'; } function headline(& $head, & $subhead, & $layout) { $c = ''; if($head) { $c .= $layout["content_head_before"]; $c .= html_specialchars($head); $c .= $layout["content_head_after"]; } if($subhead) { $c .= $layout["content_subhead_before"]; $c .= html_specialchars($subhead); $c .= $layout["content_subhead_after"]; } return $c; } //defines multimedia plugin specific values for width or height function plugin_size($mediatype, $player, $width, $height) { switch($mediatype) { case 0: //Video switch($player) { case 0: //Quicktime $width = ($width) ? $width : ""; $height = ($height) ? $height+16 : ""; break; case 1: //RealPlayer $width = ($width) ? $width : ""; $width = ($height) ? $height+36 : ""; break; case 2: //MediaPlayer $width = ($width) ? $width : ""; $width = ($height) ? $height : ""; break; case 3: //Flash $width = ($width) ? $width : ""; $width = ($height) ? $height : ""; break; } break; case 1: //Audio break; case 2: //Flash break; } } function must_filled($c) { //spaceholder for form fields that have to be filled //with some content or has to be marked or like that return intval($c) ? '' : ''; } function add_attribute($baseval, $attribute, $val, $space=" ") { //to add all relevant attributes that contains //values to a string maybe a html tag $attribute = isEmpty(strval($val)) ? '' : $attribute.'="'.$val.'"'; $attribute = ($baseval && !isEmpty($val)) ? $space.$attribute : $attribute; return $attribute; } function add_style_attribute($attribute='', $val='') { //to add all relevant attributes that contains //values to a string maybe a html tag $attribute = isEmpty(strval($val)) ? '' : $attribute.': '.$val.';'; return $attribute; } function html_attribute($attribute='', $val='') { //to return only 1 well formatted attributes and values return isEmpty(strval($val)) ? '' : $attribute.'="'.$val.'"'; } function html_height_attribute($val=0) { //to return only 1 well formatted attributes and values return (intval($val)) ? ' style="height:'.$val.'px;" ' : ''; } function get_body_attributes(& $values) { //return a standard list of standard html body attributes //based on the pagelayout definitions $body_class = ''; $link_class = ''; $onload_js = ''; if(is_array($values)) { if(empty($values["layout_noborder"])) { $body_class .= add_style_attribute(' margin', '0').LF; $body_class .= add_style_attribute(' padding-top', empty($values["layout_border_top"]) ? '0' : intval($values["layout_border_top"]) .'px').LF; $body_class .= add_style_attribute(' padding-bottom', empty($values["layout_border_bottom"]) ? '0' : intval($values["layout_border_bottom"]).'px').LF; $body_class .= add_style_attribute(' padding-left', empty($values["layout_border_left"]) ? '0' : intval($values["layout_border_left"]) .'px').LF; $body_class .= add_style_attribute(' padding-right', empty($values["layout_border_right"]) ? '0' : intval($values["layout_border_right"]) .'px').LF; $body_class .= LF; } if(!empty($values["layout_bgcolor"])) { $body_class .= add_style_attribute(' background-color', $values["layout_bgcolor"]); $body_class .= LF; } if(!empty($values["layout_bgimage"])) { $body_class .= add_style_attribute(' background-image', 'url('.$values["layout_bgimage"].')'); $body_class .= LF; } if(!empty($values["layout_textcolor"])) { $body_class .= add_style_attribute(' color', $values["layout_textcolor"]); $body_class .= LF; } if(!empty($body_class)) { $body_class = ' body {'.LF.$body_class.' }'.LF; } if(!empty($values["layout_linkcolor"])) { $link_class .= ' a, a:link, a:active, a:visited, a:hover { color: '.$values["layout_linkcolor"].'; }'; $link_class .= LF; } if(!empty($values["layout_vcolor"])) { $link_class .= ' a:visited { color: '.$values["layout_vcolor"].'; }'; $link_class .= LF; } if(!empty($values["layout_acolor"])) { $link_class .= ' a:active { color: '.$values["layout_acolor"].'; }'; $link_class .= LF; } if(!empty($values["layout_jsonload"])) { $onload_js = ' '.LF; } if(!empty($body_class) || !empty($link_class)) { $body_class = ' '.LF; } return $onload_js.$body_class; } } function align_base_layout($value) { //to get the alignment of the base layout table switch($value) { case 1: $align = "center"; break; case 2: $align = "right"; break; default: $align = 0; } return ($align) ? ' align="'.$align.'"' : ''; } function get_colspan($value) { //returns colspan value back to table row if(!isset($value["layout_type"])) $value["layout_type"] = 0; switch($value["layout_type"]) { case 0: $col=3; break; case 1: $col=2; break; case 2: $col=2; break; case 3: $col=0; break; default: $col=3; } if(!empty($value["layout_leftspace_width"])) $col++; if(!empty($value["layout_rightspace_width"])) $col++; return ($col) ? (' colspan="'.$col.'"') : ''; } function colspan_table_row($val, $block, $colspan="", $rowcontent=" ") { //creates a new table row for header or footer or such rows return ($rowcontent) ? "\n".$rowcontent."\n\n" : ''; } function get_table_block($val, $content="", $leftblock="", $rightblock="") { //creates the string with all relevant main block data //$val = $pagelayout array values $mainblock = "\n"; //start row //if 3column or 2column (with left block) if($val["layout_type"]==0 || $val["layout_type"]==1) { $mainblock .= "".$leftblock."\n"; } //if there is a spacer column between left and main block if($val["layout_leftspace_width"]) { $mainblock .= ""; $mainblock .= spacer($val["layout_leftspace_width"]); $mainblock .= "\n"; } $mainblock .= "".$content."\n"; //if there is a spacer column between main block and right column if($val["layout_rightspace_width"]) { $mainblock .= ""; $mainblock .= spacer($val["layout_rightspace_width"]); $mainblock .= "\n"; } //if 3column or 2column (with right block) if($val["layout_type"]==0 || $val["layout_type"]==2) { $mainblock .= "".$rightblock."\n"; } $mainblock .= "\n"; //end row return $mainblock; } function td_attributes($val, $block, $top=1) { //creates a string with all relevant cell attributes like nackground color/image, class $td_attrib = ($top) ? ' valign="top"' : ""; if(!empty($val["layout_".$block."_height"])) { $td_attrib .= html_height_attribute($val["layout_".$block."_height"]); } if(!empty($val["layout_".$block."_width"])) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" width", $val["layout_".$block."_width"]); } if(!empty($val["layout_".$block."_bgcolor"])) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" bgcolor", $val["layout_".$block."_bgcolor"]); } if(!empty($val["layout_".$block."_bgimage"])) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" style", 'background-image:url('.$val["layout_".$block."_bgimage"].')'); } if(!empty($val["layout_".$block."_class"])) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" class", $val["layout_".$block."_class"]); } return $td_attrib; } function table_attributes($val, $var_part, $top=1, $tr=false) { //creates a string with all relevant cell attributes like background color/image, class //P.S. it is nearly the same as td_attributes - but it was boring to rewrite code ;-) $td_attrib = ''; if($top) { $td_attrib = ' valign="top"'; } if(!$tr) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" border", (!empty($val[$var_part."_border"])) ? $val[$var_part."_border"] : '0'); $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" cellspacing", (!empty($val[$var_part."_cspace"])) ? $val[$var_part."_cspace"] : '0'); $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" cellpadding", (!empty($val[$var_part."_cpad"])) ? $val[$var_part."_cpad"] : '0'); } if(!empty($val[$var_part."_height"])) { $td_attrib .= html_height_attribute($val[$var_part."_height"]); } if(!empty($val[$var_part."_width"])) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" width", $val[$var_part."_width"]); } if(!empty($val[$var_part."_bgcolor"])) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" bgcolor", $val[$var_part."_bgcolor"]); } if(!empty($val[$var_part."_bgimage"])) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" background", $val[$var_part."_bgimage"]); } if(!empty($val[$var_part."_class"])) { $td_attrib .= html_attribute(" class", $val[$var_part."_class"]); } return $td_attrib; } function get_breadcrumb ($start_id, &$struct_array) { //returns the breadcrumb path starting with given start_id $data = array(); while ($start_id) { $data[$start_id] = $struct_array[$start_id]["acat_name"]; $start_id = $struct_array[$start_id]["acat_struct"]; } if(!empty($struct_array[$start_id]["acat_name"])) { $data[$start_id] = $struct_array[$start_id]["acat_name"]; } return array_reverse($data, 1); } function breadcrumb ($start_id, &$struct_array, $end_id, $spacer=' > ') { //builds the breadcrumb menu based on given values //$link_to = the page on which the breadcrum part links //$root_name = name of the breadcrumb part if empty/false/0 $start_id //$spacer = how should breadcrumb parts be divided $start_id = intval($start_id); $end_id = intval($end_id); $act_id = $start_id; //store actual ID for later comparing $breadcrumb = ''; global $template_default; while ($start_id) { //get the breadcrumb path starting with given start_id if($end_id && $start_id == $end_id) break; $data[$start_id] = $struct_array[$start_id]["acat_name"]; $start_id = $struct_array[$start_id]["acat_struct"]; } $data[$start_id] = $struct_array[$start_id]["acat_name"]; $crumbs_part = array_reverse($data, 1); if(is_array($crumbs_part)) { foreach($crumbs_part as $key => $value) { $alias = ''; if($struct_array[$key]["acat_hidden"] != 1) { // check if the structure should be unvisible when active if ($act_id != $key) { if($breadcrumb) $breadcrumb .= $spacer; if(!$struct_array[$key]["acat_redirect"]) { $breadcrumb .= ''; } $breadcrumb .= html_specialchars($crumbs_part[$key]).''; } else { if($breadcrumb) $breadcrumb .= $spacer; if(!empty($template_default['breadcrumb_active_prefix'])) { $breadcrumb .= $template_default['breadcrumb_active_prefix']; } $breadcrumb .= html_specialchars($crumbs_part[$key]); if(!empty($template_default['breadcrumb_active_suffix'])) { $breadcrumb .= $template_default['breadcrumb_active_suffix']; } } } } } return $breadcrumb; } function get_redirect_link($link='#', $pre='', $after=' ') { // returns the link var and target var if available $link = explode(' ', $link); $l['link'] = empty($link[0]) ? '#' : $link[0]; $l['target'] = empty($link[1]) ? '' : $pre.'target="'.$link[1].'"'.$after; return $l; } function get_struct_data($root_name='', $root_info='') { //returns the complete active and public struct data as array //so it is reusable by many menu functions -> lower db access global $db; global $indexpage; $data = array(); $data[0] = array( "acat_id" => 0, "acat_name" => $indexpage['acat_name'], "acat_info" => $indexpage['acat_info'], "acat_struct" => 0, "acat_sort" => 0, "acat_hidden" => intval($indexpage['acat_hidden']), "acat_regonly" => intval($indexpage['acat_regonly']), "acat_ssl" => intval($indexpage['acat_ssl']), "acat_template" => intval($indexpage['acat_template']), "acat_alias" => $indexpage['acat_alias'], "acat_topcount" => intval($indexpage['acat_topcount']), "acat_maxlist" => intval($indexpage['acat_maxlist']), "acat_redirect" => $indexpage['acat_redirect'], "acat_order" => intval($indexpage['acat_order']), "acat_timeout" => $indexpage['acat_timeout'], "acat_nosearch" => $indexpage['acat_nosearch'], "acat_nositemap"=> $indexpage['acat_nositemap'], "acat_permit" => !empty($indexpage['acat_permit']) && is_array($indexpage['acat_permit']) ? $indexpage['acat_permit'] : array(), "acat_pagetitle"=> empty($indexpage['acat_pagetitle']) ? '' : $indexpage['acat_pagetitle'], "acat_paginate" => empty($indexpage['acat_paginate']) ? 0 : 1, "acat_overwrite"=> empty($indexpage['acat_overwrite']) ? '' : $indexpage['acat_overwrite'], "acat_archive" => empty($indexpage['acat_archive']) ? 0 : 1, ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecat WHERE "; // VISIBLE_MODE: 0 = frontend (all) mode, 1 = article user mode, 2 = admin user mode if(VISIBLE_MODE != 2) { // for 0 AND 1 $sql .= "acat_aktiv=1 AND acat_public=1 AND "; } $sql .= "acat_trash=0 ORDER BY acat_struct, acat_sort"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $data[$row["acat_id"]] = array( "acat_id" => $row["acat_id"], "acat_name" => $row["acat_name"], "acat_info" => $row["acat_info"], "acat_struct" => $row["acat_struct"], "acat_sort" => $row["acat_sort"], "acat_hidden" => $row["acat_hidden"], "acat_regonly" => $row["acat_regonly"], "acat_ssl" => $row["acat_ssl"], "acat_template" => $row["acat_template"], "acat_alias" => $row["acat_alias"], "acat_topcount" => $row["acat_topcount"], "acat_maxlist" => $row["acat_maxlist"], "acat_redirect" => $row["acat_redirect"], "acat_order" => $row["acat_order"], "acat_timeout" => $row["acat_cache"], "acat_nosearch" => $row["acat_nosearch"], "acat_nositemap"=> $row["acat_nositemap"], "acat_permit" => empty($row["acat_permit"]) ? array() : explode(',', $row["acat_permit"]), "acat_pagetitle"=> $row["acat_pagetitle"], "acat_paginate" => $row["acat_paginate"], "acat_overwrite"=> $row["acat_overwrite"], "acat_archive" => $row["acat_archive"] ); } mysql_free_result($result); } return $data; } function get_actcat_articles_data($act_cat_id) { //returns the complete active and public article data as array (basic infos only) //so it is reusable by many functions -> lower db access global $content; global $db; $data = array(); if(isset($content['struct'][ $act_cat_id ])) { $ao = get_order_sort($content['struct'][ $act_cat_id ]['acat_order']); } else { return $data; } $as = $content['struct'][ $act_cat_id ]; $as['acat_maxlist'] = intval($as['acat_maxlist']); $sql = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_tstamp) AS article_date, "; $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_begin) AS article_livedate, "; $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_end) AS article_killdate "; $sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "WHERE article_cid=".$act_cat_id; // VISIBLE_MODE: 0 = frontend (all) mode, 1 = article user mode, 2 = admin user mode switch(VISIBLE_MODE) { case 0: $sql .= " AND article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1"; break; case 1: $sql .= " AND article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]; break; //case 2: admin mode no additional neccessary } $sql .= ' AND article_deleted=0 AND article_begin < NOW() '; if($content['struct'][ $act_cat_id ]['acat_archive'] == 0) { $sql .= 'AND article_end > NOW() '; } else { $sql .= 'AND IF( article_archive_status=1 , 1 , article_end > NOW() ) '; } $sql .= "ORDER BY ".$ao[2]; if(empty($as['acat_paginate']) && $as['acat_maxlist'] && $as['acat_topcount'] >= $as['acat_maxlist']) { $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$as['acat_maxlist']; } if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $data[$row["article_id"]] = array( "article_id" => $row["article_id"], "article_cid" => $row["article_cid"], "article_title" => $row["article_title"], "article_subtitle" => $row["article_subtitle"], "article_menutitle" => $row["article_menutitle"], "article_keyword" => $row["article_keyword"], "article_summary" => $row["article_summary"], "article_redirect" => $row["article_redirect"], "article_date" => $row["article_date"], "article_username" => $row["article_username"], "article_sort" => $row["article_sort"], "article_notitle" => $row["article_notitle"], "article_created" => $row["article_created"], "article_image" => @unserialize($row["article_image"]), "article_timeout" => $row["article_cache"], "article_nosearch" => $row["article_nosearch"], "article_nositemap" => $row["article_nositemap"], "article_aliasid" => $row["article_aliasid"], "article_headerdata"=> $row["article_headerdata"], "article_morelink" => $row["article_morelink"], "article_begin" => $row["article_begin"], "article_end" => $row["article_end"], "article_alias" => $row["article_alias"], 'article_livedate' => $row["article_livedate"], 'article_killdate' => $row["article_killdate"] ); // now check for article alias ID if($row["article_aliasid"]) { $aid = $row["article_id"]; $alias_sql = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_tstamp) AS article_date, "; $alias_sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_begin) AS article_livedate, "; $alias_sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_end) AS article_killdate "; $alias_sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article "; $alias_sql .= "WHERE article_deleted=0 AND article_id=".intval($row["article_aliasid"]); if(!$row["article_headerdata"]) { switch(VISIBLE_MODE) { case 0: $alias_sql .= " AND article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1"; break; case 1: $alias_sql .= " AND article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]; break; } $alias_sql .= " AND article_begin < NOW() AND article_end > NOW()"; } $alias_sql .= " AND article_deleted=0 LIMIT 1"; if($alias_result = mysql_query($alias_sql, $db)) { if($alias_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($alias_result)) { $data[$aid]["article_id"] = $alias_row["article_id"]; $data[$aid]["article_alias"] = $alias_row["article_alias"]; // use alias article header data if(!$row["article_headerdata"]) { $data[$aid]["article_title"] = $alias_row["article_title"]; $data[$aid]["article_subtitle"] = $alias_row["article_subtitle"]; $data[$aid]["article_keyword"] = $alias_row["article_keyword"]; $data[$aid]["article_summary"] = $alias_row["article_summary"]; $data[$aid]["article_redirect"] = $alias_row["article_redirect"]; $data[$aid]["article_date"] = $alias_row["article_date"]; $data[$aid]["article_image"] = @unserialize($alias_row["article_image"]); $data[$aid]["article_begin"] = $alias_row["article_begin"]; $data[$aid]["article_end"] = $alias_row["article_end"]; $data[$aid]['article_livedate'] = $alias_row["article_livedate"]; $data[$aid]['article_killdate'] = $alias_row["article_killdate"]; $data[$aid]['article_menutitle'] = $alias_row["article_menutitle"]; } } mysql_free_result($alias_result); } } } mysql_free_result($result); } return $data; } function setArticleSummaryImageData($img) { // used to set correct list image values based on given data //first check if lis_image data is set - will not for all old articles if(!isset($img['list_usesummary'])) { $img['list_usesummary'] = 1; } if($img['list_usesummary'] && !empty($img['hash'])) { $img['list_name'] = $img['name']; $img['list_hash'] = $img['hash']; $img['list_ext'] = $img['ext']; $img['list_id'] = $img['id']; $img['list_caption'] = $img['caption']; $img['list_zoom'] = empty($img['list_zoom']) ? $img['zoom'] : $img['list_zoom']; $img['list_width'] = empty($img['list_width']) ? $img['width'] : $img['list_width']; $img['list_height'] = empty($img['list_height']) ? $img['height'] : $img['list_height']; } return $img; } //menu creating function nav_table_simple_struct(&$struct, $act_cat_id, $link_to="index.php") { //returns a simple table based navigation menu of possible //structure levels based on current structure level $nav_table = "\n\n"; $nav_table .= "\n"; $nav_table .= "\n"; foreach($struct as $key => $value) { if($key != $act_cat_id && _getStructureLevelDisplayStatus($key, $act_cat_id) ) { $nav_table .= "\n"; $nav_table .= "\n"; $nav_table .= '\n"; } } $nav_table .= '
\"\""; $nav_table .= html_specialchars($struct[$act_cat_id]["acat_name"]); $nav_table .= "
\"\"'; if(!$struct[$key]["acat_redirect"]) { $nav_table .= ''; } $nav_table .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"])."
'; return $nav_table; } function nav_level_row($show_id, $show_home=1) { //returns a simple row based navigation if(strtoupper($show_id) == 'CURRENT') { $act_cat_id = $GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"]; } else { $act_cat_id = intval($show_id); } $nav = ''; if($show_home && $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$act_cat_id]['acat_hidden'] != 1) { if($GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"] == $act_cat_id) { $before = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_before_active"]; $after = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_after_active"]; $direct_before = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_direct_before_active"]; $direct_after = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_direct_after_active"]; } else { $before = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_before"]; $after = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_after"]; $direct_before = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_direct_before"]; $direct_after = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_direct_after"]; } $nav .= $before; $nav .= ''.$direct_before; $nav .= html_specialchars($GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$act_cat_id]['acat_name']); $nav .= $direct_after.''.$after; } // check against breadcrumb - active site tree if($GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"]]['acat_struct'] != 0) { $breadcrumb = get_breadcrumb($GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"], $GLOBALS['content']['struct']); } foreach($GLOBALS['content']['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($key != $act_cat_id && _getStructureLevelDisplayStatus($key, $act_cat_id) ) { if($nav) { $nav .= $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["between"]; } if($GLOBALS['content']["cat_id"] == $key || isset($breadcrumb[$key])) { $before = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_before_active"]; $after = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_after_active"]; $direct_before = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_direct_before_active"]; $direct_after = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_direct_after_active"]; } else { $before = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_before"]; $after = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_after"]; $direct_before = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_direct_before"]; $direct_after = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["link_direct_after"]; } $nav .= $before; if(!$GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$key]["acat_redirect"]) { $nav .= ''; } $nav .= $direct_before; $nav .= html_specialchars($GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$key]['acat_name']);; $nav .= $direct_after.''.$after; } } if($nav) { $nav = $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["before"].$nav; $nav .= $GLOBALS['template_default']["nav_row"]["after"]; } return $nav; } function nav_table_struct (&$struct, $act_cat_id, $level, $nav_table_struct, $link_to="index.php") { // start with home directory for the listing = top nav structure // 1. Build the recursive tree for given actual article category ID // return the tree starting with given start_id (like breadcrumb) // if the $start_id = 0 then this stops because 0 = top level $level = intval($level); $start_id = $act_cat_id; $data = array(); $c = 0; $total_levels = 0; $level_depth = 0; //$start_level = $level; while ($start_id) { $data[$start_id] = 1; $start_id = $struct[$start_id]["acat_struct"]; $total_levels++; } if(is_array($data) && count($data)) { $temp_tree = array_reverse($data, 1); } else { $temp_tree = false; } foreach($struct as $key => $value) { if($struct[$key]["acat_struct"] == $act_cat_id && $key && (!$struct[$key]["acat_hidden"] || isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_KEY'][$key]))) { $c++; } } $c = (!$c) ? 1 : 0; //build image src path and real image tag $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"] = get_real_imgsrc($nav_table_struct["linkimage_over"]); $nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"] = add_linkid($nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"], '#'); $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over"] = add_linkid($nav_table_struct["linkimage_over"], '#'); $nav_table_struct["linkimage_active"] = add_linkid($nav_table_struct["linkimage_active"], '#'); $lc = count($temp_tree); $ld = false; for($l = 0; $l <= $lc; $l++) { if(isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'][$l])) { $curStructID = $GLOBALS['LEVEL_ID'][$l]; // now all deeper levels can be deleted if($ld) { unset($temp_tree[$curStructID]); } if(!isset($nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l])) { $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_over_js"] = $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_norm"] = $nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_over"] = $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_active"] = $nav_table_struct["linkimage_active"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["link_before"] = $nav_table_struct["link_before"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["link_after"] = $nav_table_struct["link_after"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["link_active_before"] = $nav_table_struct["link_active_before"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["link_active_after"] = $nav_table_struct["link_active_after"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["row_norm_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct["row_norm_bgcolor"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["row_norm_class"] = $nav_table_struct["row_norm_class"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["row_over_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct["row_over_bgcolor"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["row_active_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct["row_active_bgcolor"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["row_active_class"] = $nav_table_struct["row_active_class"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["space_celltop"] = $nav_table_struct["space_celltop"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["space_cellbottom"] = $nav_table_struct["space_cellbottom"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["cell_height"] = $nav_table_struct["cell_height"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["cell_class"] = $nav_table_struct["cell_class"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["cell_active_height"] = $nav_table_struct["cell_active_height"]; $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["cell_active_class"] = $nav_table_struct["cell_active_class"]; } else { $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_over_js"] = get_real_imgsrc($nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_over"]); $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_norm"] = add_linkid($nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_norm"], '#'); $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_over"] = add_linkid($nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_over"], '#'); $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_active"] = add_linkid($nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$l]["linkimage_active"], '#'); } if($struct[$curStructID]['acat_hidden'] == 1) { unset($temp_tree[$curStructID]); $ld = true; } } } $temp_menu = build_levels ($struct, $level, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $level_depth, $c, $link_to); //starts at root level return ($temp_menu) ? ("\n".$temp_menu."") : ''; } function get_real_imgsrc($img='') { // strips real src attribute from image tag if($img) { $img = preg_replace('/.*src=["|\'](.*?)["|\'].*/i', "$1", $img); } return $img; } function add_linkid($img='', $linkid='') { //used to add the link ID for js over functions $img = preg_replace('/( \/>|>)$/', $linkid."$1", $img); return $img; } function build_levels ($struct, $level, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $count, $div, $link_to) { // this returns the level structure based on given arrays // it is special for browsing from root levels $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["linkimage_over_js"]; $nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["linkimage_norm"]; $nav_table_struct["linkimage_over"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["linkimage_over"]; $nav_table_struct["linkimage_active"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["linkimage_active"]; $nav_table_struct["row_norm_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_norm_bgcolor"]; $nav_table_struct["row_norm_class"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_norm_class"]; $nav_table_struct["row_over_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_over_bgcolor"]; $nav_table_struct["row_active_bgcolor"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_active_bgcolor"]; $nav_table_struct["row_active_class"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["row_active_class"]; $nav_table_struct["space_celltop"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["space_celltop"]; $nav_table_struct["space_cellbottom"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["space_cellbottom"]; $nav_table_struct["cell_height"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["cell_height"]; $nav_table_struct["cell_class"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["cell_class"]; $nav_table_struct["cell_active_height"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["cell_active_height"]; $nav_table_struct["cell_active_class"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["cell_active_class"]; $nav_table_struct["link_before"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["link_before"]; $nav_table_struct["link_after"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["link_after"]; $nav_table_struct["link_active_before"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["link_active_before"]; $nav_table_struct["link_active_after"] = $nav_table_struct['array_struct'][$count]["link_active_after"]; $temp_menu = ''; $js = ''; $depth = count($temp_tree)-$div; $current_level = $count; $count++; $depth2 = $depth-$count+2; $right_cell = ''; $left_cell = ''; $cell_top = ''; $cell_bottom = ''; $space_right = ''; $space_cell = ''; $space_row = ''; $cell_height = $nav_table_struct["cell_height"] ? $nav_table_struct["cell_height"] : 1; if($nav_table_struct["space_right"]) { $right_cell = ""; $right_cell .= spacer($nav_table_struct["space_right"], $cell_height)."\n"; $space_right = "".spacer(1, 1).""; } if($nav_table_struct["space_left"]) { $colspan = ($count > 1) ? " colspan=\"".$count."\"" : ""; $left_cell = ""; $left_cell .= spacer($nav_table_struct["space_left"], $cell_height)."\n"; $space_cell = "".spacer(1, 1)."".spacer(1, 1).""; } else { if($count > 1) { $colspan = ($count > 2) ? " colspan=\"".($count-1)."\"" : ""; $left_cell = "".spacer(1, 1)."\n"; $space_cell = "".spacer(1, 1)."".spacer(1, 1).""; } } if($nav_table_struct["space_celltop"]) $cell_top = spacer(1, $nav_table_struct["space_celltop"])."
"; if($nav_table_struct["space_cellbottom"]) $cell_bottom = "
".spacer(1, $nav_table_struct["space_cellbottom"]); $colspan = ($depth2 > 1) ? ' colspan="'.($depth2).'"' : ''; foreach($struct as $key => $value) { if( _getStructureLevelDisplayStatus($key, $level) ) { $link_image_id = "linkid".randpassword(6); $link_name_id = ' name="'.$link_image_id.'" id="'.$link_image_id.'"'; if(!$struct[$key]["acat_redirect"]) { $link = 'index.php?'; if($struct[$key]["acat_alias"]) { $link .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_alias"]); } else { $link .= 'id='.$key; //',0,0,1,0,0'; } $redirect['target'] = ''; } else { $redirect = get_redirect_link($struct[$key]["acat_redirect"], ' ', ''); $link = $redirect['link']; } $js = ' style="cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;"'; //display:block; $js_act = $js; if($nav_table_struct["js_over_effects"]) { if($redirect['target'] != ' target="_blank"') { $js .= " onclick=\"location.href='".js_singlequote($link)."';return false;\""; } else { $js .= " onclick=\"window.open('".js_singlequote($link)."', 'phpwcmnewwin');return false;\""; } $js_act = $js; $js .= ' onmouseover="'; if($nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"]) { $js .= "MM_swapImage('".$link_image_id."','','".$nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"]."',1);"; } if($nav_table_struct["row_over_bgcolor"]) $js .= "this.bgColor='".$nav_table_struct["row_over_bgcolor"]."';"; $js .= '" onmouseout="'; if($nav_table_struct["linkimage_over_js"]) $js .= "MM_swapImgRestore();"; if($nav_table_struct["row_norm_bgcolor"]) $js .= "this.bgColor='".$nav_table_struct["row_norm_bgcolor"]."';"; $js .= '"'; } else { $js = ''; } //spacer row if($nav_table_struct["row_space"]) { $space_row = "\n".$space_cell; $space_row .= "".spacer(1, $nav_table_struct["row_space"]).""; $space_row .= $space_right."\n\n"; $temp_menu .= $space_row; } if(!empty($temp_tree[$key])) { //if($act_cat_id == $key) { //check if inside active tree structure if($act_cat_id == $key || (!empty($nav_table_struct["all_nodes_active"]) && isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_KEY'][$key]))) { $temp_menu .= "\n".$left_cell; $temp_menu .= "".str_replace('#', $link_name_id, $nav_table_struct["linkimage_active"])."\n"; $temp_menu .= "".$cell_top; $temp_menu .= ''; $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_active_before"]; $temp_menu .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"]); $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_active_after"].''; } else { $temp_menu .= "\n".$left_cell; $temp_menu .= "".str_replace('#', $link_name_id, $nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"])."\n"; $temp_menu .= "".$cell_top; $temp_menu .= ''; $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_before"]; $temp_menu .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"]); $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_after"].''; } $temp_menu .= $cell_bottom."\n".$right_cell."\n"; $temp_menu .= build_levels ($struct, $key, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $nav_table_struct, $count, $div, $link_to); } else { $temp_menu .= "\n".$left_cell; $temp_menu .= "".str_replace('#', $link_name_id, $nav_table_struct["linkimage_norm"])."\n"; $temp_menu .= "".$cell_top; $temp_menu .= ''; $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_before"]; $temp_menu .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"]); $temp_menu .= $nav_table_struct["link_after"].''; $temp_menu .= $cell_bottom."\n".$right_cell."\n"; } } } if($nav_table_struct["row_space"] && $count == 1) { $temp_menu .= $space_row; } return $temp_menu; } function list_articles_summary($alt=NULL, $topcount=99999, $template='') { // returns an article listing only with headline and summary text // and with an listing of all other available articles of this category global $content; global $template_default; global $_getVar; // alternative way to send article listings if(isset($alt)) { // first save default value of $content["articles"] $_old_articles = $content["articles"]; $content["articles"] = $alt; $temp_topcount = intval($topcount); if($temp_topcount == 0) { $temp_topcount = $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_topcount']; } $template = trim($template); } else { $temp_topcount = $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_topcount']; } $max_articles = count($content["articles"]); if(empty($template_default['article_paginate_show'])) { $paginate_show = array('bottom'=>1); } else { $paginate_show = array(); foreach((explode(' ', $template_default['article_paginate_show'])) as $value) { if($value == 'top') { $paginate_show['top'] = 1; } elseif($value == 'bottom') { $paginate_show['bottom'] = 1; } elseif(strpos($value, 'rt') !== false) { $paginate_show['rt'] = str_replace('rt', '', $value); } } if(!count($paginate_show)) { $paginate_show = array('bottom'=>1); } } if($content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_paginate'] && $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist'] && $max_articles > $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist']) { $paginate = true; $paginate_navi = empty($template_default['article_paginate_navi']) ? '
{PREV:«} {NEXT:»}
' : $template_default['article_paginate_navi']; $max_pages = ceil($max_articles / $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist']); // always do full top article listing because of paginating $temp_topcount = $max_articles+1; if(isset($_getVar['listpage'])) { $page_current = intval($_getVar['listpage']); if($page_current < 1) { $page_current = 1; } elseif($page_current > $max_pages) { $page_current = $max_pages; } } else { $page_current = 1; } $page_next = $page_current; $page_prev = $page_current; if($page_current < $max_pages) { $page_next = $page_current + 1; } if($page_current > 1) { $page_prev = $page_current - 1; } // setting pagination navi $page_article_max = $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist'] * $page_current; $page_article_at = $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist'] * ($page_current - 1); $page_article_at = $page_article_at + 1; if($page_article_max > $max_articles) $page_article_max = $max_articles; $paginate_navi = str_replace('#####', $max_articles, $paginate_navi); $paginate_navi = str_replace('####', $page_article_max, $paginate_navi); $paginate_navi = str_replace('###', $page_article_at, $paginate_navi); $paginate_navi = str_replace('##', $max_pages, $paginate_navi); $paginate_navi = str_replace('#', $page_current, $paginate_navi); $GLOBALS['paginate_temp'] = array('next' => '', 'prev' => '', 'navi' => ''); $paginate_navi = preg_replace_callback('/\{NEXT:(.*?)\}/', create_function('$matches', '$GLOBALS["paginate_temp"]["next"]=$matches[1]; return "{NEXT}";'), $paginate_navi); $paginate_navi = preg_replace_callback('/\{PREV:(.*?)\}/', create_function('$matches', '$GLOBALS["paginate_temp"]["prev"]=$matches[1]; return "{PREV}";'), $paginate_navi); $paginate_navi = preg_replace_callback('/\{NAVI:(.*?)\}/', create_function('$matches', '$GLOBALS["paginate_temp"]["navi"]=$matches[1]; return "{NAVI}";'), $paginate_navi); // next page link if($GLOBALS['paginate_temp']['next'] && $page_current < $max_pages) { $_getVar['listpage'] = $page_next; $page_next_link = '' . $GLOBALS['paginate_temp']['next'] . ''; } else { $page_next_link = $GLOBALS['paginate_temp']['next']; } // previous page link if($GLOBALS['paginate_temp']['prev'] && $page_current > 1) { $_getVar['listpage'] = $page_prev; $page_prev_link = '' . $GLOBALS['paginate_temp']['prev'] . ''; } else { $page_prev_link = $GLOBALS['paginate_temp']['prev']; } // set listpage value to current page $paginate_navi = str_replace('{NEXT}', $page_next_link, $paginate_navi); $paginate_navi = str_replace('{PREV}', $page_prev_link, $paginate_navi); // temporary unset GET listpage setting unset($_getVar['listpage']); if($GLOBALS['paginate_temp']['navi']) { $navi = explode(',', $GLOBALS['paginate_temp']['navi'], 2); $navi[0] = trim($navi[0]); $navi[1] = empty($navi[1]) ? array(0 => ' ') : explode('|', $navi[1]); $navi['spacer'] = empty($navi[1][0]) ? ' ' : $navi[1][0]; //spacer $navi['prefix'] = empty($navi[1][1]) ? '' : $navi[1][1]; //prefix $navi['suffix'] = empty($navi[1][2]) ? '' : $navi[1][2]; //suffix $navi['navi'] = $navi['prefix']; if($navi[0] == '123') { for($i = 1; $i <= $max_pages; $i++) { if($i > 1) $navi['navi'] .= $navi['spacer']; $navi['navi'] .= ($i == $page_current) ? $i : ''.$i.''; } } elseif($navi[0] == '1-3') { for($i = 0; $i < $max_pages; $i++) { $i_start = $i * $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist'] + 1; $i_end = $i_start - 1 + $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist']; if($i_end > $max_articles) $i_end = $max_articles; if($i > 0) $navi['navi'] .= $navi['spacer']; $i_entry = $i_start.'–'.$i_end; $i_page = $i+1; $navi['navi'] .= ($i_page == $page_current) ? $i_entry : ''.$i_entry.''; } } $navi['navi'] .= $navi['suffix']; // replace navi $paginate_navi = str_replace('{NAVI}', $navi['navi'], $paginate_navi); } // reset GET listpage setting $_getVar['listpage'] = $page_current; unset($GLOBALS['paginate_temp']); } else { $paginate = false; $paginate_navi = ''; } $tmpllist = array(); //temporary array for storing templates to minimize load $temp_counter = 0; $space_counter = 0; $listing = $template_default["space_top"]; //start with space at top if(isset($paginate_show['top'])) { $listing .= str_replace('{POS}', 'top', $paginate_navi); } foreach($content["articles"] as $article) { if($paginate && $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist']) { // get page number based on current article counter $page_article = ceil( ($temp_counter + 1) / $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_maxlist']); if($page_article > $page_current) { //stop listing break; } elseif($page_article != $page_current) { //no listing - goto next article $temp_counter++; continue; } } $link_data = get_article_morelink($article); $article_link = $link_data[0]; //add available keywords to page wide keyword field $content['all_keywords'] .= $article["article_keyword"].','; if($temp_counter < $temp_topcount) { // as long as the counter is lower than the default "top_count" value // show the complete article summary listing $article["article_image"] = setArticleSummaryImageData($article["article_image"]); if($template) { $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] = $template; } // build image/image link $article["article_image"]["poplink"] = ''; $thumb_image = false; $thumb_img = ''; $img_thumb_name = ''; $img_thumb_rel = ''; $img_thumb_abs = ''; $img_thumb_width = 0; $img_thumb_height = 0; $img_zoom_name = ''; $img_zoom_rel = ''; $img_zoom_abs = ''; $img_zoom_width = 0; $img_zoom_height = 0; if(empty($article["article_image"]["list_caption"])) { $article["article_image"]["list_caption"] = ''; } $caption = getImageCaption($article["article_image"]["list_caption"]); $article["article_image"]["list_caption"] = $caption[0]; // caption text $article["article_image"]["copyright"] = $caption[4]; // copyright information if(!empty($article["article_image"]["list_hash"])) { $thumb_image = get_cached_image( array( "target_ext" => $article["article_image"]['list_ext'], "image_name" => $article["article_image"]['list_hash'] . '.' . $article["article_image"]['list_ext'], "max_width" => $article["article_image"]['list_width'], "max_height" => $article["article_image"]['list_height'], "thumb_name" => md5($article["article_image"]['list_hash'].$article["article_image"]['list_width'].$article["article_image"]['list_height'].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"]) )); if($thumb_image != false) { $img_thumb_name = $thumb_image[0]; $img_thumb_rel = PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$thumb_image[0]; $img_thumb_abs = PHPWCMS_URL.PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$thumb_image[0]; $img_thumb_width = $thumb_image[1]; $img_thumb_height = $thumb_image[2]; $caption[3] = empty($caption[3]) ? '' : ' title="'.html_specialchars($caption[3]).'"'; $caption[1] = html_specialchars($caption[1]); $thumb_img = ''.$caption[1].''; if($article["article_image"]["list_zoom"]) { $zoominfo = get_cached_image( array( "target_ext" => $article["article_image"]['list_ext'], "image_name" => $article["article_image"]['list_hash'] . '.' . $article["article_image"]['list_ext'], "max_width" => $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_width"], "max_height" => $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_height"], "thumb_name" => md5($article["article_image"]['list_hash'].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_width"].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_height"].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"]) ) ); if($zoominfo != false) { $img_zoom_name = $zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_rel = PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_abs = PHPWCMS_URL.PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$zoominfo[0]; $img_zoom_width = $zoominfo[1]; $img_zoom_height = $zoominfo[2]; $article["article_image"]["poplink"] = 'image_zoom.php?'.getClickZoomImageParameter($zoominfo[0].'?'.$zoominfo[3]); if(!empty($caption[2][0])) { $open_link = $caption[2][0]; $return_false = ''; } else { $open_link = $article["article_image"]["poplink"]; $return_false = 'return false;'; } if(empty($article["article_image"]["list_lightbox"]) && !empty($caption[2][0])) { $article["article_image"]["poplink"] = ''; } else { // lightbox initializeLightbox(); $article["article_image"]["poplink"] = ''; } } unset($caption); } } else { $article["article_image"]["list_id"] = 0; $article["article_image"]["list_hash"] = ''; } // set default template if(empty($article["article_image"]['tmpllist']) || $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] == 'default') { $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] = 'default'; if(empty($tmpllist['default'])) { $tmpllist['default'] = file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_default/article_summary_list.tmpl'); } } // try to read the template files // 1. try to check if template was read if(!isset($tmpllist[ $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] ])) { $tmpllist[ $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] ] = @file_get_contents(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/articlesummary/list/'.$article["article_image"]['tmpllist']); } if($tmpllist[ $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] ]) { // set frontend edit link $tmpl = getFrontendEditLink('summary', $article['article_id']); //rendering $tmpl .= $tmpllist[ $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] ]; $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'TITLE', empty($article['article_notitle']) ? html_specialchars($article["article_title"]) : '' ); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'SUB', html_specialchars($article["article_subtitle"])); // replace thumbnail and zoom image information $tmpl = str_replace( array( '{THUMB_NAME}', '{THUMB_REL}', '{THUMB_ABS}', '{THUMB_WIDTH}', '{THUMB_HEIGHT}', '{IMAGE_NAME}', '{IMAGE_REL}', '{IMAGE_ABS}', '{IMAGE_WIDTH}', '{IMAGE_HEIGHT}', '{IMAGE_ID}', '{IMAGE_HASH}' ), array( $img_thumb_name, $img_thumb_rel, $img_thumb_abs, $img_thumb_width, $img_thumb_height, $img_zoom_name, $img_zoom_rel, $img_zoom_abs, $img_zoom_width, $img_zoom_height, $article["article_image"]["list_id"], $article["article_image"]["list_hash"] ), $tmpl ); if( preg_match('/\{SUMMARY:(\d+)\}/', $tmpl, $matches) ) { if(empty($article['article_image']['list_maxwords'])) { $article['article_image']['list_maxwords'] = intval($matches[1]); } $tmpl = preg_replace('/\{SUMMARY:\d+\}/', '{SUMMARY}', $tmpl); } $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'SUMMARY', empty($article['article_image']['list_maxwords']) ? $article["article_summary"] : getCleanSubString($article["article_summary"], $article['article_image']['list_maxwords'], $template_default['ellipse_sign'], 'word')); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'IMAGE', $thumb_img); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'ZOOMIMAGE', $article["article_image"]["poplink"]); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'CAPTION', nl2br(html_specialchars($article["article_image"]["list_caption"]))); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'COPYRIGHT', html_specialchars($article["article_image"]["copyright"])); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'ARTICLELINK', $article["article_morelink"] ? $article_link : ''); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'EDITOR', html_specialchars($article["article_username"])); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'ARTICLEID', $article["article_id"]); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'MORE', $article["article_morelink"] ? $template_default["top_readmore_link"] : ''); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'TARGET', ($article["article_morelink"] && $link_data[1]) ? ' target="'.$link_data[1].'"' : ''); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'BEFORE', ''); $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'AFTER', ''); $tmpl = render_cnt_date($tmpl, $article["article_date"], $article["article_livedate"], $article["article_killdate"] ); if($space_counter) { $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'SPACE', ''); } else { $tmpl = render_cnt_template($tmpl, 'SPACE', ''); } $listing .= $tmpl; $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] = 1; } else { $article["article_image"]['tmpllist'] = 0; } } else { // if "top_count" value is equal or larger // show only the article headline listing if($temp_counter && $temp_counter == $temp_topcount) { $listing .= $template_default["space_aftertop_text"]; } elseif ($temp_counter) { $listing .= $template_default["space_between_list"]; } $listing .= $template_default["list_headline_before"]; // set frontend edit link $listing .= getFrontendEditLink('article', $article['article_id']); $listing .= getFrontendEditLink('summary', $article['article_id']); $listing .= ''; $listing .= $template_default["list_startimage"]; $listing .= html_specialchars($article["article_title"]); $listing .= ''.$template_default["list_headline_after"]; } $temp_counter++; $space_counter++; } if(isset($paginate_show['bottom'])) { $listing .= str_replace('{POS}', 'bottom', $paginate_navi); } if(!empty($paginate_show['rt'])) { $content['globalRT'][ $paginate_show['rt'] ] = $paginate_navi; } // restore original articles if(isset($_old_articles)) { $content["articles"] = $_old_articles; } $listing .= $template_default["space_bottom"]; //ends with space at bottom return $listing; } function get_html_part($value, $class="", $link="", $span_or_div=1) { // returns a content part for html output like // html if($value) { $html_tag = ($span_or_div) ? 'span' : 'div'; $html_part = ($link) ? ''.html_specialchars($value).'' : html_specialchars($value); if($class) { $html_part = '<'.$html_tag.' class="'.$class.'">'.$html_part; } else { $html_part = '<'.$html_tag.'>'.$html_part; } return $html_part.''; } else { return ''; } } function span_class($value, $class) { return !empty($class) ? ''.$value.'' : $value; } function div_class($value, $class, $tag='div') { return !empty($class) ? '<'.$tag.' class="'.$class.'">'.$value.'' : $value; } function get_class_attrib($class) { return !empty($class) ? ' class="'.$class.'"' : ''; } function html_parser($string) { // parse the $string and replace all possible // values with $replace if(trim($string) == '') { return $string; } $string = render_bbcode_basics($string, ''); // page TOP link $search[0] = '/\[TOP\](.*?)\[\/TOP\]/is'; $replace[0] = '$1'; // internal Link to article ID $search[1] = '/\[ID (\d+)\](.*?)\[\/ID\]/s'; $replace[1] = '$2'; // external Link (string) $search[2] = '/\[EXT (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/EXT\]/s'; $replace[2] = '$2'; // internal Link (string) $search[3] = '/\[INT (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/INT\]/s'; $replace[3] = '$2'; // random GIF Image $search[4] = '/\{RANDOM_GIF:(.*?)\}/'; $replace[4] = ''; // random JPEG Image $search[5] = '/\{RANDOM_JPEG:(.*?)\}/'; $replace[5] = ''; // random PNG Image $search[6] = '/\{RANDOM_PNG:(.*?)\}/'; $replace[6] = ''; // insert non db image standard $search[7] = '/\{IMAGE:(.*?)\}/'; $replace[7] = ''; // insert non db image left $search[8] = '/\{IMAGE_LEFT:(.*?)\}/'; $replace[8] = ''; // insert non db image right $search[9] = '/\{IMAGE_RIGHT:(.*?)\}/'; $replace[9] = ''; // insert non db image center $search[10] = '/\{IMAGE_CENTER:(.*?)\}/'; $replace[10] = '
'; // insert non db image right $search[11] = '/\{SPACER:(\d+)x(\d+)\}/'; $replace[11] = ''; // RSS feed link $search[13] = '/\[RSS (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/RSS\]/s'; $replace[13] = '$2'; // back Link (string) $search[14] = '/\[BACK\](.*?)\[\/BACK\]/i'; $replace[14] = '$1'; // random Image Tag $search[15] = '/\{RANDOM:(.*?)\}/e'; $replace[15] = 'get_random_image_tag("$1");'; // span or div style $search[16] = '/\[(span|div)_style:(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/style\]/s'; $replace[16] = '<$1 style="$2">$3'; // span or div class $search[17] = '/\[(span|div)_class:(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/class\]/s'; $replace[17] = '<$1 class="$2">$3'; // typical html formattings /* $search[18] = '/\[i\](.*?)\[\/i\]/is'; $replace[18] = '$1'; $search[19] = '/\[u\](.*?)\[\/u\]/is'; $replace[19] = '$1'; $search[20] = '/\[s\](.*?)\[\/s\]/is'; $replace[20] = '$1'; $search[21] = '/\[b\](.*?)\[\/b\]/is'; $replace[21] = '$1'; */ // anchor link $search[22] = '/\{A:(.*?)\}/is'; $replace[22] = ''; // this parses an E-Mail Link without subject (by Florian, 21-11-2003) $search[23] = '/\[E{0,1}MAIL (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/E{0,1}MAIL\]/is'; $replace[23] = '$2'; // this tags out a Mailaddress with an predifined subject (by Florian, 21-11-2003) $search[24] = '/\[MAILSUB (.*?) (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/MAILSUB\]/is'; $replace[24] = '$3'; // added simple [br] ->
/* $search[25] = '/\[br\]/i'; $replace[25] = '
'; */ $search[26] = '/\
/i'; $replace[26] = '
'; // create "make bookmark" javascript code $search[27] = '/\[BOOKMARK\s{0,}(.*)\](.*?)\[\/BOOKMARK\]/is'; $replace[27] = '$2'; // ABBreviation $search[28] = '/\[abbr (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/abbr\]/is'; $replace[28] = '$2'; $search[29] = '/\[dfn (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/dfn\]/is'; $replace[29] = '$2'; /* $search[30] = '/\[em\](.*?)\[\/em\]/is'; $replace[30] = '$1'; $search[31] = '/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/is'; $replace[31] = '$1'; $search[32] = '/\[cite\](.*?)\[\/cite\]/is'; $replace[32] = '$1'; $search[33] = '/\[blockquote\](.*?)\[\/blockquote\]/is'; $replace[33] = '
'; */ $search[34] = '/\[blockquote (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/blockquote\]/is'; $replace[34] = '
'; $search[35] = '/\[acronym (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/acronym\]/is'; $replace[35] = '$2'; $search[36] = '/\[ID (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/ID\]/s'; $replace[36] = '$2'; /* $search[37] = '/\[li\](.*?)\[\/li\]/is'; $replace[37] = '
  • $1
  • '; $search[38] = '/\[dt\](.*?)\[\/dt\]/is'; $replace[38] = '
    '; $search[39] = '/\[dd\](.*?)\[\/dd\]/is'; $replace[39] = '
    '; $search[40] = '/\[ul\](.*?)\[\/ul\]/is'; $replace[40] = '
    '; $search[41] = '/\[ol\](.*?)\[\/ol\]/is'; $replace[41] = '
    '; $search[42] = '/\[dl\](.*?)\[\/dl\]/is'; $replace[42] = '
    '; $search[43] = '/\[h1\](.*?)\[\/h1\]/is'; $replace[43] = '


    '; $search[44] = '/\[h2\](.*?)\[\/h2\]/is'; $replace[44] = '


    '; $search[45] = '/\[h3\](.*?)\[\/h3\]/is'; $replace[45] = '


    '; $search[46] = '/\[h4\](.*?)\[\/h4\]/is'; $replace[46] = '


    '; $search[47] = '/\[h5\](.*?)\[\/h5\]/is'; $replace[47] = '
    '; $search[48] = '/\[h6\](.*?)\[\/h6\]/is'; $replace[48] = '
    '; */ $search[49] = '/\[E{0,1}MAIL\](.*?)\[\/E{0,1}MAIL\]/is'; $replace[49] = '$1'; $string = preg_replace($search, $replace, $string); $string = str_replace('\'', ''', $string); $string = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $string); return $string; } function include_ext_php($inc_file, $t=0) { // includes an external PHP script file and returns // the result as string from buffered include content $ext_php_content = ''; //check if this is a local file if(is_file($inc_file) && !$t) { $this_path = str_replace("\\", '/', dirname(realpath($inc_file))); $this_path = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $this_path); $root_path = str_replace("\\", '/', realpath(PHPWCMS_ROOT)); $root_path = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', $root_path); if(strpos($this_path, $root_path) === 0) $t = 1; } elseif(!$t && !empty($GLOBALS['phpwcms']['allow_remote_URL'])) { //if remote URL is allowed in conf.inc.php $t = 1; } if($t) { ob_start(); @include($inc_file); $ext_php_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } return $ext_php_content; } function international_date_format($language="EN", $format="Y/m/d", $date_now=0) { // formats the given date // for the specific language // use the normal date format options if(!$format) { $format = "Y/m/d"; } if(!intval($date_now)) { $date_now = time(); } if($language == "EN" || !$language) { return date($format, $date_now); } else { $lang_include = PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_lang/date/'.substr(strtolower($language), 0, 2).'.date.lang.php'; if(is_file($lang_include)) { include($lang_include); $date_format_function = array ( "a" => 1, "A" => 1, "B" => 1, "d" => 1, "g" => 1, "G" => 1, "h" => 1, "H" => 1, "i" => 1, "I" => 1, "j" => 1, "m" => 1, "n" => 1, "s" => 1, "t" => 1, "T" => 1, "U" => 1, "w" => 1, "Y" => 1, "y" => 1, "z" => 1, "Z" => 1, "D" => 0, "F" => 0, "l" => 0, "M" => 0, "S" => 0 ); $str_length = strlen($format); $date = ""; for($i = 0; $i < $str_length; $i++) $date_format[$i] = substr($format, $i, 1); foreach($date_format as $key => $value) { if(isset($date_format_function[$value])) { if($date_format_function[$value]) { $date .= date($value, $date_now); } else{ switch($value) { case "D": $date .= $weekday_short[ intval(date("w", $date_now)) ]; break; //short weekday name case "l": $date .= $weekday_long[ intval(date("w", $date_now)) ]; break; //long weekday name case "F": $date .= $month_long[ intval(date("n", $date_now)) ]; break; //long month name case "M": $date .= $month_short[ intval(date("n", $date_now)) ]; break; //long month name case "S": $date .= ""; break; } } } else { $date .= $value; } } } else { $date = date($format, $date_now); } } return $date; } function get_random_image_tag($path) { // returns an random image from the give path // it looks for image of following type: gif, jpg, jpeg, png // {RANDOM:path} willl return // {RANDOM:SRC:path} willl return absolute URI PHPWCMS_URL/path/rand_image $imgArray = array(); $path = trim($path); if(strtoupper(substr($path, 0, 4)) == 'SRC:') { $tag = false; $path = trim(substr($path, 4)); } else { $tag = true; } $path = trim($path, '/'); $imgpath = PHPWCMS_ROOT . '/' . $path . '/'; $imageinfo = false; if(is_dir($imgpath)) { $handle = opendir( $imgpath ); while($file = readdir( $handle )) { if( $file{0} != '.' && preg_match('/(\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.gif|\.png)$/i', $file)) { $imgArray[] = $file; } } closedir( $handle ); } if(count($imgArray) && ($imageinfo = is_random_image($imgArray, $imgpath))) { if($tag) { return ''.html_specialchars($imageinfo[ better tests for image info $imageinfo = @getimagesize($file); //if $imageinfo is not true repeat function and count smaller count all images if(!$imageinfo && $count < count($imgArray)) { $imageinfo = is_random_image($imgArray, $imagepath, $count); } else { $imageinfo["imagename"] = $imgArray[ $randval ]; } return $imageinfo; } function return_struct_level(&$struct, $struct_id) { // walk through the given struct level and returns an array with available levels $level_entry = array(); if(is_array($struct)) { foreach($struct as $key => $value) { if( _getStructureLevelDisplayStatus($key, $struct_id) ) { //if($key && $struct[$key]["acat_struct"] == $struct_id && (!$struct[$key]['acat_hidden'] || ($struct[$key]["acat_hidden"] == 2 && isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_KEY'][$key])))) { $level_entry[$key] = $value; } } } return $level_entry; } function get_active_categories($struct, $act_struct_id) { // returns an array with all active categories/structure levels $which_cat_array = array(); $which_category = $act_struct_id; while($which_category) { $which_cat_array[$which_category] = 1; $which_category = $GLOBALS['content']["struct"][$which_category]["acat_struct"]; } return $which_cat_array; } function css_level_list(&$struct, $struct_path, $level, $parent_level_name='', $parent_level=1, $class='') { // returns list
    of the current structure level // if $parent_level=1 the first list entry will be the parent level // $parent_level=0 - only the list of all levels in this structure // if $parent_leve_name != "" then it uses the given string // predefined class for this menu is "list_level" if(!trim($class)) { $class = 'list_level'; } $parent_level_name = trim($parent_level_name); $level = intval($level); $parent_level = intval($parent_level); $activated = 0; $css_list = ''; //returns the complete level of NON hidden categories $level_struct = return_struct_level($struct, $level); $breadcrumb = get_breadcrumb(key($struct_path), $struct); foreach($level_struct as $key => $value) { if(!$level_struct[$key]["acat_redirect"]) { $link = 'index.php?'; if($level_struct[$key]["acat_alias"]) { $link .= html_specialchars($level_struct[$key]["acat_alias"]); } else { $link .= 'id='.$key; //',0,0,1,0,0'; } $redirect['target'] = ''; } else { $redirect = get_redirect_link($level_struct[$key]["acat_redirect"], ' ', ''); $link = $redirect['link']; } $css_list .= ' '; $css_list .= html_specialchars($level_struct[$key]["acat_name"]); $css_list .= ''.LF; } if($parent_level) { if(!$struct[$level]["acat_redirect"]) { $link = 'index.php?'; if($struct[$level]["acat_alias"]) { $link .= html_specialchars($struct[$level]["acat_alias"]); } else { $link .= 'id='.$level; //',0,0,1,0,0'; } $redirect['target'] = ''; } else { $redirect = get_redirect_link($struct[$level]["acat_redirect"], ' ', ''); $link = $redirect['link']; } $css_list_home = ($GLOBALS['aktion'][0] == $level) ? '
  • ' : '
  • '; $css_list_home .= ''; $css_list_home .= html_specialchars((!$parent_level_name) ? $struct[$level]["acat_name"] : $parent_level_name); $css_list_home .= '
  • '.LF; $css_list = $css_list_home . $css_list; } if($css_list) { $css_list = LF.'
      '.LF . $css_list .'
    '.LF; } return $css_list; } // REWRITE - PATCHED FOR 04/04 // jan212 function url_search($query) { if ( substr($query,0,4) == '?id=') { $noid = substr($query, 4); $file = str_replace(',', '.', $noid).'.'.PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT; } else { $noid = substr($query,1); $file = str_replace(',', '.', $noid).'.'.PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT; } $link = ' href="'.$file.'"'; return($link); } function js_url_search($query) { if ( substr($query,0,4) == '?id=') { $noid = substr($query, 4); $file = str_replace(',', '.', $noid).'.'.PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT; $file = $noid.'.'.PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT; } else { $noid = substr($query,1); $file = str_replace(',', '.', $noid).'.'.PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT; $file = $noid.'.'.PHPWCMS_REWRITE_EXT; } $link = "onclick=\"location.href='".$file."'"; return($link); } function get_related_articles($keywords, $current_article_id, $template_default, $max_cnt_links=0, $dbcon) { // find keyword for current article used for RELATED replacementtag // prepared and inspired by Magnar Stav Johanssen $keyword_links = ''; $max_cnt_links = intval($max_cnt_links); $keywords = str_replace("ALLKEYWORDS", $GLOBALS['content']['all_keywords'].',', $keywords); // replace unwanted chars and convert to wanted $keywords = str_replace(";", ",", $keywords); $keywords = str_replace("'", "", $keywords); $keywords = str_replace(" ", ",", $keywords); $keywords = str_replace(",,", ",", $keywords); // choose comma separated keywords $keywordarray = explode (",", $keywords); $keywordarray = array_map('trim', $keywordarray); $keywordarray = array_diff($keywordarray, array('')); $keywordarray = array_unique($keywordarray); $keywordarray = array_map('strtoupper', $keywordarray); // check for empty keywords or keywords smaller than 3 chars if(is_array($keywordarray) && count($keywordarray)) { foreach($keywordarray as $key => $value) { if(substr($keywordarray[$key], 0, 1) == '-') { $doNotUse = substr($keywordarray[$key], 1); foreach($keywordarray as $key2 => $value2) { if($doNotUse == $value2) { unset($keywordarray[$key2]); unset($keywordarray[$key]); } } } if(isset($keywordarray[$key]) && (strlen($keywordarray[$key]) < 3 || empty($keywordarray[$key]))) { unset($keywordarray[$key]); } } } if(is_array($keywordarray) && count($keywordarray)) { $where = ""; foreach($keywordarray as $value) { //build where keyword = blabla $where .= ($where) ? " OR " : ""; //replace every "'" to "''" for security reasons with aporeplace() $where .= "article_keyword LIKE '%".aporeplace($value)."%'"; } $limit = ($max_cnt_links) ? " LIMIT ".$max_cnt_links : ""; $sql = "SELECT article_id, article_title, article_cid, article_subtitle, article_summary, article_alias "; $sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article WHERE article_deleted=0 AND "; $sql .= "article_id<>".intval($current_article_id)." AND "; // VISIBLE_MODE: 0 = frontend (all) mode, 1 = article user mode, 2 = admin user mode switch(VISIBLE_MODE) { case 0: $sql .= "article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND "; break; case 1: $sql .= "article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]." AND "; break; //case 2: admin mode no additional neccessary } $sql .= "article_begin < NOW() AND article_end > NOW() AND (".$where.") "; if(empty($template_default['sort_by'])) $template_default['sort_by'] = ''; switch($template_default['sort_by']) { case 'title_asc': $sql .= "ORDER BY article_title"; break; case 'title_desc': $sql .= "ORDER BY article_title DESC"; break; case 'ldate_asc': $sql .= "ORDER BY article_begin"; break; case 'ldate_desc': $sql .= "ORDER BY article_begin DESC"; break; case 'kdate_asc': $sql .= "ORDER BY article_end"; break; case 'kdate_desc': $sql .= "ORDER BY article_end DESC"; break; case 'cdate_asc': $sql .= "ORDER BY article_created"; break; case 'cdate_desc': $sql .= "ORDER BY article_created DESC"; break; default: $sql .= "ORDER BY article_tstamp DESC"; } $sql .= $limit; // related things $target = $template_default["link_target"] ? ' target="'.$template_default["link_target"].'"' : ''; $result = _dbQuery($sql); if(isset($result[0])) { foreach($result as $row) { if($template_default["link_length"] && strlen($row['article_title']) > $template_default["link_length"]) { $article_title = substr($row['article_title'], 0, $template_default["link_length"]).$template_default["cut_title_add"]; } else { $article_title = $row['article_title']; } $keyword_links .= $template_default["link_before"]; $keyword_links .= $template_default["link_symbol"]; $keyword_links .= ''; $keyword_links .= html_specialchars($article_title); $keyword_links .= '' . $template_default["link_after"]; } } } //enclose whole return empty($keyword_links) ? '' : $template_default["before"].$keyword_links.$template_default["after"]; } function get_new_articles(&$template_default, $max_cnt_links=0, $cat, $dbcon) { // find all new articles $max_cnt_links = intval($max_cnt_links); $limit = empty($max_cnt_links) ? '' : ' LIMIT '.$max_cnt_links; $cat = trim($cat); $cat = (intval($cat) || $cat == '0') ? 'article_cid='.intval($cat).' AND ' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT article_id, article_title, article_cid, article_alias, '; switch( (empty($template_default["sort_by"]) ? '' : strtolower($template_default["sort_by"])) ) { case 'cdate': //use real creation date $sql .= "article_created AS article_date "; $sorting = 'article_created'; break; case 'ldate': //use live/start date $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_begin) AS article_date "; $sorting = 'article_begin'; break; case 'kdate': //use kill/end date $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_end) AS article_date "; $sorting = 'article_end'; break; default: $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_tstamp) AS article_date "; $sorting = 'article_tstamp'; } $sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article WHERE ".$cat; // VISIBLE_MODE: 0 = frontend (all) mode, 1 = article user mode, 2 = admin user mode switch(VISIBLE_MODE) { case 0: $sql .= "article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND "; break; case 1: $sql .= "article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]." AND "; break; //case 2: admin mode no additional neccessary } $sql .= "article_deleted=0 AND article_begin < NOW() AND article_end > NOW() "; $sql .= "ORDER BY ".$sorting." DESC".$limit; // new articles list $new_links = ""; $target = ($template_default["link_target"]) ? ' target="'.$template_default["link_target"].'"' : ''; $result = _dbQuery($sql); $count = 0; foreach($result as $row) { $count++; if($template_default["link_length"] && strlen($row['article_title']) > $template_default["link_length"]) { $article_title = substr($row['article_title'], 0, $template_default["link_length"]).$template_default["cut_title_add"]; } else { $article_title = $row['article_title']; } $article_title = html_specialchars($article_title); if(trim($template_default["date_format"])) { $article_title = $template_default["date_before"] . html_specialchars(international_date_format( $template_default["date_language"], $template_default["date_format"], $row['article_date'])) . $template_default["date_after"] . $article_title; } $new_links .= $template_default["link_before"]; $new_links .= $template_default["link_symbol"]; $new_links .= ''.$article_title.''; $new_links .= $template_default["link_after"]; } //enclose whole if($new_links) $new_links = $template_default["before"].$new_links.$template_default["after"]; return $new_links; } function get_article_idlink($article_id=0, $link_text="", $db) { // returns the internal article link to given article ID/category $article_id = intval($article_id); $article_cid = 0; $link_text = decode_entities($link_text); $link_text = html_specialchars($link_text); $article_title = $link_text; if($article_id) { $sql = "SELECT article_id, article_title, article_cid, article_alias ". "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article ". "WHERE article_id=".$article_id." AND ". "article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_deleted=0 AND ". "article_begin < NOW() AND article_end > NOW() LIMIT 1"; $data = _dbQuery($sql); if(isset($data[0])) { return ''.$link_text.''; } } return ''.$link_text.''; } function get_keyword_link($keywords="", $db) { // returns a link or linklist for special article keywords // used for replacement tag {KEYWORD:Charlie} $keywords = explode(",", $keywords); $where = ""; $keyword_list = ""; $link = ""; if(count($keywords)) { foreach($keywords as $value) { $value = trim($value); if($value) { if($where) { $where .= " AND "; $keyword_list .= ", "; } $where .= "article_keyword LIKE '%*".aporeplace($value)."*%'"; $keyword_list .= html_specialchars($value); } } } else { $keyword_list = $keywords; } if($where) { $x = 0; $sql = "SELECT article_id, article_cid, article_title, article_alias FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article WHERE "; // VISIBLE_MODE: 0 = frontend (all) mode, 1 = article user mode, 2 = admin user mode switch(VISIBLE_MODE) { case 0: $sql .= "article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND "; break; case 1: $sql .= "article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]." AND "; break; //case 2: admin mode no additional neccessary } $sql .= "article_deleted=0 AND article_begin < NOW() "; $sql .= "AND article_end > NOW() AND (".$where.")"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { $article_list = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $article_list[$x][0] = $row[0]; //article ID $article_list[$x][1] = $row[1]; //article catID $article_list[$x][2] = html_specialchars($row[2]); //article title $article_list[$x]['article_alias'] = $row[3]; $article_list[$x]['article_id'] = $row[0]; $x++; } mysql_free_result($result); } if($x) { // if keyword(s) found if($x == 1) { // if only 1 article found $link .= ''.$keyword_list.''; } else { // if more than one article found foreach($article_list as $key => $value) { if($link) $link .= '|'; $link .= ''.($key+1).''; } $link = $keyword_list.' ['.$link.']'; } } } if(!$link) $link = $keyword_list; $link = $GLOBALS['template_default']["article"]["keyword_before"] . $link; $link .= $GLOBALS['template_default']["article"]["keyword_after"]; return $link; } function clean_replacement_tags($text = '', $allowed_tags='') { // strip out special replacement tags $text = render_PHPcode($text); $text = str_replace('', ' ', $text); $text = strip_tags($text, $allowed_tags); $text = str_replace('|', ' ', $text); $search = array( '/\{.*?\}/si', '/\[ID.*?\/ID\]/si', '/(\s+)/i', '/\[img=(\d+)(.*?){0,1}\](.*?)\[\/img\]/i', '/\[img=(\d+)(.*?){0,1}\]/i', '/\[download=(.*?)\/\]/i', '/\[download=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/download\]/is' ); $replace = array( '', '', ' ', '$3', '', '', '$2' ); $text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $text); return trim($text); } function get_search_action($id, $dbcon) { // return the search form action $id = intval($id); $cid = 0; if($id) { $sql = "SELECT article_cid, article_alias FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article WHERE "; $sql .= "article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND article_deleted=0 AND article_begin < NOW() "; $sql .= "AND article_end > NOW() AND article_id=".$id." LIMIT 1"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $dbcon)) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $cid = $row[0]; $data = array('article_id'=>$id, 'article_alias'=>$row[1]); } mysql_free_result($result); } } return ($cid) ? 'index.php?'.setGetArticleAid($data) : ''; } function get_index_link_up($linktext) { // return the link to parent category of current category $cat_id = $GLOBALS['content']['cat_id']; $linktext = trim($linktext); $link = ''; if(!$linktext) $linktext = 'UP'; if($cat_id && !$GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$cat_id]['acat_hidden']) { $upid = $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$cat_id]['acat_struct']; $link = ''; } return ($link) ? $link.$linktext.'' : $linktext; } function get_index_link_next($linktext, $cat_down=0) { global $content; // return the link to next article in current ctageory $a_id = isset($content['article_id']) ? $content['article_id'] : $GLOBALS['aktion'][1]; $linktext = trim($linktext); if(!$linktext) $linktext = 'NEXT'; $link = ''; if(count($content['articles']) > 1) { $c = 0; //temp counter foreach($content['articles'] as $key => $value) { if($c || !$a_id) { $link = ''; break; } if($key == $a_id) $c++; } } if($cat_down && !$link) { // go cat down or to next cat above if($content['cat_id']) { foreach($content['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($content['struct'][$key]['acat_struct'] == $content['cat_id']) { $link = ''; break; } } } else { $c = 0; foreach($content['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($c) { $link = ''; break; } $c++; } } if(!$link && $content['cat_id']) { $c=0; $temp_key = array(); foreach($content['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($content['struct'][$key]['acat_struct'] == $content['struct'][ $content['cat_id'] ]['acat_struct']) { $temp_key[] = $key; } } $count_temp = count($temp_key); if($count_temp) { $c=0; foreach($temp_key as $value) { if($value == $content['cat_id'] && $c+1 < $count_temp) { //$link = ''; $key = $temp_key[$c+1]; $link = ''; break; } $c++; } if($c == $count_temp && !$link) { // back reverese to higher next structure level $current_id = $content['cat_id']; while($c=1) { $parent_id = $content['struct'][ $current_id ]['acat_struct']; $parent_struct_id = $content['struct'][ $parent_id ]['acat_struct']; $c=0; foreach($content['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($content['struct'][$key]['acat_struct'] == $parent_struct_id) { if($c) { $link = ''; break; } if($key == $parent_id) $c=1; } } if(!$parent_struct_id) { if(!$parent_id) $link = ''; break; } else { $current_id = $parent_id; } } } } } } return ($link) ? $link.$linktext.'' : $linktext; } function get_index_link_prev($linktext, $cat_up=0) { // return the link to next article in current ctageory $a_id = isset($GLOBALS['content']['article_id']) ? $GLOBALS['content']['article_id'] : $GLOBALS['aktion'][1]; $linktext = trim($linktext); if(!$linktext) $linktext = 'PREV'; $link = ''; $c = 0; //temp counter if(count($GLOBALS['content']['articles']) > 1 && $a_id) { foreach($GLOBALS['content']['articles'] as $key => $value) { if($key == $a_id && $c) { $link = ''; break; } $c++; $prev_cat_id = $GLOBALS['content']['articles'][$key]['article_cid']; $prev_art_id = $key; } } if($cat_up && $a_id && $c && !$link) { $link = ''; } if($cat_up && !$link) { // go cat down or to next cat above $temp_key = array(); foreach($GLOBALS['content']['struct'] as $key => $value) { if($GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$key]['acat_struct'] == $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][ $GLOBALS['content']['cat_id'] ]['acat_struct']) { $temp_key[] = $key; } } if(count($temp_key) && $GLOBALS['content']['cat_id']) { $c = 0; foreach($temp_key as $value) { if($value == $GLOBALS['content']['cat_id']) { $prev_cat_id = (!$c) ? $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$value]['acat_struct'] : $temp_key[$c-1]; $link = ''; break; } $c++; } } } return ($link) ? $link.$linktext.'' : $linktext; } function include_int_php($string) { // return the PHP var value $s = html_despecialchars($string[1]); if((strpos($s,'$GLOBALS') || strpos($s,'$_'))===false) { $s = preg_replace('/^\$(.*?)\[(.*?)/si', '$GLOBALS["$1"][$2', $s); if(substr($s,strlen($s)-1) != ']') { $s = str_replace('$', '', $s); $s = '$GLOBALS["'.$s.'"]'; } } $s = str_replace('$phpwcms', '$notavailable', $s); $s = str_replace('["phpwcms"]', '["notavailable"]', $s); $s = str_replace("['phpwcms']", '["notavailable"]', $s); ob_start(); eval('echo '.$s.';'); $return = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $return; } function include_int_phpcode($string) { // return the PHP code $s = html_despecialchars($string[1]); $s = str_replace('
    ', "\n", $s); $s = str_replace('
    ', "\n", $s); ob_start(); eval($s.";"); $return = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $return; } function build_sitemap($start=0, $counter=0) { // create sitemap $s = ''; $c = ''; $counter++; if($GLOBALS['sitemap']['classcount']) { if($GLOBALS['sitemap']['catclass']) $c = ' class="'.$GLOBALS['sitemap']['catclass'].$counter.'"'; } else { if($GLOBALS['sitemap']['catclass']) $c = ' class="'.$GLOBALS['sitemap']['catclass'].'"'; } foreach($GLOBALS['content']['struct'] as $key => $value) { //if ($key && $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$key]['acat_nositemap'] && $start == $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$key]['acat_struct']) if( $GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$key]['acat_nositemap'] && _getStructureLevelDisplayStatus($key, $start) ) { $s .= ''; //$c. if(!$GLOBALS['content']['struct'][$key]["acat_redirect"]) { $s .= '\n".$s.''; return $s; } function build_sitemap_articlelist($cat, $counter=0) { // create list of articles for given category $ao = get_order_sort($GLOBALS['content']['struct'][ $cat ]['acat_order']); $sql = "SELECT article_id, article_title FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article "; $sql .= "WHERE article_cid=".intval($cat)." AND article_nositemap=1 AND "; // VISIBLE_MODE: 0 = frontend (all) mode, 1 = article user mode, 2 = admin user mode switch(VISIBLE_MODE) { case 0: $sql .= "article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND "; break; case 1: $sql .= "article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"]." AND "; break; //case 2: admin mode no additional neccessary } $sql .= "article_deleted=0 AND article_beginNOW() "; $sql .= "ORDER BY ".$ao[2]; $s = ''; $c = ''; if($GLOBALS['sitemap']['classcount']) { if($GLOBALS['sitemap']['articleclass']) $c = ' class="'.$GLOBALS['sitemap']['articleclass'].$counter.'"'; } else { if($GLOBALS['sitemap']['articleclass']) $c = ' class="'.$GLOBALS['sitemap']['articleclass'].'"'; } if($result = mysql_query($sql, $GLOBALS['db'])) { while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $s .= ''; //.$c $s .= ''; $s .= html_specialchars($row[1]); $s .= "\n"; } mysql_free_result($result); } if($s) $s = "\n\n".$s.''; return $s; } function render_cnt_template($text='', $tag='', $value='') { // render content part by replacing placeholder tags by value $value = strval($value); if($value) { $text = preg_replace('/\['.$tag.'\](.*?)\[\/'.$tag.'\]/is', '$1', $text); $text = preg_replace('/\['.$tag.'_ELSE\](.*?)\[\/'.$tag.'_ELSE\]/is', '', $text); } else { $text = preg_replace('/\['.$tag.'_ELSE\](.*?)\[\/'.$tag.'_ELSE\]/is', '$1', $text); $text = preg_replace('/\['.$tag.'\](.*?)\[\/'.$tag.'\]/is', '', $text); } return str_replace('{'.$tag.'}', $value, $text); } function replace_cnt_template($text='', $tag='', $value='') { // replace tag by value return preg_replace('/\['.$tag.'\].*?\[\/'.$tag.'\]/is', strval($value), $text); } function render_cnt_date($text='', $date, $livedate=NULL, $killdate=NULL) { // render date by replacing placeholder tags by value $date = is_numeric($date) ? intval($date) : now(); $text = preg_replace('/\{DATE:(.*?) lang=(..)\}/e', 'international_date_format("$2","$1","'.$date.'")', $text); $text = preg_replace('/\{DATE:(.*?)\}/e', 'date("$1",'.$date.')', $text); if(intval($livedate)) { $text = preg_replace('/\{LIVEDATE:(.*?) lang=(..)\}/e', 'international_date_format("$2","$1","'.$livedate.'")', $text); $text = preg_replace('/\{LIVEDATE:(.*?)\}/e', 'date("$1",'.$livedate.')', $text); } if(intval($killdate)) { $text = preg_replace('/\{KILLDATE:(.*?) lang=(..)\}/e', 'international_date_format("$2","$1","'.$killdate.'")', $text); $text = preg_replace('/\{KILLDATE:(.*?)\}/e', 'date("$1",'.$killdate.')', $text); } return preg_replace('/\{NOW:(.*?) lang=(..)\}/e', 'international_date_format("$2","$1","'.now().'")', $text); } function render_date($text='', $date, $rt='DATE') { // render date by replacing placeholder tags by value $rt = preg_quote($rt); $text = preg_replace('/\{'.$rt.':(.*?) lang=(..)\}/e', 'international_date_format("$2","$1","'.$date.'")', $text); return preg_replace('/\{'.$rt.':(.*?)\}/e', 'date("$1",'.$date.')', $text); } function returnTagContent($string='', $tag='', $findall=false, $tagOpen='[', $tagClose=']') { // used to exclude a special string sequence from string // enclosed by [tag][/tag] or also $data = array(); $data['original'] = $string; $tag_open = preg_quote($tagOpen.$tag.$tagClose, '/'); $tag_close = preg_quote($tagOpen.'/'.$tag.$tagClose, '/'); $data['new'] = trim(preg_replace('/'.$tag_open.'(.*?)'.$tag_close.'/is', '', $string)); if($findall) { preg_match_all('/'.$tag_open.'(.*?)'.$tag_close.'/is', $string, $matches); } else { preg_match('/'.$tag_open.'(.*?)'.$tag_close.'/is', $string, $matches); } $data['tag'] = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; return $data; } function include_url($url) { // include given URL but only take content between global $include_urlparts; if( is_string($url) ) { $url = array( 1 => $url ); } elseif( ! isset($url[1]) ) { return ''; } $k = ''; $url = trim($url[1]); $url = explode(' ', $url); $cache = isset($url[1]) ? intval(str_replace('CACHE=', '', strtoupper($url[1]))) : 0; $url = $url[0]; $cache_status = 'MISSING'; if($url && $cache) { $cache_filename = md5($url).'-url'; // set cache file name $cache_file = PHPWCMS_CONTENT.'tmp/'.$cache_filename; // set caching file $cache_status = check_cache($cache_file, $cache); // ceck existence if($cache_status == 'VALID') { // read cache $k = read_textfile($cache_file); $k = trim($k); if(empty($k)) { $cache_status == 'EXPIRED'; // check if cache content is available } } } if($cache_status != 'VALID' && $url) { // cache file is missing or outdated $include_urlparts = parse_url($url); if(!empty($include_urlparts['path'])) { $include_urlparts['path'] = dirname($include_urlparts['path']); $include_urlparts['path'] = str_replace('\\', '/', $include_urlparts['path']); } $k = @file_get_contents($url); if($k) { // now check against charset if(preg_match('/charset=(.*?)"/i', $k, $match)) { $charset = $match[1]; $charset = str_replace(array('"', "'", '/'), '', $charset); $charset = strtolower(trim($charset)); } elseif(preg_match('/http-equiv="{0,1}Content-Type"{0,1}\s{1,}(content="{0,1}.*?"{0,1}.{0,3}>)/i', $k, $match)) { $charset = ''; if(!empty($match[1])) { $charset = strtolower($match[1]); $charset = trim(str_replace(array('"', "'", '/', 'content=', ' ', '>'), '', $charset)); } } else { $charset = false; } if(preg_match('/]*?'.'>(.*)<\/body>/is', $k, $match)) { $k = $match[1]; } $k = str_replace(array('', '<%', '%>'), array('<?', '?>', '<%', '%>'), $k); $k = preg_replace_callback('/(href|src|action)=[\'|"]{0,1}(.*?)[\'|"]{0,1}( .*?){0,1}>/i', 'make_absoluteURL', $k); $k = sanitize( trim($k) , array(false, 'link', 'meta'), array(), array('img', 'br', 'hr', 'input'), true); if($charset != false) { $k = makeCharsetConversion($k, $charset, PHPWCMS_CHARSET, 1); } // now write or update cache file in case there is timeout or content if($cache && $k) { @write_textfile($cache_file, $k); } } $include_urlparts = ''; } return $k; } function make_absoluteURL($matches) { // replaces all relative URLs in href=/src= to absolute paths based on called URI $parts = $GLOBALS['include_urlparts']; $path = $matches[2]; $k = ''; if(preg_match('/^(http|mailto|ftp|https|skype|itms)/i', $path)) { $k = $path; } else { if(empty($parts['path'])) $parts['path'] = ''; $k = $parts['host'].$parts['path'].'/'.$path; $k = str_replace('///', '/', $k); $k = str_replace('//', '/', $k); $k = $parts['scheme'].'://'.$k; } if(empty($matches[3])) $matches[3] = ''; return $matches[1].'="'.$k.'"'.$matches[3].'>'; } function render_PHPcode($string='') { // combined PHP replace renderer // includes external PHP script and returns the content $string = preg_replace('/\{PHP:(.*?)\}/e', 'include_ext_php("$1");', $string); // do complete PHP code $string = preg_replace_callback("/\[PHP\](.*?)\[\/PHP\]/s", 'include_int_phpcode', $string); // includes external PHP script and returns the content $string = preg_replace_callback("/\{PHPVAR:(.*?)\}/s", 'include_int_php', $string); return $string; } function nav_list_struct (&$struct, $act_cat_id, $level, $class='') { // start with home directory for the listing = top nav structure // 1. Build the recursive tree for given actual article category ID // return the tree starting with given start_id (like breadcrumb) // if the $start_id = 0 then this stops because 0 = top level $level = intval($level); $data = array(); $start_id = $act_cat_id; $class = trim($class); $depth = 0; while ($start_id) { $data[$start_id] = 1; $start_id = $struct[$start_id]["acat_struct"]; } $temp_tree = sizeof($data) ? array_reverse($data, 1) : false; $temp_menu = build_list ($struct, $level, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $class, $depth); $temp_menu = str_replace("\n\n", LF, $temp_menu); return $temp_menu ? $temp_menu : ''; } function build_list ($struct, $level, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $class='', $depth=0) { // this returns the level structure based on given arrays // it is special for browsing from root levels if($class != '') { $curClass = ' class="'.$class.$depth.'"'; $curClassNext = ' class="'.$class.($depth+1).'"'; $curClassActive = ' class="'.$class.'Active'.$depth.'"'; } else { $curClass = ''; $curClassNext = ''; $curClassActive = ' class="listActive"'; } $depth++; $temp_menu = "\n\n"; foreach($struct as $key => $value) { //if($struct[$key]["acat_struct"] == $level && $key && (!$struct[$key]['acat_hidden'] || ($struct[$key]["acat_hidden"] == 2 && isset($GLOBALS['LEVEL_KEY'][$key]))) ) { if( _getStructureLevelDisplayStatus($key, $level) ) { if(!$struct[$key]["acat_redirect"]) { $link = 'index.php?'; if($struct[$key]["acat_alias"]) { $link .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_alias"]); } else { $link .= 'id='.$key.',0,0,1,0,0'; } $redirect['target'] = ''; } else { $redirect = get_redirect_link($struct[$key]["acat_redirect"], ' ', ''); $link = $redirect['link']; } if(!empty($temp_tree[$key])) { if($act_cat_id == $key) { $temp_menu .= "\n"; } else { $temp_menu .= "\n
  • "; } $temp_menu .= ''.html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"]).''; $temp_menu .= build_list ($struct, $key, $temp_tree, $act_cat_id, $class, $depth); $temp_menu .= '
  • '; } else { $temp_menu .= "\n
  • ".''; $temp_menu .= html_specialchars($struct[$key]["acat_name"])."
  • \n"; } } } $temp_menu = trim($temp_menu); return $temp_menu != "" ? $temp_menu."\n" : ''; } function combined_POST_cleaning($val) { $val = clean_slweg($val); $val = remove_unsecure_rptags($val); return $val; } function get_fe_userinfo($forum_userID) { // get frontend userinformation $forum_userID = intval($forum_userID); $got_the_info = false; if($forum_userID != 0 && (!isset($GLOBALS['FE_USER']) || !isset($GLOBALS['FE_USER'][$forum_userID]))) { //connect to user db and get information $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_user WHERE usr_id=".$forum_userID." LIMIT 1"; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $GLOBALS['db'])) { if($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $GLOBALS['FE_USER'][$forum_userID] = array( 'FE_ID' => $forum_userID, 'login' => $row['usr_login'], 'pass' => $row['usr_pass'], 'email' => $row['usr_email'], 'admin' => $row['usr_admin'], 'fe' => $row['usr_fe'], 'aktiv' => $row['usr_aktiv'], 'name' => $row['usr_name'], 'lang' => empty($row['usr_lang']) ? $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['default_lang'] : $row['usr_lang'], 'wysiwyg' => $row['usr_wysiwyg'] ); $got_the_info = true; } mysql_free_result($result); } } else { $got_the_info = true; } if(($forum_userID === 0 && !isset($GLOBALS['FE_USER'][$forum_userID])) || !$got_the_info) { $forum_userID = 0; $GLOBALS['FE_USER'][$forum_userID] = array( 'FE_ID' => $forum_userID, 'login' => 'guest', 'pass' => '', 'email' => 'noreply@localhost', 'admin' => 0, 'fe' => 0, 'aktiv' => 1, 'name' => 'Guest', 'lang' => $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['default_lang'], 'wysiwyg' => $GLOBALS['phpwcms']['wysiwyg_editor'] ); } } function highlightSearchResult($string='', $search, $wrap='|') { // string will be highlighted by $search - can be string or array if(!empty($string) && !empty($search)) { // make $wrap[0] prefix and $wrap[1] suffix $wrap = explode('|', $wrap); if(empty($wrap[1])) $wrap[1] = ''; $highlight_match = ''; // make all search values array fields if(is_array($search)) { // make unique $search = array_unique($search); } else { $search = array(strval($search)); } foreach($search as $key => $value) { if($highlight_match != '') $highlight_match .= '|'; $highlight_match .= preg_quote($value, '/'); } $highlight_match = str_replace("\\?", '.?', $highlight_match); $highlight_match = str_replace("\\*", '.*', $highlight_match); $highlight_match = trim($highlight_match); if(false == preg_match('/<.+>/', $string)) { $string = preg_replace('/('.$highlight_match.')/i', $wrap[0].'$1'.$wrap[1], $string); } else { $string = preg_replace('/(?<=>)([^<]+)?('.$highlight_match.')/i', '$1'.$wrap[0].'$2'.$wrap[1], $string); } } return $string; } function pregReplaceHighlightWrapper($matches) { // just a wrapper for frontend sectional highlighting global $highlight_words; return highlightSearchResult($matches[1], $highlight_words, '|'); } function buildCascadingMenu($parameter='', $counter=0, $param='string') { // @string $parameter = "menu_type, start_id, max_level_depth, class_path, class_active, // ul_id_name, wrap_ul_div(0 = off, 1 =
    , 2 =
    , 3 =