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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.3 _r380 (23.11.09)




/include/inc_front/ -> ext.func.inc.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /*************************************************************************************
   3     Copyright notice
   5     (c) 2002-2009 Oliver Georgi (oliver@phpwcms.de) // All rights reserved.
   7     This script is part of PHPWCMS. The PHPWCMS web content management system is
   8     free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
   9     the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
  10     either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  12     The GNU General Public License can be found at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
  13     A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license 
  14     from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
  16     This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY 
  17     WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  18     PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  20     This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
  21  *************************************************************************************/
  24  //enhance you custom frontend funtions here 
  26  // -------------------------------------------------------------
  29  // added by jens for content type 89: poll
  30  function showPollImage($image, $zoom = 0) {
  32      $image_border        = ' border="'.intval($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"]["imagelist_border"]).'"';
  33      if(empty($GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"]["imagelist_imgclass"])) {
  34          $image_imgclass    = '';
  35      } else {
  36          $image_imgclass    = ' class="'.$GLOBALS["template_default"]["article"]["imagelist_imgclass"].'"';
  37      }
  39      $thumb_image = get_cached_image(
  40          array(    
  41              "target_ext"    =>    $image[3],
  42              "image_name"    =>    $image[2].'.'.$image[3],
  43              "max_width"        =>    $image[4],
  44              "max_height"    =>    $image[5],
  45              "thumb_name"    =>    md5($image[2].$image[4].$image[5].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"])
  46          )
  47      );
  49      if($zoom) {
  50          $zoominfo = get_cached_image(
  51                  array(    
  52                              "target_ext"    =>    $image[3],
  53                              "image_name"    =>    $image[2] . '.' . $image[3],
  54                              "max_width"        =>    $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_width"],
  55                              "max_height"    =>    $GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_height"],
  56                              "thumb_name"    =>    md5($image[2].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_width"].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["img_prev_height"].$GLOBALS['phpwcms']["sharpen_level"])
  57                  )
  58          );
  59      }
  61      $list_img_temp  = '<img src="'.PHPWCMS_IMAGES.$thumb_image[0].'" '.$thumb_image[3].$image_border.$image_imgclass.' />';
  63      if($zoom && !empty($zoominfo)) {
  64          // if click enlarge the image
  65          $open_popup_link = 'image_zoom.php?'.getClickZoomImageParameter($zoominfo[0].'?'.$zoominfo[3]);
  66          $open_link = $open_popup_link;
  67          $return_false = 'return false;';
  69          $html .= "<a href=\"".$open_link."\" onclick=\"checkClickZoom();clickZoom('".$open_popup_link."','previewpic','width=";
  70          $html .= $zoominfo[1].",height=".$zoominfo[2]."');".$return_false.'">';
  71          $html .= $list_img_temp."</a>";
  72      } else {
  73          // if not click enlarge
  74          $html .= $list_img_temp;
  75      }
  76      return $html;
  77  }
  79  // taken from http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.utf8-decode.php
  80  // vpribish at shopping dot com, 10-Sep-2004 08:55
  81  function utf2html($str) {
  82      $ret = '';
  83      $max = strlen($str);
  84      $last = 0;  // keeps the index of the last regular character
  85      for ($i=0; $i < $max; $i++) {
  86          $c = $str{$i};
  87          $c1 = ord($c);
  88          if ($c1>>5 == 6) {  // 110x xxxx, 110 prefix for 2 bytes unicode
  89              $ret .= substr($str, $last, $i-$last); // append all the regular characters we've passed
  90              $c1 &= 31; // remove the 3 bit two bytes prefix
  91              $c2 = ord($str{++$i}); // the next byte
  92              $c2 &= 63;  // remove the 2 bit trailing byte prefix
  93              $c2 |= (($c1 & 3) << 6); // last 2 bits of c1 become first 2 of c2
  94              $c1 >>= 2; // c1 shifts 2 to the right
  95              $ret .= "&#" . ($c1 * 100 + $c2) . ";"; // this is the fastest string concatenation
  96              $last = $i+1;
  97          } 
  98      }
  99      return $ret . substr($str, $last, $i); // append the last batch of regular characters
 100  }
 102  // http://www.evilwalrus.com/viewcode.php?codeEx=627
 103  function is_date($PASSED,$TXT_DATE_FORMAT='m/d/Y') { 
 104      $lib_import_datearr=array(); 
 105      $lib_import_datearr['h'] = 2; // 01-12 - time - hours 12 
 106      $lib_import_datearr['H'] = 2; // 00-23 - time - hours 24 
 107      $lib_import_datearr['g'] = 0; // 1-12  - time - hours 12 
 108      $lib_import_datearr['G'] = 0; // 0-23  - time - hours 24 
 109      $lib_import_datearr['i'] = 2; // 00-59 - time - minutes 
 110      $lib_import_datearr['k'] = 0; // 0-59  - time - minutes ** k - non standard code. 
 111      $lib_import_datearr['s'] = 2; // 00-59 - time - seconds 
 112      $lib_import_datearr['x'] = 0; // 0-59  - time - seconds ** x - non standard code. 
 113      $lib_import_datearr['a'] = 2; // am/pm - time 
 114      $lib_import_datearr['A'] = 2; // AM/PM - time 
 115      $lib_import_datearr['j'] = 0; // 1-31  - date - day 
 116      $lib_import_datearr['d'] = 2; // 01-31 - date - day 
 117      $lib_import_datearr['n'] = 0; // 1-12  - date - month 
 118      $lib_import_datearr['m'] = 2; // 01-12 - date - month 
 119      $lib_import_datearr['y'] = 2; // 04    - date - year 
 120      $lib_import_datearr['Y'] = 4; // 2004  - date - year 
 121      $PASSED = trim($PASSED); // No spaces at beginning or end of date value. 
 122      $TXT_DATE_FORMAT = trim($TXT_DATE_FORMAT); // No spaces at beginning or end of formatter string 
 123      $store_arr = array(); // Storage array 
 124      $lastchar = ""; // Badly named. This really stores the data chunk we are working with 
 125      $dte_frmt_lstchr = ""; // Current date formatting character 
 126      $dte_frmt_idx = 0; // Index of where we are in date formatting rule string 
 127      $bln_formatter = FALSE; // Boolean. Is the formatting character a value or a place holder (ie 'm' vs '/' or ':') 
 128      $bln_twelve_hour_cycle = FALSE; // Boolean. Whether or not stored hours are 1-12 or 0-23. TRUE = 1-12 
 129      for ($i=0;$i < strlen($PASSED); $i++) { 
 130          $dte_frmt_lstchr=substr($TXT_DATE_FORMAT, $dte_frmt_idx,1); // Get first date formatting character 
 131          $dte_frmt_idx ++; // Move index for format string ahead one. 
 132          if ((is_int($dte_frmt_lstchr) || is_string($dte_frmt_lstchr)) && array_key_exists($dte_frmt_lstchr, $lib_import_datearr)) { // See if this formatting character is a date value or a spacer value of some sort 
 133              $bln_formatter = FALSE; // This value needs to be parsed for the date value 
 134          } 
 135          else { 
 136              $bln_formatter = TRUE; // This is a placeholder character 
 137          } 
 138          // *** Get the value 
 139          if ($bln_formatter) { // Just get the character and test for equivalence 
 140              $lastchar = substr($PASSED,$i,1); 
 141              if ($lastchar!=$dte_frmt_lstchr) { // The current character does not match the expected formatting character. Crash and Burn! 
 142                  $store_arr = FALSE; // Set the return value to false 
 143                  $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; // Break the loop 
 144              } 
 145          } // END get character value 
 146          else { // Get the date value 
 147              switch ($lib_import_datearr[$dte_frmt_lstchr]) { // How many characters to get? Remember, type 0 means you must find the end. (As in month, 1 or 2 characters?). 
 148                  case 0: // Zero is for those with either 1 or 2 places. Rule: if 2nd character is also a number, it belongs to the item. 
 149                      $lastchar = substr($PASSED,$i,1); 
 150                      if ($i+1 < strlen($PASSED)) { // are there more characters? 
 151                          if (is_numeric(substr($PASSED,$i+1,1))) { $lastchar=$lastchar.substr($PASSED,$i+1,1); $i++; } // tack on next character. Move in string pointer forward 1 
 152                      } 
 153                      switch ($dte_frmt_lstchr) { 
 154                          case "j": 
 155                              if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 156                              else { $store_arr['mday']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 157                              break; 
 158                          case "n": 
 159                              if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 160                              else { $store_arr['mon']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 161                              break; 
 162                          case "k": 
 163                              if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 164                              else { $store_arr['minutes']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 165                              break; 
 166                          case "x": 
 167                              if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 168                              else { $store_arr['seconds']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 169                              break; 
 170                          case "g": 
 171                              if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 172                              else { $store_arr['hours']=$lastchar; $bln_twelve_hour_cycle= TRUE; } // assign the value to the array 
 173                              break; 
 174                          case "G": 
 175                              if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 176                              else { $store_arr['hours']=$lastchar; $bln_twelve_hour_cycle= FALSE; } // assign the value to the array 
 177                              break; 
 178                      } 
 179                      break; 
 180                  case 2: 
 181                      $lastchar = substr($PASSED,$i,2); 
 182                      if (strlen($lastchar)!=2) { // Crap. We ran off the end of the string. Error out 
 183                          $store_arr = FALSE; // Set the return value to false 
 184                          $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; // Break the loop 
 185                      } 
 186                      else { // Right length. Test Type 
 187                          $i++; // Move in string pointer forward 1 
 188                          switch ($dte_frmt_lstchr) { 
 189                              case "A": 
 190                                  if (strtoupper($lastchar)!="AM" && strtoupper($lastchar)!="PM") { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // Invalid AM/PM. Crash and burn 
 191                                  else { $store_arr['ampm']=strtoupper($lastchar); } // assign the value to the array 
 192                                  break;   
 193                              case "a": 
 194                                  if (strtoupper($lastchar)!="AM" && strtoupper($lastchar)!="PM") { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // Invalid AM/PM. Crash and burn 
 195                                  else { $store_arr['ampm']=strtoupper($lastchar); } // assign the value to the array 
 196                                  break; 
 197                              case "H": 
 198                                  if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 199                                  else { $store_arr['hours']=$lastchar; $bln_twelve_hour_cycle= FALSE; } // assign the value to the array 
 200                                  break;   
 201                              case "h": 
 202                                  if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 203                                  else { $store_arr['hours']=$lastchar; $bln_twelve_hour_cycle= TRUE; } // assign the value to the array 
 204                                  break;   
 205                              case "i": 
 206                                  if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 207                                  else { $store_arr['minutes']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 208                                  break;   
 209                              case "s": 
 210                                  if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 211                                  else { $store_arr['seconds']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 212                                  break;   
 213                              case "d": 
 214                                  if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 215                                  else { $store_arr['mday']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 216                                  break;                          
 217                              case "m": 
 218                                  if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 219                                  else { $store_arr['mon']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 220                                  break; 
 221                              case "y": 
 222                                  if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 223                                  else { 
 224                                      if ($lastchar<70) { $lastchar="20".$lastchar; } 
 225                                      else { $lastchar="19".$lastchar; } 
 226                                      $store_arr['year']=$lastchar; 
 227                                  } // assign the value to the array 
 228                                  break; 
 229                          } 
 230                      } 
 231                      break; 
 232                  case 4: 
 233                      $lastchar = substr($PASSED,$i,4); 
 234                      if (strlen($lastchar)!=4) { // Crap. We ran off the end of the string. Error out 
 235                          $store_arr = FALSE; // Set the return value to false 
 236                          $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; // Break the loop 
 237                      } 
 238                      else { // Right length. Test Type 
 239                          $i=$i+3; // Move in string pointer forward 3 
 240                          switch ($dte_frmt_lstchr) { 
 241                              case "Y": 
 242                                  if (!is_numeric($lastchar)) { $store_arr = FALSE; $i = strlen($PASSED)+1; } // The the value. Must be a number. Break out 
 243                                  else { $store_arr['year']=$lastchar; } // assign the value to the array 
 244                                  break; 
 245                          } 
 246                      } 
 247                      break; 
 248              } // END switch 
 249          } // END else get the date value 
 250      } 
 251      if (isset($store_arr['hours'])) { // are hours are set? 
 252          if ($bln_twelve_hour_cycle) { // If the recieved data was 12-hour cycle, we may need to test for PM and do some math! 
 253              if (isset($store_arr['ampm'])) { 
 254                  if ($store_arr['ampm']=="PM") { // Is it PM? If so test to see if hour is set 
 255                      $store_arr['hours']=$store_arr['hours']+12; // The 12 hour date was in PM. Example 11 pm really is 11+12 or 23! 
 256                  } 
 257                  else { // This is AM. Only 1 test needs to be done: 12 am! 
 258                      if ($store_arr['hours']==12) { $store_arr['hours']=0; } // 12am in 24 cycle is really 0 (0-23!) 
 259                  } 
 260              } 
 261          } 
 262      } 
 263      if (isset($store_arr['ampm'])) { 
 264          unset($store_arr['ampm']); 
 265      } 
 266      return $store_arr; 
 267  }
 269  // http://de3.php.net/manual/en/function.is-numeric.php
 270  // kiss dot pal at expert-net dot hu
 271  // 05-Jan-2005 09:13 
 272  function is_float_ex($pNum) {
 273      $num_chars = "0123456789.,+-";
 274      if(strlen(trim($pNum)) == 0) { // empty $pNum -> null
 275          return false;
 276      } else {
 277          $i = 0;
 278          $f = 1;  // modify 
 279          $v = strlen($num_chars) - $f;
 280          while(($i < strlen($pNum)) && ($v >= 0)) {
 281              $v=strlen($num_chars)-$f;
 282              while(($v >= 0) && ($num_chars[$v] <> $pNum[$i])) {
 283                  $v--;
 284              }
 285              if($f==1) { // Only first item + vagy -
 286                  $f=3;
 287               }
 288              if(($pNum[$i] == '.') || ($pNum[$i] == ',')) {
 289                  $f=5;
 290              }
 291              $i++;
 292          }
 293          return ($v < 0) ? false : true;
 294      }
 295  }
 298  /*
 299   * {SHOW_CONTENT} 
 300   * thanks to Jens Zetterström who has initiated this in 2005
 301   * Shows the content of the article content part with the specified id.
 302   * use it {SHOW_CONTENT:MODE,id[,id[,...]]}
 303   * where MODE is what should returned
 304   * and id is the corresponding ID
 305   * MODE options:
 306   *   CP   - list of Content Parts | id = id of the content part, one or more possible, comma seperated.
 307   *   CPA  - ascending list of Content Parts but based on selected article  | id = id of article, comma seperated
 308   *   CPAD - same as CPA, but descending
 309   *   AS   - list of Article Summaries | id = id of articles, comma separated
 310   *   CAS  - list of Article Summaries | id = id of structure level, comma separated
 311   */
 312  function showSelectedContent($param='') {
 314      global $template_default;
 315      global $db;
 316      global $content;
 317      global $block;
 318      global $phpwcms;
 319      global $aktion;
 321      $topcount = 999999;
 322      $template = '';
 324      if($cp = explode(',', $param)) {
 325          $mode    = strtoupper(trim($cp[0]));
 326          if(substr($mode, 0, 2) == 'AS') {
 327              $mode = explode('|', $cp[0]);
 328              if(isset($mode[1])) {
 329                  $mode[1] = trim($mode[1]);
 330                  if(is_numeric($mode[1])) {
 331                      $topcount = intval($mode[1]);
 332                  } elseif(empty($mode[2]) && strlen($mode[1]) > 4 && ($mode[1] == 'default' || is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/articlesummary/list/'.$mode[1]))) {
 333                      $template = $mode[1];
 334                  }
 335              }
 336              if(isset($mode[2])) {
 337                  $mode[2] = trim($mode[2]);
 338                  if(is_numeric($mode[2])) {
 339                      $topcount = intval($mode[2]);
 340                  } elseif(strlen($mode[2]) > 4 && ($mode[2] == 'default' || is_file(PHPWCMS_TEMPLATE.'inc_cntpart/articlesummary/list/'.$mode[2]))) {
 341                      $template = $mode[2];
 342                  }
 343              }
 344              $mode = strtoupper(trim($mode[0]));
 345              if(isset($cp[1])) { // now check if 
 346                  $cp[1] = trim($cp[1]);
 347                  if(!is_numeric($cp[1])) {
 348                      switch($cp[1]) {
 349                          case 'new':        $cp = array('new'        => 1);    break;
 350                          case 'random':    $cp = array('random'    => 1);    break;
 351                          case 'related':    if(isset($cp[2])) {
 352                                              unset($cp[0], $cp[1]);
 353                                              $related = array();
 354                                              foreach($cp as $value) {
 355                                                  $related[] = "article_keyword LIKE '%".aporeplace(strtoupper(trim($value)))."%'";
 356                                              }
 357                                              $cp = array('related' => 1); break;
 358                                          }
 360                          default:        $cp = array('new'        => 1);
 361                      }
 362                  }
 363              }
 364          }
 365          unset($cp[0]);
 366          foreach($cp as $key => $value) {
 367              $value    = intval($value);
 368              if(!$value) {
 369                  unset($cp[$key]);
 370              } else {
 371                  $cp[$key] = $value;
 372              }
 373          }
 374          if(!is_array($cp) || !count($cp)) {
 375              return '';
 376          }
 377      } else {
 378          // oh no ID given, end function
 379          return '';
 380      }
 382      $CNT_TMP = '';
 384      if(substr($mode, 0, 2) == 'AS') {
 386          if(substr($mode, -1) == 'P') {
 387              $mode = substr($mode, 0, -1);
 388              $priorize = 'article_priorize DESC, ';
 389          } else {
 390              $priorize = '';
 391          }
 393          switch($mode) {
 395              case 'ASL':        $sort = $priorize.'article_begin ASC';        break; // sorted by livedate ascending
 396              case 'ASLD':    $sort = $priorize.'article_begin DESC';        break; // sorted by livedate descending
 397              case 'ASK':        $sort = $priorize.'article_end ASC';        break; // sorted by killdate ascending
 398              case 'ASKD':    $sort = $priorize.'article_end DESC';        break; // sorted by killdate descending
 399              case 'ASC':        $sort = $priorize.'article_tstamp ASC';        break; // sorted by change date ascending
 400              case 'ASCD':    $sort = $priorize.'article_tspamp DESC';    break; // sorted by change date descending
 401              case 'ASR':        $sort = 'RAND()';                            break; // random sort
 402              default:        $sort = '';
 404          }
 406          $CNT_TMP = list_articles_summary( get_article_data( $cp, $topcount, $sort ) , $topcount, $template);
 409      } elseif($mode == 'CP' || $mode == 'CPA' || $mode == 'CPAD') {
 411          $sort = ($mode=='CPAD') ? ' DESC' : ''; //means ASCENDING
 413          foreach($cp as $value) {
 415              if($mode == 'CP') { 
 416                  // content part listing
 417                  $sql  = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecontent ";
 418                  $sql .= "INNER JOIN " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article ON ";
 419                  $sql .= DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article.article_id = " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_articlecontent.acontent_aid ";
 420                  $sql .= "WHERE acontent_id = " . $value . " AND acontent_visible = 1 ";
 422                  if( !FEUSER_LOGIN_STATUS ) {
 423                      $sql .= 'AND acontent_granted=0 ';
 424                  }
 426                  $sql .= "AND acontent_trash = 0 AND " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article.article_deleted=0 AND ";
 427                  $sql .= DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article.article_begin < NOW() AND " . DB_PREPEND . "phpwcms_article.article_end > NOW() ";
 428                  $sql .= "LIMIT 1";
 430              } else {
 431                  // content parts based on article ID                
 432                  $sql  = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecontent ";
 433                  $sql .= "WHERE acontent_aid=". $value." AND acontent_visible=1 AND acontent_trash=0 ";
 435                  if( !FEUSER_LOGIN_STATUS ) {
 436                      $sql .= 'AND acontent_granted=0 ';
 437                  }
 439                  $sql .= "ORDER BY acontent_sorting".$sort.", acontent_id";
 441              }
 443              if($cresult = mysql_query($sql, $db)) {
 444                  while($crow = mysql_fetch_assoc($cresult))    {
 446                      if($crow["acontent_type"] == 30 && !isset($phpwcms['modules'][$crow["acontent_module"]])) {
 447                          continue;
 448                      }
 450                      if($crow["acontent_type"] == 24) {
 451                          // first retrieve alias ID information and settings
 452                          $crow = getContentPartAlias($crow);
 453                      }
 455                      $space = getContentPartSpacer($crow["acontent_before"], $crow["acontent_after"]);
 457                      // Space before
 458                      $CNT_TMP .= $space['before'];
 460                      // set frontend edit link
 461                      $CNT_TMP .= getFrontendEditLink('CP', $crow['acontent_aid'], $crow['acontent_id']);
 463                      // include content part code section
 464                      if($crow["acontent_type"] != 30) {
 466                          include(PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/content/cnt' . $crow["acontent_type"] . '.article.inc.php');
 468                      } elseif($crow["acontent_type"] == 30 && file_exists($phpwcms['modules'][$crow["acontent_module"]]['path'].'inc/cnt.article.php')) {
 470                          $CNT_TMP .= getFrontendEditLink('module', $phpwcms['modules'][$crow["acontent_module"]]['name']);
 472                          // now try to include module content part code
 473                          include($phpwcms['modules'][$crow["acontent_module"]]['path'].'inc/cnt.article.php');
 475                      }
 477                      //check if top link should be shown
 478                      $CNT_TMP .= getContentPartTopLink($crow["acontent_top"]);
 480                      //Maybe content part ID should b used inside templates or for something different
 481                      $CNT_TMP  = str_replace( array('[%CPID%]', '{CPID}'), $crow["acontent_id"], $CNT_TMP );
 483                      // trigger content part functions
 484                      $CNT_TMP = trigger_cp($CNT_TMP, $crow);
 486                      // Space after
 487                      $CNT_TMP .= $space['after'];
 489                  }
 490                  mysql_free_result($cresult);
 491              }
 492          }
 493      }
 495      if(empty($phpwcms["allow_cntPHP_rt"])) {
 496          $CNT_TMP = remove_unsecure_rptags($CNT_TMP);
 497      }
 498      return $CNT_TMP;
 499  }
 501  function getContentPartSpacer($space_before=0, $space_after=0) {
 503      if(!$space_before && !$space_after) {
 504          return array('before' => '', 'after'  => '');
 506      } elseif($space_before && $space_after) {
 507          return array('before' => '<div style="margin:' .$space_before. 'px 0 ' .$space_after. 'px 0; padding:0;">',    'after'  => '</div>');
 509      } elseif($space_before && !$space_after) {
 510          return array('before' => '<div style="margin:' .$space_before. 'px 0 0 0;padding:0;clear:both;"></div>', 'after'  => '');
 512      } else {
 513          return array('before' => '', 'after'  => '<div style="margin:0 0' .$space_after. 'px 0;padding:0;clear:both;"></div>');
 515      }
 516  }
 518  function getContentPartTopLink($param=0) {
 519      global $template_default;
 520      $toplink = '';
 521      if($param) {
 522          if($template_default["article"]["top_sign_before"].$template_default["article"]["top_sign_after"]) {
 523              $toplink .= $template_default["article"]["top_sign_before"];
 524              $toplink .= '<a href="#top">'.$template_default["article"]["top_sign"].'</a>';
 525              $toplink .= $template_default["article"]["top_sign_after"];
 526          } else{
 527              $toplink .= '<br /><a href="#top">' . $template_default["article"]["top_sign"] . '</a>';
 528          }
 529      }
 530      return $toplink;
 531  }
 533  function getContentPartAlias($crow) {
 534      global $db;
 535      $alias = unserialize($crow["acontent_form"]);
 536      if(!empty($alias['alias_ID'])) {
 537          $alias['alias_ID'] = intval($alias['alias_ID']);
 538          $sql_alias  = "SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecontent WHERE acontent_id=";
 539          $sql_alias .= $alias['alias_ID'] . " AND acontent_trash=0 ";
 540          if( !FEUSER_LOGIN_STATUS ) {
 541              $sql_alias .= 'AND acontent_granted=0 ';
 542          }
 543          $sql_alias .= "LIMIT 1"; 
 544          if($alias_result = mysql_query($sql_alias, $db)) {
 545              if($alias_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($alias_result)) {
 546                  if(empty($alias['alias_block'])) {
 547                      $alias_row['acontent_block'] = $crow['acontent_block'];
 548                  }
 549                  if(empty($alias['alias_spaces'])) {
 550                      $alias_row['acontent_before'] = $crow['acontent_before'];
 551                      $alias_row['acontent_after']  = $crow['acontent_after'];
 552                  }
 553                  if(empty($alias['alias_title'])) {
 554                      $alias_row['acontent_title']     = $crow['acontent_title'];
 555                      $alias_row['acontent_subtitle']  = $crow['acontent_subtitle'];
 556                  }
 557                  if(empty($alias['alias_toplink'])) {
 558                      $alias_row['acontent_top'] = $crow['acontent_top'];
 559                  }
 560                  $crow = $alias_row;
 561              }
 562              mysql_free_result($alias_result);
 563          }
 564      }
 565      return $crow;
 566  }
 569  function get_article_data($article_id, $limit=0, $sort='', $where='') {
 571      if(is_string($article_id)) {
 572          $article_id = explode(',', $article_id);
 573      }
 574      if(is_array($article_id) && count($article_id)) {
 575          foreach($article_id as $value) {
 576              $value = intval($value);
 577              if(!$value) {
 578                  unset($article_id);
 579              }
 580          }
 581      }
 582      if(!is_array($article_id) || !count($article_id)) {
 583          return array();
 584      }
 585      $article_id    = array_unique($article_id);
 587      $sql  = 'SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_tstamp) AS article_date, ';
 588      $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_begin) AS article_livedate, ";
 589      $sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_end) AS article_killdate ";
 590      $sql .= 'FROM '.DB_PREPEND.'phpwcms_article ';
 591      $sql .= 'WHERE ';
 593      // VISIBLE_MODE: 0 = frontend (all) mode, 1 = article user mode, 2 = admin user mode
 594      switch(VISIBLE_MODE) {
 595          case 0: $sql .= 'article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1 AND ';
 596                  break;
 597          case 1: $sql .= 'article_uid='.$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"].' AND ';
 598                  break;
 599          //case 2: admin mode no additional neccessary
 600      }
 601      $sql .= 'article_deleted=0 AND article_begin < NOW() AND article_end > NOW() AND ';
 603      if($where === '') {
 604          $sql .= 'article_id IN (' . implode( ',', $article_id ) . ') ';
 605      } else {
 606          $sql .= ' ' . $where . ' ';
 607      }
 608      $sql .= 'GROUP BY article_id ';
 609      if($sort) {
 610          $sql .= 'ORDER BY '.$sort;
 611      }
 612      if($limit) {
 613          $sql .= ' LIMIT '.$limit;
 614      }
 616      $data    = array();
 617      $result    = _dbQuery($sql);
 619      if(!is_array($result)) {
 620          return array();
 621      }
 623      if($sort == '') {
 624          foreach($article_id as $row) {
 625              $data[$row] = '';
 626          }
 627      }
 629      foreach($result as $row) {
 631          $data[$row["article_id"]] = array(
 632                                  "article_id"        => $row["article_id"],
 633                                  "article_cid"        => $row["article_cid"],
 634                                  "article_title"        => $row["article_title"],
 635                                  "article_subtitle"    => $row["article_subtitle"],
 636                                  "article_keyword"    => $row["article_keyword"],
 637                                  "article_summary"    => $row["article_summary"],
 638                                  "article_redirect"    => $row["article_redirect"],
 639                                  "article_date"        => $row["article_date"],
 640                                  "article_username"    => $row["article_username"],
 641                                  "article_sort"        => $row["article_sort"],
 642                                  "article_notitle"    => $row["article_notitle"],
 643                                  "article_created"    => $row["article_created"],
 644                                  "article_image"        => @unserialize($row["article_image"]),
 645                                  "article_timeout"    => $row["article_cache"],
 646                                  "article_nosearch"    => $row["article_nosearch"],
 647                                  "article_nositemap"    => $row["article_nositemap"],
 648                                  "article_aliasid"    => $row["article_aliasid"],
 649                                  "article_headerdata"=> $row["article_headerdata"],
 650                                  "article_morelink"    => $row["article_morelink"],
 651                                  "article_begin"        => $row["article_begin"],
 652                                  "article_end"        => $row["article_end"],
 653                                  "article_alias"        => $row["article_alias"],
 654                                  'article_livedate'    => $row["article_livedate"],
 655                                  'article_killdate'    => $row["article_killdate"]
 656                                          );
 657          // now check for article alias ID
 658          if($row["article_aliasid"]) {
 659              $aid = $row["article_id"];
 660              $alias_sql  = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_tstamp) AS article_date, ";
 661              $alias_sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_begin) AS article_livedate, ";
 662              $alias_sql .= "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_end) AS article_killdate "; 
 663              $alias_sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article ";
 664              $alias_sql .= "WHERE article_deleted=0 AND article_id=".intval($row["article_aliasid"]);
 665              if(!$row["article_headerdata"]) {
 666                  switch(VISIBLE_MODE) {
 667                      case 0: $alias_sql .= " AND article_public=1 AND article_aktiv=1";
 668                              break;
 669                      case 1: $alias_sql .= " AND article_uid=".$_SESSION["wcs_user_id"];
 670                              break;
 671                  }
 672                  $alias_sql .= " AND article_begin < NOW() AND article_end > NOW()";
 673              }
 674              $alias_sql .= " AND article_deleted=0 LIMIT 1";
 675              $alias_result = _dbQuery($alias_sql);
 676              foreach($alias_result as $alias_row) {
 677                  $data[$aid]["article_id"] = $alias_row["article_id"];
 678                  // use alias article header data
 679                  if(!$row["article_headerdata"]) {
 680                      $data[$aid]["article_title"]    = $alias_row["article_title"];
 681                      $data[$aid]["article_subtitle"]    = $alias_row["article_subtitle"];
 682                      $data[$aid]["article_keyword"]    = $alias_row["article_keyword"];
 683                      $data[$aid]["article_summary"]    = $alias_row["article_summary"];
 684                      $data[$aid]["article_redirect"]    = $alias_row["article_redirect"];
 685                      $data[$aid]["article_date"]        = $alias_row["article_date"];
 686                      $data[$aid]["article_image"]    = @unserialize($alias_row["article_image"]);
 687                      $data[$aid]["article_begin"]    = $alias_row["article_begin"];
 688                      $data[$aid]["article_end"]        = $alias_row["article_end"];
 689                      $data[$aid]['article_livedate']    = $alias_row["article_livedate"];
 690                      $data[$aid]['article_killdate']    = $alias_row["article_killdate"];
 691                  }
 692              }
 693          }
 694      }
 696      if($sort == '') {
 697          return array_diff($data, array(''));
 698      }
 700      return $data;
 701  }
 703  function convert2html($matches) {
 704      if(isset($matches[1])) {
 705          return html_entities($matches[1]);
 706      }
 707  }
 709  function convert2htmlspecialchars($matches) {
 710      if(isset($matches[1])) {
 711          return html_specialchars($matches[1]);
 712      }
 713  }
 715  function parse_images($matches) {
 717      if(isset($matches[1])) {
 719          // Image file ID
 720          $img_id     = intval($matches[1]);
 722          // check for Alt-Text
 723          $alt        = explode(' ', trim($matches[2]), 2);
 724          $value        = explode('x', trim(strtolower($alt[0])));
 726          $alt        = isset($alt[1]) ? html_specialchars(trim($alt[1])) : '';
 728          if(substr($value[0], 0, 1) == '.') {
 729              $ext    = trim($value[0]);
 730          } else {
 731              $ext    = '.jpg';
 732          }
 734          $width        = isset($value[ 1 ]) ? intval($value[ 1 ]) : 0;
 735          $height        = isset($value[ 2 ]) ? intval($value[ 2 ]) : 0;
 736          $crop        = isset($value[ 3 ]) && intval($value[ 3 ]) === 1 ? 1 : 0;
 737          $quality    = isset($value[ 4 ]) ? intval($value[ 4 ]) : 0;
 739          $image        = '<img src="'.PHPWCMS_URL.'img/cmsimage.php/'.$width.'x'.$height.'x'.$crop;
 740          if($quality <= 100 && $quality >= 10) {
 741              $image .= 'x'.$quality;
 742          }
 743          $image       .= '/'.$img_id.$ext.'" alt="'.$alt.'" border="0"';
 744          if(isset($matches[3])) {
 746              $title = html_specialchars( preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', clean_slweg( xss_clean( $matches[3] ) ) ) );
 747              if($title !== '') {
 748                  $image .= ' title="'.$title.'"';
 749              }
 750          }
 751          $image       .= ' />';
 753          return $image;
 755      }
 757      return '<img src="'.PHPWCMS_URL.'img/leer.gif" alt="" border="0" />';
 759  }
 761  function parse_downloads($match) {
 763      if(isset($match[1])) {
 765          $value                                            = array();
 767          $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id']            = convertStringToArray($match[1]);
 769          if(isset($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id']) && is_array($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id']) && count($value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['id'])) {
 771              global $phpwcms;
 773              $IS_NEWS_CP                                        = true;
 775              $news                                            = array();
 776              $news['files_result']                            = '';
 778              $crow                                            = array();
 780              $value['cnt_object']['cnt_files']['caption']    = isset($match[2]) ? @html_entity_decode(trim($match[2]), ENT_QUOTES, PHPWCMS_CHARSET) : '';        
 781              $value['files_direct_download']                    = 0;
 782              $value['files_template']                        = '';
 784              // include content part files renderer
 785              include (PHPWCMS_ROOT.'/include/inc_front/content/cnt7.article.inc.php');
 787              return $news['files_result'];
 789          }
 791      }
 793      return '';
 795  }
 797  /**
 798   * process content part trigger functions
 799   **/
 800  function trigger_cp($CP, & $CPDATA) {
 801      foreach($GLOBALS['content']['CpTrigger'] as $trigger_function) {
 802          if(function_exists($trigger_function)) {
 803              $CP = $trigger_function($CP, $CPDATA);
 804          }
 805      }
 806      return $CP;
 807  }
 809  /**
 810   * register content part trigger function
 811   * @param    string    $function    name of the trigger function
 812   * @param    string    $method        method how trigger function should be registered
 813   *                                LAST    - register as last, multiple possible
 814   *                                FIRST    - register as first, multiple possible
 815   *                                RFIRST    - if not registered as first
 816   *                                RLAST    - if not registered as last
 817   *
 818   * Good place to place custom trigger function is
 819   * /template/inc_script/frontend_init
 820   *
 821   *   function replace_cp_word($text, & $data) {
 822   *       return str_replace('12345', '*12345 replaced by CPID:'.$data['acontent_id'].'*', $text);
 823   *   }
 824   *   register_cp_trigger('replace_cp_word');
 825   *
 826   **/
 827  function register_cp_trigger($function='', $method='LAST') {
 828      if(is_string($function)) {
 829          switch($method) {
 830              case 'FIRST':     
 831                  array_unshift($GLOBALS['content']['CpTrigger'], $function);
 832                  break;
 834              case 'RFIRST':
 835                  if(!in_array($function, $GLOBALS['content']['CpTrigger'])) {
 836                      array_unshift($GLOBALS['content']['CpTrigger'], $function);
 837                  }
 838                  break;
 840              case 'RLAST':
 841                  if(!in_array($function, $GLOBALS['content']['CpTrigger'])) {
 842                      array_push($GLOBALS['content']['CpTrigger'], $function);
 843                  }
 844                  break;
 846              case 'LAST':
 847              default:
 848                  array_push($GLOBALS['content']['CpTrigger'], $function);
 849          }
 850      }
 851  }
 854  /**
 855   * Check referrer string for search engine related information
 856   * and log those fetched data in database
 857   * Basic idea: http://www.tellinya.com/read/2007/07/11/34.html
 858   *
 859   * @return    array
 860   * @param    string    referrer string
 861   *
 862   **/
 863  function seReferrer($ref = false) {
 865      $SeReferer = empty($ref) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $ref;
 867      //Check against Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask and others
 868      if( preg_match('/[&\?](q|p|w|s|qry|searchfor|as_q|as_epq|query|qt|keyword|keywords|encquery)=([^&]+)/i', $SeReferer, $pcs) ){
 869          if( preg_match("/https?:\/\/([^\/]+)\//i", $SeReferer, $SeDomain) ) {
 870              $SeDomain    = trim(strtolower($SeDomain[1]));
 871              $SeQuery    = $pcs[2];
 872              if(preg_match("/[&\?](start|b|first|stq)=([0-9]*)/i",$SeReferer,$pcs)) {
 873                  $SePos    = (int)trim($pcs[2]);
 874              }
 875          }
 876      }
 877      if(!isset($SeQuery)){
 878          //Check against DogPile
 879          if( preg_match('/\/search\/web\/([^\/]+)\//i', $SeReferer, $pcs) ) {
 880              if( preg_match("/https?:\/\/([^\/]+)\//i", $SeReferer, $SeDomain) ){
 881              $SeDomain    = trim(strtolower($SeDomain[1]));
 882              $SeQuery    = $pcs[1];
 883              }
 884          }
 886          // We Do Not have a query
 887          if(!isset($SeQuery)){
 888              return false;
 889          }
 890      }
 892      $OldQ        = $SeQuery;
 893      $SeQuery    = urldecode($SeQuery);
 895      // The Multiple URLDecode Trick to fix DogPile %XXXX Encodes
 896      while($SeQuery != $OldQ){
 897          $OldQ        = $SeQuery;
 898          $SeQuery    = urldecode($SeQuery);
 899      }
 901      return array(    "domain"    => $SeDomain,
 902                      "query"        => $SeQuery,
 903                      "pos"        => $SePos,
 904                      "referrer"    => $SeReferer    );
 905  }
 908  ?>

Generated: Wed Dec 30 05:55:15 2009 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7