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PHP Cross Reference of phpwcms V1.4.3 _r380 (23.11.09)




/include/inc_ext/GoogleMapsAPI/ -> phpwcmsGoogleMapAPI.class.php (summary)

Project:     GoogleMapAPI: a PHP library inteface to the Google Map API File:        GoogleMapAPI.class.php

Author: Monte Ohrt
Author: Oliver Georgi
Copyright: 2005 New Digital Group, Inc.
Version: 2.5
File Size: 1710 lines (46 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

GoogleMapAPI:: (70 methods):

Class: GoogleMapAPI  - X-Ref

GoogleMapAPI( $map_id = 'map', $app_id = 'MyMapApp' )   X-Ref
class constructor

param: string $map_id the id for this map
param: string $app_id YOUR Yahoo App ID

initMap($map_id = 'map', $app_id = 'MyMapApp')   X-Ref
No description

setDSN( $dsn )   X-Ref
sets the PEAR::DB dsn

param: string $dsn

enableMooTools()   X-Ref
No description

disableMooTools()   X-Ref
No description

useJson($path=NULL)   X-Ref
No description

useCSV()   X-Ref
No description

getElementById()   X-Ref
return the element by ID JavaScript String

param: string $dsn

setAPIKey( $key )   X-Ref
sets YOUR Google Map API key

param: string $key

setWidth( $width )   X-Ref
sets the width of the map

param: string $width

setHeight( $height )   X-Ref
sets the height of the map

param: string $height

setZoomLevel( $level )   X-Ref
sets the default map zoom level

param: string $level

enableMapControls()   X-Ref
enables the map controls (zoom/move)

disableMapControls()   X-Ref
disables the map controls (zoom/move)

setControlSize( $size )   X-Ref
sets the map control size (large/small)

param: string $size

enableTypeControls()   X-Ref
enables the type controls (map/satellite/hybrid)

disableTypeControls()   X-Ref
disables the type controls (map/satellite/hybrid)

setMapType( $type )   X-Ref
set default map type (map/satellite/hybrid)

enableOnLoad()   X-Ref
enables onload

disableOnLoad()   X-Ref
disables onload

enableSidebar()   X-Ref
enables sidebar

disableSidebar()   X-Ref
disables sidebar

enablePointlist()   X-Ref
enables pointlist

disablePointlist()   X-Ref
disables sidebar

enableDirections()   X-Ref
enables map directions inside info window

disableDirections()   X-Ref
disables map directions inside info window

setBrowserAlert( $message )   X-Ref
set browser alert message for incompatible browsers

setJSAlert( $message )   X-Ref
set <noscript> message when javascript is disabled

enableInfoWindow()   X-Ref
enable map marker info windows

disableInfoWindow()   X-Ref
disable map marker info windows

setInfoWindowTrigger( $type )   X-Ref
set the info window trigger action

enableZoomEncompass()   X-Ref
enable zoom to encompass makers

disableZoomEncompass()   X-Ref
disable zoom to encompass makers

enableZoomWheel()   X-Ref
enable zoom using a mouse's scroll wheel.

disableZoomWheel()   X-Ref
disable zoom using a mouse's scroll wheel.

setBoundsFudge( $val )   X-Ref
set the boundary fudge factor

enableScaleControl()   X-Ref
enables the scale map control

disableScaleControl()   X-Ref
disables the scale map control

enableOverviewControl()   X-Ref
enables the overview map control

disableOverviewControl()   X-Ref
disables the overview map control

setLookupService( $service )   X-Ref
set the lookup service to use for geocode lookups
default is YAHOO, you can also use GOOGLE.
NOTE: GOOGLE can to intl lookups, but is not an
official API, so use at your own risk.

addMarkerByAddress( $address, $title = '', $html = '', $tooltip = '' )   X-Ref
adds a map marker by address

param: string $address the map address to mark (street/city/state/zip)
param: string $title the title display in the sidebar
param: string $html the HTML block to display in the info bubble (if empty, title is used)

addMarkerByCoords( $lon, $lat, $title = '', $html = '', $tooltip = '' )   X-Ref
adds a map marker by geocode

param: string $lon the map longitude (horizontal)
param: string $lat the map latitude (vertical)
param: string $title the title display in the sidebar
param: string $html |array $html

addPolyLineByAddress( $address1, $address2, $color = '', $weight = 0, $opacity = 0 )   X-Ref
adds a map polyline by address
if color, weight and opacity are not defined, use the google maps defaults

param: string $address1 the map address to draw from
param: string $address2 the map address to draw to
param: string $color the color of the line (format: #000000)
param: string $weight the weight of the line in pixels
param: string $opacity the line opacity (percentage)

addPolyLineByCoords( $lon1, $lat1, $lon2, $lat2, $color = '', $weight = 0, $opacity = 0 )   X-Ref
adds a map polyline by map coordinates
if color, weight and opacity are not defined, use the google maps defaults

param: string $lon1 the map longitude to draw from
param: string $lat1 the map latitude to draw from
param: string $lon2 the map longitude to draw to
param: string $lat2 the map latitude to draw to
param: string $color the color of the line (format: #000000)
param: string $weight the weight of the line in pixels
param: string $opacity the line opacity (percentage)

adjustCenterCoords( $lon, $lat )   X-Ref
adjust map center coordinates by the given lat/lon point

param: string $lon the map latitude (horizontal)
param: string $lat the map latitude (vertical)

setCenterCoords( $lon, $lat )   X-Ref
set map center coordinates to lat/lon point

param: string $lon the map latitude (horizontal)
param: string $lat the map latitude (vertical)

createMarkerIcon( $iconImage, $iconShadowImage = '', $iconAnchorX = 'x', $iconAnchorY = 'x', $infoWindowAnchorX = 'x', $infoWindowAnchorY = 'x' )   X-Ref
generate an array of params for a new marker icon image
iconShadowImage is optional
If anchor coords are not supplied, we use the center point of the image by default.
Can be called statically. For private use by addMarkerIcon() and setMarkerIcon()
Uses icon cache to speed up marker image handling

param: string $iconImage URL to icon image
param: string $iconShadowImage URL to shadow image
param: string $iconAnchorX X coordinate for icon anchor point
param: string $iconAnchorY Y coordinate for icon anchor point
param: string $infoWindowAnchorX X coordinate for info window anchor point
param: string $infoWindowAnchorY Y coordinate for info window anchor point

setMarkerIcon( $iconImage, $iconShadowImage = '', $iconAnchorX = 'x', $iconAnchorY = 'x', $infoWindowAnchorX = 'x', $infoWindowAnchorY = 'x' )   X-Ref
set the marker icon for ALL markers on the map

addMarkerIcon( $iconImage, $iconShadowImage = '', $iconAnchorX = 'x', $iconAnchorY = 'x', $infoWindowAnchorX = 'x', $infoWindowAnchorY = 'x' )   X-Ref
add an icon to go with the correspondingly added marker

printHeaderJS()   X-Ref
print map header javascript (goes between <head></head>)

getHeaderJS()   X-Ref
return map header javascript (goes between <head></head>)

printOnLoad()   X-Ref
prints onLoad() without having to manipulate body tag.
call this after the print map like so...

getOnLoad()   X-Ref
return js to set onload function

printMapJS()   X-Ref
print map javascript (put just before </body>, or in <header> if using onLoad())

getMapJS()   X-Ref
return map javascript

getAddMarkersJS()   X-Ref
overridable function for generating js to add markers

getPolylineJS()   X-Ref
overridable function to generate polyline js

getCreateMarkerJS()   X-Ref
overridable function to generate the js for the js function for creating a marker.

printMap()   X-Ref
print map (put at location map will appear)

getMap()   X-Ref
return map

printSidebar()   X-Ref
print sidebar (put at location sidebar will appear)

getSidebar()   X-Ref
return sidebar html

getGeocode( $address )   X-Ref
get the geocode lat/lon points from given address
look in cache first, otherwise get from Yahoo

param: string $address

getCache( $address )   X-Ref
get the geocode lat/lon points from cache for given address

param: string $address

putCache( $address, $lon, $lat )   X-Ref
put the geocode lat/lon points into cache for given address

param: string $address
param: string $lon the map latitude (horizontal)
param: string $lat the map latitude (vertical)

geoGetCoords($address,$depth=0)   X-Ref
get geocode lat/lon points for given address from Yahoo

param: string $address

fetchURL( $url )   X-Ref
fetch a URL. Override this method to change the way URLs are fetched.

param: string $url

geoGetDistance( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $unit = 'M' )   X-Ref
get distance between to geocoords using great circle distance formula

param: float $lat1
param: float $lat2
param: float $lon1
param: float $lon2
param: float $unit M=miles, K=kilometers, N=nautical miles, I=inches, F=feet

geoGetDistanceInKM( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2 )   X-Ref
get distance between two geocoords using great circle distance formula and return in kilometer (KM)

param: float $lat1
param: float $lat2
param: float $lon1
param: float $lon2

Generated: Wed Dec 30 05:55:15 2009 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7