'cnt_title' => '', 'cnt_subtitle' => '', 'cnt_editor' => '', 'cnt_place' => '', 'cnt_teasertext' => '', 'cnt_text' => '', 'cnt_duplicate' => 0, 'cnt_lang' => '', 'cnt_prio' => 0, 'cnt_readmore' => 1, 'cnt_image' => array( 'id' => 0, 'name' => '', 'zoom' => 0, 'lightbox' => 0, 'caption' => '', 'link' => '' ), 'cnt_files' => array( 'id' => array(), 'caption' => '' ), 'cnt_link' => '', 'cnt_linktext' => '', 'cnt_category' => '', 'cnt_livedate' => '', 'cnt_killdate' => '', 'cnt_sort' => 0 ); // check form post if( isset($_POST['cnt_name']) ) { $post = $this->getPostData(); $post_error = false; if(!empty($_POST['cnt_duplicate'])) { $this->newsId = 0; $duplicate = 1; $post['cnt_created'] = now(); } else { $duplicate = 0; } // 1st check if we have a name because it's mandatory if($post['cnt_name'] == '') { $post_error = true; set_status_message($this->BL['be_news_name_mandatory'], 'warning'); $post['cnt_duplicate'] = $duplicate; } // do db work if($post_error === false) { $values = $post; $values['cnt_object'] = serialize($values['cnt_object']); $success = false; // store new dataset if($this->newsId == 0) { $result = _dbInsert('phpwcms_content', $values); if(isset($result['INSERT_ID'])) { $this->newsId = $result['INSERT_ID']; $success = true; set_status_message($this->BL['be_successfully_saved'] . LF . $post['cnt_name'], 'success'); } // update existing dataset } else { $result = _dbUpdate('phpwcms_content', $values, 'cnt_id='.$this->newsId); if($result != false) { $success = true; set_status_message($this->BL['be_successfully_updated'] . LF . $post['cnt_name'], 'success'); } } // if success if($success) { // save categories if($this->newsId) { _dbSaveCategories($post['cnt_object']['cnt_category'], 'news', $this->newsId, ','); } // redirect to form again if($this->newsId && isset($_POST['submit'])) { headerRedirect( $this->base_url_decoded . '&cntid='.$this->newsId.'&action=edit' ); // back to listing } else { headerRedirect( $this->base_url_decoded ); } // error while storing data } else { set_status_message($BL['be_error_while_save'].trim( html_specialchars(' '.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error() ) ), 'warning'); } } $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $post); } elseif($this->newsId > 0) { $result = _dbGet('phpwcms_content', '*', 'cnt_status!=9 AND cnt_id='.$this->newsId, '', '', '1'); if(isset($result[0])) { $result[0]['cnt_object'] = @unserialize($result[0]['cnt_object']); if(is_array($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_image'])) { $result[0]['cnt_image'] = array_merge($this->data['cnt_image'], $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_image']); } if(is_array($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_files'])) { $result[0]['cnt_files'] = array_merge($this->data['cnt_files'], $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_files']); } if(isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_link'])) { $result[0]['cnt_link'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_link']; } if(isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_linktext'])) { $result[0]['cnt_linktext'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_linktext']; } if(isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_category'])) { $result[0]['cnt_category'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_category']; } if(isset($result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_readmore'])) { $result[0]['cnt_readmore'] = $result[0]['cnt_object']['cnt_readmore']; } $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $result[0]); } else { set_status_message($this->BL['be_data_select_failed'], 'warning'); headerRedirect( $this->base_url_decoded ); } } $start_date = strtotime( $this->data['cnt_livedate'] ); $end_date = strtotime( $this->data['cnt_killdate'] ); $sort_date = intval($this->data['cnt_sort']); if(!$start_date) { $this->data['cnt_date_start'] = ''; $this->data['cnt_time_start'] = ''; } else { $this->data['cnt_date_start'] = date($this->BL['default_date'], $start_date); $this->data['cnt_time_start'] = date($this->BL['default_time'], $start_date); } if(!$end_date) { $this->data['cnt_date_end'] = ''; $this->data['cnt_time_end'] = ''; } else { $this->data['cnt_date_end'] = date($this->BL['default_date'], $end_date); $this->data['cnt_time_end'] = date($this->BL['default_time'], $end_date); } // sort date if($sort_date == 0) { $this->data['cnt_sort_date'] = ''; $this->data['cnt_sort_time'] = ''; } else { $this->data['cnt_sort_date'] = date($this->BL['default_date'], $sort_date); $this->data['cnt_sort_time'] = date($this->BL['default_time'], $sort_date); } } function getPostData() { $post = array(); // do only when news ID is known if( $this->newsId == 0 ) { $post['cnt_created'] = now(); } $post['cnt_pid'] = 0; $post['cnt_type'] = ''; $post['cnt_module'] = 'news'; $post['cnt_changed'] = time(); //$duplicate = empty($_POST['cnt_duplicate']) ? 0 : 1; $post['cnt_status'] = empty($_POST['cnt_status']) ? 0 : 1; $post['cnt_archive_status'] = empty($_POST['cnt_archive_status']) ? 0 : 1; $post['cnt_prio'] = empty($_POST['cnt_prio']) ? 0 : intval($_POST['cnt_prio']); $temp_time = isset($_POST['calendar_start_time']) ? _getTime($_POST['calendar_start_time']) : ''; $temp_date = isset($_POST['calendar_start_date']) ? _getDate($_POST['calendar_start_date']) : ''; $post['cnt_livedate'] = $temp_date.' '.$temp_time; $temp_time = isset($_POST['calendar_end_time']) ? _getTime($_POST['calendar_end_time']) : ''; $temp_date = isset($_POST['calendar_end_date']) ? _getDate($_POST['calendar_end_date']) : ''; $post['cnt_killdate'] = $temp_date.' '.$temp_time; $temp_time = isset($_POST['sort_time']) ? _getTime($_POST['sort_time']) : ''; $temp_date = isset($_POST['sort_date']) ? _getDate($_POST['sort_date']) : ''; $post['cnt_sort'] = intval( strtotime($temp_date.' '.$temp_time) ); $post['cnt_name'] = isset($_POST['cnt_name']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_name']) : ''; $post['cnt_title'] = isset($_POST['cnt_title']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_title']) : ''; if($post['cnt_name'] == '' && $post['cnt_title'] != '') { $post['cnt_name'] = $post['cnt_title']; } elseif($post['cnt_name'] != '' && $post['cnt_title'] == '') { $post['cnt_title'] = $post['cnt_name']; } $post['cnt_alias'] = isset($_POST['cnt_alias']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_alias']) : ''; if($post['cnt_alias'] == '') { $post['cnt_alias'] = empty($post['cnt_title']) ? $post['cnt_name'] : $post['cnt_title']; } $post['cnt_alias'] = proof_alias($this->newsId, $post['cnt_alias'], 'CONTENT'); $post['cnt_subtitle'] = isset($_POST['cnt_subtitle']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_subtitle']) : ''; $post['cnt_editor'] = isset($_POST['cnt_editor']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_editor']) : ''; $post['cnt_place'] = isset($_POST['cnt_place']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_place']) : ''; $post['cnt_teasertext'] = isset($_POST['cnt_teasertext']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_teasertext']) : ''; $post['cnt_text'] = isset($_POST['cnt_text']) ? slweg($_POST['cnt_text']) : ''; $category = isset($_POST['cnt_category']) ? decode_entities(clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_category'])) : ''; $category = trim( trim( preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $category), ',' ) ); $post['cnt_lang'] = isset($_POST['cnt_lang']) ? preg_replace('/[^a-z\-]/', '', strtolower($_POST['cnt_lang'])) : ''; $post['cnt_object'] = array( 'cnt_image' => array(), 'cnt_files' => array(), 'cnt_link' => '', 'cnt_linktext' => '', 'cnt_category' => '', 'cnt_readmore' => 0 ); $post['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['id'] = isset($_POST['cnt_image_id']) ? intval($_POST['cnt_image_id']) : ''; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['name'] = isset($_POST['cnt_image_name']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_image_name']) : ''; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['zoom'] = empty($_POST['cnt_image_zoom']) ? 0 : 1; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['lightbox'] = empty($_POST['cnt_image_lightbox']) ? 0 : 1; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['caption'] = isset($_POST['cnt_image_caption']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_image_caption']) : ''; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_image']['link'] = isset($_POST['cnt_image_link']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_image_link']) : ''; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id'] = isset($_POST['cnt_files']) && is_array($_POST['cnt_files']) && count($_POST['cnt_files']) ? $_POST['cnt_files'] : array(); $post['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['caption'] = isset($_POST['cnt_file_caption']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_file_caption'], 0, false) : ''; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_link'] = isset($_POST['cnt_link']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_link']) : ''; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_linktext'] = isset($_POST['cnt_linktext']) ? clean_slweg($_POST['cnt_linktext']) : ''; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_category'] = $category; $post['cnt_object']['cnt_readmore'] = empty($_POST['cnt_readmore']) ? 0 : 1; return $post; } } ?>