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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.3 _r380 (23.11.09)




/include/inc_ext/SimplePie/idn/ -> ReadMe.txt (source)

   1  *******************************************************************************
   2  *                                                                             *
   3  *                    IDNA Convert (idna_convert.class.php)                    *
   4  *                                                                             *
   5  * http://idnaconv.phlymail.de                     mailto:phlymail@phlylabs.de *
   6  *******************************************************************************
   7  * (c) 2004-2007 phlyLabs, Berlin                                              *
   8  * This file is encoded in UTF-8                                               *
   9  *******************************************************************************
  11  Introduction
  12  ------------
  14  The class idna_convert allows to convert internationalized domain names
  15  (see RFC 3490, 3491, 3492 and 3454 for detials) as they can be used with various
  16  registries worldwide to be translated between their original (localized) form
  17  and their encoded form as it will be used in the DNS (Domain Name System).
  19  The class provides two public methods, encode() and decode(), which do exactly
  20  what you would expect them to do. You are allowed to use complete domain names,
  21  simple strings and complete email addresses as well. That means, that you might
  22  use any of the following notations:
  24  - www.nörgler.com
  25  - xn--nrgler-wxa
  26  - xn--brse-5qa.xn--knrz-1ra.info
  28  Errors, incorrectly encoded or invalid strings will lead to either a FALSE
  29  response (when in strict mode) or to only partially converted strings.
  30  You can query the occured error by calling the method get_last_error().
  32  Unicode strings are expected to be either UTF-8 strings, UCS-4 strings or UCS-4
  33  arrays. The default format is UTF-8. For setting different encodings, you can
  34  call the method setParams() - please see the inline documentation for details.
  35  ACE strings (the Punycode form) are always 7bit ASCII strings.
  37  ATTENTION: We no longer supply the PHP5 version of the class. It is not
  38  necessary for achieving a successfull conversion, since the supplied PHP code is
  39  compatible with both PHP4 and PHP5. We expect to see no compatibility issues
  40  with the upcoming PHP6, too.
  43  Files
  44  -----
  46  idna_convert.class.php         - The actual class
  47  idna_convert.create.npdata.php - Useful for (re)creating the NPData file
  48  npdata.ser                     - Serialized data for NamePrep
  49  example.php                    - An example web page for converting
  50  ReadMe.txt                     - This file
  51  LICENCE                        - The LGPL licence file
  53  The class is contained in idna_convert.class.php.
  54  MAKE SURE to copy the npdata.ser file into the same folder as the class file
  55  itself!
  58  Examples
  59  --------
  61  1. Say we wish to encode the domain name nörgler.com:
  63  // Include the class
  64  include_once ('idna_convert.class.php');
  65  // Instantiate it *
  66  $IDN = new idna_convert();
  67  // The input string, if input is not UTF-8 or UCS-4, it must be converted before
  68  $input = utf8_encode('nörgler.com');
  69  // Encode it to its punycode presentation
  70  $output = $IDN->encode($input);
  71  // Output, what we got now
  72  echo $output; // This will read: xn--nrgler-wxa.com
  75  2. We received an email from a punycoded domain and are willing to learn, how
  76     the domain name reads originally
  78  // Include the class
  79  include_once ('idna_convert.class.php');
  80  // Instantiate it (depending on the version you are using) with
  81  $IDN = new idna_convert();
  82  // The input string
  83  $input = 'andre@xn--brse-5qa.xn--knrz-1ra.info';
  84  // Encode it to its punycode presentation
  85  $output = $IDN->decode($input);
  86  // Output, what we got now, if output should be in a format different to UTF-8
  87  // or UCS-4, you will have to convert it before outputting it
  88  echo utf8_decode($output); // This will read: andre@börse.knörz.info
  91  3. The input is read from a UCS-4 coded file and encoded line by line. By
  92     appending the optional second parameter we tell enode() about the input
  93     format to be used
  95  // Include the class
  96  include_once ('idna_convert.class.php');
  97  // Instantiate it
  98  $IDN = new dinca_convert();
  99  // Iterate through the input file line by line
 100  foreach (file('ucs4-domains.txt') as $line) {
 101      echo $IDN->encode(trim($line), 'ucs4_string');
 102      echo "\n";
 103  }
 106  NPData
 107  ------
 109  Should you need to recreate the npdata.ser file, which holds all necessary translation
 110  tables in a serialized format, you can run the file idna_convert.create.npdata.php, which
 111  creates the file for you and stores it in the same folder, where it is placed.
 112  Should you need to do changes to the tables you can do so, but beware of the consequences.
 115  Contact us
 116  ----------
 118  In case of errors, bugs, questions, wishes, please don't hesitate to contact us
 119  under the email address above.
 121  The team of phlyLabs
 122  http://phlylabs.de
 123  mailto:phlymail@phlylabs.de

Generated: Wed Dec 30 05:55:15 2009 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7