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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.3 _r380 (23.11.09)




/include/inc_js/ -> dynCalendar.js (summary)

Filename.......: calendar.js Project........: Popup Calendar Last Modified..: $Date: 2006/09/11 20:13:54 $ CVS Revision...: $Revision: 1.1 $ Copyright......: 2001, 2002 Richard Heyes Enhancements...: 17/03/2007 Oliver Georgi, http://www.phpwcms.de - detect browser language - set calendar month and dayname based on given language

File Size: 519 lines (17 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 19 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

dynCalendar(objName, callbackFunc)   X-Ref
The calendar constructor

param: string objName      Name of the object that you create
param: string callbackFunc Name of the callback function
param: string OPTIONAL     Optional layer name
param: string OPTIONAL     Optional images path

dynCalendar_show()   X-Ref
Shows the calendar, or updates the layer if
already visible.

param: integer month Optional month number (0-11)
param: integer year  Optional year (YYYY format)

dynCalendar_writeHTML()   X-Ref
Writes HTML to document for layer

dynCalendar_setOffset(Xoffset, Yoffset)   X-Ref
Sets the offset to the mouse position
that the calendar appears at.

param: integer Xoffset Number of pixels for vertical
param: integer Yoffset Number of pixels for horizontal

dynCalendar_setOffsetX(Xoffset)   X-Ref
Sets the X offset to the mouse position
that the calendar appears at.

param: integer Xoffset Number of pixels for horizontal

dynCalendar_setOffsetY(Yoffset)   X-Ref
Sets the Y offset to the mouse position
that the calendar appears at.

param: integer Yoffset Number of pixels for vertical

dynCalendar_setImagesPath(path)   X-Ref
Sets the images path

param: string path Path to use for images

dynCalendar_setMonthCombo(useMonthCombo)   X-Ref
Turns on/off the month dropdown

param: boolean useMonthCombo Whether to use month dropdown or not

dynCalendar_setYearCombo(useYearCombo)   X-Ref
Turns on/off the year dropdown

param: boolean useYearCombo Whether to use year dropdown or not

dynCalendar_setCurrentMonth(month)   X-Ref
Sets the current month being displayed

param: boolean month The month to set the current month to

dynCalendar_setCurrentYear(year)   X-Ref
Sets the current month being displayed

param: boolean year The year to set the current year to

dynCalendar_setYearComboRange(range)   X-Ref
Sets the range of the year combo. Displays this number of
years either side of the year being displayed.

param: integer range The range to set

dynCalendar_getLayer()   X-Ref
Returns the layer object

dynCalendar_hideLayer()   X-Ref
Hides the calendar layer

dynCalendar_showLayer()   X-Ref
Shows the calendar layer

dynCalendar_setLayerPosition()   X-Ref
Sets the layers position

dynCalendar_setHTML(html)   X-Ref
Sets the innerHTML attribute of the layer

dynCalendar_getDaysInMonth(month, year)   X-Ref
Returns number of days in the supplied month

param: integer month The month to get number of days in
param: integer year  The year of the month in question

dynCalendar_mouseover(status)   X-Ref
onMouse(Over|Out) event handler

param: boolean status Whether the mouse is over the

Generated: Wed Dec 30 05:55:15 2009 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7