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/include/inc_ext/PEAR/Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer/ -> Format.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format:: (38 methods):

Class: Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format  - X-Ref

Class for generating Excel XF records (formats)

Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Format($BIFF_version, $index = 0, $properties = array()   X-Ref

param: integer $index the XF index for the format.
param: array   $properties array with properties to be set on initialization.

getXf($style)   X-Ref
Generate an Excel BIFF XF record (style or cell).

param: string $style The type of the XF record ('style' or 'cell').
return: string The XF record

getFont()   X-Ref
Generate an Excel BIFF FONT record.

return: string The FONT record

getFontKey()   X-Ref
Returns a unique hash key for a font.
Used by Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Workbook::_storeAllFonts()

The elements that form the key are arranged to increase the probability of
generating a unique key. Elements that hold a large range of numbers
(eg. _color) are placed between two binary elements such as _italic

return: string A key for this font

getXfIndex()   X-Ref
Returns the index used by Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Worksheet::_XF()

return: integer The index for the XF record

_getColor($name_color = '')   X-Ref
Used in conjunction with the set_xxx_color methods to convert a color
string into a number. Color range is 0..63 but we will restrict it
to 8..63 to comply with Gnumeric. Colors 0..7 are repeated in 8..15.

param: string $name_color name of the color (i.e.: 'blue', 'red', etc..). Optional.
return: integer The color index

setAlign($location)   X-Ref
Set cell alignment.

param: string $location alignment for the cell ('left', 'right', etc...).

setHAlign($location)   X-Ref
Set cell horizontal alignment.

param: string $location alignment for the cell ('left', 'right', etc...).

setVAlign($location)   X-Ref
Set cell vertical alignment.

param: string $location alignment for the cell ('top', 'vleft', 'vright', etc...).

setMerge()   X-Ref
This is an alias for the unintuitive setAlign('merge')

setBold($weight = 1)   X-Ref
Sets the boldness of the text.
Bold has a range 100..1000.
0 (400) is normal. 1 (700) is bold.

param: integer $weight Weight for the text, 0 maps to 400 (normal text),

setBottom($style)   X-Ref
Sets the width for the bottom border of the cell

param: integer $style style of the cell border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.

setTop($style)   X-Ref
Sets the width for the top border of the cell

param: integer $style style of the cell top border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.

setLeft($style)   X-Ref
Sets the width for the left border of the cell

param: integer $style style of the cell left border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.

setRight($style)   X-Ref
Sets the width for the right border of the cell

param: integer $style style of the cell right border. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.

setBorder($style)   X-Ref
Set cells borders to the same style

param: integer $style style to apply for all cell borders. 1 => thin, 2 => thick.

setBorderColor($color)   X-Ref
Sets all the cell's borders to the same color

param: mixed $color The color we are setting. Either a string (like 'blue'),

setBottomColor($color)   X-Ref
Sets the cell's bottom border color

param: mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

setTopColor($color)   X-Ref
Sets the cell's top border color

param: mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

setLeftColor($color)   X-Ref
Sets the cell's left border color

param: mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

setRightColor($color)   X-Ref
Sets the cell's right border color

param: mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

setFgColor($color)   X-Ref
Sets the cell's foreground color

param: mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

setBgColor($color)   X-Ref
Sets the cell's background color

param: mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

setColor($color)   X-Ref
Sets the cell's color

param: mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]).

setPattern($arg = 1)   X-Ref
Sets the fill pattern attribute of a cell

param: integer $arg Optional. Defaults to 1. Meaningful values are: 0-18,

setUnderline($underline)   X-Ref
Sets the underline of the text

param: integer $underline The value for underline. Possible values are:

setItalic()   X-Ref
Sets the font style as italic

setSize($size)   X-Ref
Sets the font size

param: integer $size The font size (in pixels I think).

setTextWrap()   X-Ref
Sets text wrapping

setTextRotation($angle)   X-Ref
Sets the orientation of the text

param: integer $angle The rotation angle for the text (clockwise). Possible

setNumFormat($num_format)   X-Ref
Sets the numeric format.
It can be date, time, currency, etc...

param: integer $num_format The numeric format.

setStrikeOut()   X-Ref
Sets font as strikeout.

setOutLine()   X-Ref
Sets outlining for a font.

setShadow()   X-Ref
Sets font as shadow.

setScript($script)   X-Ref
Sets the script type of the text

param: integer $script The value for script type. Possible values are:

setLocked()   X-Ref
Locks a cell.

setUnLocked()   X-Ref
Unlocks a cell. Useful for unprotecting particular cells of a protected sheet.

setFontFamily($font_family)   X-Ref
Sets the font family name.

param: string $fontfamily The font family name. Possible values are:

Generated: Wed Dec 30 05:55:15 2009 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7