"RSS 2.0", "description" => "", "link" => PHPWCMS_URL, "syndicationURL" => PHPWCMS_URL.'feeds.php', "imagesrc" => "", "imagetitle" => "", "imagelink" => "", "imagedescription" => "", "timeZone" => "+01:00", "cacheTTL" => 3600, "structureID" => "", "useauthor" => 1, "feedAuthor" => "", "feedEmail" => "", "maxentries" => 10, "encoding" => "UTF-8", "defaultFormat" => "RSS2.0", "filename" => "default_feed.xml", "orderBy" => 'livedate' ); } // chheck which feed data should be used reset($feeds); $default = isset($feeds['default']) ? 'default' : key($feeds); $custom = isset($_GET['feed']) ? strval(clean_slweg($_GET['feed'])) : $default; if(!isset($feeds[$custom])) { if($custom != '') { $feeds[$default]['structureID'] = $custom; } $custom = $default; } $FEED = $feeds[$custom]; $FEED['defaultFormat'] = empty($_GET['format']) ? trim($FEED['defaultFormat']) : strtoupper(clean_slweg($_GET['format'])); $FEED['defaultFormat'] = in_array($FEED['defaultFormat'], $feeds_formats) ? $FEED['defaultFormat'] : "RSS2.0"; if(!empty($FEED['structureID'])) { $FEED['structureID'] = explode(',', $FEED['structureID']); foreach($FEED['structureID'] as $key => $value) { $value = getFeedStructureID($value); if($value == '') { unset($FEED['structureID'][$key]); } else { $FEED['structureID'][$key] = intval($value); } } $FEED['structureID'] = array_unique($FEED['structureID']); if(count($FEED['structureID'])) { $FEED['structureID'] = implode(',', $FEED['structureID']); if(isset($_GET['feed']) && $FEED['structureID'] != '') { $FEED['filename'] = $FEED['structureID'].'.xml'; } } else { $FEED['structureID'] = ''; } } if(empty($FEED['filename'])) { $FEED['filename'] = md5($custom.$FEED['title']).'.xml'; } $FEED['filename'] = 'content/rss/'.$FEED['defaultFormat'].'-'.$FEED['filename']; $FEED['maxentries'] = intval($FEED['maxentries']); $FEED['useauthor'] = intval($FEED['useauthor']); $FEED['encoding'] = empty($FEED['encoding']) ? 'utf-8' : $FEED['encoding']; define('FEED_ENCODING', trim(strtolower($FEED['encoding']))); define("TIME_ZONE","+01:00"); $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); $rss->useCached($FEED['defaultFormat'], $FEED['filename'], intval($FEED['cacheTTL'])); $rss->title = $FEED['title']; $rss->description = $FEED['description']; $rss->link = $FEED['link']; $rss->syndicationURL = $FEED['syndicationURL']; $rss->encoding = FEED_ENCODING; if(!empty($FEED['feedAuthor'])) { $rss->editor = $FEED['feedAuthor']; } if(!empty($FEED['feedEmail'])) { $rss->editorEmail = $FEED['feedEmail']; } if(!empty($FEED['imagesrc'])) { $image = new FeedImage(); $image->title = $FEED['imagetitle']; $image->url = $FEED['imagesrc']; $image->link = $FEED['imagelink']; $image->description = $FEED['imagedescription']; $rss->image = $image; } $sql = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(article_tstamp) AS article_changeDate "; $sql .= "FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_article ar LEFT JOIN ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecat ac ON "; $sql .= "ar.article_cid=ac.acat_id WHERE "; if(isset($FEED['structureID']) && $FEED['structureID'] != '') { $sql .= " ar.article_cid IN (". $FEED['structureID'] .") AND "; } $sql .= "ar.article_public=1 AND ar.article_aktiv=1 AND "; $sql .= "ar.article_deleted=0 AND ar.article_begin < NOW() "; $sql .= "AND ar.article_end > NOW() AND ar.article_nosearch=0 "; $sql .= "AND IF(ar.article_cid=0, "; $sql .= $indexpage['acat_aktiv'] && empty($indexpage['acat_regonly']) ? '1' : '0'; $sql .= ", ac.acat_aktiv=1 AND ac.acat_trash=0 AND ac.acat_regonly=0) "; // define ordering if(empty($FEED['orderBy'])) { $FEED['orderBy'] = 'livedate'; } switch(strtolower(trim($FEED['orderBy']))) { // createdate case 'createdate': $FEED['orderBy'] = 'ar.article_created'; break; // changedate case 'changedate': $FEED['orderBy'] = 'ar.article_tstamp'; break; // killdate case 'killdate': $FEED['orderBy'] = 'ar.article_end'; break; // livedate default: $FEED['orderBy'] = 'ar.article_begin'; } // define ASC, DESC, RAND if(empty($FEED['order'])) { $FEED['order'] = 'DESC'; } switch(strtoupper(trim($FEED['orderBy']))) { // random case 'RAND': $FEED['order'] = 'RAND()'; break; // ascending case 'ASC': $FEED['order'] = $FEED['orderBy'] . ' ASC'; break; // descending default: $FEED['order'] = $FEED['orderBy'] . ' DESC'; } //$sql .= "ORDER BY ar.article_begin DESC"; $sql .= 'ORDER BY ' . $FEED['order']; if($FEED['maxentries']) { $sql .= " LIMIT ".$FEED['maxentries']; } $timePlus = 0; //dumpVar($sql); exit(); if($result = mysql_query($sql, $db)) { while($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $item = new FeedItem(); $item->title = combinedParser($data["article_title"], FEED_ENCODING); $item->link = PHPWCMS_URL.'index.php?'.setGetArticleAid( $data ); $item->description = combinedParser( empty($data["article_summary"]) ? $data["article_subtitle"] : $data["article_summary"] , FEED_ENCODING); $item->date = $data['article_created'] + $timePlus; $item->updateDate = $data['article_changeDate'] + $timePlus + 1; $item->source = PHPWCMS_URL; if($FEED['useauthor'] || $FEED['defaultFormat'] == 'ATOM' || $FEED['defaultFormat'] == 'ATOM1.0') { if(!empty($data["article_username"])) { $item->author = $FEED['feedEmail'].' ('.combinedParser($data["article_username"]).')'; } elseif($FEED['defaultFormat'] == 'ATOM' || $FEED['defaultFormat'] == 'ATOM1.0') { $item->author = $FEED['feedAuthor']; } } $item->guid = PHPWCMS_URL.'index.php?'.setGetArticleAid( $data ); $rss->addItem($item); $timePlus += 2; } } $rss->saveFeed($FEED['defaultFormat'], $FEED['filename']); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function combinedParser($string, $charset='utf-8', $allowed_tags='') { $string = html_parser($string); $string = clean_replacement_tags($string, $allowed_tags); $string = str_replace(' ', ' ', $string); $string = decode_entities($string); $string = cleanUpSpecialHtmlEntities($string); if(!empty($string) && PHPWCMS_CHARSET != $charset) { $string = makeCharsetConversion($string, PHPWCMS_CHARSET, $charset); } else { $string = html_specialchars($string); } return $string; } function getFeedStructureID($value) { $value = trim($value); if($value != '' && !is_num($value)) { //check for correct structureID when alias is given global $indexpage; $value = strtolower($value); if($indexpage['acat_aktiv'] && empty($indexpage['acat_regonly']) && strtolower($indexpage['acat_alias']) == $value) { return '0'; } $sql = "SELECT acat_id FROM ".DB_PREPEND."phpwcms_articlecat WHERE "; $sql .= "acat_aktiv=1 AND acat_trash=0 AND acat_regonly=0 AND acat_alias LIKE '"; $sql .= aporeplace($value)."' LIMIT 1"; $value = ''; if($result = mysql_query($sql, $GLOBALS['db'])) { if($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $value = strval($row[0]); } mysql_free_result($result); } } return $value; } function is_num($var) { for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($var); $i++) { $ascii_code = ord($var[$i]); if(intval($ascii_code) >= 48 && intval($ascii_code) <= 57) { continue; } else { return false; } } return true; } ?>