\n\n\n"; } } function forward_to($to, $link, $time=2500) { //Javascript forwarding if($to) echo "\n"; } function subnavtext($text, $link, $is, $should, $getback=1, $js='') { //generate subnavigation based on text $id = "subnavid".randpassword(5); $sn = ''; if($is == $should) { $sn .= ''; $sn .= ''.$text.''; } else { $sn .= "\"\""; $sn .= "".$text.""; } $sn .= "\n"; if(!$getback) { return $sn; } else { echo $sn; } } function subnavtextext($text, $link, $target='_blank', $getback=1) { //generate subnavigation based on text and links to new page $id = 'subnavid'.randpassword(5); $sn = ''; $sn .= ''; $sn .= "\n"; if(!$getback) { return $sn; } else { echo $sn; } } function subnavback($text, $link, $h_before=0, $h_after=0) { $id = "subbackid".randpassword(5); $sn = "\n"; $sn .= (intval($h_before)) ? "\n" : ""; $sn .= ""; $sn .= ""; $sn .= ""; $sn .= "\n"; $sn .= (intval($h_after)) ? "\n" : ""; $sn .= "
\"\" ".$text."
\n"; echo $sn; } function clearfilename($formvar) { //Filename anpassen und säubern $formvar = trim($formvar); if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) $formvar = stripslashes ($formvar); $formvar = str_replace(array("'", ':', '/', '\\', '"'), '_', $formvar); return $formvar; } function check_image_extension($file, $filename='') { // only checks against correct image extension $image_info = getimagesize($file); $result = false; if(false != $image_info) { switch($image_info[2]) { case 1: $result = 'gif'; break; case 2: $result = 'jpg'; break; case 3: $result = 'png'; break; case 4: $result = 'swf'; break; case 5: $result = 'psd'; break; case 6: $result = 'bmp'; break; case 7: $result = 'tif'; break; //(intel byte order), case 8: $result = 'tif'; break; //(motorola byte order), case 9: $result = 'jpc'; break; case 10: $result = 'jp2'; break; case 11: $result = 'jpx'; break; case 12: $result = 'jb2'; break; case 13: // there is a problem in some cases swf -> swc ? why ever! // do an additional extension check and compare against swf $result = (strtolower(which_ext($file)) == 'swf') ? 'swf' : 'swc'; break; case 14: $result = 'iff'; break; case 15: // there seems to be a problem with getimagesize and Quicktime VR // mov -> wmbf ? why ever! // do an additional extension check and compare against mov $result = (strtolower(which_ext( empty($filename) ? $file : $filename )) == 'mov') ? 'mov' : 'wbmp'; break; case 16: $result = 'xbm'; break; } } return $result; } function getParentStructArray($structID) { $structID = intval($structID); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecat WHERE acat_id=".$structID." LIMIT 1"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $GLOBALS['db'])) { if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { return $row; } mysql_free_result($result); } return $GLOBALS['indexpage']; } /* * Get sort value for an article based on category */ function getArticleSortValue($cat_id=0) { // default sort value $sort = 0; $cat_id = intval($cat_id); $count = 0; $max_sort = 0; // Count all articles within the given structure ID $sql = "SELECT article_id, article_sort FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "WHERE article_cid=".$cat_id." "; $sql .= "ORDER BY article_sort DESC"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $GLOBALS['db'])) { // this is the max articles in structure $count = mysql_num_rows($result); // but neccessary trying to get the highest article sort value if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $max_sort = $row['article_sort']; } mysql_free_result($result); } $count = ($count + 1) * 10; $count = ($max_sort < $count) ? $count : $max_sort + 10; return $count; } /* * Make a re-sort for given structure ID and * return new sorted articles as array */ function getArticleReSorted(& $cat_id, & $ordered_by) { // get all articles including deleted and update sorting // in correct sort order by adding sort + 10 $sort = 10; $sort_multiply_by = 1; $count_article = 0; $ao = get_order_sort($ordered_by); $sql = "SELECT article_id, article_cid, article_title, article_public, article_aktiv, article_uid, "; $sql .= "date_format(article_tstamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') AS article_date, article_sort, article_deleted, article_tstamp "; $sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "WHERE article_cid='".$cat_id."' ORDER BY ".$ao[2]; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $GLOBALS['db'])) { // now check if it's sorted manually and DESC // then sort has to be lowerd by -10 if($ao[0] == 0 && $ao[1] == 1) { $max_article_count = mysql_num_rows($result); $sort = ($max_article_count + 1) * 10; $sort_multiply_by = -1; } // take all entries and build new array with it while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // SQL update query with new sort value $update_sql = "UPDATE ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article SET "; $update_sql .= "article_sort=".$sort.", "; $update_sql .= "article_tstamp='".$row['article_tstamp']."' "; $update_sql .= "WHERE article_id=".$row['article_id']." LIMIT 1"; @mysql_query($update_sql, $GLOBALS['db']); // add entry to the returning array only for article_deleted=0 // drops all deleted articles or articles having another status if($row['article_deleted'] == 0) { $article[$count_article] = $row; $article[$count_article]['article_sort'] = $sort; // count up for article array index $count_article++; } // count sort up by 10 $sort = $sort + (10 * $sort_multiply_by); } mysql_free_result($result); } return $article; } function phpwcmsversionCheck() { // Check for new version global $phpwcms; global $BL; if(empty($phpwcms['version_check'])) return ''; $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; $version_info = ''; if ($fsock = @fsockopen('www.phpwcms.de', 80, $errno, $errstr, 10)) { $identify = '?version='.rawurlencode($phpwcms["release"].'-'.str_replace('/', '', $phpwcms["release_date"])).'&hash='.md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); @fputs($fsock, "GET /versioncheck/phpwcms_releaseinfo.txt".$identify." HTTP/1.1\r\n"); @fputs($fsock, "HOST: www.phpwcms.de\r\n"); @fputs($fsock, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); $get_info = false; while (!@feof($fsock)) { if ($get_info) { $version_info .= @fread($fsock, 1024); } else { if (@fgets($fsock, 1024) == "\r\n") { $get_info = true; } } } @fclose($fsock); $version_info = explode("\n", $version_info); $latest_version = trim($version_info[0]); $latest_revdate = trim($version_info[1]); $latest_revision = intval(trim($version_info[2])); // do version check $check = $latest_revision > $phpwcms['revision'] ? false : true; if ($check) { $version_info = '

' . $BL['Version_up_to_date'] . '

'; $version_info .= '

'.sprintf($BL['Latest_version_info'], $latest_version.' ('.$latest_revdate.', r'.$latest_revision.')'). ' '; $version_info .= sprintf($BL['Current_version_info'], $phpwcms["release"].' ('.$phpwcms["release_date"].', r'.$phpwcms["revision"].')') . '

'; } else { $this_version = implode('.', $latest_revision); $this_version .= ' ('.date('Y/m/d', $latest_revdate[0]).')'; $version_info = '

' . $BL['Version_not_up_to_date'] . '

'; $version_info .= '

'.sprintf($BL['Latest_version_info'], $this_version). ' '; $version_info .= sprintf($BL['Current_version_info'], $phpwcms["release"].' ('.$phpwcms["release_date"].')') . '

'; } } else { if ($errstr) { $version_info = '

' . sprintf($BL['Connect_socket_error'], $errstr) . '

'; } else { $version_info = '

' . $BL['Socket_functions_disabled'] . '

'; } } //$version_info .= '

' . $BL['Mailing_list_subscribe_reminder'] . '

'; return '


'; } function createOptionTransferSelectList($id='', $leftData, $rightData, $option = array()) { // used to create global $BL; $id_left = $id.'_left'; $id_right = $id.'_right'; $id_left_box = $id_left.'list'; $id_right_box = $id_right.'list'; $option_object = generic_string(4, 4); $table = ''; $option['rows'] = empty($option['rows']) || !intval($option['rows']) ? 5 : $option['rows']; $option['delimeter'] = empty($option['delimeter']) ? ',' : $option['delimeter']; $option['encode'] = (isset($option['encode']) && $option['encode'] === false) ? false : true; $option['style'] = empty($option['style']) ? '' : ' style="'.$option['style'].'"'; $option['class'] = empty($option['class']) ? ' class="#SIDE#"' : ' class="#SIDE# '.$option['class'].'"'; $option['formname'] = empty($option['formname']) ? 'document.forms[0]' : 'document.getElementById(\''.$option['formname'].'\')'; $GLOBALS['BE']['HEADER']['optionselect.js'] = getJavaScriptSourceLink('include/inc_js/optionselect.js'); $table .= ''.LF.''.LF; // left select list $table .= ''.LF; // left <-> right buttons $table .= ''; $table .= ''.LF; $table .= ''.LF; // right select list $table .= ''.LF; $table .= ''.LF; $table .= ''.LF.''.LF; $table .= ''.LF; $table .= ''.LF; $table .= ''.LF.'
'; $table .= ''; $table .= ''; $table .= ''; $table .= ''; $table .= 'Move selected to right'; $table .= ''; $table .= 'Move all to right'; $table .= ''; $table .= 'Move selected to left'; $table .= ''; $table .= 'Move all to left'; $table .= '
'.LF; $table .= ''; $table .= ''; $table .= ''.LF; return $table; } function countNewsletterRecipients($target) { // try to count all recipients for special newsletter $recipients = _dbQuery('SELECT * FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_address WHERE address_verified=1'); $counter = 0; $check = (empty($target) || !is_array($target) || !count($target)) ? false : true; foreach($recipients as $value) { if(empty($value['address_subscription'])) { $counter++; continue; } elseif($check) { $value['address_subscription'] = unserialize($value['address_subscription']); if(is_array($value['address_subscription'])) { foreach($value['address_subscription'] as $subscr) { if(in_array(intval($subscr), $target)) { $counter++; break; } } } } } return $counter; } function getContentPartOptionTag($value='', $text='', $selected='', $module='') { $result = ''; // neccessary plugin check if($value == 30) { if(!isset($GLOBALS['temp_count'])) { $GLOBALS['temp_count'] = 0; } foreach($GLOBALS['phpwcms']['modules'] as $module_value) { if($module_value['cntp'] && file_exists($module_value['path'].'inc/cnt.list.php')) { $result .= '